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operator</a></li> <li><a href="#type_conversions">Type conversions</a></li> <li><a href="#bit_field_operations">Bit field operations</a></li> <li><a href="#logical_expressions">Logical expressions</a></li> </ul> <li><a href="#filter_protocol_reference">FILTER PROTOCOL REFERENCE</a></li> <ul> <li><a href="#3com_xns_encapsulation__3comxns_">3Com XNS Encapsulation (3comxns)</a></li> <li><a href="#3gpp2_a11__a11_">3GPP2 A11 (a11)</a></li> <li><a href="#3com_network_jack__njack_">3com Network Jack (njack)</a></li> <li><a href="#802_1q_virtual_lan__vlan_">802.1Q Virtual LAN (vlan)</a></li> <li><a href="#802_1x_authentication__eapol_">802.1X Authentication (eapol)</a></li> <li><a href="#aal_type_2_signalling_protocol__q_2630___alcap_">AAL type 2 signalling protocol (Q.2630) (alcap)</a></li> <li><a href="#acp133_attribute_syntaxes__acp133_">ACP133 Attribute Syntaxes (acp133)</a></li> <li><a href="#afs__4_0__replication_server_call_declarations__rep_proc_">AFS (4.0) Replication Server call declarations (rep_proc)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_administrative__aim_admin_">AIM Administrative (aim_admin)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_advertisements__aim_adverts_">AIM Advertisements (aim_adverts)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_buddylist_service__aim_buddylist_">AIM Buddylist Service (aim_buddylist)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_chat_navigation__aim_chatnav_">AIM Chat Navigation (aim_chatnav)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_chat_service__aim_chat_">AIM Chat Service (aim_chat)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_directory_search__aim_dir_">AIM Directory Search (aim_dir)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_email__aim_email_">AIM E-mail (aim_email)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_generic_service__aim_generic_">AIM Generic Service (aim_generic)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_icq__aim_icq_">AIM ICQ (aim_icq)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_invitation_service__aim_invitation_">AIM Invitation Service (aim_invitation)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_location__aim_location_">AIM Location (aim_location)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_messaging__aim_messaging_">AIM Messaging (aim_messaging)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_oft__aim_oft_">AIM OFT (aim_oft)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_popup__aim_popup_">AIM Popup (aim_popup)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_privacy_management_service__aim_bos_">AIM Privacy Management Service (aim_bos)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_server_side_info__aim_ssi_">AIM Server Side Info (aim_ssi)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_server_side_themes__aim_sst_">AIM Server Side Themes (aim_sst)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_signon__aim_signon_">AIM Signon (aim_signon)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_statistics__aim_stats_">AIM Statistics (aim_stats)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_translate__aim_translate_">AIM Translate (aim_translate)</a></li> <li><a href="#aim_user_lookup__aim_lookup_">AIM User Lookup (aim_lookup)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_ai_f_bsmap__ansi_a_bsmap_">ANSI A-I/F BSMAP (ansi_a_bsmap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_ai_f_dtap__ansi_a_dtap_">ANSI A-I/F DTAP (ansi_a_dtap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_is637a__sms__teleservice_layer__ansi_637_tele_">ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Teleservice Layer (ansi_637_tele)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_is637a__sms__transport_layer__ansi_637_trans_">ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Transport Layer (ansi_637_trans)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_is683a__ota__mobile____ansi_683_">ANSI IS-683-A (OTA (Mobile)) (ansi_683)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_is801__location_services__pld____ansi_801_">ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) (ansi_801)</a></li> <li><a href="#ansi_mobile_application_part__ansi_map_">ANSI Mobile Application Part (ansi_map)</a></li> <li><a href="#aol_instant_messenger__aim_">AOL Instant Messenger (aim)</a></li> <li><a href="#arcnet__arcnet_">ARCNET (arcnet)</a></li> <li><a href="#asn_1_decoding__asn1_">ASN.1 decoding (asn1)</a></li> <li><a href="#ataoverethernet__aoe_">ATAoverEthernet (aoe)</a></li> <li><a href="#atm__atm_">ATM (atm)</a></li> <li><a href="#atm_aal1__aal1_">ATM AAL1 (aal1)</a></li> <li><a href="#atm_aal3_4__aal3_4_">ATM AAL3/4 (aal3_4)</a></li> <li><a href="#atm_lan_emulation__lane_">ATM LAN Emulation (lane)</a></li> <li><a href="#atm_oam_aal__oamaal_">ATM OAM AAL (oamaal)</a></li> <li><a href="#avs_wlan_capture_header__wlancap_">AVS WLAN Capture header (wlancap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ax_4000_test_block__ax4000_">AX/4000 Test Block (ax4000)</a></li> <li><a href="#active_directory_setup__dssetup_">Active Directory Setup (dssetup)</a></li> <li><a href="#ad_hoc_ondemand_distance_vector_routing_protocol__aodv_">Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (aodv)</a></li> <li><a href="#adaptive_multirate__amr_">Adaptive Multi-Rate (amr)</a></li> <li><a href="#address_resolution_protocol__arp_">Address Resolution Protocol (arp)</a></li> <li><a href="#agentx__agentx_">AgentX (agentx)</a></li> <li><a href="#aggregate_server_access_protocol__asap_">Aggregate Server Access Protocol (asap)</a></li> <li><a href="#alert_standard_forum__asf_">Alert Standard Forum (asf)</a></li> <li><a href="#alteon__transparent_proxy_cache_protocol__tpcp_">Alteon - Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol (tpcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#andrew_file_system__afs___afs_">Andrew File System (AFS) (afs)</a></li> <li><a href="#apache_jserv_protocol_v1_3__ajp13_">Apache JServ Protocol v1.3 (ajp13)</a></li> <li><a href="#apple_filing_protocol__afp_">Apple Filing Protocol (afp)</a></li> <li><a href="#apple_ipoverieee_1394__ap1394_">Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394 (ap1394)</a></li> <li><a href="#appletalk_session_protocol__asp_">AppleTalk Session Protocol (asp)</a></li> <li><a href="#appletalk_transaction_protocol_packet__atp_">AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet (atp)</a></li> <li><a href="#appletalk_address_resolution_protocol__aarp_">Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (aarp)</a></li> <li><a href="#application_configuration_access_protocol__acap_">Application Configuration Access Protocol (acap)</a></li> <li><a href="#architecture_for_control_networks__acn_">Architecture for Control Networks (acn)</a></li> <li><a href="#artnet__artnet_">Art-Net (artnet)</a></li> <li><a href="#aruba__aruba_discovery_protocol__adp_">Aruba - Aruba Discovery Protocol (adp)</a></li> <li><a href="#async_data_over_isdn__v_120___v120_">Async data over ISDN (V.120) (v120)</a></li> <li><a href="#asynchronous_layered_coding__alc_">Asynchronous Layered Coding (alc)</a></li> <li><a href="#audiocodes_trunk_trace__actrace_">AudioCodes Trunk Trace (actrace)</a></li> <li><a href="#authentication_header__ah_">Authentication Header (ah)</a></li> <li><a href="#bacnet_virtual_link_control__bvlc_">BACnet Virtual Link Control (bvlc)</a></li> <li><a href="#bea_tuxedo__tuxedo_">BEA Tuxedo (tuxedo)</a></li> <li><a href="#bssap_bsap__bssap_">BSSAP/BSAP (bssap)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_arp__vines_arp_">Banyan Vines ARP (vines_arp)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_echo__vines_echo_">Banyan Vines Echo (vines_echo)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_fragmentation_protocol__vines_frp_">Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol (vines_frp)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_icp__vines_icp_">Banyan Vines ICP (vines_icp)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_ip__vines_ip_">Banyan Vines IP (vines_ip)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_ipc__vines_ipc_">Banyan Vines IPC (vines_ipc)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_llc__vines_llc_">Banyan Vines LLC (vines_llc)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_rtp__vines_rtp_">Banyan Vines RTP (vines_rtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#banyan_vines_spp__vines_spp_">Banyan Vines SPP (vines_spp)</a></li> <li><a href="#base_station_subsystem_gprs_protocol__bssgp_">Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol (bssgp)</a></li> <li><a href="#basic_encoding_rules__asn_1_x_690___ber_">Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.690) (ber)</a></li> <li><a href="#bearer_independent_call_control__bicc_">Bearer Independent Call Control (bicc)</a></li> <li><a href="#bidirectional_fault_detection_control_message__bfdcontrol_">Bi-directional Fault Detection Control Message (bfdcontrol)</a></li> <li><a href="#bittorrent__bittorrent_">BitTorrent (bittorrent)</a></li> <li><a href="#blocks_extensible_exchange_protocol__beep_">Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (beep)</a></li> <li><a href="#blubster_piolet_manolito_protocol__manolito_">Blubster/Piolet MANOLITO Protocol (manolito)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_hci_acl_packet__bthci_acl_">Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet (bthci_acl)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_hci_command__bthci_cmd_">Bluetooth HCI Command (bthci_cmd)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_hci_event__bthci_evt_">Bluetooth HCI Event (bthci_evt)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_hci_h4__hci_h4_">Bluetooth HCI H4 (hci_h4)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_hci_sco_packet__bthci_sco_">Bluetooth HCI SCO Packet (bthci_sco)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_l2cap_packet__btl2cap_">Bluetooth L2CAP Packet (btl2cap)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_rfcomm_packet__btrfcomm_">Bluetooth RFCOMM Packet (btrfcomm)</a></li> <li><a href="#bluetooth_sdp__btsdp_">Bluetooth SDP (btsdp)</a></li> <li><a href="#boardwalk__brdwlk_">Boardwalk (brdwlk)</a></li> <li><a href="#boot_parameters__bootparams_">Boot Parameters (bootparams)</a></li> <li><a href="#bootstrap_protocol__bootp_">Bootstrap Protocol (bootp)</a></li> <li><a href="#border_gateway_protocol__bgp_">Border Gateway Protocol (bgp)</a></li> <li><a href="#building_automation_and_control_network_apdu__bacapp_">Building Automation and Control Network APDU (bacapp)</a></li> <li><a href="#building_automation_and_control_network_npdu__bacnet_">Building Automation and Control Network NPDU (bacnet)</a></li> <li><a href="#ccsds__ccsds_">CCSDS (ccsds)</a></li> <li><a href="#cds_clerk_server_calls__cds_clerkserver_">CDS Clerk Server Calls (cds_clerkserver)</a></li> <li><a href="#csm_encaps__csm_encaps_">CSM_ENCAPS (csm_encaps)</a></li> <li><a href="#calculation_application_protocol__calcappprotocol_">Calculation Application Protocol (calcappprotocol)</a></li> <li><a href="#camel__camel_">Camel (camel)</a></li> <li><a href="#cast_client_control_protocol__cast_">Cast Client Control Protocol (cast)</a></li> <li><a href="#catapult_dct2000_packet__dct2000_">Catapult DCT2000 packet (dct2000)</a></li> <li><a href="#certificate_management_protocol__cmp_">Certificate Management Protocol (cmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#certificate_request_message_format__crmf_">Certificate Request Message Format (crmf)</a></li> <li><a href="#check_point_high_availability_protocol__cpha_">Check Point High Availability Protocol (cpha)</a></li> <li><a href="#checkpoint_fw1__fw1_">Checkpoint FW-1 (fw1)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_autorp__auto_rp_">Cisco Auto-RP (auto_rp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_discovery_protocol__cdp_">Cisco Discovery Protocol (cdp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_group_management_protocol__cgmp_">Cisco Group Management Protocol (cgmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_hdlc__chdlc_">Cisco HDLC (chdlc)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_hot_standby_router_protocol__hsrp_">Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (hsrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_isl__isl_">Cisco ISL (isl)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_interior_gateway_routing_protocol__igrp_">Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (igrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_netflow_ipfix__cflow_">Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX (cflow)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_slarp__slarp_">Cisco SLARP (slarp)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_session_management__sm_">Cisco Session Management (sm)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_wireless_ids_captures__cwids_">Cisco Wireless IDS Captures (cwids)</a></li> <li><a href="#cisco_wireless_lan_context_control_protocol__wlccp_">Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (wlccp)</a></li> <li><a href="#clearcase_nfs__clearcase_">Clearcase NFS (clearcase)</a></li> <li><a href="#cosine_ipnos_l2_debug_output__cosine_">CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output (cosine)</a></li> <li><a href="#common_image_generator_interface__cigi_">Common Image Generator Interface (cigi)</a></li> <li><a href="#common_industrial_protocol__cip_">Common Industrial Protocol (cip)</a></li> <li><a href="#common_open_policy_service__cops_">Common Open Policy Service (cops)</a></li> <li><a href="#common_unix_printing_system__cups__browsing_protocol__cups_">Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol (cups)</a></li> <li><a href="#component_status_protocol__componentstatusprotocol_">Component Status Protocol (componentstatusprotocol)</a></li> <li><a href="#compressed_data_type__cdt_">Compressed Data Type (cdt)</a></li> <li><a href="#compuserve_gif__imagegif_">Compuserve GIF (image-gif)</a></li> <li><a href="#computer_interface_to_message_distribution__cimd_">Computer Interface to Message Distribution (cimd)</a></li> <li><a href="#configuration_test_protocol__loopback___loop_">Configuration Test Protocol (loopback) (loop)</a></li> <li><a href="#connectionless_lightweight_directory_access_protocol__cldap_">Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (cldap)</a></li> <li><a href="#coseventcomm_dissector_using_giop_api__giopcoseventcomm_">Coseventcomm Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-coseventcomm)</a></li> <li><a href="#cosnaming_dissector_using_giop_api__giopcosnaming_">Cosnaming Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-cosnaming)</a></li> <li><a href="#cross_point_frame_injector__cpfi_">Cross Point Frame Injector (cpfi)</a></li> <li><a href="#cryptographic_message_syntax__cms_">Cryptographic Message Syntax (cms)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_distributed_time_service_local_server__dtsstime_req_">DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server (dtsstime_req)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_distributed_time_service_provider__dtsprovider_">DCE Distributed Time Service Provider (dtsprovider)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_name_service__rs_pgo_">DCE Name Service (rs_pgo)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc__dcerpc_">DCE RPC (dcerpc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_security_id_mapper__secidmap_">DCE Security ID Mapper (secidmap)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_dfs_budb__budb_">DCE/DFS BUDB (budb)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_bos_server__bossvr_">DCE/RPC BOS Server (bossvr)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_butc__butc_">DCE/RPC BUTC (butc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_cds_solicitation__cds_solicit_">DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation (cds_solicit)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_conversation_manager__conv_">DCE/RPC Conversation Manager (conv)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_directory_acl_interface__rdaclif_">DCE/RPC Directory Acl Interface (rdaclif)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_endpoint_mapper__epm_">DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper (epm)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_endpoint_mapper_v4__epm4_">DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper v4 (epm4)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_fldb__fldb_">DCE/RPC FLDB (fldb)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_fldb_ubik_transfer__ubikdisk_">DCE/RPC FLDB UBIK TRANSFER (ubikdisk)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_fldb_ubikvote__ubikvote_">DCE/RPC FLDB UBIKVOTE (ubikvote)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_icl_rpc__icl_rpc_">DCE/RPC ICL RPC (icl_rpc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_kerberos_v__krb5rpc_">DCE/RPC Kerberos V (krb5rpc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_ncs_1_5_1_local_location_broker__llb_">DCE/RPC NCS 1.5.1 Local Location Broker (llb)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_operations_between_registry_server_replicas__rs_repmgr_">DCE/RPC Operations between registry server replicas (rs_repmgr)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_prop_attr__rs_prop_attr_">DCE/RPC Prop Attr (rs_prop_attr)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_rs_acct__rs_acct_">DCE/RPC RS_ACCT (rs_acct)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_rs_bind__rs_bind_">DCE/RPC RS_BIND (rs_bind)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_rs_misc__rs_misc_">DCE/RPC RS_MISC (rs_misc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_rs_prop_acct__rs_prop_acct_">DCE/RPC RS_PROP_ACCT (rs_prop_acct)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_rs_unix__rs_unix_">DCE/RPC RS_UNIX (rs_unix)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_registry_password_management__rs_pwd_mgmt_">DCE/RPC Registry Password Management (rs_pwd_mgmt)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_registry_server_attributes_schema__rs_attr_schema_">DCE/RPC Registry Server Attributes Schema (rs_attr_schema)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__acls___rs_prop_acl_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - ACLs. (rs_prop_acl)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__pgo_items__rs_prop_pgo_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - PGO items (rs_prop_pgo)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__properties_and_policies__rs_prop_plcy_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - properties and policies (rs_prop_plcy)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_remote_management__mgmt_">DCE/RPC Remote Management (mgmt)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_repserver_calls__rs_replist_">DCE/RPC Repserver Calls (rs_replist)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_tokenserver_calls__tkn4int_">DCE/RPC TokenServer Calls (tkn4int)</a></li> <li><a href="#dce_rpc_upserver__dce_update_">DCE/RPC UpServer (dce_update)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcom__dcom_">DCOM (dcom)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcom_idispatch__dispatch_">DCOM IDispatch (dispatch)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcom_iremoteactivation__remact_">DCOM IRemoteActivation (remact)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcom_oxid_resolver__oxid_">DCOM OXID Resolver (oxid)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcp_application_framing_layer__dcpaf_">DCP Application Framing Layer (dcp-af)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcp_protection__fragmentation___transport_layer__dcppft_">DCP Protection, Fragmentation & Transport Layer (dcp-pft)</a></li> <li><a href="#dcp_tag_packet_layer__dcptpl_">DCP Tag Packet Layer (dcp-tpl)</a></li> <li><a href="#dec_dna_routing_protocol__dec_dna_">DEC DNA Routing Protocol (dec_dna)</a></li> <li><a href="#dec_spanning_tree_protocol__dec_stp_">DEC Spanning Tree Protocol (dec_stp)</a></li> <li><a href="#dfs_calls__dce_dfs_">DFS Calls (dce_dfs)</a></li> <li><a href="#dg_gryphon_protocol__gryphon_">DG Gryphon Protocol (gryphon)</a></li> <li><a href="#dhcp_failover__dhcpfo_">DHCP Failover (dhcpfo)</a></li> <li><a href="#dhcpv6__dhcpv6_">DHCPv6 (dhcpv6)</a></li> <li><a href="#dicom__dcm_">DICOM (dcm)</a></li> <li><a href="#dlt_user_a__user_dlt_a_">DLT_USER_A (user_dlt_a)</a></li> <li><a href="#dlt_user_b__user_dlt_b_">DLT_USER_B (user_dlt_b)</a></li> <li><a href="#dlt_user_c__user_dlt_c_">DLT_USER_C (user_dlt_c)</a></li> <li><a href="#dlt_user_d__user_dlt_d_">DLT_USER_D (user_dlt_d)</a></li> <li><a href="#dns_control_program_server__cprpc_server_">DNS Control Program Server (cprpc_server)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_1_1__docsis_">DOCSIS 1.1 (docsis)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_appendix_c_tlv_s__docsis_tlv_">DOCSIS Appendix C TLV's (docsis_tlv)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_attributes__docsis_bpkmattr_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Attributes (docsis_bpkmattr)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_request__docsis_bpkmreq_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Request (docsis_bpkmreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_response__docsis_bpkmrsp_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Response (docsis_bpkmrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_downstream_channel_change_acknowledge__docsis_dccack_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Acknowledge (docsis_dccack)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_downstream_channel_change_request__docsis_dccreq_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Request (docsis_dccreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_downstream_channel_change_response__docsis_dccrsp_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Response (docsis_dccrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_downstream_channel_descriptor__docsis_dcd_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Descriptor (docsis_dcd)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_addition_acknowledge__docsis_dsaack_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Acknowledge (docsis_dsaack)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_addition_request__docsis_dsareq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Request (docsis_dsareq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_addition_response__docsis_dsarsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Response (docsis_dsarsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_change_acknowledgement__docsis_dscack_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Acknowledgement (docsis_dscack)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_change_request__docsis_dscreq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Request (docsis_dscreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_change_response__docsis_dscrsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Response (docsis_dscrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_delete_request__docsis_dsdreq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Request (docsis_dsdreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_dynamic_service_delete_response__docsis_dsdrsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Response (docsis_dsdrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_initial_ranging_message__docsis_intrngreq_">DOCSIS Initial Ranging Message (docsis_intrngreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_mac_management__docsis_mgmt_">DOCSIS Mac Management (docsis_mgmt)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_range_request_message__docsis_rngreq_">DOCSIS Range Request Message (docsis_rngreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_ranging_response__docsis_rngrsp_">DOCSIS Ranging Response (docsis_rngrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_registration_acknowledge__docsis_regack_">DOCSIS Registration Acknowledge (docsis_regack)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_registration_requests__docsis_regreq_">DOCSIS Registration Requests (docsis_regreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_registration_responses__docsis_regrsp_">DOCSIS Registration Responses (docsis_regrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_upstream_bandwidth_allocation__docsis_map_">DOCSIS Upstream Bandwidth Allocation (docsis_map)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_upstream_channel_change_request__docsis_uccreq_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Change Request (docsis_uccreq)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_upstream_channel_change_response__docsis_uccrsp_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Change Response (docsis_uccrsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_upstream_channel_descriptor__docsis_ucd_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Descriptor (docsis_ucd)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_upstream_channel_descriptor_type_29__docsis_type29ucd_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Descriptor Type 29 (docsis_type29ucd)</a></li> <li><a href="#docsis_vendor_specific_encodings__docsis_vsif_">DOCSIS Vendor Specific Encodings (docsis_vsif)</a></li> <li><a href="#dpnss_dass2user_adaptation_layer__dua_">DPNSS/DASS2-User Adaptation Layer (dua)</a></li> <li><a href="#drsuapi__drsuapi_">DRSUAPI (drsuapi)</a></li> <li><a href="#data__data_">Data (data)</a></li> <li><a href="#data_link_switching__dlsw_">Data Link SWitching (dlsw)</a></li> <li><a href="#data_stream_interface__dsi_">Data Stream Interface (dsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#datagram_congestion_control_protocol__dcp_">Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (dcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#datagram_delivery_protocol__ddp_">Datagram Delivery Protocol (ddp)</a></li> <li><a href="#datagram_transport_layer_security__dtls_">Datagram Transport Layer Security (dtls)</a></li> <li><a href="#daytime_protocol__daytime_">Daytime Protocol (daytime)</a></li> <li><a href="#decompressed_sigcomp_message_as_raw_text__raw_sigcomp_">Decompressed SigComp message as raw text (raw_sigcomp)</a></li> <li><a href="#diameter_protocol__diameter_">Diameter Protocol (diameter)</a></li> <li><a href="#digital_audio_access_protocol__daap_">Digital Audio Access Protocol (daap)</a></li> <li><a href="#direct_message_profile__dmp_">Direct Message Profile (dmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#distance_vector_multicast_routing_protocol__dvmrp_">Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (dvmrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#distcc_distributed_compiler__distcc_">Distcc Distributed Compiler (distcc)</a></li> <li><a href="#distributed_checksum_clearinghouse_protocol__dccp_">Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Protocol (dccp)</a></li> <li><a href="#distributed_interactive_simulation__dis_">Distributed Interactive Simulation (dis)</a></li> <li><a href="#distributed_network_protocol_3_0__dnp3_">Distributed Network Protocol 3.0 (dnp3)</a></li> <li><a href="#domain_name_service__dns_">Domain Name Service (dns)</a></li> <li><a href="#dublin_core_metadata__dc___dc_">Dublin Core Metadata (DC) (dc)</a></li> <li><a href="#dynamic_dns_tools_protocol__ddtp_">Dynamic DNS Tools Protocol (ddtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#dynamic_trunking_protocol__dtp_">Dynamic Trunking Protocol (dtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#efs__pidl___efs_">EFS (pidl) (efs)</a></li> <li><a href="#enea_linx__linx_">ENEA LINX (linx)</a></li> <li><a href="#enttec__enttec_">ENTTEC (enttec)</a></li> <li><a href="#ethernet_powerlink_v1_0__epl_v1_">ETHERNET Powerlink V1.0 (epl_v1)</a></li> <li><a href="#ethernet_powerlink_v2__epl_">ETHERNET Powerlink v2 (epl)</a></li> <li><a href="#etsi_distribution___communication_protocol__for_drm___dcpetsi_">ETSI Distribution & Communication Protocol (for DRM) (dcp-etsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#echo__echo_">Echo (echo)</a></li> <li><a href="#encapsulating_security_payload__esp_">Encapsulating Security Payload (esp)</a></li> <li><a href="#endpoint_handlespace_redundancy_protocol__enrp_">Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol (enrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#enhanced_interior_gateway_routing_protocol__eigrp_">Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (eigrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ethernet_ip__industrial_protocol___enip_">EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol) (enip)</a></li> <li><a href="#etheric__etheric_">Etheric (etheric)</a></li> <li><a href="#ethernet__eth_">Ethernet (eth)</a></li> <li><a href="#ethernet_over_ip__etherip_">Ethernet over IP (etherip)</a></li> <li><a href="#event_logger__eventlog_">Event Logger (eventlog)</a></li> <li><a href="#event_notification_for_resource_lists__rfc_4662___list_">Event Notification for Resource Lists (RFC 4662) (list)</a></li> <li><a href="#exchange_5_5_name_service_provider__nspi_">Exchange 5.5 Name Service Provider (nspi)</a></li> <li><a href="#extended_security_services__ess_">Extended Security Services (ess)</a></li> <li><a href="#extensible_authentication_protocol__eap_">Extensible Authentication Protocol (eap)</a></li> <li><a href="#extreme_discovery_protocol__edp_">Extreme Discovery Protocol (edp)</a></li> <li><a href="#fc_extended_link_svc__els_">FC Extended Link Svc (els)</a></li> <li><a href="#fc_fabric_configuration_server__fcs_">FC Fabric Configuration Server (fcs)</a></li> <li><a href="#fcip__fcip_">FCIP (fcip)</a></li> <li><a href="#fp__fp_">FP (fp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ftp_data__ftpdata_">FTP Data (ftp-data)</a></li> <li><a href="#ftserver_operations__ftserver_">FTServer Operations (ftserver)</a></li> <li><a href="#fiber_distributed_data_interface__fddi_">Fiber Distributed Data Interface (fddi)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel__fc_">Fibre Channel (fc)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_common_transport__fcct_">Fibre Channel Common Transport (fcct)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_fabric_zone_server__fcfzs_">Fibre Channel Fabric Zone Server (fcfzs)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_name_server__fcdns_">Fibre Channel Name Server (fcdns)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_protocol_for_scsi__fcp_">Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (fcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_sw_ils__swils_">Fibre Channel SW_ILS (swils)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_security_protocol__fcsp_">Fibre Channel Security Protocol (fcsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#fibre_channel_single_byte_command__sb3_">Fibre Channel Single Byte Command (sb3)</a></li> <li><a href="#file_transfer_protocol__ftp___ftp_">File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (ftp)</a></li> <li><a href="#financial_information_exchange_protocol__fix_">Financial Information eXchange Protocol (fix)</a></li> <li><a href="#fractal_generator_protocol__fractalgeneratorprotocol_">Fractal Generator Protocol (fractalgeneratorprotocol)</a></li> <li><a href="#frame__frame_">Frame (frame)</a></li> <li><a href="#frame_relay__fr_">Frame Relay (fr)</a></li> <li><a href="#g_723__g723_">G.723 (g723)</a></li> <li><a href="#garp_multicast_registration_protocol__gmrp_">GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (gmrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#garp_vlan_registration_protocol__gvrp_">GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (gvrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#gprs_network_service__gprs_ns_">GPRS Network service (gprs_ns)</a></li> <li><a href="#gprs_tunneling_protocol__gtp_">GPRS Tunneling Protocol (gtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_ai_f_bssmap__gsm_a_bssmap_">GSM A-I/F BSSMAP (gsm_a_bssmap)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_ai_f_dtap__gsm_a_dtap_">GSM A-I/F DTAP (gsm_a_dtap)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_ai_f_rp__gsm_a_rp_">GSM A-I/F RP (gsm_a_rp)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_mobile_application__gsm_map_">GSM Mobile Application (gsm_map)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_sms_tpdu__gsm_03_40___gsm_sms_">GSM SMS TPDU (GSM 03.40) (gsm_sms)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_short_message_service_user_data__gsmsmsud_">GSM Short Message Service User Data (gsm-sms-ud)</a></li> <li><a href="#gsm_ss__gsm_ss_">GSM_SS (gsm_ss)</a></li> <li><a href="#gssapi_generic_security_service_application_program_interface__gssapi_">GSS-API Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (gss-api)</a></li> <li><a href="#general_interorb_protocol__giop_">General Inter-ORB Protocol (giop)</a></li> <li><a href="#generic_routing_encapsulation__gre_">Generic Routing Encapsulation (gre)</a></li> <li><a href="#gnutella_protocol__gnutella_">Gnutella Protocol (gnutella)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_248_3gpp__h2483gpp_">H.248 3GPP (h2483gpp)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_248_annex_c__h248c_">H.248 Annex C (h248c)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_248_annex_e__h248e_">H.248 Annex E (h248e)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_248_megaco__h248_">H.248 MEGACO (h248)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_248_q_1950_annex_a__h248q1950_">H.248 Q.1950 Annex A (h248q1950)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_324_ccsrl__ccsrl_">H.324/CCSRL (ccsrl)</a></li> <li><a href="#h_324_srp__srp_">H.324/SRP (srp)</a></li> <li><a href="#h221nonstandard__h221nonstd_">H221NonStandard (h221nonstd)</a></li> <li><a href="#h235securitymessages__h235_">H235-SECURITY-MESSAGES (h235)</a></li> <li><a href="#h323messages__h225_">H323-MESSAGES (h225)</a></li> <li><a href="#hp_extended_locallink_control__hpext_">HP Extended Local-Link Control (hpext)</a></li> <li><a href="#hp_remote_maintenance_protocol__rmp_">HP Remote Maintenance Protocol (rmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#hp_switch_protocol__hpsw_">HP Switch Protocol (hpsw)</a></li> <li><a href="#hpux_network_tracing_and_logging__nettl_">HP-UX Network Tracing and Logging (nettl)</a></li> <li><a href="#homeplug_protocol__homeplug_">HomePlug protocol (homeplug)</a></li> <li><a href="#hummingbird_nfs_daemon__hclnfsd_">Hummingbird NFS Daemon (hclnfsd)</a></li> <li><a href="#hyperscsi__hyperscsi_">HyperSCSI (hyperscsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#hypertext_transfer_protocol__http_">Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccocallback__cba_acco_cb_">ICBAAccoCallback (cba_acco_cb)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccocallback2__cba_acco_cb2_">ICBAAccoCallback2 (cba_acco_cb2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccomgt__cba_acco_mgt_">ICBAAccoMgt (cba_acco_mgt)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccomgt2__cba_acco_mgt2_">ICBAAccoMgt2 (cba_acco_mgt2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccoserver__cba_acco_server_">ICBAAccoServer (cba_acco_server)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccoserver2__cba_acco_server2_">ICBAAccoServer2 (cba_acco_server2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccoserversrt__cba_acco_server_srt_">ICBAAccoServerSRT (cba_acco_server_srt)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaaccosync__cba_acco_sync_">ICBAAccoSync (cba_acco_sync)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbabrowse__cba_browse_">ICBABrowse (cba_browse)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbabrowse2__cba_browse2_">ICBABrowse2 (cba_browse2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbagrouperror__cba_grouperror_">ICBAGroupError (cba_grouperror)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbagrouperrorevent__cba_grouperror_event_">ICBAGroupErrorEvent (cba_grouperror_event)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbalogicaldevice__cba_ldev_">ICBALogicalDevice (cba_ldev)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbalogicaldevice2__cba_ldev2_">ICBALogicalDevice2 (cba_ldev2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbapersist__cba_persist_">ICBAPersist (cba_persist)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbapersist2__cba_persist2_">ICBAPersist2 (cba_persist2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaphysicaldevice__cba_pdev_">ICBAPhysicalDevice (cba_pdev)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaphysicaldevice2__cba_pdev2_">ICBAPhysicalDevice2 (cba_pdev2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaphysicaldevicepc__cba_pdev_pc_">ICBAPhysicalDevicePC (cba_pdev_pc)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbaphysicaldevicepcevent__cba_pdev_pc_event_">ICBAPhysicalDevicePCEvent (cba_pdev_pc_event)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbartauto__cba_rtauto_">ICBARTAuto (cba_rtauto)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbartauto2__cba_rtauto2_">ICBARTAuto2 (cba_rtauto2)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbastate__cba_state_">ICBAState (cba_state)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbastateevent__cba_state_event_">ICBAStateEvent (cba_state_event)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbasystemproperties__cba_sysprop_">ICBASystemProperties (cba_sysprop)</a></li> <li><a href="#icbatime__cba_time_">ICBATime (cba_time)</a></li> <li><a href="#icq_protocol__icq_">ICQ Protocol (icq)</a></li> <li><a href="#ieee_802_11_radiotap_capture_header__radiotap_">IEEE 802.11 Radiotap Capture header (radiotap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ieee_802_11_wireless_lan__wlan_">IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (wlan)</a></li> <li><a href="#ieee_802_11_wireless_lan_management_frame__wlan_mgt_">IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN management frame (wlan_mgt)</a></li> <li><a href="#ieee802a_oui_extended_ethertype__ieee802a_">IEEE802a OUI Extended Ethertype (ieee802a)</a></li> <li><a href="#ilmi__ilmi_">ILMI (ilmi)</a></li> <li><a href="#ip_device_control__ss7_over_ip___ipdc_">IP Device Control (SS7 over IP) (ipdc)</a></li> <li><a href="#ip_over_fc__ipfc_">IP Over FC (ipfc)</a></li> <li><a href="#ip_payload_compression__ipcomp_">IP Payload Compression (ipcomp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ip_virtual_services_sync_daemon__ipvs_">IP Virtual Services Sync Daemon (ipvs)</a></li> <li><a href="#ipx_message__ipxmsg_">IPX Message (ipxmsg)</a></li> <li><a href="#ipx_routing_information_protocol__ipxrip_">IPX Routing Information Protocol (ipxrip)</a></li> <li><a href="#ipx_wan__ipxwan_">IPX WAN (ipxwan)</a></li> <li><a href="#iremunknown__remunk_">IRemUnknown (remunk)</a></li> <li><a href="#iremunknown2__remunk2_">IRemUnknown2 (remunk2)</a></li> <li><a href="#isc_object_management_api__omapi_">ISC Object Management API (omapi)</a></li> <li><a href="#isdn__isdn_">ISDN (isdn)</a></li> <li><a href="#isdn_q_921user_adaptation_layer__iua_">ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer (iua)</a></li> <li><a href="#isdn_user_part__isup_">ISDN User Part (isup)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_10589_isis_intra_domain_routeing_information_exchange_protocol__isis_">ISO 10589 ISIS InTRA Domain Routeing Information Exchange Protocol (isis)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_8073_cotp_connectionoriented_transport_protocol__cotp_">ISO 8073 COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol (cotp)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_83271_osi_session_protocol__ses_">ISO 8327-1 OSI Session Protocol (ses)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_8473_clnp_connectionless_network_protocol__clnp_">ISO 8473 CLNP ConnectionLess Network Protocol (clnp)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_8571_ftam__ftam_">ISO 8571 FTAM (ftam)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_8602_cltp_connectionless_transport_protocol__cltp_">ISO 8602 CLTP ConnectionLess Transport Protocol (cltp)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_86501_osi_association_control_service__acse_">ISO 8650-1 OSI Association Control Service (acse)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_8823_osi_presentation_protocol__pres_">ISO 8823 OSI Presentation Protocol (pres)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_9542_esis_routeing_information_exchange_protocol__esis_">ISO 9542 ESIS Routeing Information Exchange Protocol (esis)</a></li> <li><a href="#iso_iec_138181__mp2t_">ISO/IEC 13818-1 (mp2t)</a></li> <li><a href="#isup_thin_protocol__isup_thin_">ISUP Thin Protocol (isup_thin)</a></li> <li><a href="#isystemactivator_isystemactivator_resolver__isystemactivator_">ISystemActivator ISystemActivator Resolver (isystemactivator)</a></li> <li><a href="#itu_m_3100_generic_network_information_model__gnm_">ITU M.3100 Generic Network Information Model (gnm)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_e_164_number__e164_">ITU-T E.164 number (e164)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_e_212_number__e_212_">ITU-T E.212 number (e.212)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_recommendation_h_223__h223_">ITU-T Recommendation H.223 (h223)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_recommendation_h_261__h261_">ITU-T Recommendation H.261 (h261)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_recommendation_h_263__h263data_">ITU-T Recommendation H.263 (h263data)</a></li> <li><a href="#itut_recommendation_h_263_rtp_payload_header__rfc2190___h263_">ITU-T Recommendation H.263 RTP Payload header (RFC2190) (h263)</a></li> <li><a href="#inmon_sflow__sflow_">InMon sFlow (sflow)</a></li> <li><a href="#information_access_protocol__iap_">Information Access Protocol (iap)</a></li> <li><a href="#init_shutdown_service__initshutdown_">Init shutdown service (initshutdown)</a></li> <li><a href="#intel_ans_probe__ans_">Intel ANS probe (ans)</a></li> <li><a href="#intelligent_network_application_protocol__inap_">Intelligent Network Application Protocol (inap)</a></li> <li><a href="#intelligent_platform_management_interface__ipmi_">Intelligent Platform Management Interface (ipmi)</a></li> <li><a href="#interaccesspoint_protocol__iapp_">Inter-Access-Point Protocol (iapp)</a></li> <li><a href="#interasterisk_exchange_v2__iax2_">Inter-Asterisk eXchange v2 (iax2)</a></li> <li><a href="#interswitch_message_protocol__ismp_">InterSwitch Message Protocol (ismp)</a></li> <li><a href="#interbase__ib_">Interbase (ib)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_cache_protocol__icp_">Internet Cache Protocol (icp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_communications_engine_protocol__icep_">Internet Communications Engine Protocol (icep)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_content_adaptation_protocol__icap_">Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (icap)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_control_message_protocol__icmp_">Internet Control Message Protocol (icmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_control_message_protocol_v6__icmpv6_">Internet Control Message Protocol v6 (icmpv6)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_group_management_protocol__igmp_">Internet Group Management Protocol (igmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_group_membership_authentication_protocol__igap_">Internet Group membership Authentication Protocol (igap)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_message_access_protocol__imap_">Internet Message Access Protocol (imap)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_printing_protocol__ipp_">Internet Printing Protocol (ipp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_protocol__ip_">Internet Protocol (ip)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_protocol_version_6__ipv6_">Internet Protocol Version 6 (ipv6)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_relay_chat__irc_">Internet Relay Chat (irc)</a></li> <li><a href="#internet_security_association_and_key_management_protocol__isakmp_">Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (isakmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internetwork_datagram_protocol__idp_">Internetwork Datagram Protocol (idp)</a></li> <li><a href="#internetwork_packet_exchange__ipx_">Internetwork Packet eXchange (ipx)</a></li> <li><a href="#ircomm_protocol__ircomm_">IrCOMM Protocol (ircomm)</a></li> <li><a href="#irda_link_access_protocol__irlap_">IrDA Link Access Protocol (irlap)</a></li> <li><a href="#irda_link_management_protocol__irlmp_">IrDA Link Management Protocol (irlmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#iuup__iuup_">IuUP (iuup)</a></li> <li><a href="#jpeg_file_interchange_format__imagejfif_">JPEG File Interchange Format (image-jfif)</a></li> <li><a href="#jxta_message__jxta_message_">JXTA Message (jxta.message)</a></li> <li><a href="#jxta_p2p__jxta_">JXTA P2P (jxta)</a></li> <li><a href="#jabber_xml_messaging__jabber_">Jabber XML Messaging (jabber)</a></li> <li><a href="#java_rmi__rmi_">Java RMI (rmi)</a></li> <li><a href="#java_serialization__serialization_">Java Serialization (serialization)</a></li> <li><a href="#juniper__juniper_">Juniper (juniper)</a></li> <li><a href="#k12xx__k12_">K12xx (k12)</a></li> <li><a href="#kerberized_internet_negotiation_of_key__kink_">Kerberized Internet Negotiation of Key (kink)</a></li> <li><a href="#kerberos__kerberos_">Kerberos (kerberos)</a></li> <li><a href="#kerberos_administration__kadm5_">Kerberos Administration (kadm5)</a></li> <li><a href="#kerberos_v4__krb4_">Kerberos v4 (krb4)</a></li> <li><a href="#kernel_lock_manager__klm_">Kernel Lock Manager (klm)</a></li> <li><a href="#kismet_client_server_protocol__kismet_">Kismet Client/Server Protocol (kismet)</a></li> <li><a href="#lge_monitor__lge_monitor_">LGE Monitor (lge_monitor)</a></li> <li><a href="#lwap_control_message__lwappcntl_">LWAP Control Message (lwapp-cntl)</a></li> <li><a href="#lwapp_encapsulated_packet__lwapp_">LWAPP Encapsulated Packet (lwapp)</a></li> <li><a href="#lwapp_layer_3_packet__lwappl3_">LWAPP Layer 3 Packet (lwapp-l3)</a></li> <li><a href="#label_distribution_protocol__ldp_">Label Distribution Protocol (ldp)</a></li> <li><a href="#laplink__laplink_">Laplink (laplink)</a></li> <li><a href="#layer_2_tunneling_protocol__l2tp_">Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (l2tp)</a></li> <li><a href="#light_weight_dns_resolver__bind9___lwres_">Light Weight DNS RESolver (BIND9) (lwres)</a></li> <li><a href="#lightweight_user_datagram_protocol__udplite_">Lightweight User Datagram Protocol (udplite)</a></li> <li><a href="#lightweightdirectoryaccessprotocol__ldap_">Lightweight-Directory-Access-Protocol (ldap)</a></li> <li><a href="#line_printer_daemon_protocol__lpd_">Line Printer Daemon Protocol (lpd)</a></li> <li><a href="#linebased_text_data__datatextlines_">Line-based text data (data-text-lines)</a></li> <li><a href="#link_access_procedure_balanced__lapb___lapb_">Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) (lapb)</a></li> <li><a href="#link_access_procedure_balanced_ethernet__lapbether___lapbether_">Link Access Procedure Balanced Ethernet (LAPBETHER) (lapbether)</a></li> <li><a href="#link_access_procedure__channel_d__lapd___lapd_">Link Access Procedure, Channel D (LAPD) (lapd)</a></li> <li><a href="#link_layer_discovery_protocol__lldp_">Link Layer Discovery Protocol (lldp)</a></li> <li><a href="#link_management_protocol__lmp___lmp_">Link Management Protocol (LMP) (lmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#linux_kernel_packet_generator__pktgen_">Linux Kernel Packet Generator (pktgen)</a></li> <li><a href="#linux_cookedmode_capture__sll_">Linux cooked-mode capture (sll)</a></li> <li><a href="#local_management_interface__lmi_">Local Management Interface (lmi)</a></li> <li><a href="#localtalk_link_access_protocol__llap_">LocalTalk Link Access Protocol (llap)</a></li> <li><a href="#log_message__log_">Log Message (log)</a></li> <li><a href="#logical_link_control_gprs__llcgprs_">Logical Link Control GPRS (llcgprs)</a></li> <li><a href="#logicallink_control__llc_">Logical-Link Control (llc)</a></li> <li><a href="#logicallink_control_basic_format_xid__basicxid_">Logical-Link Control Basic Format XID (basicxid)</a></li> <li><a href="#logotype_certificate_extensions__logotypecertextn_">Logotype Certificate Extensions (logotypecertextn)</a></li> <li><a href="#lucent_ascend_debug_output__ascend_">Lucent/Ascend debug output (ascend)</a></li> <li><a href="#mac_control__macc_">MAC Control (macc)</a></li> <li><a href="#map_dialoguepdu__map_dialoguepdu_">MAP_DialoguePDU (map_dialoguepdu)</a></li> <li><a href="#mds_header__mdshdr_">MDS Header (mdshdr)</a></li> <li><a href="#megaco__megaco_">MEGACO (megaco)</a></li> <li><a href="#mime_multipart_media_encapsulation__mime_multipart_">MIME Multipart Media Encapsulation (mime_multipart)</a></li> <li><a href="#mms__mms_">MMS (mms)</a></li> <li><a href="#mms_message_encapsulation__mmse_">MMS Message Encapsulation (mmse)</a></li> <li><a href="#ms_kpasswd__kpasswd_">MS Kpasswd (kpasswd)</a></li> <li><a href="#ms_network_load_balancing__msnlb_">MS Network Load Balancing (msnlb)</a></li> <li><a href="#ms_proxy_protocol__msproxy_">MS Proxy Protocol (msproxy)</a></li> <li><a href="#msn_messenger_service__msnms_">MSN Messenger Service (msnms)</a></li> <li><a href="#msnip__multicast_source_notification_of_interest_protocol__msnip_">MSNIP: Multicast Source Notification of Interest Protocol (msnip)</a></li> <li><a href="#mtp_2_transparent_proxy__m2tp_">MTP 2 Transparent Proxy (m2tp)</a></li> <li><a href="#mtp_2_user_adaptation_layer__m2ua_">MTP 2 User Adaptation Layer (m2ua)</a></li> <li><a href="#mtp_3_user_adaptation_layer__m3ua_">MTP 3 User Adaptation Layer (m3ua)</a></li> <li><a href="#mtp2_peer_adaptation_layer__m2pa_">MTP2 Peer Adaptation Layer (m2pa)</a></li> <li><a href="#multimediasystemcontrol__h245_">MULTIMEDIA-SYSTEM-CONTROL (h245)</a></li> <li><a href="#malformed_packet__malformed_">Malformed Packet (malformed)</a></li> <li><a href="#media_gateway_control_protocol__mgcp_">Media Gateway Control Protocol (mgcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#media_server_control_markup_language__draft_07__mscml_">Media Server Control Markup Language - draft 07 (mscml)</a></li> <li><a href="#media_type__media_">Media Type (media)</a></li> <li><a href="#media_type__message_http__messagehttp_">Media Type: message/http (message-http)</a></li> <li><a href="#message_session_relay_protocol__msrp_">Message Session Relay Protocol (msrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#message_transfer_part_level_2__mtp2_">Message Transfer Part Level 2 (mtp2)</a></li> <li><a href="#message_transfer_part_level_3__mtp3_">Message Transfer Part Level 3 (mtp3)</a></li> <li><a href="#message_transfer_part_level_3_management__mtp3mg_">Message Transfer Part Level 3 Management (mtp3mg)</a></li> <li><a href="#meta_analysis_tracing_engine__mate_">Meta Analysis Tracing Engine (mate)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_atscheduler_service__atsvc_">Microsoft AT-Scheduler Service (atsvc)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_distributed_link_tracking_server_service__trksvr_">Microsoft Distributed Link Tracking Server Service (trksvr)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_exchange_mapi__mapi_">Microsoft Exchange MAPI (mapi)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_exchange_new_mail_notification__newmail_">Microsoft Exchange New Mail Notification (newmail)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_file_replication_service__frsrpc_">Microsoft File Replication Service (frsrpc)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_file_replication_service_api__frsapi_">Microsoft File Replication Service API (frsapi)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_local_security_architecture__lsa_">Microsoft Local Security Architecture (lsa)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_media_server__msmms_">Microsoft Media Server (msmms)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_messenger_service__messenger_">Microsoft Messenger Service (messenger)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_network_logon__rpc_netlogon_">Microsoft Network Logon (rpc_netlogon)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_plug_and_play_service__pnp_">Microsoft Plug and Play service (pnp)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_routing_and_remote_access_service__rras_">Microsoft Routing and Remote Access Service (rras)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_security_account_manager__samr_">Microsoft Security Account Manager (samr)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_service_control__svcctl_">Microsoft Service Control (svcctl)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_spool_subsystem__spoolss_">Microsoft Spool Subsystem (spoolss)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_telephony_api_service__tapi_">Microsoft Telephony API Service (tapi)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_windows_browser_protocol__browser_">Microsoft Windows Browser Protocol (browser)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_windows_lanman_remote_api_protocol__lanman_">Microsoft Windows Lanman Remote API Protocol (lanman)</a></li> <li><a href="#microsoft_windows_logon_protocol__old___smb_netlogon_">Microsoft Windows Logon Protocol (Old) (smb_netlogon)</a></li> <li><a href="#mobile_ip__mip_">Mobile IP (mip)</a></li> <li><a href="#mobile_ipv6___network_mobility__mipv6_">Mobile IPv6 / Network Mobility (mipv6)</a></li> <li><a href="#modbus_tcp__mbtcp_">Modbus/TCP (mbtcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#monotone_netsync__netsync_">Monotone Netsync (netsync)</a></li> <li><a href="#mount_service__mount_">Mount Service (mount)</a></li> <li><a href="#multiprotocol_label_switching_header__mpls_">MultiProtocol Label Switching Header (mpls)</a></li> <li><a href="#multicast_router_discovery_protocol__mrdisc_">Multicast Router DISCovery protocol (mrdisc)</a></li> <li><a href="#multicast_source_discovery_protocol__msdp_">Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (msdp)</a></li> <li><a href="#multiprotocol_label_switching_echo__mplsecho_">Multiprotocol Label Switching Echo (mpls-echo)</a></li> <li><a href="#mysql_protocol__mysql_">MySQL Protocol (mysql)</a></li> <li><a href="#nbma_next_hop_resolution_protocol__nhrp_">NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol (nhrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#nfsacl__nfsacl_">NFSACL (nfsacl)</a></li> <li><a href="#nfsauth__nfsauth_">NFSAUTH (nfsauth)</a></li> <li><a href="#nis___nisplus_">NIS+ (nisplus)</a></li> <li><a href="#nis__callback__nispluscb_">NIS+ Callback (nispluscb)</a></li> <li><a href="#ntlm_secure_service_provider__ntlmssp_">NTLM Secure Service Provider (ntlmssp)</a></li> <li><a href="#name_binding_protocol__nbp_">Name Binding Protocol (nbp)</a></li> <li><a href="#name_management_protocol_over_ipx__nmpi_">Name Management Protocol over IPX (nmpi)</a></li> <li><a href="#negativeacknowledgment_oriented_reliable_multicast__norm_">Negative-acknowledgment Oriented Reliable Multicast (norm)</a></li> <li><a href="#netbios__netbios_">NetBIOS (netbios)</a></li> <li><a href="#netbios_datagram_service__nbdgm_">NetBIOS Datagram Service (nbdgm)</a></li> <li><a href="#netbios_name_service__nbns_">NetBIOS Name Service (nbns)</a></li> <li><a href="#netbios_session_service__nbss_">NetBIOS Session Service (nbss)</a></li> <li><a href="#netbios_over_ipx__nbipx_">NetBIOS over IPX (nbipx)</a></li> <li><a href="#netscape_certificate_extensions__ns_cert_exts_">NetScape Certificate Extensions (ns_cert_exts)</a></li> <li><a href="#netware_core_protocol__ncp_">NetWare Core Protocol (ncp)</a></li> <li><a href="#netware_link_services_protocol__nlsp_">NetWare Link Services Protocol (nlsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#netware_serialization_protocol__nw_serial_">NetWare Serialization Protocol (nw_serial)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_block_device__nbd_">Network Block Device (nbd)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_data_management_protocol__ndmp_">Network Data Management Protocol (ndmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_file_system__nfs_">Network File System (nfs)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_lock_manager_protocol__nlm_">Network Lock Manager Protocol (nlm)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_news_transfer_protocol__nntp_">Network News Transfer Protocol (nntp)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_service_over_ip__nsip_">Network Service Over IP (nsip)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_status_monitor_callback_protocol__statnotify_">Network Status Monitor CallBack Protocol (statnotify)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_status_monitor_protocol__stat_">Network Status Monitor Protocol (stat)</a></li> <li><a href="#network_time_protocol__ntp_">Network Time Protocol (ntp)</a></li> <li><a href="#nortel_sonmp__sonmp_">Nortel SONMP (sonmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#novell_cluster_services__ncs_">Novell Cluster Services (ncs)</a></li> <li><a href="#novell_distributed_print_system__ndps_">Novell Distributed Print System (ndps)</a></li> <li><a href="#novell_modular_authentication_service__nmas_">Novell Modular Authentication Service (nmas)</a></li> <li><a href="#novell_secretstore_services__sss_">Novell SecretStore Services (sss)</a></li> <li><a href="#null_loopback__null_">Null/Loopback (null)</a></li> <li><a href="#oicq__im_software__popular_in_china__oicq_">OICQ - IM software, popular in China (oicq)</a></li> <li><a href="#oma_userplane_location_protocol__ulp_">OMA UserPlane Location Protocol (ulp)</a></li> <li><a href="#osi__osi_">OSI (osi)</a></li> <li><a href="#online_certificate_status_protocol__ocsp_">Online Certificate Status Protocol (ocsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#open_policy_service_interface__opsi_">Open Policy Service Interface (opsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#open_shortest_path_first__ospf_">Open Shortest Path First (ospf)</a></li> <li><a href="#openbsd_encapsulating_device__enc_">OpenBSD Encapsulating device (enc)</a></li> <li><a href="#openbsd_packet_filter_log_file__pflog_">OpenBSD Packet Filter log file (pflog)</a></li> <li><a href="#openbsd_packet_filter_log_file__pre_3_4__pflogold_">OpenBSD Packet Filter log file, pre 3.4 (pflog-old)</a></li> <li><a href="#optimized_link_state_routing_protocol__olsr_">Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (olsr)</a></li> <li><a href="#pc_nfs__pcnfsd_">PC NFS (pcnfsd)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkcs_1__pkcs1_">PKCS#1 (pkcs-1)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkcs_12__personal_information_exchange__pkcs12_">PKCS#12: Personal Information Exchange (pkcs12)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkinit__pkinit_">PKINIT (pkinit)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkix_cert_file_format__pkixcert_">PKIX CERT File Format (pkix-cert)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkix_qualified__pkixqualified_">PKIX Qualified (pkixqualified)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkix_time_stamp_protocol__pkixtsp_">PKIX Time Stamp Protocol (pkixtsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkix1explitit__pkix1explicit_">PKIX1Explitit (pkix1explicit)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkix1implitit__pkix1implicit_">PKIX1Implitit (pkix1implicit)</a></li> <li><a href="#pkixproxy__rfc3820___pkixproxy_">PKIXProxy (RFC3820) (pkixproxy)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_bandwidth_allocation_control_protocol__bacp_">PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (bacp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_bandwidth_allocation_protocol__bap_">PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (bap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_bridge_control_protocol__bcp_">PPP Bridge Control Protocol (bcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_cdp_control_protocol__cdpcp_">PPP CDP Control Protocol (cdpcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_callback_control_protocol__cbcp_">PPP Callback Control Protocol (cbcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_challenge_handshake_authentication_protocol__chap_">PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (chap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_compressed_datagram__comp_data_">PPP Compressed Datagram (comp_data)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_compression_control_protocol__ccp_">PPP Compression Control Protocol (ccp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_ip_control_protocol__ipcp_">PPP IP Control Protocol (ipcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_ipv6_control_protocol__ipv6cp_">PPP IPv6 Control Protocol (ipv6cp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_in_hdlclike_framing__ppp_hdlc_">PPP In HDLC-Like Framing (ppp_hdlc)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_link_control_protocol__lcp_">PPP Link Control Protocol (lcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_mpls_control_protocol__mplscp_">PPP MPLS Control Protocol (mplscp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_multilink_protocol__mp_">PPP Multilink Protocol (mp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_multiplexing__pppmux_">PPP Multiplexing (pppmux)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_osi_control_protocol__osicp_">PPP OSI Control Protocol (osicp)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_password_authentication_protocol__pap_">PPP Password Authentication Protocol (pap)</a></li> <li><a href="#ppp_vj_compression__vj_">PPP VJ Compression (vj)</a></li> <li><a href="#pppoverethernet_discovery__pppoed_">PPP-over-Ethernet Discovery (pppoed)</a></li> <li><a href="#pppoverethernet_session__pppoes_">PPP-over-Ethernet Session (pppoes)</a></li> <li><a href="#pppmux_control_protocol__pppmuxcp_">PPPMux Control Protocol (pppmuxcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_dcp__pn_dcp_">PROFINET DCP (pn_dcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_io__pn_io_">PROFINET IO (pn_io)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_mrp__pn_mrp_">PROFINET MRP (pn_mrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_mrrt__pn_mrrt_">PROFINET MRRT (pn_mrrt)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_ptcp__pn_ptcp_">PROFINET PTCP (pn_ptcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#profinet_realtime_protocol__pn_rt_">PROFINET Real-Time Protocol (pn_rt)</a></li> <li><a href="#p_mul__acp142___p_mul_">P_Mul (ACP142) (p_mul)</a></li> <li><a href="#packed_encoding_rules__asn_1_x_691___per_">Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.691) (per)</a></li> <li><a href="#packet_cable_lawful_intercept__pcli_">Packet Cable Lawful Intercept (pcli)</a></li> <li><a href="#packetcable__pktc_">PacketCable (pktc)</a></li> <li><a href="#packetcable_avps__paketcable_avps_">PacketCable AVPs (paketcable_avps)</a></li> <li><a href="#packetcable_call_content_connection__pkt_ccc_">PacketCable Call Content Connection (pkt_ccc)</a></li> <li><a href="#parallel_virtual_file_system__pvfs_">Parallel Virtual File System (pvfs)</a></li> <li><a href="#parlay_dissector_using_giop_api__giopparlay_">Parlay Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-parlay)</a></li> <li><a href="#pegasus_lightweight_stream_control__lsc_">Pegasus Lightweight Stream Control (lsc)</a></li> <li><a href="#ping_pong_protocol__pingpongprotocol_">Ping Pong Protocol (pingpongprotocol)</a></li> <li><a href="#plan_9_9p__9p_">Plan 9 9P (9p)</a></li> <li><a href="#pointtopoint_protocol__ppp_">Point-to-Point Protocol (ppp)</a></li> <li><a href="#pointtopoint_tunnelling_protocol__pptp_">Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (pptp)</a></li> <li><a href="#port_aggregation_protocol__pagp_">Port Aggregation Protocol (pagp)</a></li> <li><a href="#portable_network_graphics__png_">Portable Network Graphics (png)</a></li> <li><a href="#portmap__portmap_">Portmap (portmap)</a></li> <li><a href="#post_office_protocol__pop_">Post Office Protocol (pop)</a></li> <li><a href="#postgresql__pgsql_">PostgreSQL (pgsql)</a></li> <li><a href="#pragmatic_general_multicast__pgm_">Pragmatic General Multicast (pgm)</a></li> <li><a href="#precision_time_protocol__ieee1588___ptp_">Precision Time Protocol (IEEE1588) (ptp)</a></li> <li><a href="#printer_access_protocol__apap_">Printer Access Protocol (apap)</a></li> <li><a href="#prism__prism_">Prism (prism)</a></li> <li><a href="#privilege_server_operations__rpriv_">Privilege Server operations (rpriv)</a></li> <li><a href="#prompeg_code_of_practice__3_release_2_fec_protocol__2dparityfec_">Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 release 2 FEC Protocol (2dparityfec)</a></li> <li><a href="#protocol_independent_multicast__pim_">Protocol Independent Multicast (pim)</a></li> <li><a href="#protocol_for_carrying_authentication_for_network_access__pana_">Protocol for carrying Authentication for Network Access (pana)</a></li> <li><a href="#q_2931__q2931_">Q.2931 (q2931)</a></li> <li><a href="#q_931__q931_">Q.931 (q931)</a></li> <li><a href="#q_933__q933_">Q.933 (q933)</a></li> <li><a href="#quake_ii_network_protocol__quake2_">Quake II Network Protocol (quake2)</a></li> <li><a href="#quake_iii_arena_network_protocol__quake3_">Quake III Arena Network Protocol (quake3)</a></li> <li><a href="#quake_network_protocol__quake_">Quake Network Protocol (quake)</a></li> <li><a href="#quakeworld_network_protocol__quakeworld_">QuakeWorld Network Protocol (quakeworld)</a></li> <li><a href="#qualified_logical_link_control__qllc_">Qualified Logical Link Control (qllc)</a></li> <li><a href="#rfc_2250_mpeg1__mpeg1_">RFC 2250 MPEG1 (mpeg1)</a></li> <li><a href="#rfc_2435_jpeg__jpeg_">RFC 2435 JPEG (jpeg)</a></li> <li><a href="#rfc_2833_rtp_event__rtpevent_">RFC 2833 RTP Event (rtpevent)</a></li> <li><a href="#ripng__ripng_">RIPng (ripng)</a></li> <li><a href="#rmcp_securityextensions_protocol__rsp_">RMCP Security-extensions Protocol (rsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#rpc_browser__rpc_browser_">RPC Browser (rpc_browser)</a></li> <li><a href="#rs_interface_properties__rs_plcy_">RS Interface properties (rs_plcy)</a></li> <li><a href="#rstat__rstat_">RSTAT (rstat)</a></li> <li><a href="#rsync_file_synchroniser__rsync_">RSYNC File Synchroniser (rsync)</a></li> <li><a href="#rtcfg__rtcfg_">RTcfg (rtcfg)</a></li> <li><a href="#rx_protocol__rx_">RX Protocol (rx)</a></li> <li><a href="#radio_access_network_application_part__ranap_">Radio Access Network Application Part (ranap)</a></li> <li><a href="#radio_resource_lcs_protocol__rrlp___rrlp_">Radio Resource LCS Protocol (RRLP) (rrlp)</a></li> <li><a href="#radius_protocol__radius_">Radius Protocol (radius)</a></li> <li><a href="#raw_packet_data__raw_">Raw packet data (raw)</a></li> <li><a href="#real_data_transport__rdt_">Real Data Transport (rdt)</a></li> <li><a href="#real_time_streaming_protocol__rtsp_">Real Time Streaming Protocol (rtsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#realtime_media_access_control__rtmac_">Real-Time Media Access Control (rtmac)</a></li> <li><a href="#realtime_publishsubscribe_wire_protocol__rtps_">Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol (rtps)</a></li> <li><a href="#realtime_transport_protocol__rtp_">Real-Time Transport Protocol (rtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#realtime_transport_control_protocol__rtcp_">Real-time Transport Control Protocol (rtcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#redback__redback_">Redback (redback)</a></li> <li><a href="#redundant_link_management_protocol__rlm_">Redundant Link Management Protocol (rlm)</a></li> <li><a href="#reginfo_xml_doc__rfc_3680___reginfo_">Reginfo XML doc (RFC 3680) (reginfo)</a></li> <li><a href="#registry_server_attributes_manipulation_interface__rs_attr_">Registry Server Attributes Manipulation Interface (rs_attr)</a></li> <li><a href="#registry_server_administration_operations___rs_repadm_">Registry server administration operations. (rs_repadm)</a></li> <li><a href="#reliable_udp__rudp_">Reliable UDP (rudp)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_device_management__rdm_">Remote Device Management (rdm)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_management_control_protocol__rmcp_">Remote Management Control Protocol (rmcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_override_interface__roverride_">Remote Override interface (roverride)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_procedure_call__rpc_">Remote Procedure Call (rpc)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_process_execution__exec_">Remote Process Execution (exec)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_program_load__rpl_">Remote Program Load (rpl)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_quota__rquota_">Remote Quota (rquota)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_registry_service__winreg_">Remote Registry Service (winreg)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_shell__rsh_">Remote Shell (rsh)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_wall_protocol__rwall_">Remote Wall protocol (rwall)</a></li> <li><a href="#remote_sec_login_preauth_interface___rsec_login_">Remote sec_login preauth interface. (rsec_login)</a></li> <li><a href="#resource_reservation_protocol__rsvp___rsvp_">Resource ReserVation Protocol (RSVP) (rsvp)</a></li> <li><a href="#retix_spanning_tree_protocol__rstp_">Retix Spanning Tree Protocol (r-stp)</a></li> <li><a href="#rlogin_protocol__rlogin_">Rlogin Protocol (rlogin)</a></li> <li><a href="#roofnet_protocol__roofnet_">Roofnet Protocol (roofnet)</a></li> <li><a href="#routerport_group_management_protocol__rgmp_">Router-port Group Management Protocol (rgmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#routing_information_protocol__rip_">Routing Information Protocol (rip)</a></li> <li><a href="#routing_table_maintenance_protocol__rtmp_">Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (rtmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#sadmind__sadmind_">SADMIND (sadmind)</a></li> <li><a href="#saia_sbus__sbus_">SAIA S-Bus (sbus)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi__scsi_">SCSI (scsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi_mmc__scsi_mmc_">SCSI_MMC (scsi_mmc)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi_osd__scsi_osd_">SCSI_OSD (scsi_osd)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi_sbc__scsi_sbc_">SCSI_SBC (scsi_sbc)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi_smc__scsi_smc_">SCSI_SMC (scsi_smc)</a></li> <li><a href="#scsi_ssc__scsi_ssc_">SCSI_SSC (scsi_ssc)</a></li> <li><a href="#sebek__kernel_data_capture__sebek_">SEBEK - Kernel Data Capture (sebek)</a></li> <li><a href="#sgi_mount_service__sgimount_">SGI Mount Service (sgimount)</a></li> <li><a href="#smb__server_message_block_protocol___smb_">SMB (Server Message Block Protocol) (smb)</a></li> <li><a href="#smb_mailslot_protocol__mailslot_">SMB MailSlot Protocol (mailslot)</a></li> <li><a href="#smb_pipe_protocol__pipe_">SMB Pipe Protocol (pipe)</a></li> <li><a href="#smb2__server_message_block_protocol_version_2___smb2_">SMB2 (Server Message Block Protocol version 2) (smb2)</a></li> <li><a href="#snaoverethernet__snaeth_">SNA-over-Ethernet (snaeth)</a></li> <li><a href="#snmp_multiplex_protocol__smux_">SNMP Multiplex Protocol (smux)</a></li> <li><a href="#spnegokrb5__spnegokrb5_">SPNEGO-KRB5 (spnego-krb5)</a></li> <li><a href="#spray__spray_">SPRAY (spray)</a></li> <li><a href="#ss7_sccpuser_adaptation_layer__sua_">SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer (sua)</a></li> <li><a href="#sscfnni__sscfnni_">SSCF-NNI (sscf-nni)</a></li> <li><a href="#sscop__sscop_">SSCOP (sscop)</a></li> <li><a href="#ssh_protocol__ssh_">SSH Protocol (ssh)</a></li> <li><a href="#stanag_4406_military_message__s4406_">STANAG 4406 Military Message (s4406)</a></li> <li><a href="#stanag_5066__sis_layer___s5066_">STANAG 5066 (SIS layer) (s5066)</a></li> <li><a href="#secure_socket_layer__ssl_">Secure Socket Layer (ssl)</a></li> <li><a href="#sequenced_packet_protocol__spp_">Sequenced Packet Protocol (spp)</a></li> <li><a href="#sequenced_packet_exchange__spx_">Sequenced Packet eXchange (spx)</a></li> <li><a href="#serial_infrared__sir_">Serial Infrared (sir)</a></li> <li><a href="#server_service__srvsvc_">Server Service (srvsvc)</a></li> <li><a href="#service_advertisement_protocol__ipxsap_">Service Advertisement Protocol (ipxsap)</a></li> <li><a href="#service_location_protocol__srvloc_">Service Location Protocol (srvloc)</a></li> <li><a href="#session_announcement_protocol__sap_">Session Announcement Protocol (sap)</a></li> <li><a href="#session_description_protocol__sdp_">Session Description Protocol (sdp)</a></li> <li><a href="#session_initiation_protocol__sip_">Session Initiation Protocol (sip)</a></li> <li><a href="#session_initiation_protocol__sip_as_raw_text___raw_sip_">Session Initiation Protocol (SIP as raw text) (raw_sip)</a></li> <li><a href="#settings_for_microsoft_distributed_file_system__netdfs_">Settings for Microsoft Distributed File System (netdfs)</a></li> <li><a href="#short_frame__short_">Short Frame (short)</a></li> <li><a href="#short_message_peer_to_peer__smpp_">Short Message Peer to Peer (smpp)</a></li> <li><a href="#short_message_relaying_service__smrse_">Short Message Relaying Service (smrse)</a></li> <li><a href="#signaling_compression__sigcomp_">Signaling Compression (sigcomp)</a></li> <li><a href="#signalling_connection_control_part__sccp_">Signalling Connection Control Part (sccp)</a></li> <li><a href="#signalling_connection_control_part_management__sccpmg_">Signalling Connection Control Part Management (sccpmg)</a></li> <li><a href="#simple_mail_transfer_protocol__smtp_">Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (smtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#simple_network_management_protocol__snmp_">Simple Network Management Protocol (snmp)</a></li> <li><a href="#simple_protected_negotiation__spnego_">Simple Protected Negotiation (spnego)</a></li> <li><a href="#simple_traversal_underneath_nat__stun2_">Simple Traversal Underneath NAT (stun2)</a></li> <li><a href="#simple_traversal_of_udp_through_nat__stun_">Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT (stun)</a></li> <li><a href="#sinec_h1_protocol__h1_">Sinec H1 Protocol (h1)</a></li> <li><a href="#sipfrag__sipfrag_">Sipfrag (sipfrag)</a></li> <li><a href="#skinny_client_control_protocol__skinny_">Skinny Client Control Protocol (skinny)</a></li> <li><a href="#slimp3_communication_protocol__slimp3_">SliMP3 Communication Protocol (slimp3)</a></li> <li><a href="#slow_protocols__slow_">Slow Protocols (slow)</a></li> <li><a href="#socks_protocol__socks_">Socks Protocol (socks)</a></li> <li><a href="#soulseek_protocol__slsk_">SoulSeek Protocol (slsk)</a></li> <li><a href="#spanning_tree_protocol__stp_">Spanning Tree Protocol (stp)</a></li> <li><a href="#stream_control_transmission_protocol__sctp_">Stream Control Transmission Protocol (sctp)</a></li> <li><a href="#subnetwork_dependent_convergence_protocol__sndcp_">Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol (sndcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#symantec_enterprise_firewall__symantec_">Symantec Enterprise Firewall (symantec)</a></li> <li><a href="#synchronized_multimedia_integration_language__smil_">Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (smil)</a></li> <li><a href="#synchronous_data_link_control__sdlc___sdlc_">Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) (sdlc)</a></li> <li><a href="#synergy__synergy_">Synergy (synergy)</a></li> <li><a href="#syslog_message__syslog_">Syslog message (syslog)</a></li> <li><a href="#systems_network_architecture__sna_">Systems Network Architecture (sna)</a></li> <li><a href="#systems_network_architecture_xid__sna_xid_">Systems Network Architecture XID (sna_xid)</a></li> <li><a href="#t_30__t30_">T.30 (t30)</a></li> <li><a href="#t_38__t38_">T.38 (t38)</a></li> <li><a href="#tacacs__tacacs_">TACACS (tacacs)</a></li> <li><a href="#tacacs___tacplus_">TACACS+ (tacplus)</a></li> <li><a href="#tdma_rtmac_discipline__tdma_">TDMA RTmac Discipline (tdma)</a></li> <li><a href="#tei_management_procedure__channel_d__lapd___tei_management_">TEI Management Procedure, Channel D (LAPD) (tei_management)</a></li> <li><a href="#tpkt__iso_on_tcp__rfc1006__tpkt_">TPKT - ISO on TCP - RFC1006 (tpkt)</a></li> <li><a href="#tabular_data_stream__tds_">Tabular Data Stream (tds)</a></li> <li><a href="#tango_dissector_using_giop_api__gioptango_">Tango Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-tango)</a></li> <li><a href="#tazmen_sniffer_protocol__tzsp_">Tazmen Sniffer Protocol (tzsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#telkonet_powerline__telkonet_">Telkonet powerline (telkonet)</a></li> <li><a href="#telnet__telnet_">Telnet (telnet)</a></li> <li><a href="#teredo_ipv6_over_udp_tunneling__teredo_">Teredo IPv6 over UDP tunneling (teredo)</a></li> <li><a href="#the_armagetron_advanced_opengl_tron_clone__armagetronad_">The Armagetron Advanced OpenGL Tron clone (armagetronad)</a></li> <li><a href="#tivoconnect_discovery_protocol__tivoconnect_">TiVoConnect Discovery Protocol (tivoconnect)</a></li> <li><a href="#time_protocol__time_">Time Protocol (time)</a></li> <li><a href="#time_synchronization_protocol__tsp_">Time Synchronization Protocol (tsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#tiny_transport_protocol__ttp_">Tiny Transport Protocol (ttp)</a></li> <li><a href="#tokenring__tr_">Token-Ring (tr)</a></li> <li><a href="#tokenring_media_access_control__trmac_">Token-Ring Media Access Control (trmac)</a></li> <li><a href="#transaction_capabilities_application_part__tcap_">Transaction Capabilities Application Part (tcap)</a></li> <li><a href="#transmission_control_protocol__tcp_">Transmission Control Protocol (tcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#transparent_inter_process_communication_tipc___tipc_">Transparent Inter Process <code>Communication(TIPC)</code> (tipc)</a></li> <li><a href="#transparent_network_substrate_protocol__tns_">Transparent Network Substrate Protocol (tns)</a></li> <li><a href="#transport_adapter_layer_interface_v1_0__rfc_3094__tali_">Transport Adapter Layer Interface v1.0, RFC 3094 (tali)</a></li> <li><a href="#trivial_file_transfer_protocol__tftp_">Trivial File Transfer Protocol (tftp)</a></li> <li><a href="#udp_encapsulation_of_ipsec_packets__udpencap_">UDP Encapsulation of IPsec Packets (udpencap)</a></li> <li><a href="#usb__usb_">USB (usb)</a></li> <li><a href="#usb_mass_storage__usbms_">USB Mass Storage (usbms)</a></li> <li><a href="#utran_iub_interface_nbap_signalling__nbap_">UTRAN Iub interface NBAP signalling (nbap)</a></li> <li><a href="#utran_iur_interface_radio_network_subsystem_application_part__rnsap_">UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Application Part (rnsap)</a></li> <li><a href="#unidirectional_link_detection__udld_">Unidirectional Link Detection (udld)</a></li> <li><a href="#universal_computer_protocol__ucp_">Universal Computer Protocol (ucp)</a></li> <li><a href="#universal_mobile_telecommunications_system__umts__radio_resource_control__rrc__protocol__umts_rrc_">Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol (umts_rrc)</a></li> <li><a href="#universal_mobile_telecommunications_system__umts__radio_resource_control__rrc__protocol_information_element__umts_rrc_ies_">Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol Information element (umts_rrc_ies)</a></li> <li><a href="#universal_mobile_telecommunications_system__umts__radio_resource_control__rrc__protocol_pdu_definitions__umts_rrc_pdu_def_">Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol PDU definitions (umts_rrc_pdu_def)</a></li> <li><a href="#unlicensed_mobile_access__uma_">Unlicensed Mobile Access (uma)</a></li> <li><a href="#unreassembled_fragmented_packet__unreassembled_">Unreassembled Fragmented Packet (unreassembled)</a></li> <li><a href="#user_datagram_protocol__udp_">User Datagram Protocol (udp)</a></li> <li><a href="#v5_2user_adaptation_layer__v5ua_">V5.2-User Adaptation Layer (v5ua)</a></li> <li><a href="#veritas_low_latency_transport__llt___llt_">Veritas Low Latency Transport (LLT) (llt)</a></li> <li><a href="#virtual_network_computing__vnc_">Virtual Network Computing (vnc)</a></li> <li><a href="#virtual_router_redundancy_protocol__vrrp_">Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (vrrp)</a></li> <li><a href="#virtual_trunking_protocol__vtp_">Virtual Trunking Protocol (vtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#wap_binary_xml__wbxml_">WAP Binary XML (wbxml)</a></li> <li><a href="#wap_session_initiation_request__wapsir_">WAP Session Initiation Request (wap-sir)</a></li> <li><a href="#wins__windows_internet_name_service__replication__winsrepl_">WINS (Windows Internet Name Service) Replication (winsrepl)</a></li> <li><a href="#web_cache_coordination_protocol__wccp_">Web Cache Coordination Protocol (wccp)</a></li> <li><a href="#websphere_mq__mq_">WebSphere MQ (mq)</a></li> <li><a href="#websphere_mq_programmable_command_formats__mqpcf_">WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats (mqpcf)</a></li> <li><a href="#wellfleet_breath_of_life__bofl_">Wellfleet Breath of Life (bofl)</a></li> <li><a href="#wellfleet_compression__wcp_">Wellfleet Compression (wcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#wellfleet_hdlc__whdlc_">Wellfleet HDLC (whdlc)</a></li> <li><a href="#who__who_">Who (who)</a></li> <li><a href="#windows_2000_dns__dnsserver_">Windows 2000 DNS (dnsserver)</a></li> <li><a href="#wireless_configuration_service__wzcsvc_">Wireless Configuration Service (wzcsvc)</a></li> <li><a href="#wireless_session_protocol__wsp_">Wireless Session Protocol (wsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#wireless_transaction_protocol__wtp_">Wireless Transaction Protocol (wtp)</a></li> <li><a href="#wireless_transport_layer_security__wtls_">Wireless Transport Layer Security (wtls)</a></li> <li><a href="#wlan_certificate_extension__wlancertextn_">Wlan Certificate Extension (wlancertextn)</a></li> <li><a href="#workstation_service__wkssvc_">Workstation Service (wkssvc)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_display_manager_control_protocol__xdmcp_">X Display Manager Control Protocol (xdmcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_228_osi_reliable_transfer_service__rtse_">X.228 OSI Reliable Transfer Service (rtse)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_25__x_25_">X.25 (x.25)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_25_over_tcp__xot_">X.25 over TCP (xot)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_29__x_29_">X.29 (x.29)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_411_message_transfer_service__x411_">X.411 Message Transfer Service (x411)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_420_file_transfer_body_part__ftbp_">X.420 File Transfer Body Part (ftbp)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_420_information_object__x420_">X.420 Information Object (x420)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_501_directory_operational_binding_management_protocol__dop_">X.501 Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol (dop)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_509_authentication_framework__x509af_">X.509 Authentication Framework (x509af)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_509_certificate_extensions__x509ce_">X.509 Certificate Extensions (x509ce)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_509_information_framework__x509if_">X.509 Information Framework (x509if)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_509_selected_attribute_types__x509sat_">X.509 Selected Attribute Types (x509sat)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_519_directory_access_protocol__dap_">X.519 Directory Access Protocol (dap)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_519_directory_information_shadowing_protocol__disp_">X.519 Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (disp)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_519_directory_system_protocol__dsp_">X.519 Directory System Protocol (dsp)</a></li> <li><a href="#x_880_osi_remote_operations_service__ros_">X.880 OSI Remote Operations Service (ros)</a></li> <li><a href="#x11__x11_">X11 (x11)</a></li> <li><a href="#x711_cmip__cmip_">X711 CMIP (cmip)</a></li> <li><a href="#xml_configuration_access_protocol_server_capabilities__xcapcaps_">XML Configuration Access Protocol Server Capabilities (xcap-caps)</a></li> <li><a href="#xyplex__xyplex_">Xyplex (xyplex)</a></li> <li><a href="#yahoo_messenger_protocol__yhoo_">Yahoo Messenger Protocol (yhoo)</a></li> <li><a href="#yahoo_ymsg_messenger_protocol__ymsg_">Yahoo YMSG Messenger Protocol (ymsg)</a></li> <li><a href="#yellow_pages_bind__ypbind_">Yellow Pages Bind (ypbind)</a></li> <li><a href="#yellow_pages_passwd__yppasswd_">Yellow Pages Passwd (yppasswd)</a></li> <li><a href="#yellow_pages_service__ypserv_">Yellow Pages Service (ypserv)</a></li> <li><a href="#yellow_pages_transfer__ypxfr_">Yellow Pages Transfer (ypxfr)</a></li> <li><a href="#zebra_protocol__zebra_">Zebra Protocol (zebra)</a></li> <li><a href="#zone_information_protocol__zip_">Zone Information Protocol (zip)</a></li> <li><a href="#edonkey_protocol__edonkey_">eDonkey Protocol (edonkey)</a></li> <li><a href="#extensible_markup_language__xml_">eXtensible Markup Language (xml)</a></li> <li><a href="#gift_internet_file_transfer__gift_">giFT Internet File Transfer (gift)</a></li> <li><a href="#h450__h450_">h450 (h450)</a></li> <li><a href="#ifcp__ifcp_">iFCP (ifcp)</a></li> <li><a href="#iscsi__iscsi_">iSCSI (iscsi)</a></li> <li><a href="#isns__isns_">iSNS (isns)</a></li> <li><a href="#itunes_podcast_rss_elements__itunes_">iTunes podCast rss elements (itunes)</a></li> <li><a href="#pocsettings_xml_doc__rfc_4354___pocsettings_">poc-settings XML doc (RFC 4354) (poc-settings)</a></li> <li><a href="#presence_xml_doc__rfc_3863___presence_">presence XML doc (RFC 3863) (presence)</a></li> <li><a href="#rss__rss_">rss (rss)</a></li> <li><a href="#watcherinfo_xml_doc__rfc_3858___watcherinfo_">watcherinfo XML doc (RFC 3858) (watcherinfo)</a></li> </ul> <li><a href="#notes">NOTES</a></li> <li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li> <li><a href="#authors">AUTHORS</a></li> </ul> --> <!-- INDEX END --> <p> </p> <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1> <p>wireshark-filter - Wireshark filter syntax and reference</p> <p> </p> <hr /> <h1><a name="synopsys">SYNOPSYS</a></h1> <p><strong>wireshark</strong> [other options] [ <strong>-R</strong> ``filter expression'' ]</p> <p><strong>tshark</strong> [other options] [ <strong>-R</strong> ``filter expression'' ]</p> <p> </p> <hr /> <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1> <p><strong>Wireshark</strong> and <strong>TShark</strong> share a powerful filter engine that helps remove the noise from a packet trace and lets you see only the packets that interest you. If a packet meets the requirements expressed in your filter, then it is displayed in the list of packets. Display filters let you compare the fields within a protocol against a specific value, compare fields against fields, and check the existence of specified fields or protocols.</p> <p>Filters are also used by other features such as statistics generation and packet list colorization (the latter is only available to <strong>Wireshark</strong>). This manual page describes their syntax and provides a comprehensive reference of filter fields.</p> <p> </p> <hr /> <h1><a name="filter_syntax">FILTER SYNTAX</a></h1> <p> </p> <h2><a name="check_whether_a_field_or_protocol_exists">Check whether a field or protocol exists</a></h2> <p>The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the filter would be ``ip'' (without the quotation marks). To see all packets that contain a Token-Ring RIF field, use ``tr.rif''.</p> <p>Think of a protocol or field in a filter as implicitly having the ``exists'' operator.</p> <p>Note: all protocol and field names that are available in <strong>Wireshark</strong> and <strong>TShark</strong> filters are listed in the comprehensive <strong>FILTER PROTOCOL REFERENCE</strong> (see below).</p> <p> </p> <h2><a name="comparison_operators">Comparison operators</a></h2> <p>Fields can also be compared against values. The comparison operators can be expressed either through English-like abbreviations or through C-like symbols:</p> <pre> eq, == Equal ne, != Not Equal gt, > Greater Than lt, < Less Than ge, >= Greater than or Equal to le, <= Less than or Equal to</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="search_and_match_operators">Search and match operators</a></h2> <p>Additional operators exist expressed only in English, not C-like syntax:</p> <pre> contains Does the protocol, field or slice contain a value matches Does the protocol or text string match the given Perl regular expression</pre> <p>The ``contains'' operator allows a filter to search for a sequence of characters, expressed as a string (quoted or unquoted), or bytes, expressed as a byte array. For example, to search for a given HTTP URL in a capture, the following filter can be used:</p> <pre> http contains "<a href="http://www.wireshark.org"">http://www.wireshark.org"</a>;</pre> <p>The ``contains'' operator cannot be used on atomic fields, such as numbers or IP addresses.</p> <p>The ``matches'' operator allows a filter to apply to a specified Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE). The ``matches'' operator is only implemented for protocols and for protocol fields with a text string representation. For example, to search for a given WAP WSP User-Agent, you can write:</p> <pre> wsp.user_agent matches "(?i)cldc"</pre> <p>This example shows an interesting PCRE feature: pattern match options have to be specified with the <strong>(?</strong>option<strong>)</strong> construct. For instance, <strong>(?i)</strong> performs a case-insensitive pattern match. More information on PCRE can be found in the <code>pcrepattern(3)</code> man page (Perl Regular Expressions are explained in <a href="http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/pod/perlre.html">http://www.perldoc.com/perl5.8.0/pod/perlre.html</a>).</p> <p>Note: the ``matches'' operator is only available if <strong>Wireshark</strong> or <strong>TShark</strong> have been compiled with the PCRE library. This can be checked by running:</p> <pre> wireshark -v tshark -v</pre> <p>or selecting the ``About Wireshark'' item from the ``Help'' menu in <strong>Wireshark</strong>.</p> <p> </p> <h2><a name="functions">Functions</a></h2> <p>The filter language has the following functions:</p> <pre> upper(string-field) - converts a string field to uppercase lower(string-field) - converts a string field to lowercase</pre> <p><code>upper()</code> and <code>lower()</code> are useful for performing case-insensitive string comparisons. For example:</p> <pre> upper(ncp.nds_stream_name) contains "MACRO" lower(mount.dump.hostname) == "angel"</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="protocol_field_types">Protocol field types</a></h2> <p>Each protocol field is typed. The types are:</p> <pre> Unsigned integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit) Signed integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit) Boolean Ethernet address (6 bytes) Byte array IPv4 address IPv6 address IPX network number Text string Double-precision floating point number</pre> <p>An integer may be expressed in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal notation. The following three display filters are equivalent:</p> <pre> frame.pkt_len > 10 frame.pkt_len > 012 frame.pkt_len > 0xa</pre> <p>Boolean values are either true or false. In a display filter expression testing the value of a Boolean field, ``true'' is expressed as 1 or any other non-zero value, and ``false'' is expressed as zero. For example, a token-ring packet's source route field is Boolean. To find any source-routed packets, a display filter would be:</p> <pre> tr.sr == 1</pre> <p>Non source-routed packets can be found with:</p> <pre> tr.sr == 0</pre> <p>Ethernet addresses and byte arrays are represented by hex digits. The hex digits may be separated by colons, periods, or hyphens:</p> <pre> eth.dst eq ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff aim.data == 0.1.0.d fddi.src == aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa echo.data == 7a</pre> <p>IPv4 addresses can be represented in either dotted decimal notation or by using the hostname:</p> <pre> ip.dst eq www.mit.edu ip.src ==</pre> <p>IPv4 addresses can be compared with the same logical relations as numbers: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, and le. The IPv4 address is stored in host order, so you do not have to worry about the endianness of an IPv4 address when using it in a display filter.</p> <p>Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation can be used to test if an IPv4 address is in a certain subnet. For example, this display filter will find all packets in the 129.111 Class-B network:</p> <pre> ip.addr ==</pre> <p>Remember, the number after the slash represents the number of bits used to represent the network. CIDR notation can also be used with hostnames, as in this example of finding IP addresses on the same Class C network as 'sneezy':</p> <pre> ip.addr eq sneezy/24</pre> <p>The CIDR notation can only be used on IP addresses or hostnames, not in variable names. So, a display filter like ``ip.src/24 == ip.dst/24'' is not valid (yet).</p> <p>IPX networks are represented by unsigned 32-bit integers. Most likely you will be using hexadecimal when testing IPX network values:</p> <pre> ipx.src.net == 0xc0a82c00</pre> <p>Strings are enclosed in double quotes:</p> <pre> http.request.method == "POST"</pre> <p>Inside double quotes, you may use a backslash to embed a double quote or an arbitrary byte represented in either octal or hexadecimal.</p> <pre> browser.comment == "An embedded \" double-quote"</pre> <p>Use of hexadecimal to look for ``HEAD'':</p> <pre> http.request.method == "\x48EAD"</pre> <p>Use of octal to look for ``HEAD'':</p> <pre> http.request.method == "\110EAD"</pre> <p>This means that you must escape backslashes with backslashes inside double quotes.</p> <pre> smb.path contains "\\\\SERVER\\SHARE"</pre> <p>looks for \\SERVER\SHARE in ``smb.path''.</p> <p> </p> <h2><a name="the_slice_operator">The slice operator</a></h2> <p>You can take a slice of a field if the field is a text string or a byte array. For example, you can filter on the vendor portion of an ethernet address (the first three bytes) like this:</p> <pre> eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:83</pre> <p>Another example is:</p> <pre> http.content_type[0:4] == "text"</pre> <p>You can use the slice operator on a protocol name, too. The ``frame'' protocol can be useful, encompassing all the data captured by <strong>Wireshark</strong> or <strong>TShark</strong>.</p> <pre> token[0:5] ne llc[0] eq aa frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"</pre> <p>The following syntax governs slices:</p> <pre> [i:j] i = start_offset, j = length [i-j] i = start_offset, j = end_offset, inclusive. [i] i = start_offset, length = 1 [:j] start_offset = 0, length = j [i:] start_offset = i, end_offset = end_of_field</pre> <p>Offsets can be negative, in which case they indicate the offset from the <strong>end</strong> of the field. The last byte of the field is at offset -1, the last but one byte is at offset -2, and so on. Here's how to check the last four bytes of a frame:</p> <pre> frame[-4:4] ==</pre> <p>or</p> <pre> frame[-4:] ==</pre> <p>You can concatenate slices using the comma operator:</p> <pre> ftp[1,3-5,9:] == 01:03:04:05:09:0a:0b</pre> <p>This concatenates offset 1, offsets 3-5, and offset 9 to the end of the ftp data.</p> <p> </p> <h2><a name="type_conversions">Type conversions</a></h2> <p>If a field is a text string or a byte array, it can be expressed in whichever way is most convenient.</p> <p>So, for instance, the following filters are equivalent:</p> <pre> http.request.method == "GET" http.request.method == 47.45.54</pre> <p>A range can also be expressed in either way:</p> <pre> frame[60:2] gt 50.51 frame[60:2] gt "PQ"</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bit_field_operations">Bit field operations</a></h2> <p>It is also possible to define tests with bit field operations. Currently the following bit field operation is supported:</p> <pre> bitwise_and, & Bitwise AND</pre> <p>The bitwise AND operation allows testing to see if one or more bits are set. Bitwise AND operates on integer protocol fields and slices.</p> <p>When testing for TCP SYN packets, you can write:</p> <pre> tcp.flags & 0x02</pre> <p>That expression will match all packets that contain a ``tcp.flags'' field with the 0x02 bit, i.e. the SYN bit, set.</p> <p>Similarly, filtering for all WSP GET and extended GET methods is achieved with:</p> <pre> wsp.pdu_type & 0x40</pre> <p>When using slices, the bit mask must be specified as a byte string, and it must have the same number of bytes as the slice itself, as in:</p> <pre> ip[42:2] & 40:ff</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="logical_expressions">Logical expressions</a></h2> <p>Tests can be combined using logical expressions. These too are expressable in C-like syntax or with English-like abbreviations:</p> <pre> and, && Logical AND or, || Logical OR not, ! Logical NOT</pre> <p>Expressions can be grouped by parentheses as well. The following are all valid display filter expressions:</p> <pre> tcp.port == 80 and ip.src == not llc http and frame[100-199] contains "wireshark" (ipx.src.net == 0xbad && ipx.src.node == || ip</pre> <p>Remember that whenever a protocol or field name occurs in an expression, the ``exists'' operator is implicitly called. The ``exists'' operator has the highest priority. This means that the first filter expression must be read as ``show me the packets for which tcp.port exists and equals 80, and ip.src exists and equals''. The second filter expression means ``show me the packets where not (llc exists)'', or in other words ``where llc does not exist'' and hence will match all packets that do not contain the llc protocol. The third filter expression includes the constraint that offset 199 in the frame exists, in other words the length of the frame is at least 200.</p> <p>A special caveat must be given regarding fields that occur more than once per packet. ``ip.addr'' occurs twice per IP packet, once for the source address, and once for the destination address. Likewise, ``tr.rif.ring'' fields can occur more than once per packet. The following two expressions are not equivalent:</p> <pre> ip.addr ne not ip.addr eq</pre> <p>The first filter says ``show me packets where an ip.addr exists that does not equal''. That is, as long as one ip.addr in the packet does not equal, the packet passes the display filter. The other ip.addr could equal and the packet would still be displayed. The second filter says ``don't show me any packets that have an ip.addr field equal to''. If one ip.addr is, the packet does not pass. If <strong>neither</strong> ip.addr field is, then the packet is displayed.</p> <p>It is easy to think of the 'ne' and 'eq' operators as having an implict ``exists'' modifier when dealing with multiply-recurring fields. ``ip.addr ne'' can be thought of as ``there exists an ip.addr that does not equal''. ``not ip.addr eq'' can be thought of as ``there does not exist an ip.addr equal to''.</p> <p>Be careful with multiply-recurring fields; they can be confusing.</p> <p>Care must also be taken when using the display filter to remove noise from the packet trace. If, for example, you want to filter out all IP multicast packets to address, then using:</p> <pre> ip.dst ne</pre> <p>may be too restrictive. Filtering with ``ip.dst'' selects only those <strong>IP</strong> packets that satisfy the rule. Any other packets, including all non-IP packets, will not be displayed. To display the non-IP packets as well, you can use one of the following two expressions:</p> <pre> not ip or ip.dst ne not ip.addr eq</pre> <p>The first filter uses ``not ip'' to include all non-IP packets and then lets ``ip.dst ne'' filter out the unwanted IP packets. The second filter has already been explained above where filtering with multiply occuring fields was discussed.</p> <p> </p> <hr /> <h1><a name="filter_protocol_reference">FILTER PROTOCOL REFERENCE</a></h1> <p>Each entry below provides an abbreviated protocol or field name. Every one of these fields can be used in a display filter. The type of the field is also given.</p> <p> </p> <h2><a name="3com_xns_encapsulation__3comxns_">3Com XNS Encapsulation (3comxns)</a></h2> <pre> xnsllc.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="3gpp2_a11__a11_">3GPP2 A11 (a11)</a></h2> <pre> a11.ackstat Reply Status Unsigned 8-bit integer A11 Registration Ack Status.</pre> <pre> a11.auth.auth Authenticator Byte array Authenticator.</pre> <pre> a11.auth.spi SPI Unsigned 32-bit integer Authentication Header Security Parameter Index.</pre> <pre> a11.b Broadcast Datagrams Boolean Broadcast Datagrams requested</pre> <pre> a11.coa Care of Address IPv4 address Care of Address.</pre> <pre> a11.code Reply Code Unsigned 8-bit integer A11 Registration Reply code.</pre> <pre> a11.d Co-located Care-of Address Boolean MN using Co-located Care-of address</pre> <pre> a11.ext.apptype Application Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Application Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.key GRE Key Unsigned 32-bit integer GRE Key.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.len Entry Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Entry Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.pcfip PCF IP Address IPv4 address PCF IP Address.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.ptype GRE Protocol Type Unsigned 16-bit integer GRE Protocol Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.srid Service Reference ID (SRID) Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Reference ID (SRID).</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ase.srvopt Service Option Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Option.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.auth.subtype Gen Auth Ext SubType Unsigned 8-bit integer Mobile IP Auth Extension Sub Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.canid CANID Byte array CANID</pre> <pre> a11.ext.code Reply Code Unsigned 8-bit integer PDSN Code.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.dormant All Dormant Indicator Unsigned 16-bit integer All Dormant Indicator.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.dscp Forward DSCP Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow DSCP.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.entrylen Entry Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Entry Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow Entry Flags.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.flowcount Forward Flow Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow Count.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.flowid Forward Flow Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow Id.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.flowstate Forward Flow State Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow State.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.graqos Granted QoS Byte array Forward Granted QoS.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.graqoslen Granted QoS Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Granted QoS Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.reqqos Requested QoS Byte array Forward Requested QoS.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.reqqoslen Requested QoS Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Requested QoS Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqi.srid SRID Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward Flow Entry SRID.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqui.flowcount Forward QoS Update Flow Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Forward QoS Update Flow Count.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqui.updatedqos Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob Byte array Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.fqui.updatedqoslen Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.key Key Unsigned 32-bit integer Session Key.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.len Extension Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Mobile IP Extension Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.mnsrid MNSR-ID Unsigned 16-bit integer MNSR-ID</pre> <pre> a11.ext.msid MSID(BCD) String MSID(BCD).</pre> <pre> a11.ext.msid_len MSID Length Unsigned 8-bit integer MSID Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.msid_type MSID Type Unsigned 16-bit integer MSID Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.panid PANID Byte array PANID</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ppaddr Anchor P-P Address IPv4 address Anchor P-P Address.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.ptype Protocol Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Protocol Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.qosmode QoS Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer QoS Mode.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.entrylen Entry Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Flow Entry Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.flowcount Reverse Flow Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Flow Count.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.flowid Reverse Flow Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Flow Id.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.flowstate Flow State Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Flow State.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.graqos Granted QoS Byte array Reverse Granted QoS.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.graqoslen Granted QoS Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Granted QoS Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.reqqos Requested QoS Byte array Reverse Requested QoS.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.reqqoslen Requested QoS Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Requested QoS Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqi.srid SRID Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Flow Entry SRID.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqui.flowcount Reverse QoS Update Flow Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse QoS Update Flow Count.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqui.updatedqos Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob Byte array Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.rqui.updatedqoslen Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.sidver Session ID Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Session ID Version</pre> <pre> a11.ext.sqp.profile Subscriber QoS Profile Byte array Subscriber QoS Profile.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.sqp.profilelen Subscriber QoS Profile Length Byte array Subscriber QoS Profile Length.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.srvopt Service Option Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Option.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.type Extension Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Mobile IP Extension Type.</pre> <pre> a11.ext.vid Vendor ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Vendor ID.</pre> <pre> a11.extension Extension Byte array Extension</pre> <pre> a11.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> a11.g GRE Boolean MN wants GRE encapsulation</pre> <pre> a11.haaddr Home Agent IPv4 address Home agent IP Address.</pre> <pre> a11.homeaddr Home Address IPv4 address Mobile Node's home address.</pre> <pre> a11.ident Identification Byte array MN Identification.</pre> <pre> a11.life Lifetime Unsigned 16-bit integer A11 Registration Lifetime.</pre> <pre> a11.m Minimal Encapsulation Boolean MN wants Minimal encapsulation</pre> <pre> a11.nai NAI String NAI</pre> <pre> a11.s Simultaneous Bindings Boolean Simultaneous Bindings Allowed</pre> <pre> a11.t Reverse Tunneling Boolean Reverse tunneling requested</pre> <pre> a11.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer A11 Message type.</pre> <pre> a11.v Van Jacobson Boolean Van Jacobson</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="3com_network_jack__njack_">3com Network Jack (njack)</a></h2> <pre> njack.getresp.unknown1 Unknown1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.magic Magic String</pre> <pre> njack.set.length SetLength Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.set.salt Salt Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.setresult SetResult Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.addtagscheme TlvAddTagScheme Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.authdata Authdata Byte array</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.contermode TlvTypeCountermode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.data TlvData Byte array</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.devicemac TlvTypeDeviceMAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.dhcpcontrol TlvTypeDhcpControl Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.length TlvLength Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.maxframesize TlvTypeMaxframesize Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.portingressmode TlvTypePortingressmode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.powerforwarding TlvTypePowerforwarding Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.scheduling TlvTypeScheduling Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.snmpwrite TlvTypeSnmpwrite Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.type TlvType Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.typeip TlvTypeIP IPv4 address</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.typestring TlvTypeString String</pre> <pre> njack.tlv.version TlvFwVersion IPv4 address</pre> <pre> njack.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="802_1q_virtual_lan__vlan_">802.1Q Virtual LAN (vlan)</a></h2> <pre> vlan.cfi CFI Unsigned 16-bit integer CFI</pre> <pre> vlan.etype Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> vlan.id ID Unsigned 16-bit integer ID</pre> <pre> vlan.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> vlan.priority Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer Priority</pre> <pre> vlan.trailer Trailer Byte array VLAN Trailer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="802_1x_authentication__eapol_">802.1X Authentication (eapol)</a></h2> <pre> eapol.keydes.data WPA Key Byte array WPA Key Data</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.datalen WPA Key Length Unsigned 16-bit integer WPA Key Data Length</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.id WPA Key ID Byte array WPA Key ID(RSN Reserved)</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.index.indexnum Index Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Index number</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.index.keytype Key Type Boolean Key Type (unicast/broadcast)</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key Key Byte array Key</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info Key Information Unsigned 16-bit integer WPA key info</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.encr_key_data Encrypted Key Data flag Boolean Encrypted Key Data flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.error Error flag Boolean Error flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.install Install flag Boolean Install flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.key_ack Key Ack flag Boolean Key Ack flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.key_index Key Index Unsigned 16-bit integer Key Index (0-3) (RSN: Reserved)</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.key_mic Key MIC flag Boolean Key MIC flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.key_type Key Type Boolean Key Type (Pairwise or Group)</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.keydes_ver Key Descriptor Version Unsigned 16-bit integer Key Descriptor Version Type</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.request Request flag Boolean Request flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_info.secure Secure flag Boolean Secure flag</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_iv Key IV Byte array Key Initialization Vector</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.key_signature Key Signature Byte array Key Signature</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.keylen Key Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Key Length</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.mic WPA Key MIC Byte array WPA Key Message Integrity Check</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.nonce Nonce Byte array WPA Key Nonce</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.replay_counter Replay Counter Unsigned 64-bit integer Replay Counter</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.rsc WPA Key RSC Byte array WPA Key Receive Sequence Counter</pre> <pre> eapol.keydes.type Descriptor Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Descriptor Type</pre> <pre> eapol.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> eapol.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eapol.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aal_type_2_signalling_protocol__q_2630___alcap_">AAL type 2 signalling protocol (Q.2630) (alcap)</a></h2> <pre> alcap.acc.level Congestion Level Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.bitrate.avg.bw Average Backwards Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.bitrate.avg.fw Average Forward Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.bitrate.max.bw Maximum Backwards Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.bitrate.max.fw Maximum Forward Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.sdusize.avg.bw Average Backwards CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.sdusize.avg.fw Average Forward CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.sdusize.max.bw Maximum Backwards CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.alc.sdusize.max.fw Maximum Forward CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.coding Cause Coding Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.diag Diagnostic Byte array</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.diag.field_num Field Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.diag.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Diagnostics Length</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.diag.msg Message Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.diag.param Parameter Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.cau.value Cause Value (ITU) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ceid.cid CID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ceid.pathid Path ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.compat Message Compatibility Byte array</pre> <pre> alcap.compat.general.ii General II Unsigned 8-bit integer Instruction Indicator</pre> <pre> alcap.compat.general.sni General SNI Unsigned 8-bit integer Send Notificaation Indicator</pre> <pre> alcap.compat.pass.ii Pass-On II Unsigned 8-bit integer Instruction Indicator</pre> <pre> alcap.compat.pass.sni Pass-On SNI Unsigned 8-bit integer Send Notificaation Indicator</pre> <pre> alcap.cp.level Level Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.dnsea.addr Address Byte array</pre> <pre> alcap.dsaid DSAID Unsigned 32-bit integer Destination Service Association ID</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.bitrate.bw CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.bitrate.fw CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.bucket_size.bw Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.bucket_size.fw Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.fbw.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.hc.codepoint Codepoint Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.cause Leg's cause value in REL Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.cid Leg's channel id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.dnsea Leg's destination NSAP String</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.dsaid Leg's ECF OSA id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.msg a message of this leg Frame number</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.onsea Leg's originating NSAP String</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.osaid Leg's ERQ OSA id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.pathid Leg's path id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.leg.sugr Leg's SUGR Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.msg_type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.onsea.addr Address Byte array</pre> <pre> alcap.osaid OSAID Unsigned 32-bit integer Originating Service Association ID</pre> <pre> alcap.param Parameter Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Id</pre> <pre> alcap.param.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Length</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.bitrate.bw CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.bitrate.fw CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.bucket_size.bw Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.bucket_size.fw Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pfbw.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.bitrate.avg.bw Average Backwards Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.bitrate.avg.fw Average Forward Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.bitrate.max.bw Maximum Backwards Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.bitrate.max.fw Maximum Forward Bit Rate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.sdusize.max.bw Maximum Backwards CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.plc.sdusize.max.fw Maximum Forward CPS SDU Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.cas CAS Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel Associated Signalling</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.cmd Circuit Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.dtmf DTMF Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.fax Fax Unsigned 8-bit integer Facsimile</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.lb Loopback Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.mfr1 Multi-Frequency R1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.mfr2 Multi-Frequency R2 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.oui OUI Byte array Organizational Unique Identifier</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.pcm PCM Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.profile.id Profile Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.profile.type Profile Type Unsigned 8-bit integer I.366.2 Profile Type</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.rc Rate Conctrol Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssiae.syn Syncronization Unsigned 8-bit integer Transport of synchronization of change in SSCS operation</pre> <pre> alcap.pssime.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssime.lb Loopback Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssime.max Max Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pssime.mult Multiplier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pt.codepoint QoS Codepoint Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.bitrate.bw Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.bitrate.fw Peak CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.bucket_size.bw Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.bucket_size.fw Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbws.stt Source Traffic Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.bitrate.bw Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.bitrate.fw Peak CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.bucket_size.bw Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.bucket_size.fw Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.pvbwt.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.cas CAS Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel Associated Signalling</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.cmd Circuit Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.dtmf DTMF Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.fax Fax Unsigned 8-bit integer Facsimile</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.max_fmdata_len Max Len of FM Data Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.mfr1 Multi-Frequency R1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.mfr2 Multi-Frequency R2 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.oui OUI Byte array Organizational Unique Identifier</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.pcm PCM Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.profile.id Profile Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssia.profile.type Profile Type Unsigned 8-bit integer I.366.2 Profile Type</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.cas CAS Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel Associated Signalling</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.cmd Circuit Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.dtmf DTMF Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.fax Fax Unsigned 8-bit integer Facsimile</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.lb Loopback Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.mfr1 Multi-Frequency R1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.mfr2 Multi-Frequency R2 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.oui OUI Byte array Organizational Unique Identifier</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.pcm PCM Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.profile.id Profile Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.profile.type Profile Type Unsigned 8-bit integer I.366.2 Profile Type</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.rc Rate Conctrol Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssiae.syn Syncronization Unsigned 8-bit integer Transport of synchronization of change in SSCS operation</pre> <pre> alcap.ssim.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssim.max Max Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssim.mult Multiplier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssime.frm Frame Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssime.lb Loopback Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssime.max Max Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssime.mult Multiplier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_sdu_len.bw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Backwards Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_sdu_len.fw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_uu_len.bw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Backwards Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_uu_len.fw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisa.sssar.max_len.fw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisu.sssar.max_len.fw Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.ssisu.ted Transmission Error Detection Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.suci SUCI Unsigned 8-bit integer Served User Correlation Id</pre> <pre> alcap.sugr SUGR Byte array Served User Generated Reference</pre> <pre> alcap.sut.sut_len SUT Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.sut.transport SUT Byte array Served User Transport</pre> <pre> alcap.unknown.field Unknown Field Data Byte array</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.bitrate.bw CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.bitrate.fw CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.bucket_size.bw Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.bucket_size.fw Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbws.stt Source Traffic Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.bitrate.bw Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.bitrate.fw Peak CPS Forward Bitrate Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.bucket_size.bw Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.bucket_size.fw Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.max_size.bw Backwards CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alcap.vbwt.max_size.fw Forward CPS Packet Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="acp133_attribute_syntaxes__acp133_">ACP133 Attribute Syntaxes (acp133)</a></h2> <pre> acp133.ACPLegacyFormat ACPLegacyFormat Signed 32-bit integer acp133.ACPLegacyFormat</pre> <pre> acp133.ACPPreferredDelivery ACPPreferredDelivery Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.ACPPreferredDelivery</pre> <pre> acp133.ALType ALType Signed 32-bit integer acp133.ALType</pre> <pre> acp133.AddressCapabilities AddressCapabilities No value acp133.AddressCapabilities</pre> <pre> acp133.Addressees Addressees Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.Addressees</pre> <pre> acp133.Addressees_item Item String acp133.PrintableString_SIZE_1_55</pre> <pre> acp133.Capability Capability No value acp133.Capability</pre> <pre> acp133.Classification Classification Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.Classification</pre> <pre> acp133.Community Community Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.Community</pre> <pre> acp133.DLPolicy DLPolicy No value acp133.DLPolicy</pre> <pre> acp133.DLSubmitPermission DLSubmitPermission Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.DLSubmitPermission</pre> <pre> acp133.DistributionCode DistributionCode String acp133.DistributionCode</pre> <pre> acp133.JPEG JPEG Byte array acp133.JPEG</pre> <pre> acp133.Kmid Kmid Byte array acp133.Kmid</pre> <pre> acp133.MLReceiptPolicy MLReceiptPolicy Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.MLReceiptPolicy</pre> <pre> acp133.MonthlyUKMs MonthlyUKMs No value acp133.MonthlyUKMs</pre> <pre> acp133.OnSupported OnSupported Byte array acp133.OnSupported</pre> <pre> acp133.RIParameters RIParameters No value acp133.RIParameters</pre> <pre> acp133.Remarks Remarks Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.Remarks</pre> <pre> acp133.Remarks_item Item String acp133.PrintableString</pre> <pre> acp133.acp127-nn acp127-nn Boolean</pre> <pre> acp133.acp127-pn acp127-pn Boolean</pre> <pre> acp133.acp127-tn acp127-tn Boolean</pre> <pre> acp133.address address No value x411.ORAddress</pre> <pre> acp133.algorithm_identifier algorithm-identifier No value x509af.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> acp133.capabilities capabilities Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SET_OF_Capability</pre> <pre> acp133.capabilities_item Item No value acp133.Capability</pre> <pre> acp133.classification classification Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.Classification</pre> <pre> acp133.content_types content-types Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SET_OF_ExtendedContentType</pre> <pre> acp133.content_types_item Item x411.ExtendedContentType</pre> <pre> acp133.conversion_with_loss_prohibited conversion-with-loss-prohibited Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_conversion_with_loss_prohibited</pre> <pre> acp133.date date String acp133.UTCTime</pre> <pre> acp133.description description String acp133.GeneralString</pre> <pre> acp133.disclosure_of_other_recipients disclosure-of-other-recipients Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_disclosure_of_other_recipients</pre> <pre> acp133.edition edition Signed 32-bit integer acp133.INTEGER</pre> <pre> acp133.encoded_information_types_constraints encoded-information-types-constraints No value x411.EncodedInformationTypesConstraints</pre> <pre> acp133.encrypted encrypted Byte array acp133.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> acp133.further_dl_expansion_allowed further-dl-expansion-allowed Boolean acp133.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> acp133.implicit_conversion_prohibited implicit-conversion-prohibited Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_implicit_conversion_prohibited</pre> <pre> acp133.inAdditionTo inAdditionTo Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> acp133.inAdditionTo_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> acp133.individual individual No value x411.ORName</pre> <pre> acp133.insteadOf insteadOf Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> acp133.insteadOf_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> acp133.kmid kmid Byte array acp133.Kmid</pre> <pre> acp133.maximum_content_length maximum-content-length Unsigned 32-bit integer x411.ContentLength</pre> <pre> acp133.member_of_dl member-of-dl No value x411.ORName</pre> <pre> acp133.member_of_group member-of-group Unsigned 32-bit integer x509if.Name</pre> <pre> acp133.minimize minimize Boolean acp133.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> acp133.none none No value acp133.NULL</pre> <pre> acp133.originating_MTA_report originating-MTA-report Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_originating_MTA_report</pre> <pre> acp133.originator_certificate_selector originator-certificate-selector No value x509ce.CertificateAssertion</pre> <pre> acp133.originator_report originator-report Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_originator_report</pre> <pre> acp133.originator_requested_alternate_recipient_removed originator-requested-alternate-recipient-removed Boolean acp133.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> acp133.pattern_match pattern-match No value acp133.ORNamePattern</pre> <pre> acp133.priority priority Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_priority</pre> <pre> acp133.proof_of_delivery proof-of-delivery Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_proof_of_delivery</pre> <pre> acp133.rI rI String acp133.PrintableString</pre> <pre> acp133.rIType rIType Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_rIType</pre> <pre> acp133.recipient_certificate_selector recipient-certificate-selector No value x509ce.CertificateAssertion</pre> <pre> acp133.removed removed No value acp133.NULL</pre> <pre> acp133.replaced replaced Unsigned 32-bit integer x411.RequestedDeliveryMethod</pre> <pre> acp133.report_from_dl report-from-dl Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_report_from_dl</pre> <pre> acp133.report_propagation report-propagation Signed 32-bit integer acp133.T_report_propagation</pre> <pre> acp133.requested_delivery_method requested-delivery-method Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_requested_delivery_method</pre> <pre> acp133.return_of_content return-of-content Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.T_return_of_content</pre> <pre> acp133.sHD sHD String acp133.PrintableString</pre> <pre> acp133.security_labels security-labels Unsigned 32-bit integer x411.SecurityContext</pre> <pre> acp133.tag tag No value acp133.PairwiseTag</pre> <pre> acp133.token_encryption_algorithm_preference token-encryption-algorithm-preference Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SEQUENCE_OF_AlgorithmInformation</pre> <pre> acp133.token_encryption_algorithm_preference_item Item No value acp133.AlgorithmInformation</pre> <pre> acp133.token_signature_algorithm_preference token-signature-algorithm-preference Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SEQUENCE_OF_AlgorithmInformation</pre> <pre> acp133.token_signature_algorithm_preference_item Item No value acp133.AlgorithmInformation</pre> <pre> acp133.ukm ukm Byte array acp133.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> acp133.ukm_entries ukm-entries Unsigned 32-bit integer acp133.SEQUENCE_OF_UKMEntry</pre> <pre> acp133.ukm_entries_item Item No value acp133.UKMEntry</pre> <pre> acp133.unchanged unchanged No value acp133.NULL</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="afs__4_0__replication_server_call_declarations__rep_proc_">AFS (4.0) Replication Server call declarations (rep_proc)</a></h2> <pre> rep_proc.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_administrative__aim_admin_">AIM Administrative (aim_admin)</a></h2> <pre> admin.confirm_status Confirmation status Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.acctinfo.code Account Information Request Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.acctinfo.permissions Account Permissions Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_advertisements__aim_adverts_">AIM Advertisements (aim_adverts)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_buddylist_service__aim_buddylist_">AIM Buddylist Service (aim_buddylist)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_chat_navigation__aim_chatnav_">AIM Chat Navigation (aim_chatnav)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_chat_service__aim_chat_">AIM Chat Service (aim_chat)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_directory_search__aim_dir_">AIM Directory Search (aim_dir)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_email__aim_email_">AIM E-mail (aim_email)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_generic_service__aim_generic_">AIM Generic Service (aim_generic)</a></h2> <pre> aim.client_verification.hash Client Verification MD5 Hash Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.client_verification.length Client Verification Request Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.client_verification.offset Client Verification Request Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.evil.new_warn_level New warning level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.ext_status.data Extended Status Data Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.ext_status.flags Extended Status Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.ext_status.length Extended Status Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.ext_status.type Extended Status Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.idle_time Idle time (seconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.migrate.numfams Number of families to migrate Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.privilege_flags Privilege flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.privilege_flags.allow_idle Allow other users to see idle time Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.privilege_flags.allow_member Allow other users to see how long account has been a member Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.ratechange.msg Rate Change Message Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.alertlevel Alert Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.clearlevel Clear Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.currentlevel Current Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.curstate Current State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.disconnectlevel Disconnect Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.id Class ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.lasttime Last Time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.limitlevel Limit Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.maxlevel Max Level Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.numpairs Number of Family/Subtype pairs Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.class.window_size Window Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfo.numclasses Number of Rateinfo Classes Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rateinfoack.class Acknowledged Rate Class Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.selfinfo.warn_level Warning level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> generic.motd.motdtype MOTD Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> generic.servicereq.service Requested Service Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_icq__aim_icq_">AIM ICQ (aim_icq)</a></h2> <pre> aim_icq.chunk_size Data chunk size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim_icq.offline_msgs.dropped_flag Dropped messages flag Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim_icq.owner_uid Owner UID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim_icq.request_seq_number Request Sequence Number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim_icq.request_type Request Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim_icq.subtype Meta Request Subtype Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_invitation_service__aim_invitation_">AIM Invitation Service (aim_invitation)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_location__aim_location_">AIM Location (aim_location)</a></h2> <pre> aim.snac.location.request_user_info.infotype Infotype Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_messaging__aim_messaging_">AIM Messaging (aim_messaging)</a></h2> <pre> aim.clientautoresp.client_caps_flags Client Capabilities Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.clientautoresp.protocol_version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.clientautoresp.reason Reason Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.evil.warn_level Old warning level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.evilreq.origin Send Evil Bit As Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.channel Channel to setup Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.flags Message Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.flags.auto Auto Message Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.flags.normal Normal Message Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.priority_code Priority Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.status_code Status Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.text Text String</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.text_length Text Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.extended_data.message.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.flags Message Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.max_receiver_warnlevel max receiver warn level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.max_sender_warn-level Max sender warn level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.max_snac Max SNAC Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.min_msg_interval Minimum message interval (seconds) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.rendezvous.extended_data.message.flags.multi Multiple Recipients Message Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.icbm.unknown Unknown parameter Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messaging.channelid Message Channel ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messaging.icbmcookie ICBM Cookie Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.notification.channel Notification Channel Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.notification.cookie Notification Cookie Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.notification.type Notification Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.rendezvous.msg_type Message Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_oft__aim_oft_">AIM OFT (aim_oft)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_popup__aim_popup_">AIM Popup (aim_popup)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_privacy_management_service__aim_bos_">AIM Privacy Management Service (aim_bos)</a></h2> <pre> aim.bos.userclass User class Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_server_side_info__aim_ssi_">AIM Server Side Info (aim_ssi)</a></h2> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.bid SSI Buddy ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.buddyname Buddy Name String</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.buddyname_len SSI Buddy Name length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.data SSI Buddy Data Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.gid SSI Buddy Group ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.last_change_time SSI Last Change Time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.numitems SSI Object count Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.tlvlen SSI TLV Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.type SSI Buddy type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.ssi.version SSI Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_server_side_themes__aim_sst_">AIM Server Side Themes (aim_sst)</a></h2> <pre> aim.sst.icon Icon Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.sst.icon_size Icon Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.sst.md5 MD5 Hash Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.sst.md5.size MD5 Hash Size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.sst.ref_num Reference Number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.sst.unknown Unknown Data Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_signon__aim_signon_">AIM Signon (aim_signon)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_statistics__aim_stats_">AIM Statistics (aim_stats)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_translate__aim_translate_">AIM Translate (aim_translate)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aim_user_lookup__aim_lookup_">AIM User Lookup (aim_lookup)</a></h2> <pre> aim.userlookup.email Email address looked for String Email address</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_ai_f_bsmap__ansi_a_bsmap_">ANSI A-I/F BSMAP (ansi_a_bsmap)</a></h2> <pre> ansi_a.a2p_bearer_ipv4_addr A2p Bearer IP Address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> ansi_a.a2p_bearer_ipv6_addr A2p Bearer IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> ansi_a.a2p_bearer_udp_port A2p Bearer UDP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.anchor_pdsn_ip_addr Anchor PDSN Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> ansi_a.anchor_pp_ip_addr Anchor P-P Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> ansi_a.bsmap_msgtype BSMAP Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.cell_ci Cell CI Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.cell_lac Cell LAC Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.cell_mscid Cell MSCID Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.cld_party_ascii_num Called Party ASCII Number String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.cld_party_bcd_num Called Party BCD Number String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.clg_party_ascii_num Calling Party ASCII Number String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.clg_party_bcd_num Calling Party BCD Number String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.dtap_msgtype DTAP Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.elem_id Element ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.esn ESN Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.imsi IMSI String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_a.meid MEID String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.min MIN String</pre> <pre> ansi_a.none Sub tree No value</pre> <pre> ansi_a.pdsn_ip_addr PDSN IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> ansi_a.s_pdsn_ip_addr Source PDSN Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_ai_f_dtap__ansi_a_dtap_">ANSI A-I/F DTAP (ansi_a_dtap)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_is637a__sms__teleservice_layer__ansi_637_tele_">ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Teleservice Layer (ansi_637_tele)</a></h2> <pre> ansi_637.bin_addr Binary Address Byte array</pre> <pre> ansi_637.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.none Sub tree No value</pre> <pre> ansi_637.tele_msg_id Message ID Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.tele_msg_rsvd Reserved Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.tele_msg_type Message Type Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.tele_subparam_id Teleservice Subparam ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.trans_msg_type Message Type Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_637.trans_param_id Transport Param ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_is637a__sms__transport_layer__ansi_637_trans_">ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Transport Layer (ansi_637_trans)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_is683a__ota__mobile____ansi_683_">ANSI IS-683-A (OTA (Mobile)) (ansi_683)</a></h2> <pre> ansi_683.for_msg_type Forward Link Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_683.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_683.none Sub tree No value</pre> <pre> ansi_683.rev_msg_type Reverse Link Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_is801__location_services__pld____ansi_801_">ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) (ansi_801)</a></h2> <pre> ansi_801.for_req_type Forward Request Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.for_rsp_type Forward Response Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.for_sess_tag Forward Session Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.rev_req_type Reverse Request Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.rev_rsp_type Reverse Response Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.rev_sess_tag Reverse Session Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_801.sess_tag Session Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ansi_mobile_application_part__ansi_map_">ANSI Mobile Application Part (ansi_map)</a></h2> <pre> ansi_map.AuthenticationDirective AuthenticationDirective No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.AuthenticationDirectiveRes AuthenticationDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList_item Item No value ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList_item</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelList_item Item No value ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList_item Item No value ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList_item</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMAServiceOptionList_item Item Byte array ansi_map.CDMAServiceOption</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOList_item Item No value ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementList_item Item No value ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.CallRecoveryIDList_item Item No value ansi_map.CallRecoveryID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.DataAccessElementList_item Item No value ansi_map.DataAccessElementList_item</pre> <pre> ansi_map.DataUpdateResultList_item Item No value ansi_map.DataUpdateResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ModificationRequestList_item Item No value ansi_map.ModificationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ModificationResultList_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ModificationResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.OriginationRequest OriginationRequest No value ansi_map.OriginationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.OriginationRequestRes OriginationRequestRes No value ansi_map.OriginationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.PACA_Level PACA Level Unsigned 8-bit integer PACA Level</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElementList_item Item No value ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElement</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ServiceDataResultList_item Item No value ansi_map.ServiceDataResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.TargetMeasurementList_item Item No value ansi_map.TargetMeasurementInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.TerminationList_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TerminationList_item</pre> <pre> ansi_map.TriggerAddressList_item Item No value ansi_map.TriggerAddressList_item</pre> <pre> ansi_map.WIN_TriggerList_item Item No value ansi_map.WIN_Trigger</pre> <pre> ansi_map._alertcode.alertaction Alert Action Unsigned 8-bit integer Alert Action</pre> <pre> ansi_map._alertcode.cadence Cadence Unsigned 8-bit integer Cadence</pre> <pre> ansi_map._alertcode.pitch Pitch Unsigned 8-bit integer Pitch</pre> <pre> ansi_map.aCGDirective aCGDirective No value ansi_map.ACGDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.aKeyProtocolVersion aKeyProtocolVersion Byte array ansi_map.AKeyProtocolVersion</pre> <pre> ansi_map.accessDeniedReason accessDeniedReason Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.AccessDeniedReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.acgencountered acgencountered Byte array ansi_map.ACGEncountered</pre> <pre> ansi_map.actionCode actionCode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ActionCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.addService addService No value ansi_map.AddService</pre> <pre> ansi_map.addServiceRes addServiceRes No value ansi_map.AddServiceRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.alertCode alertCode Byte array ansi_map.AlertCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.alertResult alertResult Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.AlertResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.allOrNone allOrNone Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.AllOrNone</pre> <pre> ansi_map.analogRedirectInfo analogRedirectInfo Byte array ansi_map.AnalogRedirectInfo</pre> <pre> ansi_map.analogRedirectRecord analogRedirectRecord No value ansi_map.AnalogRedirectRecord</pre> <pre> ansi_map.analyzedInformation analyzedInformation No value ansi_map.AnalyzedInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.analyzedInformationRes analyzedInformationRes No value ansi_map.AnalyzedInformationRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementCode1 announcementCode1 Byte array ansi_map.AnnouncementCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementCode2 announcementCode2 Byte array ansi_map.AnnouncementCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementList announcementList No value ansi_map.AnnouncementList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementcode.class Tone Unsigned 8-bit integer Tone</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementcode.cust_ann Custom Announcement Unsigned 8-bit integer Custom Announcement</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementcode.std_ann Standard Announcement Unsigned 8-bit integer Standard Announcement</pre> <pre> ansi_map.announcementcode.tone Tone Unsigned 8-bit integer Tone</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationAlgorithmVersion authenticationAlgorithmVersion Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationAlgorithmVersion</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationCapability authenticationCapability Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.AuthenticationCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationData authenticationData Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationDirective authenticationDirective No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForward authenticationDirectiveForward No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirectiveForward</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForwardRes authenticationDirectiveForwardRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirectiveForwardRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveRes authenticationDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationFailureReport authenticationFailureReport No value ansi_map.AuthenticationFailureReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationFailureReportRes authenticationFailureReportRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationFailureReportRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationRequest authenticationRequest No value ansi_map.AuthenticationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationRequestRes authenticationRequestRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationResponse authenticationResponse Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationResponse</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationResponseBaseStation authenticationResponseBaseStation Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationResponseBaseStation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationResponseReauthentication authenticationResponseReauthentication Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationResponseReauthentication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge Byte array ansi_map.AuthenticationResponseUniqueChallenge</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationStatusReport authenticationStatusReport No value ansi_map.AuthenticationStatusReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authenticationStatusReportRes authenticationStatusReportRes No value ansi_map.AuthenticationStatusReportRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authorizationDenied authorizationDenied Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.AuthorizationDenied</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authorizationPeriod authorizationPeriod Byte array ansi_map.AuthorizationPeriod</pre> <pre> ansi_map.authorizationperiod.period Period Unsigned 8-bit integer Period</pre> <pre> ansi_map.availabilityType availabilityType Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.AvailabilityType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.baseStationChallenge baseStationChallenge No value ansi_map.BaseStationChallenge</pre> <pre> ansi_map.baseStationManufacturerCode baseStationManufacturerCode Byte array ansi_map.BaseStationManufacturerCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.baseStationPartialKey baseStationPartialKey Byte array ansi_map.BaseStationPartialKey</pre> <pre> ansi_map.billingID billingID Byte array ansi_map.BillingID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.blocking blocking No value ansi_map.Blocking</pre> <pre> ansi_map.borderCellAccess borderCellAccess Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.BorderCellAccess</pre> <pre> ansi_map.bsmcstatus bsmcstatus Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.BSMCStatus</pre> <pre> ansi_map.bulkDeregistration bulkDeregistration No value ansi_map.BulkDeregistration</pre> <pre> ansi_map.bulkDisconnection bulkDisconnection No value ansi_map.BulkDisconnection</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callControlDirective callControlDirective No value ansi_map.CallControlDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callControlDirectiveRes callControlDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.CallControlDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callHistoryCount callHistoryCount Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CallHistoryCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callHistoryCountExpected callHistoryCountExpected Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CallHistoryCountExpected</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callRecoveryIDList callRecoveryIDList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CallRecoveryIDList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callRecoveryReport callRecoveryReport No value ansi_map.CallRecoveryReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callStatus callStatus Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CallStatus</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingFeaturesIndicator callingFeaturesIndicator Byte array ansi_map.CallingFeaturesIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyCategory callingPartyCategory Byte array ansi_map.CallingPartyCategory</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyName callingPartyName Byte array ansi_map.CallingPartyName</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits1 callingPartyNumberDigits1 Byte array ansi_map.CallingPartyNumberDigits1</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits2 callingPartyNumberDigits2 Byte array ansi_map.CallingPartyNumberDigits2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString1 callingPartyNumberString1 No value ansi_map.CallingPartyNumberString1</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString2 callingPartyNumberString2 No value ansi_map.CallingPartyNumberString2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingPartySubaddress callingPartySubaddress Byte array ansi_map.CallingPartySubaddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.3wcfa Three-Way Calling FeatureActivity, 3WC-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Three-Way Calling FeatureActivity, 3WC-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ahfa Answer Hold: FeatureActivity AH-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Answer Hold: FeatureActivity AH-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ccsfa CDMA-Concurrent Service:FeatureActivity. CCS-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer CDMA-Concurrent Service:FeatureActivity. CCS-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cdfa Call Delivery: FeatureActivity, CD-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Delivery: FeatureActivity, CD-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfbafa Call Forwarding Busy FeatureActivity, CFB-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Forwarding Busy FeatureActivity, CFB-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfnafa Call Forwarding No Answer FeatureActivity, CFNA-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Forwarding No Answer FeatureActivity, CFNA-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfufa Call Forwarding Unconditional FeatureActivity, CFU-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Forwarding Unconditional FeatureActivity, CFU-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip1fa One number (network-provided only) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP1-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer One number (network-provided only) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP1-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip2fa Two number (network-provided and user-provided) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP2-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Two number (network-provided and user-provided) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP2-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnirfa Calling Number Identification Restriction: FeatureActivity CNIR-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Calling Number Identification Restriction: FeatureActivity CNIR-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cniroverfa Calling Number Identification Restriction Override FeatureActivity CNIROver-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cpdfa CDMA-Packet Data Service: FeatureActivity. CPDS-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer CDMA-Packet Data Service: FeatureActivity. CPDS-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ctfa Call Transfer: FeatureActivity, CT-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Transfer: FeatureActivity, CT-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cwfa Call Waiting: FeatureActivity, CW-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Call Waiting: FeatureActivity, CW-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.dpfa Data Privacy Feature Activity DP-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Privacy Feature Activity DP-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.epefa TDMA Enhanced Privacy and Encryption:FeatureActivity.TDMA EPE-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer TDMA Enhanced Privacy and Encryption:FeatureActivity.TDMA EPE-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.pcwfa Priority Call Waiting FeatureActivity PCW-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Priority Call Waiting FeatureActivity PCW-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfmsfa USCF divert to mobile station provided DN:FeatureActivity.USCFms-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer USCF divert to mobile station provided DN:FeatureActivity.USCFms-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfvmfa USCF divert to voice mail: FeatureActivity USCFvm-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer USCF divert to voice mail: FeatureActivity USCFvm-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.vpfa Voice Privacy FeatureActivity, VP-FA Unsigned 8-bit integer Voice Privacy FeatureActivity, VP-FA</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cancellationDenied cancellationDenied Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CancellationDenied</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cancellationType cancellationType Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.CancellationType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.carrierDigits carrierDigits Byte array ansi_map.CarrierDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData Byte array ansi_map.CDMA2000HandoffInvokeIOSData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData Byte array ansi_map.CDMA2000HandoffResponseIOSData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaBandClass cdmaBandClass Byte array ansi_map.CDMABandClass</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaCallMode cdmaCallMode Byte array ansi_map.CDMACallMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaChannelData cdmaChannelData Byte array ansi_map.CDMAChannelData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber cdmaChannelNumber Byte array ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber2 cdmaChannelNumber2 Byte array ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumberList cdmaChannelNumberList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannel cdmaCodeChannel Byte array ansi_map.CDMACodeChannel</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannelList cdmaCodeChannelList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReference cdmaConnectionReference Byte array ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReference</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation No value ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2 cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2 No value ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceList cdmaConnectionReferenceList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity Byte array ansi_map.CDMAMSMeasuredChannelIdentity</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaMobileProtocolRevision cdmaMobileProtocolRevision Byte array ansi_map.CDMAMobileProtocolRevision</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaNetworkIdentification cdmaNetworkIdentification Byte array ansi_map.CDMANetworkIdentification</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaPilotPN cdmaPilotPN Byte array ansi_map.CDMAPilotPN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaPilotStrength cdmaPilotStrength Byte array ansi_map.CDMAPilotStrength</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator Byte array ansi_map.CDMAPowerCombinedIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask Byte array ansi_map.CDMAPrivateLongCodeMask</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaRedirectRecord cdmaRedirectRecord No value ansi_map.CDMARedirectRecord</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaSearchParameters cdmaSearchParameters Byte array ansi_map.CDMASearchParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaSearchWindow cdmaSearchWindow Byte array ansi_map.CDMASearchWindow</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord Byte array ansi_map.CDMAServiceConfigurationRecord</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaServiceOption cdmaServiceOption Byte array ansi_map.CDMAServiceOption</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier Byte array ansi_map.CDMAServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionList cdmaServiceOptionList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMAServiceOptionList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaServingOneWayDelay cdmaServingOneWayDelay Byte array ansi_map.CDMAServingOneWayDelay</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaSignalQuality cdmaSignalQuality Byte array ansi_map.CDMASignalQuality</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaSlotCycleIndex cdmaSlotCycleIndex Byte array ansi_map.CDMASlotCycleIndex</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaState cdmaState Byte array ansi_map.CDMAState</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark cdmaStationClassMark Byte array ansi_map.CDMAStationClassMark</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark2 cdmaStationClassMark2 Byte array ansi_map.CDMAStationClassMark2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaTargetMAHOList cdmaTargetMAHOList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaTargetMeasurementList cdmaTargetMeasurementList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaTargetOneWayDelay cdmaTargetOneWayDelay Byte array ansi_map.CDMATargetOneWayDelay</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cdma Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls1 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls10 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls2 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls3 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls4 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls5 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls6 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls7 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls8 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls9 Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmacallmode.namps Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.band_cls Band Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Band Class</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.cdma_ch_no CDMA Channel Number Unsigned 16-bit integer CDMA Channel Number</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.frameoffset Frame Offset Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Offset</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b1 Long Code Mask LSB(byte 1) Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask (byte 1)LSB</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b2 Long Code Mask (byte 2) Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask (byte 2)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b3 Long Code Mask (byte 3) Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask (byte 3)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b4 Long Code Mask (byte 4) Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask (byte 4)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b5 Long Code Mask (byte 5) Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask (byte 5)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b6 Long Code Mask (byte 6) MSB Unsigned 8-bit integer Long Code Mask MSB (byte 6)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nominal_pwr Nominal Power Unsigned 8-bit integer Nominal Power</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.np_ext NP EXT Boolean NP EXT</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nr_preamble Number Preamble Unsigned 8-bit integer Number Preamble</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmaserviceoption CDMAServiceOption Unsigned 16-bit integer CDMAServiceOption</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dmi Dual-mode Indicator(DMI) Boolean Dual-mode Indicator(DMI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dtx Analog Transmission: (DTX) Boolean Analog Transmission: (DTX)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.pc Power Class(PC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Power Class(PC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.smi Slotted Mode Indicator: (SMI) Boolean Slotted Mode Indicator: (SMI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.change change Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.Change</pre> <pre> ansi_map.changeFacilities changeFacilities No value ansi_map.ChangeFacilities</pre> <pre> ansi_map.changeFacilitiesRes changeFacilitiesRes No value ansi_map.ChangeFacilitiesRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.changeService changeService No value ansi_map.ChangeService</pre> <pre> ansi_map.changeServiceAttributes changeServiceAttributes Byte array ansi_map.ChangeServiceAttributes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.changeServiceRes changeServiceRes No value ansi_map.ChangeServiceRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.channelData channelData Byte array ansi_map.ChannelData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.channeldata.chno Channel Number (CHNO) Unsigned 16-bit integer Channel Number (CHNO)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.channeldata.dtx Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX) Unsigned 8-bit integer Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.channeldata.scc SAT Color Code (SCC) Unsigned 8-bit integer SAT Color Code (SCC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.channeldata.vmac Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.componentID componentID Byte array ansi_map.ComponentID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.componentIDs componentIDs Byte array ansi_map.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_0_2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.conditionallyDeniedReason conditionallyDeniedReason Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ConditionallyDeniedReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.conferenceCallingIndicator conferenceCallingIndicator Byte array ansi_map.ConferenceCallingIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.confidentialityModes confidentialityModes Byte array ansi_map.ConfidentialityModes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.dp DataPrivacy (DP) Confidentiality Status Boolean DataPrivacy (DP) Confidentiality Status</pre> <pre> ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.se Signaling Message Encryption (SE) Confidentiality Status Boolean Signaling Message Encryption (SE) Confidentiality Status</pre> <pre> ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.vp Voice Privacy (VP) Confidentiality Status Boolean Voice Privacy (VP) Confidentiality Status</pre> <pre> ansi_map.connectResource connectResource No value ansi_map.ConnectResource</pre> <pre> ansi_map.connectionFailureReport connectionFailureReport No value ansi_map.ConnectionFailureReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlChannelData controlChannelData Byte array ansi_map.ControlChannelData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlChannelMode controlChannelMode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ControlChannelMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlNetworkID controlNetworkID Byte array ansi_map.ControlNetworkID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlType controlType Byte array ansi_map.ControlType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlchanneldata.cmac Control Mobile Attenuation Code (CMAC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Control Mobile Attenuation Code (CMAC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlchanneldata.dcc Digital Color Code (DCC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Digital Color Code (DCC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc1 Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC1) Unsigned 8-bit integer Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC1)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc2 Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC2) Unsigned 8-bit integer Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC2)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.countRequest countRequest No value ansi_map.CountRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.countRequestRes countRequestRes No value ansi_map.CountRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.countUpdateReport countUpdateReport Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.CountUpdateReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ctionCode ctionCode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ActionCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataAccessElement1 dataAccessElement1 No value ansi_map.DataAccessElement</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataAccessElement2 dataAccessElement2 No value ansi_map.DataAccessElement</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataAccessElementList dataAccessElementList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DataAccessElementList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataID dataID Byte array ansi_map.DataID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataKey dataKey Byte array ansi_map.DataKey</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataPrivacyParameters dataPrivacyParameters Byte array ansi_map.DataPrivacyParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataResult dataResult Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DataResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataUpdateResultList dataUpdateResultList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DataUpdateResultList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dataValue dataValue Byte array ansi_map.DataValue</pre> <pre> ansi_map.databaseKey databaseKey Byte array ansi_map.DatabaseKey</pre> <pre> ansi_map.deniedAuthorizationPeriod deniedAuthorizationPeriod Byte array ansi_map.DeniedAuthorizationPeriod</pre> <pre> ansi_map.deniedauthorizationperiod.period Period Unsigned 8-bit integer Period</pre> <pre> ansi_map.denyAccess denyAccess Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DenyAccess</pre> <pre> ansi_map.deregistrationType deregistrationType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DeregistrationType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.destinationAddress destinationAddress Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DestinationAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.destinationDigits destinationDigits Byte array ansi_map.DestinationDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.detectionPointType detectionPointType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DetectionPointType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digitCollectionControl digitCollectionControl Byte array ansi_map.DigitCollectionControl</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digits digits No value ansi_map.Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digits_Carrier digits-Carrier No value ansi_map.Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digits_Destination digits-Destination No value ansi_map.Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digits_carrier digits-carrier No value ansi_map.Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.digits_dest digits-dest No value ansi_map.Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.displayText displayText Byte array ansi_map.DisplayText</pre> <pre> ansi_map.displayText2 displayText2 Byte array ansi_map.DisplayText2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmd_BillingIndicator dmd-BillingIndicator Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DMH_BillingIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_AccountCodeDigits dmh-AccountCodeDigits Byte array ansi_map.DMH_AccountCodeDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_AlternateBillingDigits dmh-AlternateBillingDigits Byte array ansi_map.DMH_AlternateBillingDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_BillingDigits dmh-BillingDigits Byte array ansi_map.DMH_BillingDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_ChargeInformation dmh-ChargeInformation Byte array ansi_map.DMH_ChargeInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_RedirectionIndicator dmh-RedirectionIndicator Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.DMH_RedirectionIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dmh_ServiceID dmh-ServiceID Byte array ansi_map.DMH_ServiceID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dropService dropService No value ansi_map.DropService</pre> <pre> ansi_map.dropServiceRes dropServiceRes No value ansi_map.DropServiceRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.edirectingSubaddress edirectingSubaddress Byte array ansi_map.RedirectingSubaddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.electronicSerialNumber electronicSerialNumber Byte array ansi_map.ElectronicSerialNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.enc Encoding Unsigned 8-bit integer Encoding</pre> <pre> ansi_map.errorCode errorCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ErrorCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.executeScript executeScript No value ansi_map.ExecuteScript</pre> <pre> ansi_map.extendedMSCID extendedMSCID Byte array ansi_map.ExtendedMSCID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.extendedSystemMyTypeCode extendedSystemMyTypeCode Byte array ansi_map.ExtendedSystemMyTypeCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.extendedmscid.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesDirective facilitiesDirective No value ansi_map.FacilitiesDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2 facilitiesDirective2 No value ansi_map.FacilitiesDirective2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2Res facilitiesDirective2Res No value ansi_map.FacilitiesDirective2Res</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesDirectiveRes facilitiesDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.FacilitiesDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesRelease facilitiesRelease No value ansi_map.FacilitiesRelease</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitiesReleaseRes facilitiesReleaseRes No value ansi_map.FacilitiesReleaseRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailable facilitySelectedAndAvailable No value ansi_map.FacilitySelectedAndAvailable</pre> <pre> ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes No value ansi_map.FacilitySelectedAndAvailableRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.failureCause failureCause Byte array ansi_map.FailureCause</pre> <pre> ansi_map.failureType failureType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.FailureType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.featureIndicator featureIndicator Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.FeatureIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.featureRequest featureRequest No value ansi_map.FeatureRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.featureRequestRes featureRequestRes No value ansi_map.FeatureRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.featureResult featureResult Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.FeatureResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.flashRequest flashRequest No value ansi_map.FlashRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.gapDuration gapDuration Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.GapDuration</pre> <pre> ansi_map.gapInterval gapInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.GapInterval</pre> <pre> ansi_map.geographicAuthorization geographicAuthorization Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.GeographicAuthorization</pre> <pre> ansi_map.globalTitle globalTitle Byte array ansi_map.GlobalTitle</pre> <pre> ansi_map.groupInformation groupInformation Byte array ansi_map.GroupInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffBack handoffBack No value ansi_map.HandoffBack</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffBack2 handoffBack2 No value ansi_map.HandoffBack2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffBack2Res handoffBack2Res No value ansi_map.HandoffBack2Res</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffBackRes handoffBackRes No value ansi_map.HandoffBackRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest handoffMeasurementRequest No value ansi_map.HandoffMeasurementRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2 handoffMeasurementRequest2 No value ansi_map.HandoffMeasurementRequest2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2Res handoffMeasurementRequest2Res No value ansi_map.HandoffMeasurementRequest2Res</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequestRes handoffMeasurementRequestRes No value ansi_map.HandoffMeasurementRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffReason handoffReason Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.HandoffReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffState handoffState Byte array ansi_map.HandoffState</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffToThird handoffToThird No value ansi_map.HandoffToThird</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffToThird2 handoffToThird2 No value ansi_map.HandoffToThird2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffToThird2Res handoffToThird2Res No value ansi_map.HandoffToThird2Res</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffToThirdRes handoffToThirdRes No value ansi_map.HandoffToThirdRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.handoffstate.pi Party Involved (PI) Boolean Party Involved (PI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.idno ID Number Unsigned 32-bit integer ID Number</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ilspInformation ilspInformation Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ISLPInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.imsi imsi Byte array gsm_map.IMSI</pre> <pre> ansi_map.informationDirective informationDirective No value ansi_map.InformationDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.informationForward informationForward No value ansi_map.InformationForward</pre> <pre> ansi_map.informationForwardRes informationForwardRes No value ansi_map.InformationForwardRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interMSCCircuitID interMSCCircuitID No value ansi_map.InterMSCCircuitID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interMessageTime interMessageTime Byte array ansi_map.InterMessageTime</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSwitchCount interSwitchCount Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.InterSwitchCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemAnswer interSystemAnswer No value ansi_map.InterSystemAnswer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemPage interSystemPage No value ansi_map.InterSystemPage</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemPage2 interSystemPage2 No value ansi_map.InterSystemPage2</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemPage2Res interSystemPage2Res No value ansi_map.InterSystemPage2Res</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemPageRes interSystemPageRes No value ansi_map.InterSystemPageRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemSetup interSystemSetup No value ansi_map.InterSystemSetup</pre> <pre> ansi_map.interSystemSetupRes interSystemSetupRes No value ansi_map.InterSystemSetupRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.intersystemTermination intersystemTermination No value ansi_map.IntersystemTermination</pre> <pre> ansi_map.invokeLast invokeLast No value ansi_map.InvokePDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.invokeNotLast invokeNotLast No value ansi_map.InvokePDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.invokeParameters invokeParameters No value ansi_map.InvokeParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.invokingNEType invokingNEType Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.InvokingNEType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.lectronicSerialNumber lectronicSerialNumber Byte array ansi_map.ElectronicSerialNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.legInformation legInformation Byte array ansi_map.LegInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.localTermination localTermination No value ansi_map.LocalTermination</pre> <pre> ansi_map.locationAreaID locationAreaID Byte array ansi_map.LocationAreaID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.locationRequest locationRequest No value ansi_map.LocationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.locationRequestRes locationRequestRes No value ansi_map.LocationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mSCIdentificationNumber mSCIdentificationNumber No value ansi_map.MSCIdentificationNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mSIDUsage mSIDUsage Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.MSIDUsage</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mSInactive mSInactive No value ansi_map.MSInactive</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mSStatus mSStatus Byte array ansi_map.MSStatus</pre> <pre> ansi_map.marketid MarketID Unsigned 16-bit integer MarketID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messageDirective messageDirective No value ansi_map.MessageDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationCount messageWaitingNotificationCount Byte array ansi_map.MessageWaitingNotificationCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationType messageWaitingNotificationType Byte array ansi_map.MessageWaitingNotificationType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.mwi Message Waiting Indication (MWI) Unsigned 8-bit integer Message Waiting Indication (MWI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.nomw Number of Messages Waiting Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Messages Waiting</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.tom Type of messages Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of messages</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.apt Alert Pip Tone (APT) Boolean Alert Pip Tone (APT)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.pt Pip Tone (PT) Unsigned 8-bit integer Pip Tone (PT)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileDirectoryNumber mobileDirectoryNumber No value ansi_map.MobileDirectoryNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileIdentificationNumber mobileIdentificationNumber No value ansi_map.MobileIdentificationNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileStationIMSI mobileStationIMSI Byte array ansi_map.MobileStationIMSI</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileStationMIN mobileStationMIN No value ansi_map.MobileStationMIN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileStationMSID mobileStationMSID Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.MobileStationMSID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mobileStationPartialKey mobileStationPartialKey Byte array ansi_map.MobileStationPartialKey</pre> <pre> ansi_map.modificationRequestList modificationRequestList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ModificationRequestList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.modificationResultList modificationResultList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ModificationResultList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.modify modify No value ansi_map.Modify</pre> <pre> ansi_map.modifyRes modifyRes No value ansi_map.ModifyRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.modulusValue modulusValue Byte array ansi_map.ModulusValue</pre> <pre> ansi_map.msLocation msLocation Byte array ansi_map.MSLocation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.msc_Address msc-Address Byte array ansi_map.MSC_Address</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mscid mscid Byte array ansi_map.MSCID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.msid msid Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.MSID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mslocation.lat Latitude in tenths of a second Unsigned 8-bit integer Latitude in tenths of a second</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mslocation.long Longitude in tenths of a second Unsigned 8-bit integer Switch Number (SWNO)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.mslocation.res Resolution in units of 1 foot Unsigned 8-bit integer Resolution in units of 1 foot</pre> <pre> ansi_map.na Nature of Number Boolean Nature of Number</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampsCallMode nampsCallMode Byte array ansi_map.NAMPSCallMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampsChannelData nampsChannelData Byte array ansi_map.NAMPSChannelData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampscallmode.amps Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampscallmode.namps Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampschanneldata.ccindicator Color Code Indicator (CCIndicator) Unsigned 8-bit integer Color Code Indicator (CCIndicator)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nampschanneldata.navca Narrow Analog Voice Channel Assignment (NAVCA) Unsigned 8-bit integer Narrow Analog Voice Channel Assignment (NAVCA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.national national Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.INTEGER_M32768_32767</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nationaler nationaler Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.INTEGER_M32768_32767</pre> <pre> ansi_map.navail Numer available indication Boolean Numer available indication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.networkTMSI networkTMSI Byte array ansi_map.NetworkTMSI</pre> <pre> ansi_map.networkTMSIExpirationTime networkTMSIExpirationTime Byte array ansi_map.NetworkTMSIExpirationTime</pre> <pre> ansi_map.newMINExtension newMINExtension Byte array ansi_map.NewMINExtension</pre> <pre> ansi_map.newNetworkTMSI newNetworkTMSI Byte array ansi_map.NewNetworkTMSI</pre> <pre> ansi_map.newlyAssignedIMSI newlyAssignedIMSI Byte array ansi_map.NewlyAssignedIMSI</pre> <pre> ansi_map.newlyAssignedMIN newlyAssignedMIN No value ansi_map.NewlyAssignedMIN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.newlyAssignedMSID newlyAssignedMSID Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.NewlyAssignedMSID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.noAnswerTime noAnswerTime Byte array ansi_map.NoAnswerTime</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nonPublicData nonPublicData Byte array ansi_map.NonPublicData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.np Numbering Plan Unsigned 8-bit integer Numbering Plan</pre> <pre> ansi_map.nr_digits Number of Digits Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oAnswer oAnswer No value ansi_map.OAnswer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusy oCalledPartyBusy No value ansi_map.OCalledPartyBusy</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusyRes oCalledPartyBusyRes No value ansi_map.OCalledPartyBusyRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oDisconnect oDisconnect No value ansi_map.ODisconnect</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oDisconnectRes oDisconnectRes No value ansi_map.ODisconnectRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oNoAnswer oNoAnswer No value ansi_map.ONoAnswer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oNoAnswerRes oNoAnswerRes No value ansi_map.ONoAnswerRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oTASPRequest oTASPRequest No value ansi_map.OTASPRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oTASPRequestRes oTASPRequestRes No value ansi_map.OTASPRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ocdmacallmode.amps Call Mode Boolean Call Mode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.oneTimeFeatureIndicator oneTimeFeatureIndicator Byte array ansi_map.OneTimeFeatureIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.op_code Operation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Operation Code</pre> <pre> ansi_map.op_code_fam Operation Code Family Unsigned 8-bit integer Operation Code Family</pre> <pre> ansi_map.operationCode operationCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.OperationCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationIndicator originationIndicator Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.OriginationIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationRequest originationRequest No value ansi_map.OriginationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationRequestRes originationRequestRes No value ansi_map.OriginationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationTriggers originationTriggers Byte array ansi_map.OriginationTriggers</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationrestrictions.default DEFAULT Unsigned 8-bit integer DEFAULT</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationrestrictions.direct DIRECT Boolean DIRECT</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationrestrictions.fmc Force Message Center (FMC) Boolean Force Message Center (FMC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.all All Origination (All) Boolean All Origination (All)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.dp Double Pound (DP) Boolean Double Pound (DP)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.ds Double Star (DS) Boolean Double Star (DS)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.eight 8 digits Boolean 8 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.eleven 11 digits Boolean 11 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.fifteen 15 digits Boolean 15 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.fivedig 5 digits Boolean 5 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourdig 4 digits Boolean 4 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourteen 14 digits Boolean 14 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.ilata Intra-LATA Toll (ILATA) Boolean Intra-LATA Toll (ILATA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.int International (Int'l ) Boolean International (Int'l )</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.nine 9 digits Boolean 9 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.nodig No digits Boolean No digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.olata Inter-LATA Toll (OLATA) Boolean Inter-LATA Toll (OLATA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.onedig 1 digit Boolean 1 digit</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.pa Prior Agreement (PA) Boolean Prior Agreement (PA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.pound Pound Boolean Pound</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.rvtc Revertive Call (RvtC) Boolean Revertive Call (RvtC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.sevendig 7 digits Boolean 7 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.sixdig 6 digits Boolean 6 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.star Star Boolean Star</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.ten 10 digits Boolean 10 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.thirteen 13 digits Boolean 13 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.threedig 3 digits Boolean 3 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.thwelv 12 digits Boolean 12 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.twodig 2 digits Boolean 2 digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.unrec Unrecognized Number (Unrec) Boolean Unrecognized Number (Unrec)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.originationtriggers.wz World Zone (WZ) Boolean World Zone (WZ)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.otasp_ResultCode otasp-ResultCode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.OTASP_ResultCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.outingDigits outingDigits Byte array ansi_map.RoutingDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pACAIndicator pACAIndicator Byte array ansi_map.PACAIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pC_SSN pC-SSN Byte array ansi_map.PC_SSN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation pSID-RSIDInformation Byte array ansi_map.PSID_RSIDInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation1 pSID-RSIDInformation1 Byte array ansi_map.PSID_RSIDInformation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pSID_RSIDList pSID-RSIDList No value ansi_map.PSID_RSIDList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pacaindicator_pa Permanent Activation (PA) Boolean Permanent Activation (PA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pageCount pageCount Byte array ansi_map.PageCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pageIndicator pageIndicator Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.PageIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pageResponseTime pageResponseTime Byte array ansi_map.PageResponseTime</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pagingFrameClass pagingFrameClass Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.PagingFrameClass</pre> <pre> ansi_map.parameterRequest parameterRequest No value ansi_map.ParameterRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.parameterRequestRes parameterRequestRes No value ansi_map.ParameterRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.parameterre parameterre No value ansi_map.RejectParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.parameterrj parameterrj No value ansi_map.RejectParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pc_ssn pc-ssn Byte array ansi_map.PC_SSN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pdsnAddress pdsnAddress Byte array ansi_map.PDSNAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pdsnProtocolType pdsnProtocolType Byte array ansi_map.PDSNProtocolType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pilotBillingID pilotBillingID Byte array ansi_map.PilotBillingID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pilotNumber pilotNumber Byte array ansi_map.PilotNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.positionInformationCode positionInformationCode Byte array ansi_map.PositionInformationCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.positionRequest positionRequest No value ansi_map.PositionRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.positionRequestForward positionRequestForward No value ansi_map.PositionRequestForward</pre> <pre> ansi_map.positionRequestForwardRes positionRequestForwardRes No value ansi_map.PositionRequestForwardRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.positionRequestRes positionRequestRes No value ansi_map.PositionRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.preferredLanguageIndicator preferredLanguageIndicator Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.PreferredLanguageIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.primitiveValue primitiveValue Byte array ansi_map.PrimitiveValue</pre> <pre> ansi_map.private private Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.PrivateOperationCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.privateSpecializedResource privateSpecializedResource Byte array ansi_map.PrivateSpecializedResource</pre> <pre> ansi_map.privateer privateer Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.INTEGER</pre> <pre> ansi_map.pstnTermination pstnTermination No value ansi_map.PSTNTermination</pre> <pre> ansi_map.qosPriority qosPriority Byte array ansi_map.QoSPriority</pre> <pre> ansi_map.qualificationDirective qualificationDirective No value ansi_map.QualificationDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.qualificationInformationCode qualificationInformationCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.QualificationInformationCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.qualificationRequest qualificationRequest No value ansi_map.QualificationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.qualificationRequestRes qualificationRequestRes No value ansi_map.QualificationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randValidTime randValidTime Byte array ansi_map.RANDValidTime</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randc randc Byte array ansi_map.RANDC</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariable randomVariable Byte array ansi_map.RandomVariable</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableBaseStation randomVariableBaseStation Byte array ansi_map.RandomVariableBaseStation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableReauthentication randomVariableReauthentication Byte array ansi_map.RandomVariableReauthentication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableRequest randomVariableRequest No value ansi_map.RandomVariableRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableRequestRes randomVariableRequestRes No value ansi_map.RandomVariableRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableSSD randomVariableSSD Byte array ansi_map.RandomVariableSSD</pre> <pre> ansi_map.randomVariableUniqueChallenge randomVariableUniqueChallenge Byte array ansi_map.RandomVariableUniqueChallenge</pre> <pre> ansi_map.range range Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.Range</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reasonList reasonList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReasonList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reauthenticationReport reauthenticationReport Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ReauthenticationReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.receivedSignalQuality receivedSignalQuality Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReceivedSignalQuality</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectingNumberDigits redirectingNumberDigits Byte array ansi_map.RedirectingNumberDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectingNumberString redirectingNumberString Byte array ansi_map.RedirectingNumberString</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectingPartyName redirectingPartyName Byte array ansi_map.RedirectingPartyName</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectingSubaddress redirectingSubaddress Byte array ansi_map.RedirectingSubaddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectionDirective redirectionDirective No value ansi_map.RedirectionDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectionReason redirectionReason Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.RedirectionReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.redirectionRequest redirectionRequest No value ansi_map.RedirectionRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.registrationCancellation registrationCancellation No value ansi_map.RegistrationCancellation</pre> <pre> ansi_map.registrationCancellationRes registrationCancellationRes No value ansi_map.RegistrationCancellationRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.registrationNotification registrationNotification No value ansi_map.RegistrationNotification</pre> <pre> ansi_map.registrationNotificationRes registrationNotificationRes No value ansi_map.RegistrationNotificationRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reject reject No value ansi_map.RejectPDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.rejectProblem rejectProblem Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.ProblemPDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.releaseCause releaseCause Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReleaseCause</pre> <pre> ansi_map.releaseReason releaseReason Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReleaseReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirective remoteUserInteractionDirective No value ansi_map.RemoteUserInteractionDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.RemoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reportType reportType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReportType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reportType2 reportType2 Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ReportType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.requiredParametersMask requiredParametersMask Byte array ansi_map.RequiredParametersMask</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reserved_bitED Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reserved_bitFED Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reserved_bitH Reserved Boolean Reserved</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reserved_bitHG Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> ansi_map.reserved_bitHGFE Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> ansi_map.resetCircuit resetCircuit No value ansi_map.ResetCircuit</pre> <pre> ansi_map.resetCircuitRes resetCircuitRes No value ansi_map.ResetCircuitRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.restrictionDigits restrictionDigits Byte array ansi_map.RestrictionDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.resumePIC resumePIC Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ResumePIC</pre> <pre> ansi_map.returnError returnError No value ansi_map.ReturnErrorPDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.returnResult returnResult No value ansi_map.ReturnParameters</pre> <pre> ansi_map.returnResultLast returnResultLast No value ansi_map.ReturnResultPDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.returnResultNotLast returnResultNotLast No value ansi_map.ReturnResultPDU</pre> <pre> ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest No value ansi_map.RoamerDatabaseVerificationRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes No value ansi_map.RoamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.roamingIndication roamingIndication Byte array ansi_map.RoamingIndication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.routingDigits routingDigits Byte array ansi_map.RoutingDigits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.routingRequest routingRequest No value ansi_map.RoutingRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.routingRequestRes routingRequestRes No value ansi_map.RoutingRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sCFOverloadGapInterval sCFOverloadGapInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SCFOverloadGapInterval</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackward sMSDeliveryBackward No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryBackward</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackwardRes sMSDeliveryBackwardRes No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryBackwardRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForward sMSDeliveryForward No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryForward</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForwardRes sMSDeliveryForwardRes No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryForwardRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPoint sMSDeliveryPointToPoint No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryPointToPoint</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes No value ansi_map.SMSDeliveryPointToPointRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSNotification sMSNotification No value ansi_map.SMSNotification</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSNotificationRes sMSNotificationRes No value ansi_map.SMSNotificationRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSRequest sMSRequest No value ansi_map.SMSRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sMSRequestRes sMSRequestRes No value ansi_map.SMSRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sOCStatus sOCStatus Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SOCStatus</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sRFDirective sRFDirective No value ansi_map.SRFDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sRFDirectiveRes sRFDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.SRFDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.scriptArgument scriptArgument Byte array ansi_map.ScriptArgument</pre> <pre> ansi_map.scriptName scriptName Byte array ansi_map.ScriptName</pre> <pre> ansi_map.scriptResult scriptResult Byte array ansi_map.ScriptResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.search search No value ansi_map.Search</pre> <pre> ansi_map.searchRes searchRes No value ansi_map.SearchRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.segcount Segment Counter Unsigned 8-bit integer Segment Counter</pre> <pre> ansi_map.seizeResource seizeResource No value ansi_map.SeizeResource</pre> <pre> ansi_map.seizeResourceRes seizeResourceRes No value ansi_map.SeizeResourceRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.seizureType seizureType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SeizureType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.senderIdentificationNumber senderIdentificationNumber No value ansi_map.SenderIdentificationNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceDataAccessElementList serviceDataAccessElementList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElementList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceDataResultList serviceDataResultList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ServiceDataResultList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceID serviceID Byte array ansi_map.ServiceID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceIndicator serviceIndicator Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ServiceIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceManagementSystemGapInterval serviceManagementSystemGapInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.ServiceManagementSystemGapInterval</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceRedirectionCause serviceRedirectionCause Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ServiceRedirectionCause</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceRedirectionInfo serviceRedirectionInfo Byte array ansi_map.ServiceRedirectionInfo</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceRequest serviceRequest No value ansi_map.ServiceRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.serviceRequestRes serviceRequestRes No value ansi_map.ServiceRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.servicesResult servicesResult Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.ServicesResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.servingCellID servingCellID Byte array ansi_map.ServingCellID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.setupResult setupResult Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SetupResult</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sharedSecretData sharedSecretData Byte array ansi_map.SharedSecretData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.si Screening indication Unsigned 8-bit integer Screening indication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.signalQuality signalQuality Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SignalQuality</pre> <pre> ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionKey signalingMessageEncryptionKey Byte array ansi_map.SignalingMessageEncryptionKey</pre> <pre> ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionReport signalingMessageEncryptionReport Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SignalingMessageEncryptionReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_AccessDeniedReason sms-AccessDeniedReason Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SMS_AccessDeniedReason</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_Address sms-Address No value ansi_map.SMS_Address</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_BearerData sms-BearerData Byte array ansi_map.SMS_BearerData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_CauseCode sms-CauseCode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SMS_CauseCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_ChargeIndicator sms-ChargeIndicator Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SMS_ChargeIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_DestinationAddress sms-DestinationAddress No value ansi_map.SMS_DestinationAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_MessageCount sms-MessageCount Byte array ansi_map.SMS_MessageCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_MessageWaitingIndicator sms-MessageWaitingIndicator No value ansi_map.SMS_MessageWaitingIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_NotificationIndicator sms-NotificationIndicator Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.SMS_NotificationIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationAddress sms-OriginalDestinationAddress No value ansi_map.SMS_OriginalDestinationAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationSubaddress sms-OriginalDestinationSubaddress Byte array ansi_map.SMS_OriginalDestinationSubaddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingAddress sms-OriginalOriginatingAddress No value ansi_map.SMS_OriginalOriginatingAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingSubaddress sms-OriginalOriginatingSubaddress Byte array ansi_map.SMS_OriginalOriginatingSubaddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginatingAddress sms-OriginatingAddress No value ansi_map.SMS_OriginatingAddress</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_OriginationRestrictions sms-OriginationRestrictions Byte array ansi_map.SMS_OriginationRestrictions</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_TeleserviceIdentifier sms-TeleserviceIdentifier Byte array ansi_map.SMS_TeleserviceIdentifier</pre> <pre> ansi_map.sms_TerminationRestrictions sms-TerminationRestrictions Byte array ansi_map.SMS_TerminationRestrictions</pre> <pre> ansi_map.specializedResource specializedResource Byte array ansi_map.SpecializedResource</pre> <pre> ansi_map.spiniTriggers spiniTriggers Byte array ansi_map.SPINITriggers</pre> <pre> ansi_map.spinipin spinipin Byte array ansi_map.SPINIPIN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ssdUpdateReport ssdUpdateReport Unsigned 16-bit integer ansi_map.SSDUpdateReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.ssdnotShared ssdnotShared Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SSDNotShared</pre> <pre> ansi_map.stationClassMark stationClassMark Byte array ansi_map.StationClassMark</pre> <pre> ansi_map.subaddr_odd_even Odd/Even Indicator Boolean Odd/Even Indicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.suspiciousAccess suspiciousAccess Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SuspiciousAccess</pre> <pre> ansi_map.swno Switch Number (SWNO) Unsigned 8-bit integer Switch Number (SWNO)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemAccessData systemAccessData Byte array ansi_map.SystemAccessData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemAccessType systemAccessType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SystemAccessType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemCapabilities systemCapabilities Byte array ansi_map.SystemCapabilities</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemMyTypeCode systemMyTypeCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.SystemMyTypeCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemOperatorCode systemOperatorCode Byte array ansi_map.SystemOperatorCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.auth Authentication Parameters Requested (AUTH) Boolean Authentication Parameters Requested (AUTH)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.cave CAVE Algorithm Capable (CAVE) Boolean CAVE Algorithm Capable (CAVE)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.dp Data Privacy (DP) Boolean Data Privacy (DP)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.se Signaling Message Encryption Capable (SE ) Boolean Signaling Message Encryption Capable (SE )</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.ssd Shared SSD (SSD) Boolean Shared SSD (SSD)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.systemcapabilities.vp Voice Privacy Capable (VP ) Boolean Voice Privacy Capable (VP )</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tAnswer tAnswer No value ansi_map.TAnswer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tBusy tBusy No value ansi_map.TBusy</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tBusyRes tBusyRes No value ansi_map.TBusyRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tDisconnect tDisconnect No value ansi_map.TDisconnect</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tDisconnectRes tDisconnectRes No value ansi_map.TDisconnectRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tMSIDirective tMSIDirective No value ansi_map.TMSIDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tMSIDirectiveRes tMSIDirectiveRes No value ansi_map.TMSIDirectiveRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tNoAnswer tNoAnswer No value ansi_map.TNoAnswer</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tNoAnswerRes tNoAnswerRes No value ansi_map.TNoAnswerRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.targetCellID targetCellID Byte array ansi_map.TargetCellID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.targetCellID1 targetCellID1 Byte array ansi_map.TargetCellID</pre> <pre> ansi_map.targetCellIDList targetCellIDList No value ansi_map.TargetCellIDList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.targetMeasurementList targetMeasurementList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TargetMeasurementList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaBandwidth tdmaBandwidth Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.TDMABandwidth</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaBurstIndicator tdmaBurstIndicator Byte array ansi_map.TDMABurstIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaCallMode tdmaCallMode Byte array ansi_map.TDMACallMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaChannelData tdmaChannelData Byte array ansi_map.TDMAChannelData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator Byte array ansi_map.TDMADataFeaturesIndicator</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaDataMode tdmaDataMode Byte array ansi_map.TDMADataMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaServiceCode tdmaServiceCode Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.TDMAServiceCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaTerminalCapability tdmaTerminalCapability Byte array ansi_map.TDMATerminalCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaVoiceCoder tdmaVoiceCoder Byte array ansi_map.TDMAVoiceCoder</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tdmaVoiceMode tdmaVoiceMode Byte array ansi_map.TDMAVoiceMode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.temporaryReferenceNumber temporaryReferenceNumber Byte array ansi_map.TemporaryReferenceNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminalType terminalType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TerminalType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationAccessType terminationAccessType Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.TerminationAccessType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationList terminationList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TerminationList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationRestrictionCode terminationRestrictionCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TerminationRestrictionCode</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationTreatment terminationTreatment Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.TerminationTreatment</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationTriggers terminationTriggers Byte array ansi_map.TerminationTriggers</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationtriggers.busy Busy Unsigned 8-bit integer Busy</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationtriggers.na No Answer (NA) Unsigned 8-bit integer No Answer (NA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationtriggers.npr No Page Response (NPR) Unsigned 8-bit integer No Page Response (NPR)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationtriggers.nr None Reachable (NR) Unsigned 8-bit integer None Reachable (NR)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.terminationtriggers.rf Routing Failure (RF) Unsigned 8-bit integer Routing Failure (RF)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.tgn Trunk Group Number (G) Unsigned 8-bit integer Trunk Group Number (G)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.timeDateOffset timeDateOffset Byte array ansi_map.TimeDateOffset</pre> <pre> ansi_map.timeOfDay timeOfDay Signed 32-bit integer ansi_map.TimeOfDay</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_ann Announcements (ANN) Boolean Announcements (ANN)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_busy Busy Detection (BUSY) Boolean Busy Detection (BUSY)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_multerm Multiple Terminations Unsigned 8-bit integer Multiple Terminations</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_nami NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI) Boolean NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_ndss NDSS Capability (NDSS) Boolean NDSS Capability (NDSS)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_prof Profile (PROF) Boolean Profile (PROF)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_rui Remote User Interaction (RUI) Boolean Remote User Interaction (RUI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_spini Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI) Boolean Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_tl TerminationList (TL) Boolean TerminationList (TL)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_uzci UZ Capability Indicator (UZCI) Boolean UZ Capability Indicator (UZCI)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trans_cap_waddr WIN Addressing (WADDR) Boolean WIN Addressing (WADDR)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.transactionCapability transactionCapability Byte array ansi_map.TransactionCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.transferToNumberRequest transferToNumberRequest No value ansi_map.TransferToNumberRequest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.transferToNumberRequestRes transferToNumberRequestRes No value ansi_map.TransferToNumberRequestRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggerAddressList triggerAddressList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TriggerAddressList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggerCapability triggerCapability Byte array ansi_map.TriggerCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggerList triggerList No value ansi_map.TriggerList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggerListOpt triggerListOpt No value ansi_map.TriggerList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggerType triggerType Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TriggerType</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.all All_Calls (All) Boolean All_Calls (All)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.at Advanced_Termination (AT) Boolean Advanced_Termination (AT)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.cdraa Called_Routing_Address_Available (CdRAA) Boolean Called_Routing_Address_Available (CdRAA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.cgraa Calling_Routing_Address_Available (CgRAA) Boolean Calling_Routing_Address_Available (CgRAA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.init Introducing Star/Pound (INIT) Boolean Introducing Star/Pound (INIT)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.it Initial_Termination (IT) Boolean Initial_Termination (IT)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.kdigit K-digit (K-digit) Boolean K-digit (K-digit)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.oaa Origination_Attempt_Authorized (OAA) Boolean Origination_Attempt_Authorized (OAA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.oans O_Answer (OANS) Boolean O_Answer (OANS)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.odisc O_Disconnect (ODISC) Boolean O_Disconnect (ODISC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.ona O_No_Answer (ONA) Boolean O_No_Answer (ONA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.pa Prior_Agreement (PA) Boolean Prior_Agreement (PA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.rvtc Revertive_Call (RvtC) Boolean Revertive_Call (RvtC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.tans T_Answer (TANS) Boolean T_Answer (TANS)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.tbusy T_Busy (TBusy) Boolean T_Busy (TBusy)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.tdisc T_Disconnect (TDISC) Boolean T_Disconnect (TDISC)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.tna T_No_Answer (TNA) Boolean T_No_Answer (TNA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.tra Terminating_Resource_Available (TRA) Boolean Terminating_Resource_Available (TRA)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.triggercapability.unrec Unrecognized_Number (Unrec) Boolean Unrecognized_Number (Unrec)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trunkStatus trunkStatus Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.TrunkStatus</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trunkTest trunkTest No value ansi_map.TrunkTest</pre> <pre> ansi_map.trunkTestDisconnect trunkTestDisconnect No value ansi_map.TrunkTestDisconnect</pre> <pre> ansi_map.type_of_digits Type of Digits Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Digits</pre> <pre> ansi_map.type_of_pi Presentation Indication Boolean Presentation Indication</pre> <pre> ansi_map.unblocking unblocking No value ansi_map.Unblocking</pre> <pre> ansi_map.uniqueChallengeReport uniqueChallengeReport Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.UniqueChallengeReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.unreliableCallData unreliableCallData No value ansi_map.UnreliableCallData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.unreliableRoamerDataDirective unreliableRoamerDataDirective No value ansi_map.UnreliableRoamerDataDirective</pre> <pre> ansi_map.unsolicitedResponse unsolicitedResponse No value ansi_map.UnsolicitedResponse</pre> <pre> ansi_map.unsolicitedResponseRes unsolicitedResponseRes No value ansi_map.UnsolicitedResponseRes</pre> <pre> ansi_map.updateCount updateCount Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.UpdateCount</pre> <pre> ansi_map.userGroup userGroup Byte array ansi_map.UserGroup</pre> <pre> ansi_map.userZoneData userZoneData Byte array ansi_map.UserZoneData</pre> <pre> ansi_map.value Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Value</pre> <pre> ansi_map.voiceMailboxNumber voiceMailboxNumber Byte array ansi_map.VoiceMailboxNumber</pre> <pre> ansi_map.voiceMailboxPIN voiceMailboxPIN Byte array ansi_map.VoiceMailboxPIN</pre> <pre> ansi_map.voicePrivacyMask voicePrivacyMask Byte array ansi_map.VoicePrivacyMask</pre> <pre> ansi_map.voicePrivacyReport voicePrivacyReport Unsigned 8-bit integer ansi_map.VoicePrivacyReport</pre> <pre> ansi_map.wINOperationsCapability wINOperationsCapability Byte array ansi_map.WINOperationsCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.wIN_TriggerList wIN-TriggerList Unsigned 32-bit integer ansi_map.WIN_TriggerList</pre> <pre> ansi_map.winCapability winCapability No value ansi_map.WINCapability</pre> <pre> ansi_map.winoperationscapability.ccdir ConnectResource (CONN) Boolean ConnectResource (CONN)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.winoperationscapability.conn ConnectResource (CONN) Boolean ConnectResource (CONN)</pre> <pre> ansi_map.winoperationscapability.pos ConnectResource (CONN) Boolean ConnectResource (CONN)</pre> <pre> ansi_subaddr_type Type of Subaddress Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Subaddress</pre> <pre> gsm_map.bcd_digits BCD digits String BCD digits</pre> <pre> gsm_map.ia5_digits IA5 digits String IA5 digits</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aol_instant_messenger__aim_">AOL Instant Messenger (aim)</a></h2> <pre> aim.buddyname Buddy Name String</pre> <pre> aim.buddynamelen Buddyname len Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.channel Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.cmd_start Command Start Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.data Data Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.datalen Data Field Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.addr Internal IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.auth_cookie Authorization Cookie Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.client_futures Client Futures Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.last_ext_info_update Last Extended Info Update Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.last_ext_status_update Last Extended Status Update Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.last_info_update Last Info Update Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.proto_version Protocol Version Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.tcpport TCP Port Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.unknown Unknown Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.dcinfo.webport Web Front Port Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.family FNAC Family ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.flags FNAC Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.flags.contains_version Contains Version of Family this SNAC is in Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.flags.next_is_related Followed By SNAC with related information Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.id FNAC ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.fnac.subtype FNAC Subtype ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.infotype Infotype Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.charset Block Character set Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.charsubset Block Character subset Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.features Features Byte array</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.featuresdes Features Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.featureslen Features Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.info Block info Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.length Block length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.messageblock.message Message String</pre> <pre> aim.seqno Sequence Number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.signon.challenge Signon challenge String</pre> <pre> aim.signon.challengelen Signon challenge length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.snac.error SNAC Error Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.tlvcount TLV Count Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.administrator AOL Administrator flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.away AOL away status flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.commercial AOL commercial account flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.icq ICQ user sign Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.noncommercial ICQ non-commercial account flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.staff AOL Staff User Flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.unconfirmed AOL Unconfirmed user flag Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.unknown100 Unknown bit Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.unknown200 Unknown bit Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.unknown400 Unknown bit Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.unknown800 Unknown bit Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userclass.wireless AOL wireless user Boolean</pre> <pre> aim.userinfo.warninglevel Warning Level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aim.version Protocol Version Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="arcnet__arcnet_">ARCNET (arcnet)</a></h2> <pre> arcnet.dst Dest Unsigned 8-bit integer Dest ID</pre> <pre> arcnet.exception_flag Exception Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Exception flag</pre> <pre> arcnet.offset Offset Byte array Offset</pre> <pre> arcnet.protID Protocol ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Proto type</pre> <pre> arcnet.sequence Sequence Unsigned 16-bit integer Sequence number</pre> <pre> arcnet.split_flag Split Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Split flag</pre> <pre> arcnet.src Source Unsigned 8-bit integer Source ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="asn_1_decoding__asn1_">ASN.1 decoding (asn1)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ataoverethernet__aoe_">ATAoverEthernet (aoe)</a></h2> <pre> aoe.aflags.a A Boolean Whether this is an asynchronous write or not</pre> <pre> aoe.aflags.d D Boolean</pre> <pre> aoe.aflags.e E Boolean Whether this is a normal or LBA48 command</pre> <pre> aoe.aflags.w W Boolean Is this a command writing data to the device or not</pre> <pre> aoe.ata.cmd ATA Cmd Unsigned 8-bit integer ATA command opcode</pre> <pre> aoe.ata.status ATA Status Unsigned 8-bit integer ATA status bits</pre> <pre> aoe.cmd Command Unsigned 8-bit integer AOE Command</pre> <pre> aoe.err_feature Err/Feature Unsigned 8-bit integer Err/Feature</pre> <pre> aoe.error Error Unsigned 8-bit integer Error code</pre> <pre> aoe.lba Lba Unsigned 64-bit integer Lba address</pre> <pre> aoe.major Major Unsigned 16-bit integer Major address</pre> <pre> aoe.minor Minor Unsigned 8-bit integer Minor address</pre> <pre> aoe.response Response flag Boolean Whether this is a response PDU or not</pre> <pre> aoe.response_in Response In Frame number The response to this packet is in this frame</pre> <pre> aoe.response_to Response To Frame number This is a response to the ATA command in this frame</pre> <pre> aoe.sector_count Sector Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Sector Count</pre> <pre> aoe.tag Tag Unsigned 32-bit integer Command Tag</pre> <pre> aoe.time Time from request Time duration Time between Request and Reply for ATA calls</pre> <pre> aoe.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version of the AOE protocol</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="atm__atm_">ATM (atm)</a></h2> <pre> atm.aal AAL Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> atm.cid CID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> atm.vci VCI Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> atm.vpi VPI Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="atm_aal1__aal1_">ATM AAL1 (aal1)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="atm_aal3_4__aal3_4_">ATM AAL3/4 (aal3_4)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="atm_lan_emulation__lane_">ATM LAN Emulation (lane)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="atm_oam_aal__oamaal_">ATM OAM AAL (oamaal)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="avs_wlan_capture_header__wlancap_">AVS WLAN Capture header (wlancap)</a></h2> <pre> wlancap.antenna Antenna Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.channel Channel Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.datarate Data rate Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.drops Known Dropped Frames Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.encoding Encoding Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.hosttime Host timestamp Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.length Header length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.mactime MAC timestamp Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.phytype PHY type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.preamble Preamble Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.priority Priority Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.sequence Receive sequence Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.sniffer_addr Sniffer Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Sniffer Hardware Address</pre> <pre> wlancap.ssi_noise SSI Noise Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.ssi_signal SSI Signal Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.ssi_type SSI Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> wlancap.version Header revision Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ax_4000_test_block__ax4000_">AX/4000 Test Block (ax4000)</a></h2> <pre> ax4000.chassis Chassis Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.crc CRC (unchecked) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.fill Fill Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.index Index Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.port Port Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.seq Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> ax4000.timestamp Timestamp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="active_directory_setup__dssetup_">Active Directory Setup (dssetup)</a></h2> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_GUID_PRESENT Ds Role Primary Domain Guid Present Boolean</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DS_MIXED_MODE Ds Role Primary Ds Mixed Mode Boolean</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DS_RUNNING Ds Role Primary Ds Running Boolean</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS Ds Role Upgrade In Progress Boolean</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation.info Info No value</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation.level Level Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.basic Basic No value</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.opstatus Opstatus No value</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.upgrade Upgrade No value</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleOpStatus.status Status Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.dns_domain Dns Domain String</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.domain Domain String</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.domain_guid Domain Guid</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.forest Forest String</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.role Role Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleUpgradeStatus.previous_role Previous Role Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleUpgradeStatus.upgrading Upgrading Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dssetup.werror Windows Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ad_hoc_ondemand_distance_vector_routing_protocol__aodv_">Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (aodv)</a></h2> <pre> aodv.dest_ip Destination IP IPv4 address Destination IP Address</pre> <pre> aodv.dest_ipv6 Destination IPv6 IPv6 address Destination IPv6 Address</pre> <pre> aodv.dest_seqno Destination Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Destination Sequence Number</pre> <pre> aodv.destcount Destination Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Unreachable Destinations Count</pre> <pre> aodv.ext_length Extension Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Extension Data Length</pre> <pre> aodv.ext_type Extension Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Extension Format Type</pre> <pre> aodv.flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rerr_nodelete RERR No Delete Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rrep_ack RREP Acknowledgement Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rrep_repair RREP Repair Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rreq_destinationonly RREQ Destination only Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rreq_gratuitous RREQ Gratuitous RREP Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rreq_join RREQ Join Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rreq_repair RREQ Repair Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.flags.rreq_unknown RREQ Unknown Sequence Number Boolean</pre> <pre> aodv.hello_interval Hello Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer Hello Interval Extension</pre> <pre> aodv.hopcount Hop Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Hop Count</pre> <pre> aodv.lifetime Lifetime Unsigned 32-bit integer Lifetime</pre> <pre> aodv.orig_ip Originator IP IPv4 address Originator IP Address</pre> <pre> aodv.orig_ipv6 Originator IPv6 IPv6 address Originator IPv6 Address</pre> <pre> aodv.orig_seqno Originator Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Originator Sequence Number</pre> <pre> aodv.prefix_sz Prefix Size Unsigned 8-bit integer Prefix Size</pre> <pre> aodv.rreq_id RREQ Id Unsigned 32-bit integer RREQ Id</pre> <pre> aodv.timestamp Timestamp Unsigned 64-bit integer Timestamp Extension</pre> <pre> aodv.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer AODV packet type</pre> <pre> aodv.unreach_dest_ip Unreachable Destination IP IPv4 address Unreachable Destination IP Address</pre> <pre> aodv.unreach_dest_ipv6 Unreachable Destination IPv6 IPv6 address Unreachable Destination IPv6 Address</pre> <pre> aodv.unreach_dest_seqno Unreachable Destination Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Unreachable Destination Sequence Number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="adaptive_multirate__amr_">Adaptive Multi-Rate (amr)</a></h2> <pre> amr.be.ft Frame Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Frame Type</pre> <pre> amr.be.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> amr.be.reserved2 Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> amr.cmr CMR Unsigned 8-bit integer codec mode request</pre> <pre> amr.fqi FQI Boolean Frame quality indicator bit</pre> <pre> amr.if1.ft Frame Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Type</pre> <pre> amr.if1.modereq Mode Type request Unsigned 8-bit integer Mode Type request</pre> <pre> amr.if1.sti SID Type Indicator Boolean SID Type Indicator</pre> <pre> amr.if2.ft Frame Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Type</pre> <pre> amr.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved bits</pre> <pre> amr.sti SID Type Indicator Boolean SID Type Indicator</pre> <pre> amr.toc.f F bit Boolean F bit</pre> <pre> amr.toc.ft FT bits Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame type index</pre> <pre> amr.toc.q Q bit Boolean Frame quality indicator bit</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="address_resolution_protocol__arp_">Address Resolution Protocol (arp)</a></h2> <pre> arp.dst.atm_num_e164 Target ATM number (E.164) String</pre> <pre> arp.dst.atm_num_nsap Target ATM number (NSAP) Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.dst.atm_subaddr Target ATM subaddress Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.dst.hlen Target ATM number length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.dst.htype Target ATM number type Boolean</pre> <pre> arp.dst.hw Target hardware address Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.dst.hw_mac Target MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> arp.dst.pln Target protocol size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.dst.proto Target protocol address Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.dst.proto_ipv4 Target IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> arp.dst.slen Target ATM subaddress length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.dst.stype Target ATM subaddress type Boolean</pre> <pre> arp.hw.size Hardware size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.hw.type Hardware type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.proto.size Protocol size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.proto.type Protocol type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.src.atm_num_e164 Sender ATM number (E.164) String</pre> <pre> arp.src.atm_num_nsap Sender ATM number (NSAP) Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.src.atm_subaddr Sender ATM subaddress Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.src.hlen Sender ATM number length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.src.htype Sender ATM number type Boolean</pre> <pre> arp.src.hw Sender hardware address Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.src.hw_mac Sender MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> arp.src.pln Sender protocol size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.src.proto Sender protocol address Byte array</pre> <pre> arp.src.proto_ipv4 Sender IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> arp.src.slen Sender ATM subaddress length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> arp.src.stype Sender ATM subaddress type Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="agentx__agentx_">AgentX (agentx)</a></h2> <pre> agentx.c.reason Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer close reason</pre> <pre> agentx.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer header type</pre> <pre> agentx.gb.mrepeat Max Repetition Unsigned 16-bit integer getBulk Max repetition</pre> <pre> agentx.gb.nrepeat Repeaters Unsigned 16-bit integer getBulk Num. repeaters</pre> <pre> agentx.n_subid Number subids Unsigned 8-bit integer Number subids</pre> <pre> agentx.o.timeout Timeout Unsigned 8-bit integer open timeout</pre> <pre> agentx.oid OID String OID</pre> <pre> agentx.oid_include OID include Unsigned 8-bit integer OID include</pre> <pre> agentx.oid_prefix OID prefix Unsigned 8-bit integer OID prefix</pre> <pre> agentx.ostring Octet String String Octet String</pre> <pre> agentx.ostring_len OString len Unsigned 32-bit integer Octet String Length</pre> <pre> agentx.packet_id PacketID Unsigned 32-bit integer Packet ID</pre> <pre> agentx.payload_len Payload length Unsigned 32-bit integer Payload length</pre> <pre> agentx.r.error Resp. error Unsigned 16-bit integer response error</pre> <pre> agentx.r.index Resp. index Unsigned 16-bit integer response index</pre> <pre> agentx.r.priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Register Priority</pre> <pre> agentx.r.range_subid Range_subid Unsigned 8-bit integer Register range_subid</pre> <pre> agentx.r.timeout Timeout Unsigned 8-bit integer Register timeout</pre> <pre> agentx.r.upper_bound Upper bound Unsigned 32-bit integer Register upper bound</pre> <pre> agentx.r.uptime sysUpTime Unsigned 32-bit integer sysUpTime</pre> <pre> agentx.session_id sessionID Unsigned 32-bit integer Session ID</pre> <pre> agentx.transaction_id TransactionID Unsigned 32-bit integer Transaction ID</pre> <pre> agentx.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer header type</pre> <pre> agentx.u.priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Unegister Priority</pre> <pre> agentx.u.range_subid Range_subid Unsigned 8-bit integer Unegister range_subid</pre> <pre> agentx.u.timeout Timeout Unsigned 8-bit integer Unregister timeout</pre> <pre> agentx.u.upper_bound Upper bound Unsigned 32-bit integer Register upper bound</pre> <pre> agentx.v.tag Variable type Unsigned 16-bit integer vtag</pre> <pre> agentx.v.val32 Value(32) Unsigned 32-bit integer val32</pre> <pre> agentx.v.val64 Value(64) Unsigned 64-bit integer val64</pre> <pre> agentx.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer header version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aggregate_server_access_protocol__asap_">Aggregate Server Access Protocol (asap)</a></h2> <pre> asap.cause_code Cause code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.cause_info Cause info Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.cause_length Cause length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.cause_padding Padding Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.cookie Cookie Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.h_bit H bit Boolean</pre> <pre> asap.ipv4_address IP Version 4 address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> asap.ipv6_address IP Version 6 address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> asap.message_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.message_length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.message_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.parameter_length Parameter length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.parameter_padding Padding Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.parameter_type Parameter Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.parameter_value Parameter value Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.pe_checksum PE checksum Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pe_checksum_reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pe_identifier PE identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pool_element_home_enrp_server_identifier Home ENRP server identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pool_element_pe_identifier PE identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pool_element_registration_life Registration life Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pool_handle_pool_handle Pool handle Byte array</pre> <pre> asap.pool_member_slection_policy_type Policy type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.pool_member_slection_policy_value Policy value Signed 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.r_bit R bit Boolean</pre> <pre> asap.sctp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.server_identifier Server identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.server_information_m_bit M-Bit Boolean</pre> <pre> asap.server_information_reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.tcp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.transport_use Transport use Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.udp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> asap.udp_transport_reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="alert_standard_forum__asf_">Alert Standard Forum (asf)</a></h2> <pre> asf.iana IANA Enterprise Number Unsigned 32-bit integer ASF IANA Enterprise Number</pre> <pre> asf.len Data Length Unsigned 8-bit integer ASF Data Length</pre> <pre> asf.tag Message Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer ASF Message Tag</pre> <pre> asf.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer ASF Message Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="alteon__transparent_proxy_cache_protocol__tpcp_">Alteon - Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol (tpcp)</a></h2> <pre> tpcp.caddr Client Source IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> tpcp.cid Client indent Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> tpcp.cport Client Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> tpcp.flags.redir No Redirect Boolean Don't redirect client</pre> <pre> tpcp.flags.tcp UDP/TCP Boolean Protocol type</pre> <pre> tpcp.flags.xoff XOFF Boolean</pre> <pre> tpcp.flags.xon XON Boolean</pre> <pre> tpcp.rasaddr RAS server IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> tpcp.saddr Server IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> tpcp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU type</pre> <pre> tpcp.vaddr Virtual Server IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> tpcp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer TPCP version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="andrew_file_system__afs___afs_">Andrew File System (AFS) (afs)</a></h2> <pre> afs.backup Backup Boolean Backup Server</pre> <pre> afs.backup.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.backup.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.bos BOS Boolean Basic Oversee Server</pre> <pre> afs.bos.baktime Backup Time Date/Time stamp Backup Time</pre> <pre> afs.bos.cell Cell String Cell</pre> <pre> afs.bos.cmd Command String Command</pre> <pre> afs.bos.content Content String Content</pre> <pre> afs.bos.data Data Byte array Data</pre> <pre> afs.bos.date Date Unsigned 32-bit integer Date</pre> <pre> afs.bos.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.bos.error Error String Error</pre> <pre> afs.bos.file File String File</pre> <pre> afs.bos.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> afs.bos.host Host String Host</pre> <pre> afs.bos.instance Instance String Instance</pre> <pre> afs.bos.key Key Byte array key</pre> <pre> afs.bos.keychecksum Key Checksum Unsigned 32-bit integer Key Checksum</pre> <pre> afs.bos.keymodtime Key Modification Time Date/Time stamp Key Modification Time</pre> <pre> afs.bos.keyspare2 Key Spare 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer Key Spare 2</pre> <pre> afs.bos.kvno Key Version Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Key Version Number</pre> <pre> afs.bos.newtime New Time Date/Time stamp New Time</pre> <pre> afs.bos.number Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Number</pre> <pre> afs.bos.oldtime Old Time Date/Time stamp Old Time</pre> <pre> afs.bos.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.bos.parm Parm String Parm</pre> <pre> afs.bos.path Path String Path</pre> <pre> afs.bos.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Size</pre> <pre> afs.bos.spare1 Spare1 String Spare1</pre> <pre> afs.bos.spare2 Spare2 String Spare2</pre> <pre> afs.bos.spare3 Spare3 String Spare3</pre> <pre> afs.bos.status Status Signed 32-bit integer Status</pre> <pre> afs.bos.statusdesc Status Description String Status Description</pre> <pre> afs.bos.type Type String Type</pre> <pre> afs.bos.user User String User</pre> <pre> afs.cb Callback Boolean Callback</pre> <pre> afs.cb.callback.expires Expires Date/Time stamp Expires</pre> <pre> afs.cb.callback.type Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> afs.cb.callback.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Version</pre> <pre> afs.cb.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.cb.fid.uniq FileID (Uniqifier) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (Uniqifier)</pre> <pre> afs.cb.fid.vnode FileID (VNode) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (VNode)</pre> <pre> afs.cb.fid.volume FileID (Volume) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (Volume)</pre> <pre> afs.cb.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.error Error Boolean Error</pre> <pre> afs.error.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.fs File Server Boolean File Server</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.a _A_dminister Boolean Administer</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.count.negative ACL Count (Negative) Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of Negative ACLs</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.count.positive ACL Count (Positive) Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of Positive ACLs</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.d _D_elete Boolean Delete</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.datasize ACL Size Unsigned 32-bit integer ACL Data Size</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.entity Entity (User/Group) String ACL Entity (User/Group)</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.i _I_nsert Boolean Insert</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.k _L_ock Boolean Lock</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.l _L_ookup Boolean Lookup</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.r _R_ead Boolean Read</pre> <pre> afs.fs.acl.w _W_rite Boolean Write</pre> <pre> afs.fs.callback.expires Expires Time duration Expires</pre> <pre> afs.fs.callback.type Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> afs.fs.callback.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Version</pre> <pre> afs.fs.cps.spare1 CPS Spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer CPS Spare1</pre> <pre> afs.fs.cps.spare2 CPS Spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer CPS Spare2</pre> <pre> afs.fs.cps.spare3 CPS Spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer CPS Spare3</pre> <pre> afs.fs.data Data Byte array Data</pre> <pre> afs.fs.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.fs.fid.uniq FileID (Uniqifier) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (Uniqifier)</pre> <pre> afs.fs.fid.vnode FileID (VNode) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (VNode)</pre> <pre> afs.fs.fid.volume FileID (Volume) Unsigned 32-bit integer File ID (Volume)</pre> <pre> afs.fs.flength FLength Unsigned 32-bit integer FLength</pre> <pre> afs.fs.flength64 FLength64 Unsigned 64-bit integer FLength64</pre> <pre> afs.fs.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> afs.fs.length64 Length64 Unsigned 64-bit integer Length64</pre> <pre> afs.fs.motd Message of the Day String Message of the Day</pre> <pre> afs.fs.name Name String Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.newname New Name String New Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.offlinemsg Offline Message String Volume Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.offset Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer Offset</pre> <pre> afs.fs.offset64 Offset64 Unsigned 64-bit integer Offset64</pre> <pre> afs.fs.oldname Old Name String Old Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.anonymousaccess Anonymous Access Unsigned 32-bit integer Anonymous Access</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.author Author Unsigned 32-bit integer Author</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.calleraccess Caller Access Unsigned 32-bit integer Caller Access</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.clientmodtime Client Modification Time Date/Time stamp Client Modification Time</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.dataversion Data Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Data Version</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.dataversionhigh Data Version (High) Unsigned 32-bit integer Data Version (High)</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.filetype File Type Unsigned 32-bit integer File Type</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.group Group Unsigned 32-bit integer Group</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.interfaceversion Interface Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Interface Version</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.linkcount Link Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Link Count</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask Mask Unsigned 32-bit integer Mask</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.fsync FSync Boolean FSync</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.setgroup Set Group Boolean Set Group</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.setmode Set Mode Boolean Set Mode</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.setmodtime Set Modification Time Boolean Set Modification Time</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.setowner Set Owner Boolean Set Owner</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mask.setsegsize Set Segment Size Boolean Set Segment Size</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.mode Unix Mode Unsigned 32-bit integer Unix Mode</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.owner Owner Unsigned 32-bit integer Owner</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.parentunique Parent Unique Unsigned 32-bit integer Parent Unique</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.parentvnode Parent VNode Unsigned 32-bit integer Parent VNode</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.segsize Segment Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Segment Size</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.servermodtime Server Modification Time Date/Time stamp Server Modification Time</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.spare2 Spare 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 2</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.spare3 Spare 3 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 3</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.spare4 Spare 4 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 4</pre> <pre> afs.fs.status.synccounter Sync Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Sync Counter</pre> <pre> afs.fs.symlink.content Symlink Content String Symlink Content</pre> <pre> afs.fs.symlink.name Symlink Name String Symlink Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.timestamp Timestamp Date/Time stamp Timestamp</pre> <pre> afs.fs.token Token Byte array Token</pre> <pre> afs.fs.viceid Vice ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Vice ID</pre> <pre> afs.fs.vicelocktype Vice Lock Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Vice Lock Type</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volid Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volname Volume Name String Volume Name</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare1 Volume Creation Timestamp Date/Time stamp Volume Creation Timestamp</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare2 Spare 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 2</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare3 Spare 3 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 3</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare4 Spare 4 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 4</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare5 Spare 5 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 5</pre> <pre> afs.fs.volsync.spare6 Spare 6 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 6</pre> <pre> afs.fs.xstats.clientversion Client Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Client Version</pre> <pre> afs.fs.xstats.collnumber Collection Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Collection Number</pre> <pre> afs.fs.xstats.timestamp XStats Timestamp Unsigned 32-bit integer XStats Timestamp</pre> <pre> afs.fs.xstats.version XStats Version Unsigned 32-bit integer XStats Version</pre> <pre> afs.kauth KAuth Boolean Kerberos Auth Server</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.data Data Byte array Data</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.domain Domain String Domain</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.kvno Key Version Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Key Version Number</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.name Name String Name</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.princ Principal String Principal</pre> <pre> afs.kauth.realm Realm String Realm</pre> <pre> afs.prot Protection Boolean Protection Server</pre> <pre> afs.prot.count Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Count</pre> <pre> afs.prot.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.prot.flag Flag Unsigned 32-bit integer Flag</pre> <pre> afs.prot.gid Group ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Group ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.id ID Unsigned 32-bit integer ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.maxgid Maximum Group ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Group ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.maxuid Maximum User ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum User ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.name Name String Name</pre> <pre> afs.prot.newid New ID Unsigned 32-bit integer New ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.oldid Old ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Old ID</pre> <pre> afs.prot.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.prot.pos Position Unsigned 32-bit integer Position</pre> <pre> afs.prot.uid User ID Unsigned 32-bit integer User ID</pre> <pre> afs.repframe Reply Frame Frame number Reply Frame</pre> <pre> afs.reqframe Request Frame Frame number Request Frame</pre> <pre> afs.rmtsys Rmtsys Boolean Rmtsys</pre> <pre> afs.rmtsys.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.time Time from request Time duration Time between Request and Reply for AFS calls</pre> <pre> afs.ubik Ubik Boolean Ubik</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.activewrite Active Write Unsigned 32-bit integer Active Write</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.addr Address IPv4 address Address</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.amsyncsite Am Sync Site Unsigned 32-bit integer Am Sync Site</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.anyreadlocks Any Read Locks Unsigned 32-bit integer Any Read Locks</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.anywritelocks Any Write Locks Unsigned 32-bit integer Any Write Locks</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.beaconsincedown Beacon Since Down Unsigned 32-bit integer Beacon Since Down</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.currentdb Current DB Unsigned 32-bit integer Current DB</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.currenttran Current Transaction Unsigned 32-bit integer Current Transaction</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.epochtime Epoch Time Date/Time stamp Epoch Time</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.file File Unsigned 32-bit integer File</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.interface Interface Address IPv4 address Interface Address</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.isclone Is Clone Unsigned 32-bit integer Is Clone</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastbeaconsent Last Beacon Sent Date/Time stamp Last Beacon Sent</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastvote Last Vote Unsigned 32-bit integer Last Vote</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastvotetime Last Vote Time Date/Time stamp Last Vote Time</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastyesclaim Last Yes Claim Date/Time stamp Last Yes Claim</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastyeshost Last Yes Host IPv4 address Last Yes Host</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastyesstate Last Yes State Unsigned 32-bit integer Last Yes State</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lastyesttime Last Yes Time Date/Time stamp Last Yes Time</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lockedpages Locked Pages Unsigned 32-bit integer Locked Pages</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.locktype Lock Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Lock Type</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lowesthost Lowest Host IPv4 address Lowest Host</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.lowesttime Lowest Time Date/Time stamp Lowest Time</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.now Now Date/Time stamp Now</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.nservers Number of Servers Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of Servers</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.position Position Unsigned 32-bit integer Position</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.recoverystate Recovery State Unsigned 32-bit integer Recovery State</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.site Site IPv4 address Site</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.state State Unsigned 32-bit integer State</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.synchost Sync Host IPv4 address Sync Host</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.syncsiteuntil Sync Site Until Date/Time stamp Sync Site Until</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.synctime Sync Time Date/Time stamp Sync Time</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.tidcounter TID Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer TID Counter</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.up Up Unsigned 32-bit integer Up</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.version.counter Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Counter</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.version.epoch Epoch Date/Time stamp Epoch</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.voteend Vote Ends Date/Time stamp Vote Ends</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.votestart Vote Started Date/Time stamp Vote Started</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.votetype Vote Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Vote Type</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.writelockedpages Write Locked Pages Unsigned 32-bit integer Write Locked Pages</pre> <pre> afs.ubik.writetran Write Transaction Unsigned 32-bit integer Write Transaction</pre> <pre> afs.update Update Boolean Update Server</pre> <pre> afs.update.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.vldb VLDB Boolean Volume Location Database Server</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.bkvol Backup Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Read-Only Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.bump Bumped Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Bumped Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.clonevol Clone Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Clone Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.count Volume Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume Count</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.flags.bkexists Backup Exists Boolean Backup Exists</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.flags.dfsfileset DFS Fileset Boolean DFS Fileset</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.flags.roexists Read-Only Exists Boolean Read-Only Exists</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.flags.rwexists Read/Write Exists Boolean Read/Write Exists</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.id Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.index Volume Index Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume Index</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.name Volume Name String Volume Name</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.nextindex Next Volume Index Unsigned 32-bit integer Next Volume Index</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.numservers Number of Servers Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of Servers</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.partition Partition String Partition</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.rovol Read-Only Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Read-Only Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.rwvol Read-Write Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Read-Only Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.server Server IPv4 address Server</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.serverflags Server Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer Server Flags</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.serverip Server IP IPv4 address Server IP</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.serveruniq Server Unique Address Unsigned 32-bit integer Server Unique Address</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.serveruuid Server UUID Byte array Server UUID</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare1 Spare 1 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 1</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare2 Spare 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 2</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare3 Spare 3 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 3</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare4 Spare 4 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 4</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare5 Spare 5 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 5</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare6 Spare 6 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 6</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare7 Spare 7 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 7</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare8 Spare 8 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 8</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.spare9 Spare 9 Unsigned 32-bit integer Spare 9</pre> <pre> afs.vldb.type Volume Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume Type</pre> <pre> afs.vol Volume Server Boolean Volume Server</pre> <pre> afs.vol.count Volume Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume Count</pre> <pre> afs.vol.errcode Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> afs.vol.id Volume ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume ID</pre> <pre> afs.vol.name Volume Name String Volume Name</pre> <pre> afs.vol.opcode Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="apache_jserv_protocol_v1_3__ajp13_">Apache JServ Protocol v1.3 (ajp13)</a></h2> <pre> ajp13.code Code String Type Code</pre> <pre> ajp13.data Data String Data</pre> <pre> ajp13.hname HNAME String Header Name</pre> <pre> ajp13.hval HVAL String Header Value</pre> <pre> ajp13.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Data Length</pre> <pre> ajp13.magic Magic Byte array Magic Number</pre> <pre> ajp13.method Method String HTTP Method</pre> <pre> ajp13.nhdr NHDR Unsigned 16-bit integer Num Headers</pre> <pre> ajp13.port PORT Unsigned 16-bit integer Port</pre> <pre> ajp13.raddr RADDR String Remote Address</pre> <pre> ajp13.reusep REUSEP Unsigned 8-bit integer Reuse Connection?</pre> <pre> ajp13.rhost RHOST String Remote Host</pre> <pre> ajp13.rlen RLEN Unsigned 16-bit integer Requested Length</pre> <pre> ajp13.rmsg RSMSG String HTTP Status Message</pre> <pre> ajp13.rstatus RSTATUS Unsigned 16-bit integer HTTP Status Code</pre> <pre> ajp13.srv SRV String Server</pre> <pre> ajp13.sslp SSLP Unsigned 8-bit integer Is SSL?</pre> <pre> ajp13.uri URI String HTTP URI</pre> <pre> ajp13.ver Version String HTTP Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="apple_filing_protocol__afp_">Apple Filing Protocol (afp)</a></h2> <pre> afp.AFPVersion AFP Version String Client AFP version</pre> <pre> afp.UAM UAM String User Authentication Method</pre> <pre> afp.access Access mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Fork access mode</pre> <pre> afp.access.deny_read Deny read Boolean Deny read</pre> <pre> afp.access.deny_write Deny write Boolean Deny write</pre> <pre> afp.access.read Read Boolean Open for reading</pre> <pre> afp.access.write Write Boolean Open for writing</pre> <pre> afp.access_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer Bitmap (reserved)</pre> <pre> afp.ace_applicable ACE Byte array ACE applicable</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer ACE flags</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.allow Allow Boolean Allow rule</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.deny Deny Boolean Deny rule</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.directory_inherit Dir inherit Boolean Dir inherit</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.file_inherit File inherit Boolean File inherit</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.inherited Inherited Boolean Inherited</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.limit_inherit Limit inherit Boolean Limit inherit</pre> <pre> afp.ace_flags.only_inherit Only inherit Boolean Only inherit</pre> <pre> afp.ace_rights Rights Unsigned 32-bit integer ACE flags</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 32-bit integer ACL access bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.append_data Append data/create subdir Boolean Append data to a file / create a subdirectory</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.change_owner Change owner Boolean Change owner</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.delete Delete Boolean Delete</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.delete_child Delete dir Boolean Delete directory</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.execute Execute/Search Boolean Execute a program</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_all Generic all Boolean Generic all</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_execute Generic execute Boolean Generic execute</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_read Generic read Boolean Generic read</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_write Generic write Boolean Generic write</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_attrs Read attributes Boolean Read attributes</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_data Read/List Boolean Read data / list directory</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_extattrs Read extended attributes Boolean Read extended attributes</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_security Read security Boolean Read access rights</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.synchronize Synchronize Boolean Synchronize</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_attrs Write attributes Boolean Write attributes</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_data Write/Add file Boolean Write data to a file / add a file to a directory</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_extattrs Write extended attributes Boolean Write extended attributes</pre> <pre> afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_security Write security Boolean Write access rights</pre> <pre> afp.acl_entrycount Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of ACL entries</pre> <pre> afp.acl_flags ACL flags Unsigned 32-bit integer ACL flags</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap ACL bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL control list bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap.ACL ACL Boolean ACL</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap.GRPUUID GRPUUID Boolean Group UUID</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap.Inherit Inherit Boolean Inherit ACL</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap.REMOVEACL Remove ACL Boolean Remove ACL</pre> <pre> afp.acl_list_bitmap.UUID UUID Boolean User UUID</pre> <pre> afp.actual_count Count Signed 32-bit integer Number of bytes returned by read/write</pre> <pre> afp.afp_login_flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Login flags</pre> <pre> afp.appl_index Index Unsigned 16-bit integer Application index</pre> <pre> afp.appl_tag Tag Unsigned 32-bit integer Application tag</pre> <pre> afp.backup_date Backup date Date/Time stamp Backup date</pre> <pre> afp.cat_count Cat count Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of structures returned</pre> <pre> afp.cat_position Position Byte array Reserved</pre> <pre> afp.cat_req_matches Max answers Signed 32-bit integer Maximum number of matches to return.</pre> <pre> afp.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer AFP function</pre> <pre> afp.comment Comment String File/folder comment</pre> <pre> afp.create_flag Hard create Boolean Soft/hard create file</pre> <pre> afp.creation_date Creation date Date/Time stamp Creation date</pre> <pre> afp.data_fork_len Data fork size Unsigned 32-bit integer Data fork size</pre> <pre> afp.did DID Unsigned 32-bit integer Parent directory ID</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar Access rights Unsigned 32-bit integer Directory access rights</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.blank Blank access right Boolean Blank access right</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.e_read Everyone has read access Boolean Everyone has read access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.e_search Everyone has search access Boolean Everyone has search access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.e_write Everyone has write access Boolean Everyone has write access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.g_read Group has read access Boolean Group has read access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.g_search Group has search access Boolean Group has search access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.g_write Group has write access Boolean Group has write access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.o_read Owner has read access Boolean Owner has read access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.o_search Owner has search access Boolean Owner has search access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.o_write Owner has write access Boolean Gwner has write access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.u_owner User is the owner Boolean Current user is the directory owner</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.u_read User has read access Boolean User has read access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.u_search User has search access Boolean User has search access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_ar.u_write User has write access Boolean User has write access</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.backup_needed Backup needed Boolean Directory needs to be backed up</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.delete_inhibit Delete inhibit Boolean Delete inhibit</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.in_exported_folder Shared area Boolean Directory is in a shared area</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.invisible Invisible Boolean Directory is not visible</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.mounted Mounted Boolean Directory is mounted</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.rename_inhibit Rename inhibit Boolean Rename inhibit</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.set_clear Set Boolean Clear/set attribute</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.share Share point Boolean Directory is a share point</pre> <pre> afp.dir_attribute.system System Boolean Directory is a system directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap Directory bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer Directory bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.UTF8_name UTF-8 name Boolean Return UTF-8 name if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.access_rights Access rights Boolean Return access rights if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.attributes Attributes Boolean Return attributes if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.backup_date Backup date Boolean Return backup date if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.create_date Creation date Boolean Return creation date if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.did DID Boolean Return parent directory ID if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.fid File ID Boolean Return file ID if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.finder_info Finder info Boolean Return finder info if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.group_id Group id Boolean Return group id if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.long_name Long name Boolean Return long name if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.mod_date Modification date Boolean Return modification date if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.offspring_count Offspring count Boolean Return offspring count if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.owner_id Owner id Boolean Return owner id if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.short_name Short name Boolean Return short name if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_bitmap.unix_privs UNIX privileges Boolean Return UNIX privileges if directory</pre> <pre> afp.dir_group_id Group ID Signed 32-bit integer Directory group ID</pre> <pre> afp.dir_offspring Offspring Unsigned 16-bit integer Directory offspring</pre> <pre> afp.dir_owner_id Owner ID Signed 32-bit integer Directory owner ID</pre> <pre> afp.dt_ref DT ref Unsigned 16-bit integer Desktop database reference num</pre> <pre> afp.ext_data_fork_len Extended data fork size Unsigned 64-bit integer Extended (>2GB) data fork length</pre> <pre> afp.ext_resource_fork_len Extended resource fork size Unsigned 64-bit integer Extended (>2GB) resource fork length</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.data Data Byte array Extendend attribute data</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.len Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Extended attribute length</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.name Name String Extended attribute name</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.namelen Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Extended attribute name length</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.reply_size Reply size Unsigned 32-bit integer Reply size</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.req_count Request Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Request Count.</pre> <pre> afp.extattr.start_index Index Unsigned 32-bit integer Start index</pre> <pre> afp.extattr_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer Extended attributes bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.extattr_bitmap.create Create Boolean Create extended attribute</pre> <pre> afp.extattr_bitmap.nofollow No follow symlinks Boolean Do not follow symlink</pre> <pre> afp.extattr_bitmap.replace Replace Boolean Replace extended attribute</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.backup_needed Backup needed Boolean File needs to be backed up</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.copy_protect Copy protect Boolean copy protect</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.delete_inhibit Delete inhibit Boolean delete inhibit</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.df_open Data fork open Boolean Data fork already open</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.invisible Invisible Boolean File is not visible</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.multi_user Multi user Boolean multi user</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.rename_inhibit Rename inhibit Boolean rename inhibit</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.rf_open Resource fork open Boolean Resource fork already open</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.set_clear Set Boolean Clear/set attribute</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.system System Boolean File is a system file</pre> <pre> afp.file_attribute.write_inhibit Write inhibit Boolean Write inhibit</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap File bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer File bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.UTF8_name UTF-8 name Boolean Return UTF-8 name if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.attributes Attributes Boolean Return attributes if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.backup_date Backup date Boolean Return backup date if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.create_date Creation date Boolean Return creation date if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.data_fork_len Data fork size Boolean Return data fork size if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.did DID Boolean Return parent directory ID if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.ex_data_fork_len Extended data fork size Boolean Return extended (>2GB) data fork size if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.ex_resource_fork_len Extended resource fork size Boolean Return extended (>2GB) resource fork size if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.fid File ID Boolean Return file ID if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.finder_info Finder info Boolean Return finder info if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.launch_limit Launch limit Boolean Return launch limit if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.long_name Long name Boolean Return long name if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.mod_date Modification date Boolean Return modification date if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.resource_fork_len Resource fork size Boolean Return resource fork size if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.short_name Short name Boolean Return short name if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_bitmap.unix_privs UNIX privileges Boolean Return UNIX privileges if file</pre> <pre> afp.file_creator File creator String File creator</pre> <pre> afp.file_flag Dir Boolean Is a dir</pre> <pre> afp.file_id File ID Unsigned 32-bit integer File/directory ID</pre> <pre> afp.file_type File type String File type</pre> <pre> afp.finder_info Finder info Byte array Finder info</pre> <pre> afp.flag From Unsigned 8-bit integer Offset is relative to start/end of the fork</pre> <pre> afp.fork_type Resource fork Boolean Data/resource fork</pre> <pre> afp.group_ID Group ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Group ID</pre> <pre> afp.grpuuid GRPUUID Byte array Group UUID</pre> <pre> afp.icon_index Index Unsigned 16-bit integer Icon index in desktop database</pre> <pre> afp.icon_length Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Size for icon bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.icon_tag Tag Unsigned 32-bit integer Icon tag</pre> <pre> afp.icon_type Icon type Unsigned 8-bit integer Icon type</pre> <pre> afp.last_written Last written Unsigned 32-bit integer Offset of the last byte written</pre> <pre> afp.last_written64 Last written Unsigned 64-bit integer Offset of the last byte written (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.lock_from End Boolean Offset is relative to the end of the fork</pre> <pre> afp.lock_len Length Signed 32-bit integer Number of bytes to be locked/unlocked</pre> <pre> afp.lock_len64 Length Signed 64-bit integer Number of bytes to be locked/unlocked (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.lock_offset Offset Signed 32-bit integer First byte to be locked</pre> <pre> afp.lock_offset64 Offset Signed 64-bit integer First byte to be locked (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.lock_op unlock Boolean Lock/unlock op</pre> <pre> afp.lock_range_start Start Signed 32-bit integer First byte locked/unlocked</pre> <pre> afp.lock_range_start64 Start Signed 64-bit integer First byte locked/unlocked (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.long_name_offset Long name offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Long name offset in packet</pre> <pre> afp.map_id ID Unsigned 32-bit integer User/Group ID</pre> <pre> afp.map_id_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Map ID type</pre> <pre> afp.map_name Name String User/Group name</pre> <pre> afp.map_name_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Map name type</pre> <pre> afp.message Message String Message</pre> <pre> afp.message_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer Message bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.message_bitmap.requested Request message Boolean Message Requested</pre> <pre> afp.message_bitmap.utf8 Message is UTF8 Boolean Message is UTF8</pre> <pre> afp.message_length Len Unsigned 32-bit integer Message length</pre> <pre> afp.message_type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Type of server message</pre> <pre> afp.modification_date Modification date Date/Time stamp Modification date</pre> <pre> afp.newline_char Newline char Unsigned 8-bit integer Value to compare ANDed bytes with when looking for newline</pre> <pre> afp.newline_mask Newline mask Unsigned 8-bit integer Value to AND bytes with when looking for newline</pre> <pre> afp.offset Offset Signed 32-bit integer Offset</pre> <pre> afp.offset64 Offset Signed 64-bit integer Offset (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.ofork Fork Unsigned 16-bit integer Open fork reference number</pre> <pre> afp.ofork_len New length Signed 32-bit integer New length</pre> <pre> afp.ofork_len64 New length Signed 64-bit integer New length (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.pad Pad No value Pad Byte</pre> <pre> afp.passwd Password String Password</pre> <pre> afp.path_len Len Unsigned 8-bit integer Path length</pre> <pre> afp.path_name Name String Path name</pre> <pre> afp.path_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of names</pre> <pre> afp.path_unicode_hint Unicode hint Unsigned 32-bit integer Unicode hint</pre> <pre> afp.path_unicode_len Len Unsigned 16-bit integer Path length (unicode)</pre> <pre> afp.random Random number Byte array UAM random number</pre> <pre> afp.reply_size Reply size Unsigned 16-bit integer Reply size</pre> <pre> afp.reply_size32 Reply size Unsigned 32-bit integer Reply size</pre> <pre> afp.req_count Req count Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum number of structures returned</pre> <pre> afp.reqcount64 Count Signed 64-bit integer Request Count (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap Request bitmap Unsigned 32-bit integer Request bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.UTF8_name UTF-8 name Boolean Search UTF-8 name</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.attributes Attributes Boolean Search attributes</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.backup_date Backup date Boolean Search backup date</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.create_date Creation date Boolean Search creation date</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.data_fork_len Data fork size Boolean Search data fork size</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.did DID Boolean Search parent directory ID</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.ex_data_fork_len Extended data fork size Boolean Search extended (>2GB) data fork size</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.ex_resource_fork_len Extended resource fork size Boolean Search extended (>2GB) resource fork size</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.finder_info Finder info Boolean Search finder info</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.long_name Long name Boolean Search long name</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.mod_date Modification date Boolean Search modification date</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.offspring_count Offspring count Boolean Search offspring count</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.partial_names Match on partial names Boolean Match on partial names</pre> <pre> afp.request_bitmap.resource_fork_len Resource fork size Boolean Search resource fork size</pre> <pre> afp.reserved Reserved Byte array Reserved</pre> <pre> afp.resource_fork_len Resource fork size Unsigned 32-bit integer Resource fork size</pre> <pre> afp.response_in Response in Frame number The response to this packet is in this packet</pre> <pre> afp.response_to Response to Frame number This packet is a response to the packet in this frame</pre> <pre> afp.rw_count Count Signed 32-bit integer Number of bytes to be read/written</pre> <pre> afp.rw_count64 Count Signed 64-bit integer Number of bytes to be read/written (64 bits)</pre> <pre> afp.server_time Server time Date/Time stamp Server time</pre> <pre> afp.session_token Token Byte array Session token</pre> <pre> afp.session_token_len Len Unsigned 32-bit integer Session token length</pre> <pre> afp.session_token_timestamp Time stamp Unsigned 32-bit integer Session time stamp</pre> <pre> afp.session_token_type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Session token type</pre> <pre> afp.short_name_offset Short name offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Short name offset in packet</pre> <pre> afp.start_index Start index Unsigned 16-bit integer First structure returned</pre> <pre> afp.start_index32 Start index Unsigned 32-bit integer First structure returned</pre> <pre> afp.struct_size Struct size Unsigned 8-bit integer Sizeof of struct</pre> <pre> afp.struct_size16 Struct size Unsigned 16-bit integer Sizeof of struct</pre> <pre> afp.time Time from request Time duration Time between Request and Response for AFP cmds</pre> <pre> afp.unicode_name_offset Unicode name offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Unicode name offset in packet</pre> <pre> afp.unix_privs.gid GID Unsigned 32-bit integer Group ID</pre> <pre> afp.unix_privs.permissions Permissions Unsigned 32-bit integer Permissions</pre> <pre> afp.unix_privs.ua_permissions User's access rights Unsigned 32-bit integer User's access rights</pre> <pre> afp.unix_privs.uid UID Unsigned 32-bit integer User ID</pre> <pre> afp.user User String User</pre> <pre> afp.user_ID User ID Unsigned 32-bit integer User ID</pre> <pre> afp.user_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer User Info bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.user_bitmap.GID Primary group ID Boolean Primary group ID</pre> <pre> afp.user_bitmap.UID User ID Boolean User ID</pre> <pre> afp.user_bitmap.UUID UUID Boolean UUID</pre> <pre> afp.user_flag Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer User Info flag</pre> <pre> afp.user_len Len Unsigned 16-bit integer User name length (unicode)</pre> <pre> afp.user_name User String User name (unicode)</pre> <pre> afp.user_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of user name</pre> <pre> afp.uuid UUID Byte array UUID</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.acls ACLs Boolean Supports access control lists</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.blank_access_privs Blank access privileges Boolean Supports blank access privileges</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.cat_search Catalog search Boolean Supports catalog search operations</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.extended_attributes Extended Attributes Boolean Supports Extended Attributes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.fileIDs File IDs Boolean Supports file IDs</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.inherit_parent_privs Inherit parent privileges Boolean Inherit parent privileges</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.network_user_id No Network User ID Boolean No Network User ID</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.no_exchange_files No exchange files Boolean Exchange files not supported</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.passwd Volume password Boolean Has a volume password</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.read_only Read only Boolean Read only volume</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.unix_privs UNIX access privileges Boolean Supports UNIX access privileges</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attribute.utf8_names UTF-8 names Boolean Supports UTF-8 names</pre> <pre> afp.vol_attributes Attributes Unsigned 16-bit integer Volume attributes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_backup_date Backup date Date/Time stamp Volume backup date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 16-bit integer Volume bitmap</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.attributes Attributes Boolean Volume attributes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.backup_date Backup date Boolean Volume backup date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.block_size Block size Boolean Volume block size</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.bytes_free Bytes free Boolean Volume free bytes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.bytes_total Bytes total Boolean Volume total bytes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.create_date Creation date Boolean Volume creation date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.ex_bytes_free Extended bytes free Boolean Volume extended (>2GB) free bytes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.ex_bytes_total Extended bytes total Boolean Volume extended (>2GB) total bytes</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.id ID Boolean Volume ID</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.mod_date Modification date Boolean Volume modification date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.name Name Boolean Volume name</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bitmap.signature Signature Boolean Volume signature</pre> <pre> afp.vol_block_size Block size Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume block size</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bytes_free Bytes free Unsigned 32-bit integer Free space</pre> <pre> afp.vol_bytes_total Bytes total Unsigned 32-bit integer Volume size</pre> <pre> afp.vol_creation_date Creation date Date/Time stamp Volume creation date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_ex_bytes_free Extended bytes free Unsigned 64-bit integer Extended (>2GB) free space</pre> <pre> afp.vol_ex_bytes_total Extended bytes total Unsigned 64-bit integer Extended (>2GB) volume size</pre> <pre> afp.vol_flag_passwd Password Boolean Volume is password-protected</pre> <pre> afp.vol_flag_unix_priv Unix privs Boolean Volume has unix privileges</pre> <pre> afp.vol_id Volume id Unsigned 16-bit integer Volume id</pre> <pre> afp.vol_modification_date Modification date Date/Time stamp Volume modification date</pre> <pre> afp.vol_name Volume String Volume name</pre> <pre> afp.vol_name_offset Volume name offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Volume name offset in packet</pre> <pre> afp.vol_signature Signature Unsigned 16-bit integer Volume signature</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="apple_ipoverieee_1394__ap1394_">Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394 (ap1394)</a></h2> <pre> ap1394.dst Destination Byte array Destination address</pre> <pre> ap1394.src Source Byte array Source address</pre> <pre> ap1394.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="appletalk_session_protocol__asp_">AppleTalk Session Protocol (asp)</a></h2> <pre> asp.attn_code Attn code Unsigned 16-bit integer asp attention code</pre> <pre> asp.error asp error Signed 32-bit integer return error code</pre> <pre> asp.function asp function Unsigned 8-bit integer asp function</pre> <pre> asp.init_error Error Unsigned 16-bit integer asp init error</pre> <pre> asp.seq Sequence Unsigned 16-bit integer asp sequence number</pre> <pre> asp.server_addr.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Address length.</pre> <pre> asp.server_addr.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Address type.</pre> <pre> asp.server_addr.value Value Byte array Address value</pre> <pre> asp.server_directory Directory service String Server directory service</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag Flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Server capabilities flag</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.copyfile Support copyfile Boolean Server support copyfile</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.directory Support directory services Boolean Server support directory services</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.fast_copy Support fast copy Boolean Server support fast copy</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.no_save_passwd Don't allow save password Boolean Don't allow save password</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.notify Support server notifications Boolean Server support notifications</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.passwd Support change password Boolean Server support change password</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.reconnect Support server reconnect Boolean Server support reconnect</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.srv_msg Support server message Boolean Support server message</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.srv_sig Support server signature Boolean Support server signature</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.tcpip Support TCP/IP Boolean Server support TCP/IP</pre> <pre> asp.server_flag.utf8_name Support UTF8 server name Boolean Server support UTF8 server name</pre> <pre> asp.server_icon Icon bitmap Byte array Server icon bitmap</pre> <pre> asp.server_name Server name String Server name</pre> <pre> asp.server_signature Server signature Byte array Server signature</pre> <pre> asp.server_type Server type String Server type</pre> <pre> asp.server_uams UAM String UAM</pre> <pre> asp.server_utf8_name Server name (UTF8) String Server name (UTF8)</pre> <pre> asp.server_utf8_name_len Server name length Unsigned 16-bit integer UTF8 server name length</pre> <pre> asp.server_vers AFP version String AFP version</pre> <pre> asp.session_id Session ID Unsigned 8-bit integer asp session id</pre> <pre> asp.size size Unsigned 16-bit integer asp available size for reply</pre> <pre> asp.socket Socket Unsigned 8-bit integer asp socket</pre> <pre> asp.version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer asp version</pre> <pre> asp.zero_value Pad (0) Byte array Pad</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="appletalk_transaction_protocol_packet__atp_">AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet (atp)</a></h2> <pre> atp.bitmap Bitmap Unsigned 8-bit integer Bitmap or sequence number</pre> <pre> atp.ctrlinfo Control info Unsigned 8-bit integer control info</pre> <pre> atp.eom EOM Boolean End-of-message</pre> <pre> atp.fragment ATP Fragment Frame number ATP Fragment</pre> <pre> atp.fragments ATP Fragments No value ATP Fragments</pre> <pre> atp.function Function Unsigned 8-bit integer function code</pre> <pre> atp.reassembled_in Reassembled ATP in frame Frame number This ATP packet is reassembled in this frame</pre> <pre> atp.segment.error Desegmentation error Frame number Desegmentation error due to illegal segments</pre> <pre> atp.segment.multipletails Multiple tail segments found Boolean Several tails were found when desegmenting the packet</pre> <pre> atp.segment.overlap Segment overlap Boolean Segment overlaps with other segments</pre> <pre> atp.segment.overlap.conflict Conflicting data in segment overlap Boolean Overlapping segments contained conflicting data</pre> <pre> atp.segment.toolongsegment Segment too long Boolean Segment contained data past end of packet</pre> <pre> atp.sts STS Boolean Send transaction status</pre> <pre> atp.tid TID Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction id</pre> <pre> atp.treltimer TRel timer Unsigned 8-bit integer TRel timer</pre> <pre> atp.user_bytes User bytes Unsigned 32-bit integer User bytes</pre> <pre> atp.xo XO Boolean Exactly-once flag</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="appletalk_address_resolution_protocol__aarp_">Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (aarp)</a></h2> <pre> aarp.dst.hw Target hardware address Byte array</pre> <pre> aarp.dst.hw_mac Target MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> aarp.dst.proto Target protocol address Byte array</pre> <pre> aarp.dst.proto_id Target ID Byte array</pre> <pre> aarp.hard.size Hardware size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aarp.hard.type Hardware type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aarp.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aarp.proto.size Protocol size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> aarp.proto.type Protocol type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> aarp.src.hw Sender hardware address Byte array</pre> <pre> aarp.src.hw_mac Sender MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> aarp.src.proto Sender protocol address Byte array</pre> <pre> aarp.src.proto_id Sender ID Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="application_configuration_access_protocol__acap_">Application Configuration Access Protocol (acap)</a></h2> <pre> acap.request Request Boolean TRUE if ACAP request</pre> <pre> acap.response Response Boolean TRUE if ACAP response</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="architecture_for_control_networks__acn_">Architecture for Control Networks (acn)</a></h2> <pre> acn.acn_reciprocal_channel Reciprocal Sequence Number Unsigned 16-bit integer Reciprocal Channel</pre> <pre> acn.acn_refuse_code Refuse Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Refuse Code</pre> <pre> acn.association Association Unsigned 16-bit integer Association</pre> <pre> acn.channel_number Channel Number Unsigned 16-bit integer Channel Number</pre> <pre> acn.cid CID</pre> <pre> acn.client_protocol_id Client Protocol ID Unsigned 32-bit integer ClientProtocol ID</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_address Address Unsigned 8-bit integer Address</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_address_data_pairs Address-Data Pairs Byte array More address-data pairs</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt Address and Data Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Address and Data Type</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt_a Size Unsigned 8-bit integer Size</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt_d Data Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Type</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt_r Relative Unsigned 8-bit integer Relative</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt_v Virtual Unsigned 8-bit integer Virtual</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_adt_x Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_data Data Byte array Data</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_data16 Addr Signed 16-bit integer Data16</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_data24 Addr Signed 24-bit integer Data24</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_data32 Addr Signed 32-bit integer Data32</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_data8 Addr Signed 8-bit integer Data8</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_reason_code Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason Code</pre> <pre> acn.dmp_vector DMP Vector Unsigned 8-bit integer DMP Vector</pre> <pre> acn.dmx.priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer DMX Priority</pre> <pre> acn.dmx.seq_number Seq No Unsigned 8-bit integer DMX Sequence Number</pre> <pre> acn.dmx.source_name Source String DMX Source Name</pre> <pre> acn.dmx.universe Universe Unsigned 16-bit integer DMX Universe</pre> <pre> acn.dmx_vector Vector Unsigned 32-bit integer DMX Vector</pre> <pre> acn.expiry Expiry Unsigned 16-bit integer Expiry</pre> <pre> acn.first_member_to_ack First Member to ACK Unsigned 16-bit integer First Member to ACK</pre> <pre> acn.first_missed_sequence First Missed Sequence Unsigned 32-bit integer First Missed Sequence</pre> <pre> acn.ip_address_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> acn.ipv4 IPV4 IPv4 address IPV4</pre> <pre> acn.ipv6 IPV6 IPv6 address IPV6</pre> <pre> acn.last_member_to_ack Last Member to ACK Unsigned 16-bit integer Last Member to ACK</pre> <pre> acn.last_missed_sequence Last Missed Sequence Unsigned 32-bit integer Last Missed Sequence</pre> <pre> acn.mak_threshold MAK Threshold Unsigned 16-bit integer MAK Threshold</pre> <pre> acn.member_id Member ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Member ID</pre> <pre> acn.nak_holdoff NAK holdoff (ms) Unsigned 16-bit integer NAK holdoff</pre> <pre> acn.nak_max_wait NAK Max Wait (ms) Unsigned 16-bit integer NAK Max Wait</pre> <pre> acn.nak_modulus NAK Modulus Unsigned 16-bit integer NAK Modulus</pre> <pre> acn.nak_outbound_flag NAK Outbound Flag Boolean NAK Outbound Flag</pre> <pre> acn.oldest_available_wrapper Oldest Available Wrapper Unsigned 32-bit integer Oldest Available Wrapper</pre> <pre> acn.packet_identifier Packet Identifier String Packet Identififer</pre> <pre> acn.pdu PDU No value PDU</pre> <pre> acn.pdu.flag_d Data Boolean Data flag</pre> <pre> acn.pdu.flag_h Header Boolean Header flag</pre> <pre> acn.pdu.flag_l Length Boolean Length flag</pre> <pre> acn.pdu.flag_v Vector Boolean Vector flag</pre> <pre> acn.pdu.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU Flags</pre> <pre> acn.port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Port</pre> <pre> acn.postamble_size Size of postamble Unsigned 16-bit integer Postamble size in bytes</pre> <pre> acn.preamble_size Size of preamble Unsigned 16-bit integer Preamble size in bytes</pre> <pre> acn.protocol_id Protocol ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Protocol ID</pre> <pre> acn.reason_code Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason Code</pre> <pre> acn.reliable_sequence_number Reliable Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Reliable Sequence Number</pre> <pre> acn.sdt_vector STD Vector Unsigned 8-bit integer STD Vector</pre> <pre> acn.session_count Session Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Session Count</pre> <pre> acn.total_sequence_number Total Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Total Sequence Number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="artnet__artnet_">Art-Net (artnet)</a></h2> <pre> artner.tod_control ArtTodControl packet No value Art-Net ArtTodControl packet</pre> <pre> artnet.address ArtAddress packet No value Art-Net ArtAddress packet</pre> <pre> artnet.address.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> artnet.address.long_name Long Name String Long Name</pre> <pre> artnet.address.short_name Short Name String Short Name</pre> <pre> artnet.address.subswitch Subswitch Unsigned 8-bit integer Subswitch</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swin Input Subswitch No value Input Subswitch</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swin_1 Input Subswitch of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swin_2 Input Subswitch of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swin_3 Input Subswitch of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swin_4 Input Subswitch of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swout Output Subswitch No value Output Subswitch</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swout_1 Output Subswitch of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swout_2 Output Subswitch of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swout_3 Output Subswitch of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swout_4 Output Subswitch of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Ouput Subswitch of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.address.swvideo SwVideo Unsigned 8-bit integer SwVideo</pre> <pre> artnet.filler filler Byte array filler</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_master ArtFirmwareMaster packet No value Art-Net ArtFirmwareMaster packet</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_master.block_id Block ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Block ID</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_master.data data Byte array data</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_master.length Lentgh Unsigned 32-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_master.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Ports</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_reply ArtFirmwareReply packet No value Art-Net ArtFirmwareReply packet</pre> <pre> artnet.firmware_reply.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Ports</pre> <pre> artnet.header Descriptor Header No value Art-Net Descriptor Header</pre> <pre> artnet.header.id ID String ArtNET ID</pre> <pre> artnet.header.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer Art-Net message type</pre> <pre> artnet.header.protver ProVer Unsigned 16-bit integer Protcol revision number</pre> <pre> artnet.input ArtInput packet No value Art-Net ArtInput packet</pre> <pre> artnet.input.input Port Status No value Port Status</pre> <pre> artnet.input.input_1 Status of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Status of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.input.input_2 Status of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Status of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.input.input_3 Status of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Status of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.input.input_4 Status of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Status of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.input.num_ports Number of Ports Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Ports</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog ArtIpProg packet No value ArtNET ArtIpProg packet</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_enable Enable Programming Unsigned 8-bit integer Enable Programming</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_ip Program IP Unsigned 8-bit integer Program IP</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_port Program Port Unsigned 8-bit integer Program Port</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_sm Program Subnet Mask Unsigned 8-bit integer Program Subnet Mask</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_reset Reset parameters Unsigned 8-bit integer Reset parameters</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.command_unused Unused Unsigned 8-bit integer Unused</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.ip IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Port</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog.sm Subnet mask IPv4 address IP Subnet mask</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog_reply ArtIpProgReplay packet No value Art-Net ArtIpProgReply packet</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog_reply.ip IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog_reply.port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Port</pre> <pre> artnet.ip_prog_reply.sm Subnet mask IPv4 address IP Subnet mask</pre> <pre> artnet.output ArtDMX packet No value Art-Net ArtDMX packet</pre> <pre> artnet.output.data DMX data No value DMX Data</pre> <pre> artnet.output.data_filter DMX data filter Byte array DMX Data Filter</pre> <pre> artnet.output.dmx_data DMX data No value DMX Data</pre> <pre> artnet.output.length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> artnet.output.physical Physical Unsigned 8-bit integer Physical</pre> <pre> artnet.output.sequence Sequence Unsigned 8-bit integer Sequence</pre> <pre> artnet.output.universe Universe Unsigned 16-bit integer Universe</pre> <pre> artnet.poll ArtPoll packet No value Art-Net ArtPoll packet</pre> <pre> artnet.poll.talktome TalkToMe Unsigned 8-bit integer TalkToMe</pre> <pre> artnet.poll.talktome_reply_dest Reply destination Unsigned 8-bit integer Reply destination</pre> <pre> artnet.poll.talktome_reply_type Reply type Unsigned 8-bit integer Reply type</pre> <pre> artnet.poll.talktome_unused unused Unsigned 8-bit integer unused</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply ArtPollReply packet No value Art-Net ArtPollReply packet</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.esta_man ESTA Code Unsigned 16-bit integer ESTA Code</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_input Input Status No value Input Status</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_input_1 Input status of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input status of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_input_2 Input status of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input status of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_input_3 Input status of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input status of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_input_4 Input status of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input status of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_output Output Status No value Port output status</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_output_1 Output status of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output status of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_output_2 Output status of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output status of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_output_3 Output status of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output status of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.good_output_4 Output status of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Outpus status of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.ip_address IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.long_name Long Name String Long Name</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.mac MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address MAC</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.node_report Node Report String Node Report</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.num_ports Number of Ports Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Ports</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.oem Oem Unsigned 16-bit integer OEM</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_info Port Info No value Port Info</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_nr Port number Unsigned 16-bit integer Port Number</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_types Port Types No value Port Types</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_types_1 Type of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_types_2 Type of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_types_3 Type of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.port_types_4 Type of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.short_name Short Name String Short Name</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.status Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Status</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.subswitch SubSwitch Unsigned 16-bit integer Subswitch version</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swin Input Subswitch No value Input Subswitch</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swin_1 Input Subswitch of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swin_2 Input Subswitch of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swin_3 Input Subswitch of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swin_4 Input Subswitch of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Input Subswitch of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swmacro SwMacro Unsigned 8-bit integer SwMacro</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swout Output Subswitch No value Output Subswitch</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swout_1 Output Subswitch of Port 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 1</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swout_2 Output Subswitch of Port 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 2</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swout_3 Output Subswitch of Port 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Output Subswitch of Port 3</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swout_4 Output Subswitch of Port 4 Unsigned 8-bit integer Ouput Subswitch of Port 4</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swremote SwRemote Unsigned 8-bit integer SwRemote</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.swvideo SwVideo Unsigned 8-bit integer SwVideo</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.ubea_version UBEA Version Unsigned 8-bit integer UBEA version number</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_reply.versinfo Version Info Unsigned 16-bit integer Version info</pre> <pre> artnet.poll_server_reply ArtPollServerReply packet No value Art-Net ArtPollServerReply packet</pre> <pre> artnet.rdm ArtRdm packet No value Art-Net ArtRdm packet</pre> <pre> artnet.rdm.address Address Unsigned 8-bit integer Address</pre> <pre> artnet.rdm.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> artnet.spare spare Byte array spare</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_control.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data ArtTodData packet No value Art-Net ArtTodData packet</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.address Address Unsigned 8-bit integer Address</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.block_count Block Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Block Count</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.command_response Command Response Unsigned 8-bit integer Command Response</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.port Port Unsigned 8-bit integer Port</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.tod TOD Byte array TOD</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.uid_count UID Count Unsigned 8-bit integer UID Count</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_data.uid_total UID Total Unsigned 16-bit integer UID Total</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_request ArtTodRequest packet No value Art-Net ArtTodRequest packet</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_request.ad_count Address Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Count</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_request.address Address Byte array Address</pre> <pre> artnet.tod_request.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data ArtVideoData packet No value Art-Net ArtVideoData packet</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data.data Video Data Byte array Video Data</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data.len_x LenX Unsigned 8-bit integer LenX</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data.len_y LenY Unsigned 8-bit integer LenY</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data.pos_x PosX Unsigned 8-bit integer PosX</pre> <pre> artnet.video_data.pos_y PosY Unsigned 8-bit integer PosY</pre> <pre> artnet.video_palette ArtVideoPalette packet No value Art-Net ArtVideoPalette packet</pre> <pre> artnet.video_palette.colour_blue Colour Blue Byte array Colour Blue</pre> <pre> artnet.video_palette.colour_green Colour Green Byte array Colour Green</pre> <pre> artnet.video_palette.colour_red Colour Red Byte array Colour Red</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup ArtVideoSetup packet No value ArtNET ArtVideoSetup packet</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.control control Unsigned 8-bit integer control</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.first_font First Font Unsigned 8-bit integer First Font</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.font_data Font data Byte array Font Date</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.font_height Font Height Unsigned 8-bit integer Font Height</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.last_font Last Font Unsigned 8-bit integer Last Font</pre> <pre> artnet.video_setup.win_font_name Windows Font Name String Windows Font Name</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="aruba__aruba_discovery_protocol__adp_">Aruba - Aruba Discovery Protocol (adp)</a></h2> <pre> adp.id Transaction ID Unsigned 16-bit integer ADP transaction ID</pre> <pre> adp.mac MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address MAC address</pre> <pre> adp.switch Switch IP IPv4 address Switch IP address</pre> <pre> adp.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer ADP type</pre> <pre> adp.version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer ADP version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="async_data_over_isdn__v_120___v120_">Async data over ISDN (V.120) (v120)</a></h2> <pre> v120.address Link Address Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control Control Field Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.f Final Boolean</pre> <pre> v120.control.ftype Frame type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.n_r N(R) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.n_s N(S) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.p Poll Boolean</pre> <pre> v120.control.s_ftype Supervisory frame type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.u_modifier_cmd Command Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.control.u_modifier_resp Response Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> v120.header Header Field String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="asynchronous_layered_coding__alc_">Asynchronous Layered Coding (alc)</a></h2> <pre> alc.fec Forward Error Correction (FEC) header No value</pre> <pre> alc.fec.encoding_id FEC Encoding ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.esi Encoding Symbol ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.fti FEC Object Transmission Information No value</pre> <pre> alc.fec.fti.encoding_symbol_length Encoding Symbol Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.fti.max_number_encoding_symbols Maximum Number of Encoding Symbols Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.fti.max_source_block_length Maximum Source Block Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.fti.transfer_length Transfer Length Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.instance_id FEC Instance ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.sbl Source Block Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.fec.sbn Source Block Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct Layered Coding Transport (LCT) header No value</pre> <pre> alc.lct.cci Congestion Control Information Byte array</pre> <pre> alc.lct.codepoint Codepoint Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.ert Expected Residual Time Time duration</pre> <pre> alc.lct.ext Extension count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.flags Flags No value</pre> <pre> alc.lct.flags.close_object Close Object flag Boolean</pre> <pre> alc.lct.flags.close_session Close Session flag Boolean</pre> <pre> alc.lct.flags.ert_present Expected Residual Time present flag Boolean</pre> <pre> alc.lct.flags.sct_present Sender Current Time present flag Boolean</pre> <pre> alc.lct.fsize Field sizes (bytes) No value</pre> <pre> alc.lct.fsize.cci Congestion Control Information field size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.fsize.toi Transport Object Identifier field size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.fsize.tsi Transport Session Identifier field size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.hlen Header length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.sct Sender Current Time Time duration</pre> <pre> alc.lct.toi Transport Object Identifier (up to 64 bites) Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.toi_extended Transport Object Identifier (up to 112 bits) Byte array</pre> <pre> alc.lct.tsi Transport Session Identifier Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.lct.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> alc.payload Payload No value</pre> <pre> alc.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="audiocodes_trunk_trace__actrace_">AudioCodes Trunk Trace (actrace)</a></h2> <pre> actrace.cas.bchannel BChannel Signed 32-bit integer BChannel</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.conn_id Connection ID Signed 32-bit integer Connection ID</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.curr_state Current State Signed 32-bit integer Current State</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.event Event Signed 32-bit integer New Event</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.function Function Signed 32-bit integer Function</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.next_state Next State Signed 32-bit integer Next State</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.par0 Parameter 0 Signed 32-bit integer Parameter 0</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.par1 Parameter 1 Signed 32-bit integer Parameter 1</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.par2 Parameter 2 Signed 32-bit integer Parameter 2</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.source Source Signed 32-bit integer Source</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.time Time Signed 32-bit integer Capture Time</pre> <pre> actrace.cas.trunk Trunk Number Signed 32-bit integer Trunk Number</pre> <pre> actrace.isdn.dir Direction Signed 32-bit integer Direction</pre> <pre> actrace.isdn.length Length Signed 16-bit integer Length</pre> <pre> actrace.isdn.trunk Trunk Number Signed 16-bit integer Trunk Number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="authentication_header__ah_">Authentication Header (ah)</a></h2> <pre> ah.iv IV Byte array</pre> <pre> ah.sequence Sequence Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> ah.spi SPI Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bacnet_virtual_link_control__bvlc_">BACnet Virtual Link Control (bvlc)</a></h2> <pre> bvlc.bdt_ip IP IPv4 address BDT IP</pre> <pre> bvlc.bdt_mask Mask Byte array BDT Broadcast Distribution Mask</pre> <pre> bvlc.bdt_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer BDT Port</pre> <pre> bvlc.fdt_ip IP IPv4 address FDT IP</pre> <pre> bvlc.fdt_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer FDT Port</pre> <pre> bvlc.fdt_timeout Timeout Unsigned 16-bit integer Foreign Device Timeout (seconds)</pre> <pre> bvlc.fdt_ttl TTL Unsigned 16-bit integer Foreign Device Time To Live</pre> <pre> bvlc.function Function Unsigned 8-bit integer BVLC Function</pre> <pre> bvlc.fwd_ip IP IPv4 address FWD IP</pre> <pre> bvlc.fwd_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer FWD Port</pre> <pre> bvlc.length BVLC-Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of BVLC</pre> <pre> bvlc.reg_ttl TTL Unsigned 16-bit integer Foreign Device Time To Live</pre> <pre> bvlc.result Result Unsigned 16-bit integer Result Code</pre> <pre> bvlc.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bea_tuxedo__tuxedo_">BEA Tuxedo (tuxedo)</a></h2> <pre> tuxedo.magic Magic Unsigned 32-bit integer TUXEDO magic</pre> <pre> tuxedo.opcode Opcode Unsigned 32-bit integer TUXEDO opcode</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bssap_bsap__bssap_">BSSAP/BSAP (bssap)</a></h2> <pre> bsap.dlci.cc Control Channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bsap.dlci.rsvd Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bsap.dlci.sapi SAPI Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bsap.pdu_type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.Gs_cause_ie Gs Cause IE No value Gs Cause IE</pre> <pre> bssap.Tom_prot_disc TOM Protocol Discriminator Unsigned 8-bit integer TOM Protocol Discriminator</pre> <pre> bssap.cell_global_id_ie Cell global identity IE No value Cell global identity IE</pre> <pre> bssap.cn_id CN-Id Unsigned 16-bit integer CN-Id</pre> <pre> bssap.dlci.cc Control Channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.dlci.sapi SAPI Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.dlci.spare Spare Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.dlink_tnl_pld_cntrl_amd_inf_ie Downlink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE No value Downlink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE</pre> <pre> bssap.emlpp_prio_ie eMLPP Priority IE No value eMLPP Priority IE</pre> <pre> bssap.erroneous_msg_ie Erroneous message IE No value Erroneous message IE</pre> <pre> bssap.extension Extension Boolean Extension</pre> <pre> bssap.global_cn_id Global CN-Id Byte array Global CN-Id</pre> <pre> bssap.global_cn_id_ie Global CN-Id IE No value Global CN-Id IE</pre> <pre> bssap.gprs_loc_upd_type eMLPP Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer eMLPP Priority</pre> <pre> bssap.ie_data IE Data Byte array IE Data</pre> <pre> bssap.imei IMEI String IMEI</pre> <pre> bssap.imei_ie IMEI IE No value IMEI IE</pre> <pre> bssap.imeisv IMEISV String IMEISV</pre> <pre> bssap.imesiv IMEISV IE No value IMEISV IE</pre> <pre> bssap.imsi IMSI String IMSI</pre> <pre> bssap.imsi_det_from_gprs_serv_type IMSI detach from GPRS service type Unsigned 8-bit integer IMSI detach from GPRS service type</pre> <pre> bssap.imsi_ie IMSI IE No value IMSI IE</pre> <pre> bssap.info_req Information requested Unsigned 8-bit integer Information requested</pre> <pre> bssap.info_req_ie Information requested IE No value Information requested IE</pre> <pre> bssap.length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.loc_area_id_ie Location area identifier IE No value Location area identifier IE</pre> <pre> bssap.loc_inf_age Location information age IE No value Location information age IE</pre> <pre> bssap.loc_upd_type_ie GPRS location update type IE No value GPRS location update type IE</pre> <pre> bssap.mm_information MM information IE No value MM information IE</pre> <pre> bssap.mobile_id_ie Mobile identity IE No value Mobile identity IE</pre> <pre> bssap.mobile_station_state Mobile station state Unsigned 8-bit integer Mobile station state</pre> <pre> bssap.mobile_station_state_ie Mobile station state IE No value Mobile station state IE</pre> <pre> bssap.mobile_stn_cls_mrk1_ie Mobile station classmark 1 IE No value Mobile station classmark 1 IE</pre> <pre> bssap.msi_det_from_gprs_serv_type_ie IMSI detach from GPRS service type IE No value IMSI detach from GPRS service type IE</pre> <pre> bssap.msi_det_from_non_gprs_serv_type_ie IMSI detach from non-GPRS servic IE No value IMSI detach from non-GPRS servic IE</pre> <pre> bssap.number_plan Numbering plan identification Unsigned 8-bit integer Numbering plan identification</pre> <pre> bssap.pdu_type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap.plmn_id PLMN-Id Byte array PLMN-Id</pre> <pre> bssap.ptmsi PTMSI Byte array PTMSI</pre> <pre> bssap.ptmsi_ie PTMSI IE No value PTMSI IE</pre> <pre> bssap.reject_cause_ie Reject cause IE No value Reject cause IE</pre> <pre> bssap.sgsn_number SGSN number String SGSN number</pre> <pre> bssap.tmsi TMSI Byte array TMSI</pre> <pre> bssap.tmsi_ie TMSI IE No value TMSI IE</pre> <pre> bssap.tmsi_status TMSI status Boolean TMSI status</pre> <pre> bssap.tmsi_status_ie TMSI status IE No value TMSI status IE</pre> <pre> bssap.tunnel_prio Tunnel Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Tunnel Priority</pre> <pre> bssap.type_of_number Type of number Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of number</pre> <pre> bssap.ulink_tnl_pld_cntrl_amd_inf_ie Uplink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE No value Uplink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE</pre> <pre> bssap.vlr_number VLR number String VLR number</pre> <pre> bssap.vlr_number_ie VLR number IE No value VLR number IE</pre> <pre> bssap_plus.iei IEI Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssap_plus.msg_type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Message Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_arp__vines_arp_">Banyan Vines ARP (vines_arp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_echo__vines_echo_">Banyan Vines Echo (vines_echo)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_fragmentation_protocol__vines_frp_">Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol (vines_frp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_icp__vines_icp_">Banyan Vines ICP (vines_icp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_ip__vines_ip_">Banyan Vines IP (vines_ip)</a></h2> <pre> vines_ip.protocol Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer Vines protocol</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_ipc__vines_ipc_">Banyan Vines IPC (vines_ipc)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_llc__vines_llc_">Banyan Vines LLC (vines_llc)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_rtp__vines_rtp_">Banyan Vines RTP (vines_rtp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="banyan_vines_spp__vines_spp_">Banyan Vines SPP (vines_spp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="base_station_subsystem_gprs_protocol__bssgp_">Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol (bssgp)</a></h2> <pre> bssgp.appid Application ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Application ID</pre> <pre> bssgp.bvci BVCI Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.ci CI Unsigned 16-bit integer Cell Identity</pre> <pre> bssgp.ie_type NACC Cause Unsigned 8-bit integer NACC Cause</pre> <pre> bssgp.iei.nacc_cause IE Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Information element type</pre> <pre> bssgp.imei IMEI String</pre> <pre> bssgp.imeisv IMEISV String</pre> <pre> bssgp.imsi IMSI String</pre> <pre> bssgp.lac LAC Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.mcc MCC Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.mnc MNC Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.nri NRI Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.nsei NSEI Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.pdu_type PDU Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.rac RAC Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.rad Routing Address Discriminator Unsigned 8-bit integer Routing Address Discriminator</pre> <pre> bssgp.ran_inf_req_pdu_type_ext PDU Type Extension Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU Type Extension</pre> <pre> bssgp.ran_req_pdu_type_ext PDU Type Extension Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU Type Extension</pre> <pre> bssgp.rcid Reporting Cell Identity Unsigned 64-bit integer Reporting Cell Identity</pre> <pre> bssgp.rrc_si_type RRC SI type Unsigned 8-bit integer RRC SI type</pre> <pre> bssgp.tlli TLLI Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bssgp.tmsi_ptmsi TMSI/PTMSI Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="basic_encoding_rules__asn_1_x_690___ber_">Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.690) (ber)</a></h2> <pre> ber.bitstring.padding Padding Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of unsused bits in the last octet of the bitstring</pre> <pre> ber.id.class Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Class of BER TLV Identifier</pre> <pre> ber.id.pc P/C Boolean Primitive or Constructed BER encoding</pre> <pre> ber.id.tag Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer Tag value for non-Universal classes</pre> <pre> ber.id.uni_tag Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer Universal tag type</pre> <pre> ber.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Length of contents</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.BITSTRING BITSTRING Byte array This is an unknown BITSTRING</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Unsigned 8-bit integer This is an unknown BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.ENUMERATED ENUMERATED Unsigned 32-bit integer This is an unknown ENUMERATED</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.GRAPHICSTRING GRAPHICSTRING String This is an unknown GRAPHICSTRING</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.GeneralizedTime GeneralizedTime String This is an unknown GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.IA5String IA5String String This is an unknown IA5String</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.INTEGER INTEGER Unsigned 32-bit integer This is an unknown INTEGER</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.NumericString NumericString String This is an unknown NumericString</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.OCTETSTRING OCTETSTRING Byte array This is an unknown OCTETSTRING</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.OID OID This is an unknown Object Identifier</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.PrintableString PrintableString String This is an unknown PrintableString</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.TeletexString TeletexString String This is an unknown TeletexString</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.UTCTime UTCTime String This is an unknown UTCTime</pre> <pre> ber.unknown.UTF8String UTF8String String This is an unknown UTF8String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bearer_independent_call_control__bicc_">Bearer Independent Call Control (bicc)</a></h2> <pre> bicc.cic Call identification Code (CIC) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bidirectional_fault_detection_control_message__bfdcontrol_">Bi-directional Fault Detection Control Message (bfdcontrol)</a></h2> <pre> bfd.desired_min_tx_interval Desired Min TX Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.detect_time_multiplier Detect Time Multiplier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.diag Diagnostic Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.flags Message Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.a Authentication Present Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.c Control Plane Independent Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.d Demand Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.f Final Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.h I hear you Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.flags.p Poll Boolean</pre> <pre> bfd.my_discriminator My Discriminator Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.required_min_echo_interval Required Min Echo Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.required_min_rx_interval Required Min RX Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.sta Session State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.version Protocol Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bfd.your_discriminator Your Discriminator Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bittorrent__bittorrent_">BitTorrent (bittorrent)</a></h2> <pre> bittorrent.azureus_msg Azureus Message No value</pre> <pre> bittorrent.bdict Dictionary No value</pre> <pre> bittorrent.bdict.entry Entry No value</pre> <pre> bittorrent.bint Integer Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.blist List No value</pre> <pre> bittorrent.bstr String String</pre> <pre> bittorrent.bstr.length String Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.info_hash SHA1 Hash of info dictionary Byte array</pre> <pre> bittorrent.jpc.addr Cache Address String</pre> <pre> bittorrent.jpc.addr.length Cache Address Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.jpc.port Port Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.jpc.session Session ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.length Field Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg Message No value</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.aztype Message Type String</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.bitfield Bitfield data Byte array</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.length Message Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.prio Message Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.msg.typelen Message Type Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.peer_id Peer ID Byte array</pre> <pre> bittorrent.piece.begin Begin offset of piece Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.piece.data Data in a piece Byte array</pre> <pre> bittorrent.piece.index Piece index Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.piece.length Piece Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.protocol.name Protocol Name String</pre> <pre> bittorrent.protocol.name.length Protocol Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bittorrent.reserved Reserved Extension Bytes Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="blocks_extensible_exchange_protocol__beep_">Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (beep)</a></h2> <pre> beep.ansno Ansno Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.channel Channel Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.end End Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.more.complete Complete Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.more.intermediate Intermediate Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.msgno Msgno Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.req Request Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.req.channel Request Channel Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.rsp Response Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.rsp.channel Response Channel Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.seq Sequence Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.seq.ackno Ackno Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.seq.channel Sequence Channel Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.seq.window Window Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.seqno Seqno Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> beep.status.negative Negative Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.status.positive Positive Boolean</pre> <pre> beep.violation Protocol Violation Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="blubster_piolet_manolito_protocol__manolito_">Blubster/Piolet MANOLITO Protocol (manolito)</a></h2> <pre> manolito.checksum Checksum Unsigned 32-bit integer Checksum used for verifying integrity</pre> <pre> manolito.dest Destination IP Address IPv4 address Destination IPv4 address</pre> <pre> manolito.options Options Unsigned 32-bit integer Packet-dependent data</pre> <pre> manolito.seqno Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Incremental sequence number</pre> <pre> manolito.src Forwarded IP Address IPv4 address Host packet was forwarded from (or 0)</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_hci_acl_packet__bthci_acl_">Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet (bthci_acl)</a></h2> <pre> btacl.bc_flag BC Flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Broadcast Flag</pre> <pre> btacl.chandle Connection Handle Unsigned 16-bit integer Connection Handle</pre> <pre> btacl.continuation_to This is a continuation to the PDU in frame Frame number This is a continuation to the PDU in frame #</pre> <pre> btacl.data Data No value Data</pre> <pre> btacl.length Data Total Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Data Total Length</pre> <pre> btacl.pb_flag PB Flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Boundary Flag</pre> <pre> btacl.reassembled_in This PDU is reassembled in frame Frame number This PDU is reassembled in frame #</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_hci_command__bthci_cmd_">Bluetooth HCI Command (bthci_cmd)</a></h2> <pre> bthci_cmd.air_coding_format Air Coding Format Unsigned 16-bit integer Air Coding Format</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.allow_role_switch Allow Role Switch Unsigned 8-bit integer Allow Role Switch</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.auth_enable Authentication Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Authentication Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.auto_accept_flag Auto Accept Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Class of Device of Interest</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.bd_addr BD_ADDR 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Bluetooth Device Address</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.beacon_max_int Beacon Max Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots between consecutive beacons.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.beacon_min_int Beacon Min Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots between consecutive beacons.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.class_of_device Class of Device Unsigned 24-bit integer Class of Device</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.class_of_device_mask Class of Device Mask Unsigned 24-bit integer Bit Mask used to determine which bits of the Class of Device parameter are of interest.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.clock_offset Clock Offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Bit 2-16 of the Clock Offset between CLKmaster-CLKslave</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.clock_offset_valid Clock_Offset_Valid_Flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates if clock offset is valid</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.connection_handle Connection Handle Unsigned 16-bit integer Connection Handle</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.delay_variation Delay Variation Unsigned 32-bit integer Delay Variation, in microseconds</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.delete_all_flag Delete All Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Delete All Flag</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.encrypt_mode Encryption Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Encryption Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.encryption_enable Encryption Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Encryption Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_01 Inquiry Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Inquiry Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_02 Inquiry Result Unsigned 32-bit integer Inquiry Result Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_03 Connect Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Connection Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_04 Connect Request Unsigned 32-bit integer Connect Request Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_05 Disconnect Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Disconnect Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_06 Auth Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Auth Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_07 Remote Name Req Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Remote Name Req Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_08 Encrypt Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Encrypt Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_09 Change Connection Link Key Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Change Connection Link Key Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0a Master Link Key Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Master Link Key Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0b Read Remote Supported Features Unsigned 32-bit integer Read Remote Supported Features Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0c Read Remote Ver Info Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Read Remote Ver Info Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0d QoS Setup Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer QoS Setup Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0e Command Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Command Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_0f Command Status Unsigned 32-bit integer Command Status Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_10 Hardware Error Unsigned 32-bit integer Hardware Error Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_11 Flush Occurred Unsigned 32-bit integer Flush Occurred Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_12 Role Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Role Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_13 Number of Completed Packets Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of Completed Packets Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_14 Mode Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Mode Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_15 Return Link Keys Unsigned 32-bit integer Return Link Keys Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_16 PIN Code Request Unsigned 32-bit integer PIN Code Request Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_17 Link Key Request Unsigned 32-bit integer Link Key Request Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_18 Link Key Notification Unsigned 32-bit integer Link Key Notification Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_19 Loopback Command Unsigned 32-bit integer Loopback Command Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1a Data Buffer Overflow Unsigned 32-bit integer Data Buffer Overflow Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1b Max Slots Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Max Slots Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1c Read Clock Offset Complete Unsigned 32-bit integer Read Clock Offset Complete Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1d Connection Packet Type Changed Unsigned 32-bit integer Connection Packet Type Changed Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1e QoS Violation Unsigned 32-bit integer QoS Violation Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_1f Page Scan Mode Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Page Scan Mode Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.evt_mask_20 Page Scan Repetition Mode Change Unsigned 32-bit integer Page Scan Repetition Mode Change Bit</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.filter_condition_type Filter Condition Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Filter Condition Type</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.filter_type Filter Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Filter Type</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.flow_contr_enable Flow Control Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Flow Control Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.flow_control SCO Flow Control Unsigned 8-bit integer SCO Flow Control</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.hold_mode_inquiry Suspend Inquiry Scan Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.hold_mode_max_int Hold Mode Max Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots to wait in Hold Mode.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.hold_mode_min_int Hold Mode Min Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots to wait in Hold Mode.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.hold_mode_page Suspend Page Scan Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.hold_mode_periodic Suspend Periodic Inquiries Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.input_coding Input Coding Unsigned 16-bit integer Authentication Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.input_data_format Input Data Format Unsigned 16-bit integer Input Data Format</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.input_sample_size Input Sample Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Input Sample Size</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.inq_length Inquiry Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Inquiry Length (*1.28s)</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.interval Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Interval</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.key_flag Key Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Flag</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.lap LAP Unsigned 24-bit integer LAP for the inquiry access code</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.latency Latecy Unsigned 32-bit integer Latency, in microseconds</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.lin_pcm_bit_pos Linear PCM Bit Pos Unsigned 16-bit integer # bit pos. that MSB of sample is away from starting at MSB</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.link_key Link Key Byte array Link Key for the associated BD_ADDR</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.link_policy_hold Enable Hold Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Hold Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.link_policy_park Enable Park Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Park Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.link_policy_sniff Enable Sniff Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Sniff Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.link_policy_switch Enable Master Slave Switch Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Master Slave Switch</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.local_name Remote Name String Userfriendly descriptive name for the device</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.loopback_mode Loopback Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Loopback Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.max_data_length_acl Host ACL Data Packet Length (bytes) Unsigned 16-bit integer Max Host ACL Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.max_data_length_sco Host SCO Data Packet Length (bytes) Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Host SCO Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.max_data_num_acl Host Total Num ACL Data Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer Total Number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.max_data_num_sco Host Total Num SCO Data Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer Total Number of HCI SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.max_period_length Max Period Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum amount of time specified between consecutive inquiries.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.min_period_length Min Period Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Minimum amount of time specified between consecutive inquiries.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.num_broad_retran Num Broadcast Retran Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Broadcast Retransmissions</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.num_compl_packets Number of Completed Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Completed HCI Data Packets</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.num_curr_iac Number of Current IAC Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of IACs which are currently in use</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.num_handles Number of Handles Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Handles</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.num_responses Num Responses Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Responses</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.ocf ocf Unsigned 16-bit integer Opcode Command Field</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.ogf ogf Unsigned 16-bit integer Opcode Group Field</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.opcode Command Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer HCI Command Opcode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh1 Packet Type DH1 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DH1</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh3 Packet Type DH3 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DH3</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh5 Packet Type DH5 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DH5</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm1 Packet Type DM1 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DM1</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm3 Packet Type DM3 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DM3</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm5 Packet Type DM5 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type DM5</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv1 Packet Type HV1 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type HV1</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv2 Packet Type HV2 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type HV2</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv3 Packet Type HV3 Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Type HV3</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.page_scan_mode Page Scan Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.page_scan_period_mode Page Scan Period Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Period Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.page_scan_repetition_mode Page Scan Repetition Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Repetition Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.param_length Parameter Total Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Total Length</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.params Command Parameters Byte array Command Parameters</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.peak_bandwidth Peak Bandwidth Unsigned 32-bit integer Peak Bandwidth, in bytes per second</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.pin_code PIN Code String PIN Code</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.pin_code_length PIN Code Length Unsigned 8-bit integer PIN Code Length</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.pin_type PIN Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PIN Types</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.power_level_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.read_all_flag Read All Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Read All Flag</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.reason Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.role Role Unsigned 8-bit integer Role</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.scan_enable Scan Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Scan Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.service_type Service Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Type</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.sniff_attempt Sniff Attempt Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Baseband receive slots for sniff attempt.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.sniff_max_int Sniff Max Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots between each sniff period.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.sniff_min_int Sniff Min Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots between each sniff period.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.status Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Status</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.timeout Timeout Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Baseband slots for timeout.</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.token_rate Available Token Rate Unsigned 32-bit integer Token Rate, in bytes per second</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd.window Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Window</pre> <pre> bthci_cmd_num_link_keys Number of Link Keys Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Link Keys</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_hci_event__bthci_evt_">Bluetooth HCI Event (bthci_evt)</a></h2> <pre> bthci_evt.auth_enable Authentication Unsigned 8-bit integer Authentication Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.bd_addr BD_ADDR 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Bluetooth Device Address</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.class_of_device Class of Device Signed 24-bit integer Class of Device for the Device, which requested the connection</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.clock_offset Clock Offset Unsigned 16-bit integer Bit 2-16 of the Clock Offset between CLKmaster-CLKslave</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.code Event Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Event Code</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.com_opcode Command Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer Command Opcode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.comp_id Manufacturer Name Unsigned 16-bit integer Manufacturer Name of Bluetooth Hardware</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.connection_handle Connection Handle Unsigned 16-bit integer Connection Handle</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.country_code Country Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Country Code</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.current_mode Current Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Current Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.delay_variation Available Delay Variation Unsigned 32-bit integer Available Delay Variation, in microseconds</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.encryption_enable Encryption Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Encryption Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.encryption_mode Encryption Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Encryption Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.failed_contact_counter Failed Contact Counter Unsigned 16-bit integer Failed Contact Counter</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.hardware_code Hardware Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Hardware Code (implementation specific)</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.hci_vers_nr HCI Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version of the Current HCI</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.hold_mode_inquiry Suspend Inquiry Scan Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.hold_mode_page Suspend Page Scan Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.hold_mode_periodic Suspend Periodic Inquiries Unsigned 8-bit integer Device can enter low power state</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.input_coding Input Coding Unsigned 16-bit integer Authentication Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.input_data_format Input Data Format Unsigned 16-bit integer Input Data Format</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.input_sample_size Input Sample Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Input Sample Size</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.interval Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Interval - Number of Baseband slots</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.key_flag Key Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Flag</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.key_type Key Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Type</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.latency Available Latecy Unsigned 32-bit integer Available Latency, in microseconds</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_key Link Key Byte array Link Key for the associated BD_ADDR</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_policy_hold Enable Hold Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Hold Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_policy_park Enable Park Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Park Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_policy_sniff Enable Sniff Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Sniff Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_policy_switch Enable Master Slave Switch Unsigned 16-bit integer Enable Master Slave Switch</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_quality Link Quality Unsigned 8-bit integer Link Quality (0x00 - 0xFF Higher Value = Better Link)</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type Link Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Link Type</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dh1 ACL Link Type DH1 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DH1</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dh3 ACL Link Type DH3 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DH3</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dh5 ACL Link Type DH5 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DH5</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dm1 ACL Link Type DM1 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DM1</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dm3 ACL Link Type DM3 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DM3</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_dm5 ACL Link Type DM5 Unsigned 16-bit integer ACL Link Type DM5</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_hv1 SCO Link Type HV1 Unsigned 16-bit integer SCO Link Type HV1</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_hv2 SCO Link Type HV2 Unsigned 16-bit integer SCO Link Type HV2</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.link_type_hv3 SCO Link Type HV3 Unsigned 16-bit integer SCO Link Type HV3</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.lmp_feature 3-slot packets Unsigned 8-bit integer 3-slot packets</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.lmp_sub_vers_nr LMP Subversion Unsigned 16-bit integer Subversion of the Current LMP</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.lmp_vers_nr LMP Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version of the Current LMP</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.local_name Name String Userfriendly descriptive name for the device</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.loopback_mode Loopback Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Loopback Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_data_length_acl Host ACL Data Packet Length (bytes) Unsigned 16-bit integer Max Host ACL Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_data_length_sco Host SCO Data Packet Length (bytes) Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Host SCO Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_data_num_acl Host Total Num ACL Data Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer Total Number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_data_num_sco Host Total Num SCO Data Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer Total Number of HCI SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_num_keys Max Num Keys Unsigned 16-bit integer Total Number of Link Keys that the Host Controller can store</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.max_slots Maximum Number of Slots Unsigned 8-bit integer Maximum Number of slots allowed for baseband packets</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_broad_retran Num Broadcast Retran Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Broadcast Retransmissions</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_command_packets Number of Allowed Command Packets Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Allowed Command Packets</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_compl_packets Number of Completed Packets Unsigned 16-bit integer The number of HCI Data Packets that have been completed</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_curr_iac Num Current IAC Unsigned 8-bit integer Num of IACs currently in use to simultaneously listen</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_handles Number of Connection Handles Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Connection Handles and Num_HCI_Data_Packets parameter pairs</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_keys Number of Link Keys Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Link Keys contained</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_keys_deleted Number of Link Keys Deleted Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Link Keys Deleted</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_keys_read Number of Link Keys Read Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Link Keys Read</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_keys_written Number of Link Keys Written Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Link Keys Written</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_responses Number of responses Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Responses from Inquiry</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.num_supp_iac Num Support IAC Unsigned 8-bit integer Num of supported IAC the device can simultaneously listen</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.ocf ocf Unsigned 16-bit integer Opcode Command Field</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.ogf ogf Unsigned 16-bit integer Opcode Group Field</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.page_scan_mode Page Scan Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.page_scan_period_mode Page Scan Period Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Period Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.page_scan_repetition_mode Page Scan Repetition Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Page Scan Repetition Mode</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.param_length Parameter Total Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Total Length</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.params Event Parameter No value Event Parameter</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.peak_bandwidth Available Peak Bandwidth Unsigned 32-bit integer Available Peak Bandwidth, in bytes per second</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.pin_type PIN Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PIN Types</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.reason Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.remote_name Remote Name String Userfriendly descriptive name for the remote device</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.ret_params Return Parameter No value Return Parameter</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.role Role Unsigned 8-bit integer Role</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.rssi RSSI (dB) Signed 8-bit integer RSSI (dB)</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.scan_enable Scan Unsigned 8-bit integer Scan Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.sco_flow_cont_enable SCO Flow Control Unsigned 8-bit integer SCO Flow Control Enable</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.service_type Service Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Type</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.status Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Status</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.timeout Timeout Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of Baseband slots for timeout.</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.token_rate Available Token Rate Unsigned 32-bit integer Available Token Rate, in bytes per second</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.transmit_power_level Transmit Power Level (dBm) Signed 8-bit integer Transmit Power Level (dBm)</pre> <pre> bthci_evt.window Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Window</pre> <pre> bthci_evt_curr_role Current Role Unsigned 8-bit integer Current role for this connection handle</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_hci_h4__hci_h4_">Bluetooth HCI H4 (hci_h4)</a></h2> <pre> hci_h4.direction Direction Unsigned 8-bit integer HCI Packet Direction Sent/Rcvd</pre> <pre> hci_h4.type HCI Packet Type Unsigned 8-bit integer HCI Packet Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_hci_sco_packet__bthci_sco_">Bluetooth HCI SCO Packet (bthci_sco)</a></h2> <pre> btsco.chandle Connection Handle Unsigned 16-bit integer Connection Handle</pre> <pre> btsco.data Data No value Data</pre> <pre> btsco.length Data Total Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Total Length</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_l2cap_packet__btl2cap_">Bluetooth L2CAP Packet (btl2cap)</a></h2> <pre> btl2cap.cid CID Unsigned 16-bit integer L2CAP Channel Identifier</pre> <pre> btl2cap.cmd_code Command Code Unsigned 8-bit integer L2CAP Command Code</pre> <pre> btl2cap.cmd_data Command Data No value L2CAP Command Data</pre> <pre> btl2cap.cmd_ident Command Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer L2CAP Command Identifier</pre> <pre> btl2cap.cmd_length Command Length Unsigned 8-bit integer L2CAP Command Length</pre> <pre> btl2cap.command Command No value L2CAP Command</pre> <pre> btl2cap.conf_param_option Configuration Parameter Option No value Configuration Parameter Option</pre> <pre> btl2cap.conf_result Result Unsigned 16-bit integer Configuration Result</pre> <pre> btl2cap.continuation Continuation Flag Boolean Continuation Flag</pre> <pre> btl2cap.dcid Destination CID Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination Channel Identifier</pre> <pre> btl2cap.info_mtu Remote Entity MTU Unsigned 16-bit integer Remote entitiys acceptable connectionless MTU</pre> <pre> btl2cap.info_result Result Unsigned 16-bit integer Information about the success of the request</pre> <pre> btl2cap.info_type Information Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Type of implementation-specific information</pre> <pre> btl2cap.length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer L2CAP Payload Length</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_dealyvar Delay Variation (microseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer Difference between maximum and minimum delay (microseconds)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Flags - must be set to 0 (Reserved for future use)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_flushto Flush Timeout (ms) Unsigned 16-bit integer Flush Timeout in milliseconds</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_latency Latency (microseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximal acceptable dealy (microseconds)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of octets in option payload</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_mtu MTU Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum Transmission Unit</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_peakbandwidth Peak Bandwidth (bytes/s) Unsigned 32-bit integer Limit how fast packets may be sent (bytes/s)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_servicetype Service Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Level of service required</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_tokenbsize Token Bucket Size (bytes) Unsigned 32-bit integer Size of the token bucket (bytes)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_tokenrate Token Rate (bytes/s) Unsigned 32-bit integer Rate at which traffic credits are granted (bytes/s)</pre> <pre> btl2cap.option_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of option</pre> <pre> btl2cap.payload Payload Byte array L2CAP Payload</pre> <pre> btl2cap.psm PSM Unsigned 16-bit integer Protocol/Service Multiplexor</pre> <pre> btl2cap.rej_reason Reason Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason</pre> <pre> btl2cap.result Result Unsigned 16-bit integer Result</pre> <pre> btl2cap.scid Source CID Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Channel Identifier</pre> <pre> btl2cap.sig_mtu Maximum Signalling MTU Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum Signalling MTU</pre> <pre> btl2cap.status Status Unsigned 16-bit integer Status</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_rfcomm_packet__btrfcomm_">Bluetooth RFCOMM Packet (btrfcomm)</a></h2> <pre> btrfcomm.cr C/R Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Command/Response flag</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.credits Credits Unsigned 8-bit integer Flow control: number of UIH frames allowed to send</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.dlci DLCI Unsigned 8-bit integer RFCOMM DLCI</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.ea EA Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer EA flag (should be always 1)</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.error_recovery_mode Error Recovery Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Error Recovery Mode</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.fcs Frame Check Sequence Unsigned 8-bit integer Checksum over frame</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.frame_type Frame type Unsigned 8-bit integer Command/Response flag</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.len Payload length Unsigned 16-bit integer Frame length</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.max_frame_size Max Frame Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum Frame Size</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.max_retrans Max Retrans Unsigned 8-bit integer Maximum number of retransmissions</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.mcc.cmd C/R Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Command/Response flag</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.mcc.cr C/R Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Command/Response flag</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.mcc.ea EA Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer EA flag (should be always 1)</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.mcc.len MCC Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of MCC data</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.bl Length of break in units of 200ms Unsigned 8-bit integer Length of break in units of 200ms</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.dv Data Valid (DV) Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Valid</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.fc Flow Control (FC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Flow Control</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.ic Incoming Call Indicator (IC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Incoming Call Indicator</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.rtc Ready To Communicate (RTC) Unsigned 8-bit integer Ready To Communicate</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.msc.rtr Ready To Receive (RTR) Unsigned 8-bit integer Ready To Receive</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.pf P/F flag Unsigned 8-bit integer Poll/Final bit</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.pn.cl Convergence layer Unsigned 8-bit integer Convergence layer used for that particular DLCI</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.pn.i Type of frame Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of information frames used for that particular DLCI</pre> <pre> btrfcomm.priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Priority</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bluetooth_sdp__btsdp_">Bluetooth SDP (btsdp)</a></h2> <pre> btsdp.error_code ErrorCode Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> btsdp.len ParameterLength Unsigned 16-bit integer ParameterLength</pre> <pre> btsdp.pdu PDU Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU type</pre> <pre> btsdp.ssares.byte_count AttributeListsByteCount Unsigned 16-bit integer count of bytes in attribute list response</pre> <pre> btsdp.ssr.current_count CurrentServiceRecordCount Unsigned 16-bit integer count of service records in this message</pre> <pre> btsdp.ssr.total_count TotalServiceRecordCount Unsigned 16-bit integer Total count of service records</pre> <pre> btsdp.tid TransactionID Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="boardwalk__brdwlk_">Boardwalk (brdwlk)</a></h2> <pre> brdwlk.drop Packet Dropped Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.eof EOF Unsigned 8-bit integer EOF</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error Error Unsigned 8-bit integer Error</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.crc CRC Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.ctrl Ctrl Char Inside Frame Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.ef Empty Frame Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.ff Fifo Full Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.jumbo Jumbo FC Frame Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.nd No Data Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.plp Packet Length Present Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.error.tr Truncated Boolean</pre> <pre> brdwlk.pktcnt Packet Count Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> brdwlk.plen Original Packet Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> brdwlk.sof SOF Unsigned 8-bit integer SOF</pre> <pre> brdwlk.vsan VSAN Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="boot_parameters__bootparams_">Boot Parameters (bootparams)</a></h2> <pre> bootparams.domain Client Domain String Client Domain</pre> <pre> bootparams.fileid File ID String File ID</pre> <pre> bootparams.filepath File Path String File Path</pre> <pre> bootparams.host Client Host String Client Host</pre> <pre> bootparams.hostaddr Client Address IPv4 address Address</pre> <pre> bootparams.procedure_v1 V1 Procedure Unsigned 32-bit integer V1 Procedure</pre> <pre> bootparams.routeraddr Router Address IPv4 address Router Address</pre> <pre> bootparams.type Address Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Address Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="bootstrap_protocol__bootp_">Bootstrap Protocol (bootp)</a></h2> <pre> bootp.client_id_uuid Client Identifier (UUID) Client Machine Identifier (UUID)</pre> <pre> bootp.client_network_id_major Client Network ID Major Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Client Machine Identifier, Major Version</pre> <pre> bootp.client_network_id_minor Client Network ID Minor Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Client Machine Identifier, Major Version</pre> <pre> bootp.cookie Magic cookie IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bootp.dhcp Frame is DHCP Boolean</pre> <pre> bootp.file Boot file name String</pre> <pre> bootp.flags Bootp flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.flags.bc Broadcast flag Boolean</pre> <pre> bootp.flags.reserved Reserved flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.e Encoding Boolean If true, name is binary encoded</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.mbz Reserved flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.n Server DDNS Boolean If true, server should not do any DDNS updates</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.name Client name Byte array Name to register via DDNS</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.o Server overrides Boolean If true, server insists on doing DDNS update</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.rcode1 A-RR result Unsigned 8-bit integer Result code of A-RR update</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.rcode2 PTR-RR result Unsigned 8-bit integer Result code of PTR-RR update</pre> <pre> bootp.fqdn.s Server Boolean If true, server should do DDNS update</pre> <pre> bootp.hops Hops Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.hw.addr Client hardware address Byte array</pre> <pre> bootp.hw.len Hardware address length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.hw.mac_addr Client MAC address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> bootp.hw.type Hardware type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.id Transaction ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.ip.client Client IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bootp.ip.relay Relay agent IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bootp.ip.server Next server IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bootp.ip.your Your (client) IP address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bootp.option.length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Bootp/Dhcp option length</pre> <pre> bootp.option.type Option Unsigned 8-bit integer Bootp/Dhcp option type</pre> <pre> bootp.option.value Value Byte array Bootp/Dhcp option value</pre> <pre> bootp.secs Seconds elapsed Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.server Server host name String</pre> <pre> bootp.type Message type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bootp.vendor Bootp Vendor Options Byte array</pre> <pre> bootp.vendor.alcatel.vid Voice VLAN ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Alcatel VLAN ID to define Voice VLAN</pre> <pre> bootp.vendor.docsis.cmcap_len CM DC Length Unsigned 8-bit integer DOCSIS Cable Modem Device Capabilities Length</pre> <pre> bootp.vendor.pktc.mtacap_len MTA DC Length Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable MTA Device Capabilities Length</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="border_gateway_protocol__bgp_">Border Gateway Protocol (bgp)</a></h2> <pre> bgp.aggregator_as Aggregator AS Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.aggregator_origin Aggregator origin IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.as_path AS Path Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.cluster_identifier Cluster identifier IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.cluster_list Cluster List Byte array</pre> <pre> bgp.community_as Community AS Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.community_value Community value Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.local_pref Local preference Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.mp_nlri_tnl_id MP Reach NLRI Tunnel Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.mp_reach_nlri_ipv4_prefix MP Reach NLRI IPv4 prefix IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.mp_unreach_nlri_ipv4_prefix MP Unreach NLRI IPv4 prefix IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.multi_exit_disc Multiple exit discriminator Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.next_hop Next hop IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.nlri_prefix NLRI prefix IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.origin Origin Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> bgp.originator_id Originator identifier IPv4 address</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_Unused Unused Boolean Unused Flags</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_cookie Cookie Byte array Cookie</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_cookie_len Cookie Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Cookie Length</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_pref Preference Unsigned 16-bit integer Preference</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_s Sequencing bit Boolean Sequencing S-bit</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_session_id Session ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Session ID</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer SSA Length</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_t Transitive bit Boolean SSA Transitive bit</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_type SSA Type Unsigned 16-bit integer SSA Type</pre> <pre> bgp.ssa_value Value Byte array SSA Value</pre> <pre> bgp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer BGP message type</pre> <pre> bgp.withdrawn_prefix Withdrawn prefix IPv4 address</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="building_automation_and_control_network_apdu__bacapp_">Building Automation and Control Network APDU (bacapp)</a></h2> <pre> bacapp.LVT Length Value Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Length Value Type</pre> <pre> bacapp.NAK NAK Boolean negativ ACK</pre> <pre> bacapp.SA SA Boolean Segmented Response accepted</pre> <pre> bacapp.SRV SRV Boolean Server</pre> <pre> bacapp.abort_reason Abort Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Abort Reason</pre> <pre> bacapp.application_tag_number Application Tag Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Application Tag Number</pre> <pre> bacapp.confirmed_service Service Choice Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Choice</pre> <pre> bacapp.context_tag_number Context Tag Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Context Tag Number</pre> <pre> bacapp.extended_tag_number Extended Tag Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Extended Tag Number</pre> <pre> bacapp.instance_number Instance Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Instance Number</pre> <pre> bacapp.invoke_id Invoke ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Invoke ID</pre> <pre> bacapp.max_adpu_size Size of Maximum ADPU accepted Unsigned 8-bit integer Size of Maximum ADPU accepted</pre> <pre> bacapp.more_segments More Segments Boolean More Segments Follow</pre> <pre> bacapp.named_tag Named Tag Unsigned 8-bit integer Named Tag</pre> <pre> bacapp.objectType Object Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Type</pre> <pre> bacapp.pduflags PDU Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU Flags</pre> <pre> bacapp.processId ProcessIdentifier Unsigned 32-bit integer Process Identifier</pre> <pre> bacapp.reject_reason Reject Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Reject Reason</pre> <pre> bacapp.response_segments Max Response Segments accepted Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Response Segments accepted</pre> <pre> bacapp.segmented_request Segmented Request Boolean Segmented Request</pre> <pre> bacapp.sequence_number Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Sequence Number</pre> <pre> bacapp.string_character_set String Character Set Unsigned 8-bit integer String Character Set</pre> <pre> bacapp.tag BACnet Tag Byte array BACnet Tag</pre> <pre> bacapp.tag_class Tag Class Boolean Tag Class</pre> <pre> bacapp.tag_value16 Tag Value 16-bit Unsigned 16-bit integer Tag Value 16-bit</pre> <pre> bacapp.tag_value32 Tag Value 32-bit Unsigned 32-bit integer Tag Value 32-bit</pre> <pre> bacapp.tag_value8 Tag Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Tag Value</pre> <pre> bacapp.type APDU Type Unsigned 8-bit integer APDU Type</pre> <pre> bacapp.unconfirmed_service Unconfirmed Service Choice Unsigned 8-bit integer Unconfirmed Service Choice</pre> <pre> bacapp.variable_part BACnet APDU variable part: No value BACnet APDU variable part</pre> <pre> bacapp.window_size Proposed Window Size Unsigned 8-bit integer Proposed Window Size</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="building_automation_and_control_network_npdu__bacnet_">Building Automation and Control Network NPDU (bacnet)</a></h2> <pre> bacnet.control Control Unsigned 8-bit integer BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_dest Destination Specifier Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_expect Expecting Reply Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_net NSDU contains Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_prio_high Priority Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_prio_low Priority Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_res1 Reserved Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_res2 Reserved Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.control_src Source specifier Boolean BACnet Control</pre> <pre> bacnet.dadr_eth Destination ISO 8802-3 MAC Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination ISO 8802-3 MAC Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.dadr_mstp DADR Unsigned 8-bit integer Destination MS/TP or ARCNET MAC Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.dadr_tmp Unknown Destination MAC Byte array Unknown Destination MAC</pre> <pre> bacnet.dlen Destination MAC Layer Address Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Destination MAC Layer Address Length</pre> <pre> bacnet.dnet Destination Network Address Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination Network Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.hopc Hop Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Hop Count</pre> <pre> bacnet.mesgtyp Network Layer Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Network Layer Message Type</pre> <pre> bacnet.perf Performance Index Unsigned 8-bit integer Performance Index</pre> <pre> bacnet.pinfo Port Info Unsigned 8-bit integer Port Info</pre> <pre> bacnet.pinfolen Port Info Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Port Info Length</pre> <pre> bacnet.portid Port ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Port ID</pre> <pre> bacnet.rejectreason Reject Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Reject Reason</pre> <pre> bacnet.rportnum Number of Port Mappings Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Port Mappings</pre> <pre> bacnet.sadr_eth SADR 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source ISO 8802-3 MAC Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.sadr_mstp SADR Unsigned 8-bit integer Source MS/TP or ARCNET MAC Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.sadr_tmp Unknown Source MAC Byte array Unknown Source MAC</pre> <pre> bacnet.slen Source MAC Layer Address Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Source MAC Layer Address Length</pre> <pre> bacnet.snet Source Network Address Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Network Address</pre> <pre> bacnet.vendor Vendor ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Vendor ID</pre> <pre> bacnet.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer BACnet Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ccsds__ccsds_">CCSDS (ccsds)</a></h2> <pre> ccsds.apid APID Unsigned 16-bit integer Represents APID</pre> <pre> ccsds.checkword checkword indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer checkword indicator</pre> <pre> ccsds.dcc Data Cycle Counter Unsigned 16-bit integer Data Cycle Counter</pre> <pre> ccsds.length packet length Unsigned 16-bit integer packet length</pre> <pre> ccsds.packtype packet type Unsigned 8-bit integer Packet Type - Unused in Ku-Band</pre> <pre> ccsds.secheader secondary header Boolean secondary header present</pre> <pre> ccsds.seqflag sequence flags Unsigned 16-bit integer sequence flags</pre> <pre> ccsds.seqnum sequence number Unsigned 16-bit integer sequence number</pre> <pre> ccsds.time time Byte array time</pre> <pre> ccsds.timeid time identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer time identifier</pre> <pre> ccsds.type type Unsigned 16-bit integer type</pre> <pre> ccsds.version version Unsigned 16-bit integer version</pre> <pre> ccsds.vid version identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer version identifier</pre> <pre> ccsds.zoe ZOE TLM Unsigned 8-bit integer CONTAINS S-BAND ZOE PACKETS</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cds_clerk_server_calls__cds_clerkserver_">CDS Clerk Server Calls (cds_clerkserver)</a></h2> <pre> cds_clerkserver.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="csm_encaps__csm_encaps_">CSM_ENCAPS (csm_encaps)</a></h2> <pre> csm_encaps.channel Channel Number Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Channel Number</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.class Class Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Class</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.ctrl Control Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Control</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.ctrl.ack Packet Bit Boolean Message Packet/ACK Packet</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.ctrl.ack_suppress ACK Suppress Bit Boolean ACK Required/ACK Suppressed</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.ctrl.endian Endian Bit Boolean Little Endian/Big Endian</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.function_code Function Code Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Function Code</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.index Index Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Index</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Length</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Opcode</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param Parameter Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param1 Parameter 1 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 1</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param10 Parameter 10 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 10</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param11 Parameter 11 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 11</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param12 Parameter 12 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 12</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param13 Parameter 13 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 13</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param14 Parameter 14 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 14</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param15 Parameter 15 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 15</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param16 Parameter 16 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 16</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param17 Parameter 17 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 17</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param18 Parameter 18 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 18</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param19 Parameter 19 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 19</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param2 Parameter 2 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 2</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param20 Parameter 20 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 20</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param21 Parameter 21 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 21</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param22 Parameter 22 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 22</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param23 Parameter 23 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 23</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param24 Parameter 24 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 24</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param25 Parameter 25 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 25</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param26 Parameter 26 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 26</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param27 Parameter 27 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 27</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param28 Parameter 28 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 28</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param29 Parameter 29 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 29</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param3 Parameter 3 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 3</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param30 Parameter 30 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 30</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param31 Parameter 31 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 31</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param32 Parameter 32 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 32</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param33 Parameter 33 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 33</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param34 Parameter 34 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 34</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param35 Parameter 35 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 35</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param36 Parameter 36 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 36</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param37 Parameter 37 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 37</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param38 Parameter 38 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 38</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param39 Parameter 39 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 39</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param4 Parameter 4 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 4</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param40 Parameter 40 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 40</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param5 Parameter 5 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 5</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param6 Parameter 6 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 6</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param7 Parameter 7 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 7</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param8 Parameter 8 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 8</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.param9 Parameter 9 Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 9</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Reserved</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.seq_num Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Sequence Number</pre> <pre> csm_encaps.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer CSM_ENCAPS Type</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="calculation_application_protocol__calcappprotocol_">Calculation Application Protocol (calcappprotocol)</a></h2> <pre> calcappprotocol.message_completed Completed Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> calcappprotocol.message_jobid JobID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> calcappprotocol.message_jobsize JobSize Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> calcappprotocol.message_length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> calcappprotocol.message_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> calcppprotocol.message_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="camel__camel_">Camel (camel)</a></h2> <pre> camel.BCSMEventArray_item Item No value camel.BCSMEvent</pre> <pre> camel.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength Byte array LocationInformationGPRS/CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI</pre> <pre> camel.ChangeOfPositionControlInfo_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ChangeOfLocation</pre> <pre> camel.DestinationRoutingAddress_item Item Byte array camel.CalledPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.ExtensionsArray_item Item No value camel.ExtensionField</pre> <pre> camel.Extensions_item Item No value camel.ExtensionField</pre> <pre> camel.GPRSEventArray_item Item No value camel.GPRSEvent</pre> <pre> camel.GenericNumbers_item Item Byte array camel.GenericNumber</pre> <pre> camel.MetDPCriteriaList_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.MetDPCriterion</pre> <pre> camel.PDPAddress_IPv4 PDPAddress IPv4 IPv4 address IPAddress IPv4</pre> <pre> camel.PDPAddress_IPv6 PDPAddress IPv6 IPv6 address IPAddress IPv6</pre> <pre> camel.PDPTypeNumber_etsi ETSI defined PDP Type Value Unsigned 8-bit integer ETSI defined PDP Type Value</pre> <pre> camel.PDPTypeNumber_ietf IETF defined PDP Type Value Unsigned 8-bit integer IETF defined PDP Type Value</pre> <pre> camel.PrivateExtensionList_item Item No value camel.PrivateExtension</pre> <pre> camel.RP_Cause RP Cause Unsigned 8-bit integer RP Cause Value</pre> <pre> camel.RequestedInformationList_item Item No value camel.RequestedInformation</pre> <pre> camel.RequestedInformationTypeList_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.RequestedInformationType</pre> <pre> camel.SMSEventArray_item Item No value camel.SMSEvent</pre> <pre> camel.VariablePartsArray_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.VariablePart</pre> <pre> camel.aChBillingChargingCharacteristics aChBillingChargingCharacteristics Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.AChBillingChargingCharacteristics</pre> <pre> camel.aChChargingAddress aChChargingAddress Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.AChChargingAddress</pre> <pre> camel.aOCAfterAnswer aOCAfterAnswer No value camel.AOCSubsequent</pre> <pre> camel.aOCBeforeAnswer aOCBeforeAnswer No value camel.AOCBeforeAnswer</pre> <pre> camel.aOCGPRS aOCGPRS No value camel.AOCGprs</pre> <pre> camel.aOCInitial aOCInitial No value camel.CAI_Gsm0224</pre> <pre> camel.aOCSubsequent aOCSubsequent No value camel.AOCSubsequent</pre> <pre> camel.aOC_extension aOC-extension No value camel.CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristicsAlt</pre> <pre> camel.absent absent No value InvokeId/absent</pre> <pre> camel.accessPointName accessPointName Byte array camel.AccessPointName</pre> <pre> camel.actimeDurationCharging actimeDurationCharging No value camel.T_actimeDurationCharging</pre> <pre> camel.active active Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.actone actone Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.additionalCallingPartyNumber additionalCallingPartyNumber Byte array camel.AdditionalCallingPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.addr_extension Extension Boolean Extension</pre> <pre> camel.addr_nature_of_addr Nature of address Unsigned 8-bit integer Nature of address</pre> <pre> camel.addr_numbering_plan Numbering plan indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer Numbering plan indicator</pre> <pre> camel.address_digits Address digits String Address digits</pre> <pre> camel.alertingDP alertingDP Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.alertingPattern alertingPattern Byte array camel.AlertingPattern</pre> <pre> camel.allAnnouncementsComplete allAnnouncementsComplete No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.allRequests allRequests No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.appendFreeFormatData appendFreeFormatData Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.AppendFreeFormatData</pre> <pre> camel.applicationTimer applicationTimer Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ApplicationTimer</pre> <pre> camel.assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress Byte array camel.AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress</pre> <pre> camel.assumedIdle assumedIdle No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation No value camel.T_attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.attributes attributes Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_cAPSpecificBoundSetminAttributesLength_cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAttributesLength</pre> <pre> camel.audibleIndicator audibleIndicator Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.AudibleIndicator</pre> <pre> camel.automaticRearm automaticRearm No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.bCSM_Failure bCSM-Failure No value camel.BCSM_Failure</pre> <pre> camel.backwardServiceInteractionInd backwardServiceInteractionInd No value camel.BackwardServiceInteractionInd</pre> <pre> camel.basicGapCriteria basicGapCriteria Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.BasicGapCriteria</pre> <pre> camel.bcsmEvents bcsmEvents Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.BCSMEventArray</pre> <pre> camel.bearerCap bearerCap Byte array camel.BearerCap</pre> <pre> camel.bearerCapability bearerCapability Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.BearerCapability</pre> <pre> camel.bearerCapability2 bearerCapability2 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.BearerCapability</pre> <pre> camel.bor_InterrogationRequested bor-InterrogationRequested No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.bothwayThroughConnectionInd bothwayThroughConnectionInd Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.BothwayThroughConnectionInd</pre> <pre> camel.burstInterval burstInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_1200</pre> <pre> camel.burstList burstList No value camel.BurstList</pre> <pre> camel.bursts bursts No value camel.Burst</pre> <pre> camel.busyCause busyCause Byte array camel.Cause</pre> <pre> camel.cAI_GSM0224 cAI-GSM0224 No value camel.CAI_Gsm0224</pre> <pre> camel.cGEncountered cGEncountered Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CGEncountered</pre> <pre> camel.callAcceptedSpecificInfo callAcceptedSpecificInfo No value camel.T_callAcceptedSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.callAttemptElapsedTimeValue callAttemptElapsedTimeValue Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.callCompletionTreatmentIndicator callCompletionTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.callConnectedElapsedTimeValue callConnectedElapsedTimeValue Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.callDiversionTreatmentIndicator callDiversionTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.callForwarded callForwarded No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.callReferenceNumber callReferenceNumber Byte array camel.CallReferenceNumber</pre> <pre> camel.callSegmentFailure callSegmentFailure No value camel.CallSegmentFailure</pre> <pre> camel.callSegmentID callSegmentID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CallSegmentID</pre> <pre> camel.callSegmentToCancel callSegmentToCancel No value camel.CallSegmentToCancel</pre> <pre> camel.callStopTimeValue callStopTimeValue String camel.DateAndTime</pre> <pre> camel.calledAddressAndService calledAddressAndService No value camel.T_calledAddressAndService</pre> <pre> camel.calledAddressValue calledAddressValue Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.calledPartyBCDNumber calledPartyBCDNumber Byte array camel.CalledPartyBCDNumber</pre> <pre> camel.calledPartyNumber calledPartyNumber Byte array camel.CalledPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.calledPartyNumberSMS calledPartyNumberSMS Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.callingAddressAndService callingAddressAndService No value camel.T_callingAddressAndService</pre> <pre> camel.callingAddressValue callingAddressValue Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.callingPartyNumber callingPartyNumber Byte array camel.CallingPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.callingPartyNumberas callingPartyNumberas Byte array camel.SMS_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.callingPartyRestrictionIndicator callingPartyRestrictionIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.callingPartysCategory callingPartysCategory Unsigned 16-bit integer camel.CallingPartysCategory</pre> <pre> camel.callingPartysNumber callingPartysNumber Byte array camel.SMS_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.callresultOctet callresultOctet Byte array camel.CallresultoctetPDU</pre> <pre> camel.camelBusy camelBusy No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.cancelDigit cancelDigit Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2</pre> <pre> camel.carrier carrier Byte array camel.Carrier</pre> <pre> camel.cause cause Byte array camel.Cause</pre> <pre> camel.cause_indicator Cause indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> camel.cellGlobalId cellGlobalId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI Byte array camel.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI</pre> <pre> camel.cf-Enhancements cf-Enhancements Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.changeOfLocationAlt changeOfLocationAlt No value camel.ChangeOfLocationAlt</pre> <pre> camel.changeOfPositionControlInfo changeOfPositionControlInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ChangeOfPositionControlInfo</pre> <pre> camel.changeOfPositionDP changeOfPositionDP Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.chargeIndicator chargeIndicator Byte array camel.ChargeIndicator</pre> <pre> camel.chargeNumber chargeNumber Byte array camel.ChargeNumber</pre> <pre> camel.chargingCharacteristics chargingCharacteristics Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ChargingCharacteristics</pre> <pre> camel.chargingID chargingID Byte array gsm_map.GPRSChargingID</pre> <pre> camel.chargingIndicator chargingIndicator Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.chargingResult chargingResult Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ChargingResult</pre> <pre> camel.chargingRollOver chargingRollOver Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ChargingRollOver</pre> <pre> camel.collectInformationAllowed collectInformationAllowed No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.collectedDigits collectedDigits No value camel.CollectedDigits</pre> <pre> camel.collectedInfo collectedInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CollectedInfo</pre> <pre> camel.compoundGapCriteria compoundGapCriteria No value camel.CompoundCriteria</pre> <pre> camel.conferenceTreatmentIndicator conferenceTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.connectedNumberTreatmentInd connectedNumberTreatmentInd Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd</pre> <pre> camel.continueWithArgumentArgExtension continueWithArgumentArgExtension No value camel.ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension</pre> <pre> camel.controlType controlType Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ControlType</pre> <pre> camel.correlationID correlationID Byte array camel.CorrelationID</pre> <pre> camel.criteriaForChangeOfPositionDP criteriaForChangeOfPositionDP Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.criticality criticality Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CriticalityType</pre> <pre> camel.cug_Index cug-Index Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CUG_Index</pre> <pre> camel.cug_Interlock cug-Interlock Byte array camel.CUG_Interlock</pre> <pre> camel.cug_OutgoingAccess cug-OutgoingAccess No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.cwTreatmentIndicator cwTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.dTMFDigitsCompleted dTMFDigitsCompleted Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.dTMFDigitsTimeOut dTMFDigitsTimeOut Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.date date Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4</pre> <pre> camel.destinationAddress destinationAddress Byte array camel.CalledPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.destinationReference destinationReference Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.destinationRoutingAddress destinationRoutingAddress Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.DestinationRoutingAddress</pre> <pre> camel.destinationSubscriberNumber destinationSubscriberNumber Byte array camel.CalledPartyBCDNumber</pre> <pre> camel.detachSpecificInformation detachSpecificInformation No value camel.T_detachSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.dfc-WithArgument dfc-WithArgument Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.digit_value Digit Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Digit Value</pre> <pre> camel.digitsResponse digitsResponse Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.disconnectFromIPForbidden disconnectFromIPForbidden Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.disconnectLeg disconnectLeg Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.disconnectSpecificInformation disconnectSpecificInformation No value camel.T_disconnectSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.dpSpecificCriteria dpSpecificCriteria Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.DpSpecificCriteria</pre> <pre> camel.dpSpecificCriteriaAlt dpSpecificCriteriaAlt No value camel.DpSpecificCriteriaAlt</pre> <pre> camel.dpSpecificInfoAlt dpSpecificInfoAlt No value camel.DpSpecificInfoAlt</pre> <pre> camel.dtmf-MidCall dtmf-MidCall Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.duration1 duration1 Signed 32-bit integer camel.Duration</pre> <pre> camel.duration2 duration2 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_32767</pre> <pre> camel.duration3 duration3 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.e1 e1 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e2 e2 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e3 e3 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e4 e4 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e5 e5 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e6 e6 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.e7 e7 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_8191</pre> <pre> camel.ectTreatmentIndicator ectTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.elapsedTime elapsedTime Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ElapsedTime</pre> <pre> camel.elapsedTimeRollOver elapsedTimeRollOver Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ElapsedTimeRollOver</pre> <pre> camel.elementaryMessageID elementaryMessageID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.elementaryMessageIDs elementaryMessageIDs Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfMessageIDs_OF_Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.elementaryMessageIDs_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.endOfReplyDigit endOfReplyDigit Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2</pre> <pre> camel.enhancedDialledServicesAllowed enhancedDialledServicesAllowed No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.enteringCellGlobalId enteringCellGlobalId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.enteringLocationAreaId enteringLocationAreaId Byte array gsm_map.LAIFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.enteringServiceAreaId enteringServiceAreaId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.entityReleased entityReleased Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.errorTreatment errorTreatment Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ErrorTreatment</pre> <pre> camel.eventSpecificInformationBCSM eventSpecificInformationBCSM Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.EventSpecificInformationBCSM</pre> <pre> camel.eventSpecificInformationSMS eventSpecificInformationSMS Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.EventSpecificInformationSMS</pre> <pre> camel.eventTypeBCSM eventTypeBCSM Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.EventTypeBCSM</pre> <pre> camel.eventTypeSMS eventTypeSMS Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.EventTypeSMS</pre> <pre> camel.extId extId camel.ExtensionSetextensionId</pre> <pre> camel.ext_basicServiceCode ext-basicServiceCode Unsigned 32-bit integer gsm_map.Ext_BasicServiceCode</pre> <pre> camel.ext_basicServiceCode2 ext-basicServiceCode2 Unsigned 32-bit integer gsm_map.Ext_BasicServiceCode</pre> <pre> camel.extensionContainer extensionContainer No value camel.ExtensionContainer</pre> <pre> camel.extensions extensions Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ExtensionsArray</pre> <pre> camel.fCIBCCCAMELsequence1 fCIBCCCAMELsequence1 No value camel.T_fCIBCCCAMELsequence1</pre> <pre> camel.fCIBCCCAMELsequence2 fCIBCCCAMELsequence2 No value camel.T_fCIBCCCAMELsequence2</pre> <pre> camel.fCIBCCCAMELsequence3 fCIBCCCAMELsequence3 No value camel.T_fCIBCCCAMELsequence3</pre> <pre> camel.failureCause failureCause Byte array camel.Cause</pre> <pre> camel.failureMTSMSCause failureMTSMSCause Byte array camel.MT_SMSCause</pre> <pre> camel.firstAnnouncementStarted firstAnnouncementStarted No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.firstDigitTimeOut firstDigitTimeOut Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_127</pre> <pre> camel.firstExtensionExtensionType firstExtensionExtensionType No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.foo foo Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0</pre> <pre> camel.forwardServiceInteractionInd forwardServiceInteractionInd No value camel.ForwardServiceInteractionInd</pre> <pre> camel.forwardedCall forwardedCall No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.forwardingDestinationNumber forwardingDestinationNumber Byte array camel.CalledPartyNumber</pre> <pre> camel.freeFormatData freeFormatData Byte array camel.FreeFormatData</pre> <pre> camel.gGSNAddress gGSNAddress Byte array gsm_map.GSN_Address</pre> <pre> camel.gPRSCause gPRSCause Byte array camel.GPRSCause</pre> <pre> camel.gPRSEvent gPRSEvent Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRSEventArray</pre> <pre> camel.gPRSEventSpecificInformation gPRSEventSpecificInformation Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRSEventSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.gPRSEventType gPRSEventType Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRSEventType</pre> <pre> camel.gPRSMSClass gPRSMSClass No value camel.GPRSMSClass</pre> <pre> camel.gapCriteria gapCriteria Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GapCriteria</pre> <pre> camel.gapIndicators gapIndicators No value camel.GapIndicators</pre> <pre> camel.gapInterval gapInterval Signed 32-bit integer camel.Interval</pre> <pre> camel.gapOnService gapOnService No value camel.GapOnService</pre> <pre> camel.gapTreatment gapTreatment Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GapTreatment</pre> <pre> camel.genericNumbers genericNumbers Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GenericNumbers</pre> <pre> camel.geographicalInformation geographicalInformation Byte array gsm_map.GeographicalInformation</pre> <pre> camel.global global camel.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER</pre> <pre> camel.gmscAddress gmscAddress Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.gprsCause gprsCause Byte array camel.GPRSCause</pre> <pre> camel.gsmSCFAddress gsmSCFAddress Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.gsm_ForwardingPending gsm-ForwardingPending No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.highLayerCompatibility highLayerCompatibility Byte array camel.HighLayerCompatibility</pre> <pre> camel.highLayerCompatibility2 highLayerCompatibility2 Byte array camel.HighLayerCompatibility</pre> <pre> camel.holdTreatmentIndicator holdTreatmentIndicator Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1</pre> <pre> camel.iMEI iMEI Byte array gsm_map.IMEI</pre> <pre> camel.iMSI iMSI Byte array gsm_map.IMSI</pre> <pre> camel.iPSSPCapabilities iPSSPCapabilities Byte array camel.IPSSPCapabilities</pre> <pre> camel.imsi_digits Imsi digits String Imsi digits</pre> <pre> camel.inbandInfo inbandInfo No value camel.InbandInfo</pre> <pre> camel.informationToSend informationToSend Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.InformationToSend</pre> <pre> camel.initialDPArgExtension initialDPArgExtension No value camel.InitialDPArgExtension</pre> <pre> camel.initiateCallAttempt initiateCallAttempt Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.initiatorOfServiceChange initiatorOfServiceChange Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.InitiatorOfServiceChange</pre> <pre> camel.inititatingEntity inititatingEntity Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.InitiatingEntity</pre> <pre> camel.integer integer Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.interDigitTimeOut interDigitTimeOut Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_127</pre> <pre> camel.interDigitTimeout interDigitTimeout Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_127</pre> <pre> camel.inter_MSCHandOver inter-MSCHandOver No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.inter_PLMNHandOver inter-PLMNHandOver No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.inter_SystemHandOver inter-SystemHandOver No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.inter_SystemHandOverToGSM inter-SystemHandOverToGSM No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.inter_SystemHandOverToUMTS inter-SystemHandOverToUMTS No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.interruptableAnnInd interruptableAnnInd Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.interval interval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_32767</pre> <pre> camel.invoke invoke No value camelPDU/invoke</pre> <pre> camel.invokeCmd invokeCmd Unsigned 32-bit integer InvokePDU/invokeCmd</pre> <pre> camel.invokeID invokeID Signed 32-bit integer camel.InvokeID</pre> <pre> camel.invokeId invokeId Unsigned 32-bit integer InvokePDU/invokeId</pre> <pre> camel.invokeid invokeid Signed 32-bit integer InvokeId/invokeid</pre> <pre> camel.ipRoutingAddress ipRoutingAddress Byte array camel.IPRoutingAddress</pre> <pre> camel.istone istone Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.leavingCellGlobalId leavingCellGlobalId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.leavingLocationAreaId leavingLocationAreaId Byte array gsm_map.LAIFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.leavingServiceAreaId leavingServiceAreaId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.legActive legActive Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.legID legID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legID3 legID3 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SendingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.legID4 legID4 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ReceivingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.legID5 legID5 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ReceivingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.legID6 legID6 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legIDToMove legIDToMove Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legOrCallSegment legOrCallSegment Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegOrCallSegment</pre> <pre> camel.legToBeConnected legToBeConnected Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legToBeCreated legToBeCreated Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legToBeReleased legToBeReleased Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.legToBeSplit legToBeSplit Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.LegID</pre> <pre> camel.linkedid linkedid Signed 32-bit integer LinkedId/linkedid</pre> <pre> camel.local local Signed 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER</pre> <pre> camel.locationAreaId locationAreaId Byte array gsm_map.LAIFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.locationAtAlerting locationAtAlerting Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.locationInformation locationInformation No value gsm_map.LocationInformation</pre> <pre> camel.locationInformationGPRS locationInformationGPRS No value camel.LocationInformationGPRS</pre> <pre> camel.locationInformationMSC locationInformationMSC No value gsm_map.LocationInformation</pre> <pre> camel.locationNumber locationNumber Byte array camel.LocationNumber</pre> <pre> camel.long_QoS_format long-QoS-format Byte array gsm_map.Ext_QoS_Subscribed</pre> <pre> camel.lowLayerCompatibility lowLayerCompatibility Byte array camel.LowLayerCompatibility</pre> <pre> camel.lowLayerCompatibility2 lowLayerCompatibility2 Byte array camel.LowLayerCompatibility</pre> <pre> camel.mSISDN mSISDN Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.mSNetworkCapability mSNetworkCapability Byte array camel.MSNetworkCapability</pre> <pre> camel.mSRadioAccessCapability mSRadioAccessCapability Byte array camel.MSRadioAccessCapability</pre> <pre> camel.maxCallPeriodDuration maxCallPeriodDuration Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_864000</pre> <pre> camel.maxElapsedTime maxElapsedTime Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_86400</pre> <pre> camel.maxTransferredVolume maxTransferredVolume Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_4294967295</pre> <pre> camel.maximumNbOfDigits maximumNbOfDigits Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_30</pre> <pre> camel.maximumNumberOfDigits maximumNumberOfDigits Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_30</pre> <pre> camel.messageContent messageContent String camel.IA5String_SIZE_cAPSpecificBoundSetminMessageContentLength_cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxMessageContentLength</pre> <pre> camel.messageID messageID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.MessageID</pre> <pre> camel.messageType messageType Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.T_messageType</pre> <pre> camel.metDPCriteriaList metDPCriteriaList Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.MetDPCriteriaList</pre> <pre> camel.metDPCriterionAlt metDPCriterionAlt No value camel.MetDPCriterionAlt</pre> <pre> camel.midCallControlInfo midCallControlInfo No value camel.MidCallControlInfo</pre> <pre> camel.minimumNbOfDigits minimumNbOfDigits Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_30</pre> <pre> camel.minimumNumberOfDigits minimumNumberOfDigits Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_30</pre> <pre> camel.miscCallInfo miscCallInfo No value camel.MiscCallInfo</pre> <pre> camel.miscGPRSInfo miscGPRSInfo No value camel.MiscCallInfo</pre> <pre> camel.monitorMode monitorMode Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.MonitorMode</pre> <pre> camel.moveLeg moveLeg Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.ms_Classmark2 ms-Classmark2 Byte array gsm_map.MS_Classmark2</pre> <pre> camel.mscAddress mscAddress Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.naOliInfo naOliInfo Byte array camel.NAOliInfo</pre> <pre> camel.natureOfServiceChange natureOfServiceChange Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.NatureOfServiceChange</pre> <pre> camel.negotiated_QoS negotiated-QoS Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRS_QoS</pre> <pre> camel.negotiated_QoS_Extension negotiated-QoS-Extension No value camel.GPRS_QoS_Extension</pre> <pre> camel.netDetNotReachable netDetNotReachable Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.NotReachableReason</pre> <pre> camel.newCallSegment newCallSegment Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CallSegmentID</pre> <pre> camel.nonCUGCall nonCUGCall No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.none none No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.notProvidedFromVLR notProvidedFromVLR No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.number number Byte array camel.Digits</pre> <pre> camel.numberOfBursts numberOfBursts Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_3</pre> <pre> camel.numberOfDigits numberOfDigits Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.NumberOfDigits</pre> <pre> camel.numberOfRepetitions numberOfRepetitions Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_127</pre> <pre> camel.numberOfTonesInBurst numberOfTonesInBurst Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_3</pre> <pre> camel.oAbandonSpecificInfo oAbandonSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oAbandonSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oAnswerSpecificInfo oAnswerSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oAnswerSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oCSIApplicable oCSIApplicable No value camel.OCSIApplicable</pre> <pre> camel.oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo No value camel.T_oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oDisconnectSpecificInfo oDisconnectSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oDisconnectSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oMidCallSpecificInfo oMidCallSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oMidCallSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oNoAnswerSpecificInfo oNoAnswerSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oNoAnswerSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oServiceChangeSpecificInfo oServiceChangeSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oServiceChangeSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.oTermSeizedSpecificInfo oTermSeizedSpecificInfo No value camel.T_oTermSeizedSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.o_smsFailureSpecificInfo o-smsFailureSpecificInfo No value camel.T_o_smsFailureSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.o_smsSubmittedSpecificInfo o-smsSubmittedSpecificInfo No value camel.T_o_smsSubmittedSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.offeredCamel4Functionalities offeredCamel4Functionalities Byte array camel.OfferedCamel4Functionalities</pre> <pre> camel.omidCallEvents omidCallEvents Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.T_omidCallEvents</pre> <pre> camel.operation operation Signed 32-bit integer camel.InvokeID</pre> <pre> camel.or-Interactions or-Interactions Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.or_Call or-Call No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.originalCalledPartyID originalCalledPartyID Byte array camel.OriginalCalledPartyID</pre> <pre> camel.originationReference originationReference Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.pDPAddress pDPAddress Byte array camel.PDPAddress</pre> <pre> camel.pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation No value camel.T_pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation No value camel.T_pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.pDPID pDPID Byte array camel.PDPId</pre> <pre> camel.pDPInitiationType pDPInitiationType Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.PDPInitiationType</pre> <pre> camel.pDPType pDPType No value camel.PDPType</pre> <pre> camel.pDPTypeNumber pDPTypeNumber Byte array camel.PDPTypeNumber</pre> <pre> camel.pDPTypeOrganization pDPTypeOrganization Unsigned 8-bit integer camel.PDPTypeOrganization</pre> <pre> camel.partyToCharge partyToCharge Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ReceivingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.partyToCharge1 partyToCharge1 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SendingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.partyToCharge2 partyToCharge2 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SendingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.partyToCharge4 partyToCharge4 Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SendingSideID</pre> <pre> camel.pcs_Extensions pcs-Extensions No value camel.PCS_Extensions</pre> <pre> camel.pdpID pdpID Byte array camel.PDPId</pre> <pre> camel.pdp_ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation pdp-ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation No value camel.T_pdp_ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation</pre> <pre> camel.phase1 phase1 Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.phase2 phase2 Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.phase3 phase3 Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.phase4 phase4 Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.playTone playTone Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.price price Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_4</pre> <pre> camel.privateExtensionList privateExtensionList Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.PrivateExtensionList</pre> <pre> camel.problem problem Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.T_problem</pre> <pre> camel.qualityOfService qualityOfService No value camel.QualityOfService</pre> <pre> camel.rOTimeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch rOTimeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.rOTimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch rOTimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch No value camel.T_rOTimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.rOTimeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch rOTimeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.rOTimeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval rOTimeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.rOVolumeIfNoTariffSwitch rOVolumeIfNoTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.rOVolumeIfTariffSwitch rOVolumeIfTariffSwitch No value camel.T_rOVolumeIfTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.rOVolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch rOVolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.rOVolumeTariffSwitchInterval rOVolumeTariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_255</pre> <pre> camel.receivingSideID receivingSideID Byte array camel.LegType</pre> <pre> camel.redirectingPartyID redirectingPartyID Byte array camel.RedirectingPartyID</pre> <pre> camel.redirectionInformation redirectionInformation Byte array camel.RedirectionInformation</pre> <pre> camel.releaseCause releaseCause Byte array camel.Cause</pre> <pre> camel.releaseCauseValue releaseCauseValue Byte array camel.Cause</pre> <pre> camel.releaseIfdurationExceeded releaseIfdurationExceeded Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.requestAnnouncementComplete requestAnnouncementComplete Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.requestAnnouncementStartedNotification requestAnnouncementStartedNotification Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.requestedInformationList requestedInformationList Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.RequestedInformationList</pre> <pre> camel.requestedInformationType requestedInformationType Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.RequestedInformationType</pre> <pre> camel.requestedInformationTypeList requestedInformationTypeList Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.RequestedInformationTypeList</pre> <pre> camel.requestedInformationValue requestedInformationValue Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.RequestedInformationValue</pre> <pre> camel.requested_QoS requested-QoS Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRS_QoS</pre> <pre> camel.requested_QoS_Extension requested-QoS-Extension No value camel.GPRS_QoS_Extension</pre> <pre> camel.resourceAddress resourceAddress Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.T_resourceAddress</pre> <pre> camel.returnResult returnResult No value camelPDU/returnResult</pre> <pre> camel.routeNotPermitted routeNotPermitted No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo No value camel.T_routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.routeingAreaIdentity routeingAreaIdentity Byte array gsm_map.RAIdentity</pre> <pre> camel.routeingAreaUpdate routeingAreaUpdate No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics Byte array camel.SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics</pre> <pre> camel.sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics Byte array camel.SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics</pre> <pre> camel.sGSNCapabilities sGSNCapabilities Byte array camel.SGSNCapabilities</pre> <pre> camel.sMSCAddress sMSCAddress Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.sMSEvents sMSEvents Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SMSEventArray</pre> <pre> camel.saiPresent saiPresent No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.scfID scfID Byte array camel.ScfID</pre> <pre> camel.secondaryPDPContext secondaryPDPContext No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.selectedLSAIdentity selectedLSAIdentity Byte array gsm_map.LSAIdentity</pre> <pre> camel.sendingSideID sendingSideID Byte array camel.LegType</pre> <pre> camel.serviceAreaId serviceAreaId Byte array gsm_map.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength</pre> <pre> camel.serviceChangeDP serviceChangeDP Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo No value camel.ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo</pre> <pre> camel.serviceKey serviceKey Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.ServiceKey</pre> <pre> camel.servingNetworkEnhancedDialledServices servingNetworkEnhancedDialledServices Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.sgsnNumber sgsnNumber Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.sgsn_Number sgsn-Number Byte array camel.ISDN_AddressString</pre> <pre> camel.short_QoS_format short-QoS-format Byte array gsm_map.QoS_Subscribed</pre> <pre> camel.smsReferenceNumber smsReferenceNumber Byte array camel.CallReferenceNumber</pre> <pre> camel.smsfailureCause smsfailureCause Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.MO_SMSCause</pre> <pre> camel.splitLeg splitLeg Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.srfConnection srfConnection Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.CallSegmentID</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between Request and Response</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime22 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between EventReport(Disconnect) and Release Call</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime31 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between InitialDP and Continue</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime35 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between ApplyCharginReport and ApplyCharging</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime65 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between InitialDPSMS and ContinueSMS</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime75 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between InitialDPGPRS and ContinueGPRS</pre> <pre> camel.srt.deltatime80 Service Response Time Time duration DeltaTime between EventReportGPRS and ContinueGPRS</pre> <pre> camel.srt.duplicate Request Duplicate Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> camel.srt.reqframe Requested Frame Frame number SRT Request Frame</pre> <pre> camel.srt.request_number Request Number Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> camel.srt.rspframe Response Frame Frame number SRT Response Frame</pre> <pre> camel.srt.session_id Session Id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> camel.srt.sessiontime Session duration Time duration Duration of the TCAP session</pre> <pre> camel.startDigit startDigit Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_1_2</pre> <pre> camel.subscribedEnhancedDialledServices subscribedEnhancedDialledServices Boolean</pre> <pre> camel.subscribed_QoS subscribed-QoS Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.GPRS_QoS</pre> <pre> camel.subscribed_QoS_Extension subscribed-QoS-Extension No value camel.GPRS_QoS_Extension</pre> <pre> camel.subscriberState subscriberState Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SubscriberState</pre> <pre> camel.supplement_to_long_QoS_format supplement-to-long-QoS-format Byte array gsm_map.Ext2_QoS_Subscribed</pre> <pre> camel.supportedCamelPhases supportedCamelPhases Byte array camel.SupportedCamelPhases</pre> <pre> camel.suppressOutgoingCallBarring suppressOutgoingCallBarring No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.suppress_D_CSI suppress-D-CSI No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.suppress_N_CSI suppress-N-CSI No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.suppress_O_CSI suppress-O-CSI No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.suppress_T_CSI suppress-T-CSI No value camel.NULL</pre> <pre> camel.suppressionOfAnnouncement suppressionOfAnnouncement No value camel.SuppressionOfAnnouncement</pre> <pre> camel.tAnswerSpecificInfo tAnswerSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tAnswerSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tBusySpecificInfo tBusySpecificInfo No value camel.T_tBusySpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tDisconnectSpecificInfo tDisconnectSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tDisconnectSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tMidCallSpecificInfo tMidCallSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tMidCallSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tNoAnswerSpecificInfo tNoAnswerSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tNoAnswerSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tPDataCodingScheme tPDataCodingScheme Byte array camel.TPDataCodingScheme</pre> <pre> camel.tPProtocolIdentifier tPProtocolIdentifier Byte array camel.TPProtocolIdentifier</pre> <pre> camel.tPShortMessageSpecificInfo tPShortMessageSpecificInfo Byte array camel.TPShortMessageSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tPValidityPeriod tPValidityPeriod Byte array camel.TPValidityPeriod</pre> <pre> camel.tServiceChangeSpecificInfo tServiceChangeSpecificInfo No value camel.T_tServiceChangeSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.t_smsDeliverySpecificInfo t-smsDeliverySpecificInfo No value camel.T_t_smsDeliverySpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.t_smsFailureSpecificInfo t-smsFailureSpecificInfo No value camel.T_t_smsFailureSpecificInfo</pre> <pre> camel.tariffSwitchInterval tariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_86400</pre> <pre> camel.text text No value camel.T_text</pre> <pre> camel.time time Byte array camel.OCTET_STRING_SIZE_2</pre> <pre> camel.timeAndTimeZone timeAndTimeZone Byte array camel.TimeAndTimezone</pre> <pre> camel.timeAndTimezone timeAndTimezone Byte array camel.TimeAndTimezone</pre> <pre> camel.timeDurationCharging timeDurationCharging No value camel.T_timeDurationCharging</pre> <pre> camel.timeDurationChargingResult timeDurationChargingResult No value camel.T_timeDurationChargingResult</pre> <pre> camel.timeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch timeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_86400</pre> <pre> camel.timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch No value camel.T_timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.timeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch timeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_86400</pre> <pre> camel.timeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval timeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_86400</pre> <pre> camel.timeIfNoTariffSwitch timeIfNoTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TimeIfNoTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.timeIfTariffSwitch timeIfTariffSwitch No value camel.TimeIfTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.timeInformation timeInformation Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TimeInformation</pre> <pre> camel.timeSinceTariffSwitch timeSinceTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_864000</pre> <pre> camel.timerID timerID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TimerID</pre> <pre> camel.timervalue timervalue Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TimerValue</pre> <pre> camel.tmidCallEvents tmidCallEvents Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.T_tmidCallEvents</pre> <pre> camel.tone tone No value camel.Tone</pre> <pre> camel.toneDuration toneDuration Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_20</pre> <pre> camel.toneID toneID Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.Integer4</pre> <pre> camel.toneInterval toneInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_20</pre> <pre> camel.transferredVolume transferredVolume Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TransferredVolume</pre> <pre> camel.transferredVolumeRollOver transferredVolumeRollOver Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.TransferredVolumeRollOver</pre> <pre> camel.tttariffSwitchInterval tttariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_864000</pre> <pre> camel.type type Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SupportedExtensionsid</pre> <pre> camel.uu_Data uu-Data No value gsm_map.UU_Data</pre> <pre> camel.value value Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.SupportedExtensionsExtensionType</pre> <pre> camel.variableMessage variableMessage No value camel.T_variableMessage</pre> <pre> camel.variableParts variableParts Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.VariablePartsArray</pre> <pre> camel.voiceBack voiceBack Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.voiceInformation voiceInformation Boolean camel.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> camel.volumeIfNoTariffSwitch volumeIfNoTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_4294967295</pre> <pre> camel.volumeIfTariffSwitch volumeIfTariffSwitch No value camel.T_volumeIfTariffSwitch</pre> <pre> camel.volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_4294967295</pre> <pre> camel.volumeTariffSwitchInterval volumeTariffSwitchInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_0_4294967295</pre> <pre> camel.warningPeriod warningPeriod Unsigned 32-bit integer camel.INTEGER_1_1200</pre> <pre> camel.warningToneEnhancements warningToneEnhancements Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cast_client_control_protocol__cast_">Cast Client Control Protocol (cast)</a></h2> <pre> cast.DSCPValue DSCPValue Unsigned 32-bit integer DSCPValue.</pre> <pre> cast.MPI MPI Unsigned 32-bit integer MPI.</pre> <pre> cast.ORCStatus ORCStatus Unsigned 32-bit integer The status of the opened receive channel.</pre> <pre> cast.RTPPayloadFormat RTPPayloadFormat Unsigned 32-bit integer RTPPayloadFormat.</pre> <pre> cast.activeConferenceOnRegistration ActiveConferenceOnRegistration Unsigned 32-bit integer ActiveConferenceOnRegistration.</pre> <pre> cast.activeStreamsOnRegistration ActiveStreamsOnRegistration Unsigned 32-bit integer ActiveStreamsOnRegistration.</pre> <pre> cast.annexNandWFutureUse AnnexNandWFutureUse Unsigned 32-bit integer AnnexNandWFutureUse.</pre> <pre> cast.audio AudioCodec Unsigned 32-bit integer The audio codec that is in use.</pre> <pre> cast.bandwidth Bandwidth Unsigned 32-bit integer Bandwidth.</pre> <pre> cast.callIdentifier Call Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer Call identifier for this call.</pre> <pre> cast.callInstance CallInstance Unsigned 32-bit integer CallInstance.</pre> <pre> cast.callSecurityStatus CallSecurityStatus Unsigned 32-bit integer CallSecurityStatus.</pre> <pre> cast.callState CallState Unsigned 32-bit integer CallState.</pre> <pre> cast.callType Call Type Unsigned 32-bit integer What type of call, in/out/etc</pre> <pre> cast.calledParty CalledParty String The number called.</pre> <pre> cast.calledPartyName Called Party Name String The name of the party we are calling.</pre> <pre> cast.callingPartyName Calling Party Name String The passed name of the calling party.</pre> <pre> cast.cdpnVoiceMailbox CdpnVoiceMailbox String CdpnVoiceMailbox.</pre> <pre> cast.cgpnVoiceMailbox CgpnVoiceMailbox String CgpnVoiceMailbox.</pre> <pre> cast.clockConversionCode ClockConversionCode Unsigned 32-bit integer ClockConversionCode.</pre> <pre> cast.clockDivisor ClockDivisor Unsigned 32-bit integer Clock Divisor.</pre> <pre> cast.confServiceNum ConfServiceNum Unsigned 32-bit integer ConfServiceNum.</pre> <pre> cast.conferenceID Conference ID Unsigned 32-bit integer The conference ID</pre> <pre> cast.customPictureFormatCount CustomPictureFormatCount Unsigned 32-bit integer CustomPictureFormatCount.</pre> <pre> cast.dataCapCount DataCapCount Unsigned 32-bit integer DataCapCount.</pre> <pre> cast.data_length Data Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of bytes in the data portion.</pre> <pre> cast.directoryNumber Directory Number String The number we are reporting statistics for.</pre> <pre> cast.echoCancelType Echo Cancel Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Is echo cancelling enabled or not</pre> <pre> cast.firstGOB FirstGOB Unsigned 32-bit integer FirstGOB.</pre> <pre> cast.firstMB FirstMB Unsigned 32-bit integer FirstMB.</pre> <pre> cast.format Format Unsigned 32-bit integer Format.</pre> <pre> cast.g723BitRate G723 BitRate Unsigned 32-bit integer The G723 bit rate for this stream/JUNK if not g723 stream</pre> <pre> cast.h263_capability_bitfield H263_capability_bitfield Unsigned 32-bit integer H263_capability_bitfield.</pre> <pre> cast.ipAddress IP Address IPv4 address An IP address</pre> <pre> cast.isConferenceCreator IsConferenceCreator Unsigned 32-bit integer IsConferenceCreator.</pre> <pre> cast.lastRedirectingParty LastRedirectingParty String LastRedirectingParty.</pre> <pre> cast.lastRedirectingPartyName LastRedirectingPartyName String LastRedirectingPartyName.</pre> <pre> cast.lastRedirectingReason LastRedirectingReason Unsigned 32-bit integer LastRedirectingReason.</pre> <pre> cast.lastRedirectingVoiceMailbox LastRedirectingVoiceMailbox String LastRedirectingVoiceMailbox.</pre> <pre> cast.layout Layout Unsigned 32-bit integer Layout</pre> <pre> cast.layoutCount LayoutCount Unsigned 32-bit integer LayoutCount.</pre> <pre> cast.levelPreferenceCount LevelPreferenceCount Unsigned 32-bit integer LevelPreferenceCount.</pre> <pre> cast.lineInstance Line Instance Unsigned 32-bit integer The display call plane associated with this call.</pre> <pre> cast.longTermPictureIndex LongTermPictureIndex Unsigned 32-bit integer LongTermPictureIndex.</pre> <pre> cast.marker Marker Unsigned 32-bit integer Marker value should ne zero.</pre> <pre> cast.maxBW MaxBW Unsigned 32-bit integer MaxBW.</pre> <pre> cast.maxBitRate MaxBitRate Unsigned 32-bit integer MaxBitRate.</pre> <pre> cast.maxConferences MaxConferences Unsigned 32-bit integer MaxConferences.</pre> <pre> cast.maxStreams MaxStreams Unsigned 32-bit integer 32 bit unsigned integer indicating the maximum number of simultansous RTP duplex streams that the client can handle.</pre> <pre> cast.messageid Message ID Unsigned 32-bit integer The function requested/done with this message.</pre> <pre> cast.millisecondPacketSize MS/Packet Unsigned 32-bit integer The number of milliseconds of conversation in each packet</pre> <pre> cast.minBitRate MinBitRate Unsigned 32-bit integer MinBitRate.</pre> <pre> cast.miscCommandType MiscCommandType Unsigned 32-bit integer MiscCommandType</pre> <pre> cast.modelNumber ModelNumber Unsigned 32-bit integer ModelNumber.</pre> <pre> cast.numberOfGOBs NumberOfGOBs Unsigned 32-bit integer NumberOfGOBs.</pre> <pre> cast.numberOfMBs NumberOfMBs Unsigned 32-bit integer NumberOfMBs.</pre> <pre> cast.originalCalledParty Original Called Party String The number of the original calling party.</pre> <pre> cast.originalCalledPartyName Original Called Party Name String name of the original person who placed the call.</pre> <pre> cast.originalCdpnRedirectReason OriginalCdpnRedirectReason Unsigned 32-bit integer OriginalCdpnRedirectReason.</pre> <pre> cast.originalCdpnVoiceMailbox OriginalCdpnVoiceMailbox String OriginalCdpnVoiceMailbox.</pre> <pre> cast.passThruPartyID PassThruPartyID Unsigned 32-bit integer The pass thru party id</pre> <pre> cast.payloadCapability PayloadCapability Unsigned 32-bit integer The payload capability for this media capability structure.</pre> <pre> cast.payloadType PayloadType Unsigned 32-bit integer PayloadType.</pre> <pre> cast.payload_rfc_number Payload_rfc_number Unsigned 32-bit integer Payload_rfc_number.</pre> <pre> cast.pictureFormatCount PictureFormatCount Unsigned 32-bit integer PictureFormatCount.</pre> <pre> cast.pictureHeight PictureHeight Unsigned 32-bit integer PictureHeight.</pre> <pre> cast.pictureNumber PictureNumber Unsigned 32-bit integer PictureNumber.</pre> <pre> cast.pictureWidth PictureWidth Unsigned 32-bit integer PictureWidth.</pre> <pre> cast.pixelAspectRatio PixelAspectRatio Unsigned 32-bit integer PixelAspectRatio.</pre> <pre> cast.portNumber Port Number Unsigned 32-bit integer A port number</pre> <pre> cast.precedenceDm PrecedenceDm Unsigned 32-bit integer Precedence Domain.</pre> <pre> cast.precedenceLv PrecedenceLv Unsigned 32-bit integer Precedence Level.</pre> <pre> cast.precedenceValue Precedence Unsigned 32-bit integer Precedence value</pre> <pre> cast.privacy Privacy Unsigned 32-bit integer Privacy.</pre> <pre> cast.protocolDependentData ProtocolDependentData Unsigned 32-bit integer ProtocolDependentData.</pre> <pre> cast.recoveryReferencePictureCount RecoveryReferencePictureCount Unsigned 32-bit integer RecoveryReferencePictureCount.</pre> <pre> cast.requestorIpAddress RequestorIpAddress IPv4 address RequestorIpAddress</pre> <pre> cast.serviceNum ServiceNum Unsigned 32-bit integer ServiceNum.</pre> <pre> cast.serviceNumber ServiceNumber Unsigned 32-bit integer ServiceNumber.</pre> <pre> cast.serviceResourceCount ServiceResourceCount Unsigned 32-bit integer ServiceResourceCount.</pre> <pre> cast.stationFriendlyName StationFriendlyName String StationFriendlyName.</pre> <pre> cast.stationGUID stationGUID String stationGUID.</pre> <pre> cast.stationIpAddress StationIpAddress IPv4 address StationIpAddress</pre> <pre> cast.stillImageTransmission StillImageTransmission Unsigned 32-bit integer StillImageTransmission.</pre> <pre> cast.temporalSpatialTradeOff TemporalSpatialTradeOff Unsigned 32-bit integer TemporalSpatialTradeOff.</pre> <pre> cast.temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability TemporalSpatialTradeOffCapability Unsigned 32-bit integer TemporalSpatialTradeOffCapability.</pre> <pre> cast.transmitOrReceive TransmitOrReceive Unsigned 32-bit integer TransmitOrReceive</pre> <pre> cast.transmitPreference TransmitPreference Unsigned 32-bit integer TransmitPreference.</pre> <pre> cast.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer The version in the keepalive version messages.</pre> <pre> cast.videoCapCount VideoCapCount Unsigned 32-bit integer VideoCapCount.</pre> <pre> skinny.bitRate BitRate Unsigned 32-bit integer BitRate.</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="catapult_dct2000_packet__dct2000_">Catapult DCT2000 packet (dct2000)</a></h2> <pre> dct2000.context Context String Context name</pre> <pre> dct2000.context_port Context Port number Unsigned 8-bit integer Context port number</pre> <pre> dct2000.direction Direction Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame direction (Sent or Received)</pre> <pre> dct2000.dissected-length Dissected length Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of bytes dissected by subdissector(s)</pre> <pre> dct2000.encapsulation Wireshark encapsulation Unsigned 8-bit integer Wireshark encapsulation used</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim IPPrim Addresses String IPPrim Addresses</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.addr Address IPv4 address IPPrim Destination Address</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.dst Destination Address IPv4 address IPPrim Destination Address</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.src Source Address IPv4 address IPPrim Source Address</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.tcp.dstport TCP Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim TCP Destination Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.tcp.port TCP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim TCP Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.tcp.srcport TCP Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim TCP Source Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.udp.dstport UDP Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim UDP Destination Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.udp.port UDP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim UDP Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.ipprim.udp.srcport UDP Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer IPPrim UDP Source Port</pre> <pre> dct2000.outhdr Out-header String DCT2000 protocol outhdr</pre> <pre> dct2000.protocol DCT2000 protocol String Original (DCT2000) protocol name</pre> <pre> dct2000.timestamp Timestamp String File timestamp</pre> <pre> dct2000.unparsed_data Unparsed protocol data Byte array Unparsed DCT2000 protocol data</pre> <pre> dct2000.variant Protocol variant String DCT2000 protocol variant</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="certificate_management_protocol__cmp_">Certificate Management Protocol (cmp)</a></h2> <pre> cmp.CRLAnnContent_item Item No value pkix1explicit.CertificateList</pre> <pre> cmp.GenMsgContent_item Item No value cmp.InfoTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> cmp.GenRepContent_item Item No value cmp.InfoTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> cmp.PKIFreeText_item Item String cmp.UTF8String</pre> <pre> cmp.POPODecKeyChallContent_item Item No value cmp.Challenge</pre> <pre> cmp.POPODecKeyRespContent_item Item Signed 32-bit integer cmp.INTEGER</pre> <pre> cmp.RevReqContent_item Item No value cmp.RevDetails</pre> <pre> cmp.badAlg badAlg Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badCertId badCertId Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badDataFormat badDataFormat Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badMessageCheck badMessageCheck Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badPOP badPOP Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badRequest badRequest Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.badSinceDate badSinceDate String cmp.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> cmp.badTime badTime Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.body body Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.PKIBody</pre> <pre> cmp.caCerts caCerts Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.caCerts_item Item No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.caPubs caPubs Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.caPubs_item Item No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.cann cann No value cmp.CertAnnContent</pre> <pre> cmp.ccp ccp No value cmp.CertRepMessage</pre> <pre> cmp.ccr ccr Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.CertReqMessages</pre> <pre> cmp.certDetails certDetails No value crmf.CertTemplate</pre> <pre> cmp.certId certId No value crmf.CertId</pre> <pre> cmp.certOrEncCert certOrEncCert Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.CertOrEncCert</pre> <pre> cmp.certReqId certReqId Signed 32-bit integer cmp.INTEGER</pre> <pre> cmp.certificate certificate No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.certifiedKeyPair certifiedKeyPair No value cmp.CertifiedKeyPair</pre> <pre> cmp.challenge challenge Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.ckuann ckuann No value cmp.CAKeyUpdAnnContent</pre> <pre> cmp.conf conf No value cmp.PKIConfirmContent</pre> <pre> cmp.cp cp No value cmp.CertRepMessage</pre> <pre> cmp.cr cr Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.CertReqMessages</pre> <pre> cmp.crlDetails crlDetails Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1explicit.Extensions</pre> <pre> cmp.crlEntryDetails crlEntryDetails Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1explicit.Extensions</pre> <pre> cmp.crlann crlann Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.CRLAnnContent</pre> <pre> cmp.crls crls Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_CertificateList</pre> <pre> cmp.crls_item Item No value pkix1explicit.CertificateList</pre> <pre> cmp.encryptedCert encryptedCert No value crmf.EncryptedValue</pre> <pre> cmp.error error No value cmp.ErrorMsgContent</pre> <pre> cmp.errorCode errorCode Signed 32-bit integer cmp.INTEGER</pre> <pre> cmp.errorDetails errorDetails Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.PKIFreeText</pre> <pre> cmp.extraCerts extraCerts Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.extraCerts_item Item No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.failInfo failInfo Byte array cmp.PKIFailureInfo</pre> <pre> cmp.freeText freeText Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.PKIFreeText</pre> <pre> cmp.generalInfo generalInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_InfoTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> cmp.generalInfo_item Item No value cmp.InfoTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> cmp.genm genm Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.GenMsgContent</pre> <pre> cmp.genp genp Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.GenRepContent</pre> <pre> cmp.hashAlg hashAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.hashVal hashVal Byte array cmp.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.header header No value cmp.PKIHeader</pre> <pre> cmp.incorrectData incorrectData Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.infoType infoType cmp.T_infoType</pre> <pre> cmp.infoValue infoValue No value cmp.T_infoValue</pre> <pre> cmp.ip ip No value cmp.CertRepMessage</pre> <pre> cmp.ir ir Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.CertReqMessages</pre> <pre> cmp.iterationCount iterationCount Signed 32-bit integer cmp.INTEGER</pre> <pre> cmp.keyPairHist keyPairHist Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_CertifiedKeyPair</pre> <pre> cmp.keyPairHist_item Item No value cmp.CertifiedKeyPair</pre> <pre> cmp.krp krp No value cmp.KeyRecRepContent</pre> <pre> cmp.krr krr Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.CertReqMessages</pre> <pre> cmp.kup kup No value cmp.CertRepMessage</pre> <pre> cmp.kur kur Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.CertReqMessages</pre> <pre> cmp.mac mac No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.messageTime messageTime String cmp.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> cmp.missingTimeStamp missingTimeStamp Boolean</pre> <pre> cmp.nested nested No value cmp.NestedMessageContent</pre> <pre> cmp.newSigCert newSigCert No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.newWithNew newWithNew No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.newWithOld newWithOld No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.next_poll_ref Next Polling Reference Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cmp.oldWithNew oldWithNew No value pkix1explicit.Certificate</pre> <pre> cmp.owf owf No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.pKIStatusInfo pKIStatusInfo No value cmp.PKIStatusInfo</pre> <pre> cmp.poll_ref Polling Reference Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cmp.popdecc popdecc Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.POPODecKeyChallContent</pre> <pre> cmp.popdecr popdecr Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.POPODecKeyRespContent</pre> <pre> cmp.privateKey privateKey No value crmf.EncryptedValue</pre> <pre> cmp.protection protection Byte array cmp.PKIProtection</pre> <pre> cmp.protectionAlg protectionAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.publicationInfo publicationInfo No value crmf.PKIPublicationInfo</pre> <pre> cmp.pvno pvno Signed 32-bit integer cmp.T_pvno</pre> <pre> cmp.rann rann No value cmp.RevAnnContent</pre> <pre> cmp.recipKID recipKID Byte array cmp.KeyIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.recipNonce recipNonce Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.recipient recipient Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1implicit.GeneralName</pre> <pre> cmp.response response Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_OF_CertResponse</pre> <pre> cmp.response_item Item No value cmp.CertResponse</pre> <pre> cmp.revCerts revCerts Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_CertId</pre> <pre> cmp.revCerts_item Item No value crmf.CertId</pre> <pre> cmp.revocationReason revocationReason Byte array pkix1implicit.ReasonFlags</pre> <pre> cmp.rm Record Marker Unsigned 32-bit integer Record Marker length of PDU in bytes</pre> <pre> cmp.rp rp No value cmp.RevRepContent</pre> <pre> cmp.rr rr Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.RevReqContent</pre> <pre> cmp.rspInfo rspInfo Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.salt salt Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.sender sender Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1implicit.GeneralName</pre> <pre> cmp.senderKID senderKID Byte array cmp.KeyIdentifier</pre> <pre> cmp.senderNonce senderNonce Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.status status Signed 32-bit integer cmp.PKIStatus</pre> <pre> cmp.statusString statusString Unsigned 32-bit integer cmp.PKIFreeText</pre> <pre> cmp.status_item Item No value cmp.PKIStatusInfo</pre> <pre> cmp.transactionID transactionID Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.ttcb Time to check Back Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> cmp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PDU Type</pre> <pre> cmp.type.oid InfoType String Type of InfoTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> cmp.willBeRevokedAt willBeRevokedAt String cmp.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> cmp.witness witness Byte array cmp.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cmp.wrongAuthority wrongAuthority Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="certificate_request_message_format__crmf_">Certificate Request Message Format (crmf)</a></h2> <pre> crmf.CertReqMessages_item Item No value crmf.CertReqMsg</pre> <pre> crmf.Controls_item Item No value crmf.AttributeTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> crmf.PBMParameter PBMParameter No value crmf.PBMParameter</pre> <pre> crmf.action action Signed 32-bit integer crmf.T_action</pre> <pre> crmf.algId algId No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.algorithmIdentifier algorithmIdentifier No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.archiveRemGenPrivKey archiveRemGenPrivKey Boolean crmf.BOOLEAN</pre> <pre> crmf.authInfo authInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.T_authInfo</pre> <pre> crmf.certReq certReq No value crmf.CertRequest</pre> <pre> crmf.certReqId certReqId Signed 32-bit integer crmf.INTEGER</pre> <pre> crmf.certTemplate certTemplate No value crmf.CertTemplate</pre> <pre> crmf.controls controls Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.Controls</pre> <pre> crmf.dhMAC dhMAC Byte array crmf.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.encSymmKey encSymmKey Byte array crmf.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.encValue encValue Byte array crmf.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.encryptedPrivKey encryptedPrivKey Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.EncryptedKey</pre> <pre> crmf.encryptedValue encryptedValue No value crmf.EncryptedValue</pre> <pre> crmf.envelopedData envelopedData No value cms.EnvelopedData</pre> <pre> crmf.extensions extensions Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1explicit.Extensions</pre> <pre> crmf.generalTime generalTime String crmf.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> crmf.intendedAlg intendedAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.issuer issuer Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1explicit.Name</pre> <pre> crmf.issuerUID issuerUID Byte array crmf.UniqueIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.iterationCount iterationCount Signed 32-bit integer crmf.INTEGER</pre> <pre> crmf.keyAgreement keyAgreement Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.POPOPrivKey</pre> <pre> crmf.keyAlg keyAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.keyEncipherment keyEncipherment Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.POPOPrivKey</pre> <pre> crmf.keyGenParameters keyGenParameters Byte array crmf.KeyGenParameters</pre> <pre> crmf.mac mac No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.notAfter notAfter Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.Time</pre> <pre> crmf.notBefore notBefore Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.Time</pre> <pre> crmf.owf owf No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.pop pop Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.ProofOfPossession</pre> <pre> crmf.poposkInput poposkInput No value crmf.POPOSigningKeyInput</pre> <pre> crmf.pubInfos pubInfos Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_SinglePubInfo</pre> <pre> crmf.pubInfos_item Item No value crmf.SinglePubInfo</pre> <pre> crmf.pubLocation pubLocation Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1implicit.GeneralName</pre> <pre> crmf.pubMethod pubMethod Signed 32-bit integer crmf.T_pubMethod</pre> <pre> crmf.publicKey publicKey No value pkix1explicit.SubjectPublicKeyInfo</pre> <pre> crmf.publicKeyMAC publicKeyMAC No value crmf.PKMACValue</pre> <pre> crmf.raVerified raVerified No value crmf.NULL</pre> <pre> crmf.regInfo regInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer crmf.SEQUENCE_SIZE_1_MAX_OF_AttributeTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> crmf.regInfo_item Item No value crmf.AttributeTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> crmf.salt salt Byte array crmf.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.sender sender Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1implicit.GeneralName</pre> <pre> crmf.serialNumber serialNumber Signed 32-bit integer crmf.INTEGER</pre> <pre> crmf.signature signature No value crmf.POPOSigningKey</pre> <pre> crmf.signingAlg signingAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.subject subject Unsigned 32-bit integer pkix1explicit.Name</pre> <pre> crmf.subjectUID subjectUID Byte array crmf.UniqueIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.subsequentMessage subsequentMessage Signed 32-bit integer crmf.SubsequentMessage</pre> <pre> crmf.symmAlg symmAlg No value pkix1explicit.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> crmf.thisMessage thisMessage Byte array crmf.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.type type crmf.T_type</pre> <pre> crmf.type.oid Type String Type of AttributeTypeAndValue</pre> <pre> crmf.utcTime utcTime String crmf.UTCTime</pre> <pre> crmf.validity validity No value crmf.OptionalValidity</pre> <pre> crmf.value value No value crmf.T_value</pre> <pre> crmf.valueHint valueHint Byte array crmf.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> crmf.version version Signed 32-bit integer crmf.Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="check_point_high_availability_protocol__cpha_">Check Point High Availability Protocol (cpha)</a></h2> <pre> cpha.ifn Interface Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.cluster_number Cluster Number Unsigned 16-bit integer Cluster Number</pre> <pre> cphap.dst_id Destination Machine ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination Machine ID</pre> <pre> cphap.ethernet_addr Ethernet Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Ethernet Address</pre> <pre> cphap.filler Filler Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.ha_mode HA mode Unsigned 16-bit integer HA Mode</pre> <pre> cphap.ha_time_unit HA Time unit Unsigned 16-bit integer HA Time unit (ms)</pre> <pre> cphap.hash_len Hash list length Signed 32-bit integer Hash list length</pre> <pre> cphap.id_num Number of IDs reported Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of IDs reported</pre> <pre> cphap.if_trusted Interface Trusted Boolean Interface Trusted</pre> <pre> cphap.in_assume_up Interfaces assumed up in the Inbound Signed 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.in_up Interfaces up in the Inbound Signed 8-bit integer Interfaces up in the Inbound</pre> <pre> cphap.ip IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> cphap.machine_num Machine Number Signed 16-bit integer Machine Number</pre> <pre> cphap.magic_number CPHAP Magic Number Unsigned 16-bit integer CPHAP Magic Number</pre> <pre> cphap.opcode OpCode Unsigned 16-bit integer OpCode</pre> <pre> cphap.out_assume_up Interfaces assumed up in the Outbound Signed 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.out_up Interfaces up in the Outbound Signed 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.policy_id Policy ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Policy ID</pre> <pre> cphap.random_id Random ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Random ID</pre> <pre> cphap.reported_ifs Reported Interfaces Unsigned 32-bit integer Reported Interfaces</pre> <pre> cphap.seed Seed Unsigned 32-bit integer Seed</pre> <pre> cphap.slot_num Slot Number Signed 16-bit integer Slot Number</pre> <pre> cphap.src_id Source Machine ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Machine ID</pre> <pre> cphap.src_if Source Interface Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Interface</pre> <pre> cphap.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cphap.version Protocol Version Unsigned 16-bit integer CPHAP Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="checkpoint_fw1__fw1_">Checkpoint FW-1 (fw1)</a></h2> <pre> fw1.chain Chain Position String Chain Position</pre> <pre> fw1.direction Direction String Direction</pre> <pre> fw1.interface Interface String Interface</pre> <pre> fw1.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fw1.uuid UUID Unsigned 32-bit integer UUID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_autorp__auto_rp_">Cisco Auto-RP (auto_rp)</a></h2> <pre> auto_rp.group_prefix Prefix IPv4 address Group prefix</pre> <pre> auto_rp.holdtime Holdtime Unsigned 16-bit integer The amount of time in seconds this announcement is valid</pre> <pre> auto_rp.mask_len Mask length Unsigned 8-bit integer Length of group prefix</pre> <pre> auto_rp.pim_ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer RP's highest PIM version</pre> <pre> auto_rp.prefix_sign Sign Unsigned 8-bit integer Group prefix sign</pre> <pre> auto_rp.rp_addr RP address IPv4 address The unicast IP address of the RP</pre> <pre> auto_rp.rp_count RP count Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of RP addresses contained in this message</pre> <pre> auto_rp.type Packet type Unsigned 8-bit integer Auto-RP packet type</pre> <pre> auto_rp.version Protocol version Unsigned 8-bit integer Auto-RP protocol version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_discovery_protocol__cdp_">Cisco Discovery Protocol (cdp)</a></h2> <pre> cdp.checksum Checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> cdp.checksum_bad Bad Boolean True: checksum doesn't match packet content; False: matches content or not checked</pre> <pre> cdp.checksum_good Good Boolean True: checksum matches packet content; False: doesn't match content or not checked</pre> <pre> cdp.tlv.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> cdp.tlv.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> cdp.ttl TTL Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> cdp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_group_management_protocol__cgmp_">Cisco Group Management Protocol (cgmp)</a></h2> <pre> cgmp.count Count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cgmp.gda Group Destination Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Group Destination Address</pre> <pre> cgmp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cgmp.usa Unicast Source Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Unicast Source Address</pre> <pre> cgmp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_hdlc__chdlc_">Cisco HDLC (chdlc)</a></h2> <pre> chdlc.address Address Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> chdlc.protocol Protocol Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_hot_standby_router_protocol__hsrp_">Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (hsrp)</a></h2> <pre> hsrp.adv.activegrp Adv active groups Unsigned 8-bit integer Advertisement active group count</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.passivegrp Adv passive groups Unsigned 8-bit integer Advertisement passive group count</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.reserved1 Adv reserved1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Advertisement tlv length</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.reserved2 Adv reserved2 Unsigned 32-bit integer Advertisement tlv length</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.state Adv state Unsigned 8-bit integer Advertisement tlv length</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.tlvlength Adv length Unsigned 16-bit integer Advertisement tlv length</pre> <pre> hsrp.adv.tlvtype Adv type Unsigned 16-bit integer Advertisement tlv type</pre> <pre> hsrp.auth_data Authentication Data String Contains a clear-text 8 character reused password</pre> <pre> hsrp.group Group Unsigned 8-bit integer This field identifies the standby group</pre> <pre> hsrp.hellotime Hellotime Unsigned 8-bit integer The approximate period between the Hello messages that the router sends</pre> <pre> hsrp.holdtime Holdtime Unsigned 8-bit integer Time that the current Hello message should be considered valid</pre> <pre> hsrp.opcode Op Code Unsigned 8-bit integer The type of message contained in this packet</pre> <pre> hsrp.priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Used to elect the active and standby routers. Numerically higher priority wins vote</pre> <pre> hsrp.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> hsrp.state State Unsigned 8-bit integer The current state of the router sending the message</pre> <pre> hsrp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer The version of the HSRP messages</pre> <pre> hsrp.virt_ip Virtual IP Address IPv4 address The virtual IP address used by this group</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_isl__isl_">Cisco ISL (isl)</a></h2> <pre> isl.addr Source or Destination Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source or Destination Hardware Address</pre> <pre> isl.bpdu BPDU Boolean BPDU indicator</pre> <pre> isl.crc CRC Unsigned 32-bit integer CRC field of encapsulated frame</pre> <pre> isl.dst Destination Byte array Destination Address</pre> <pre> isl.dst_route_desc Destination route descriptor Unsigned 16-bit integer Route descriptor to be used for forwarding</pre> <pre> isl.esize Esize Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame size for frames less than 64 bytes</pre> <pre> isl.explorer Explorer Boolean Explorer</pre> <pre> isl.fcs_not_incl FCS Not Included Boolean FCS not included</pre> <pre> isl.hsa HSA Unsigned 24-bit integer High bits of source address</pre> <pre> isl.index Index Unsigned 16-bit integer Port index of packet source</pre> <pre> isl.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> isl.src Source 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source Hardware Address</pre> <pre> isl.src_route_desc Source-route descriptor Unsigned 16-bit integer Route descriptor to be used for source learning</pre> <pre> isl.src_vlan_id Source VLAN ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Virtual LAN ID</pre> <pre> isl.trailer Trailer Byte array Ethernet Trailer or Checksum</pre> <pre> isl.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> isl.user User Unsigned 8-bit integer User-defined bits</pre> <pre> isl.user_eth User Unsigned 8-bit integer Priority (for Ethernet)</pre> <pre> isl.vlan_id VLAN ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Virtual LAN ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_interior_gateway_routing_protocol__igrp_">Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (igrp)</a></h2> <pre> igrp.as Autonomous System Unsigned 16-bit integer Autonomous System number</pre> <pre> igrp.update Update Release Unsigned 8-bit integer Update Release number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_netflow_ipfix__cflow_">Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX (cflow)</a></h2> <pre> cflow.aggmethod AggMethod Unsigned 8-bit integer CFlow V8 Aggregation Method</pre> <pre> cflow.aggversion AggVersion Unsigned 8-bit integer CFlow V8 Aggregation Version</pre> <pre> cflow.bgpnexthop BGPNextHop IPv4 address BGP Router Nexthop</pre> <pre> cflow.bgpnexthopv6 BGPNextHop IPv6 address BGP Router Nexthop</pre> <pre> cflow.count Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Count of PDUs</pre> <pre> cflow.data_datarecord_id DataRecord (Template Id) Unsigned 16-bit integer DataRecord with corresponding to a template Id</pre> <pre> cflow.data_flowset_id Data FlowSet (Template Id) Unsigned 16-bit integer Data FlowSet with corresponding to a template Id</pre> <pre> cflow.dstaddr DstAddr IPv4 address Flow Destination Address</pre> <pre> cflow.dstaddrv6 DstAddr IPv6 address Flow Destination Address</pre> <pre> cflow.dstas DstAS Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination AS</pre> <pre> cflow.dstmask DstMask Unsigned 8-bit integer Destination Prefix Mask</pre> <pre> cflow.dstport DstPort Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow Destination Port</pre> <pre> cflow.engine_id EngineId Unsigned 8-bit integer Slot number of switching engine</pre> <pre> cflow.engine_type EngineType Unsigned 8-bit integer Flow switching engine type</pre> <pre> cflow.exporttime ExportTime Unsigned 32-bit integer Time when the flow has been exported</pre> <pre> cflow.flags Export Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer CFlow Flags</pre> <pre> cflow.flow_active_timeout Flow active timeout Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow active timeout</pre> <pre> cflow.flow_inactive_timeout Flow inactive timeout Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow inactive timeout</pre> <pre> cflow.flows Flows Unsigned 32-bit integer Flows Aggregated in PDU</pre> <pre> cflow.flowset_id FlowSet Id Unsigned 16-bit integer FlowSet Id</pre> <pre> cflow.flowset_length FlowSet Length Unsigned 16-bit integer FlowSet length</pre> <pre> cflow.flowsexp FlowsExp Unsigned 32-bit integer Flows exported</pre> <pre> cflow.inputint InputInt Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow Input Interface</pre> <pre> cflow.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of PDUs</pre> <pre> cflow.muloctets MulticastOctets Unsigned 32-bit integer Count of multicast octets</pre> <pre> cflow.mulpackets MulticastPackets Unsigned 32-bit integer Count of multicast packets</pre> <pre> cflow.nexthop NextHop IPv4 address Router nexthop</pre> <pre> cflow.nexthopv6 NextHop IPv6 address Router nexthop</pre> <pre> cflow.octets Octets Unsigned 32-bit integer Count of bytes</pre> <pre> cflow.octets64 Octets Unsigned 64-bit integer Count of bytes</pre> <pre> cflow.octetsexp OctetsExp Unsigned 32-bit integer Octets exported</pre> <pre> cflow.option_length Option Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Option length</pre> <pre> cflow.option_scope_length Option Scope Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Option scope length</pre> <pre> cflow.options_flowset_id Options FlowSet Unsigned 16-bit integer Options FlowSet</pre> <pre> cflow.outputint OutputInt Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow Output Interface</pre> <pre> cflow.packets Packets Unsigned 32-bit integer Count of packets</pre> <pre> cflow.packets64 Packets Unsigned 64-bit integer Count of packets</pre> <pre> cflow.packetsexp PacketsExp Unsigned 32-bit integer Packets exported</pre> <pre> cflow.packetsout PacketsOut Unsigned 64-bit integer Count of packets going out</pre> <pre> cflow.protocol Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer IP Protocol</pre> <pre> cflow.routersc Router Shortcut IPv4 address Router shortcut by switch</pre> <pre> cflow.samplerate SampleRate Unsigned 16-bit integer Sample Frequency of exporter</pre> <pre> cflow.sampling_algorithm Sampling algorithm Unsigned 8-bit integer Sampling algorithm</pre> <pre> cflow.sampling_interval Sampling interval Unsigned 32-bit integer Sampling interval</pre> <pre> cflow.samplingmode SamplingMode Unsigned 16-bit integer Sampling Mode of exporter</pre> <pre> cflow.scope_field_length Scope Field Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Scope field length</pre> <pre> cflow.scope_field_type Scope Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Scope field type</pre> <pre> cflow.sequence FlowSequence Unsigned 32-bit integer Sequence number of flows seen</pre> <pre> cflow.source_id SourceId Unsigned 32-bit integer Identifier for export device</pre> <pre> cflow.srcaddr SrcAddr IPv4 address Flow Source Address</pre> <pre> cflow.srcaddrv6 SrcAddr IPv6 address Flow Source Address</pre> <pre> cflow.srcas SrcAS Unsigned 16-bit integer Source AS</pre> <pre> cflow.srcmask SrcMask Unsigned 8-bit integer Source Prefix Mask</pre> <pre> cflow.srcnet SrcNet IPv4 address Flow Source Network</pre> <pre> cflow.srcport SrcPort Unsigned 16-bit integer Flow Source Port</pre> <pre> cflow.sysuptime SysUptime Unsigned 32-bit integer Time since router booted (in milliseconds)</pre> <pre> cflow.tcpflags TCP Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer TCP Flags</pre> <pre> cflow.template_field_count Field Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Template field count</pre> <pre> cflow.template_field_length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Template field length</pre> <pre> cflow.template_field_type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Template field type</pre> <pre> cflow.template_flowset_id Template FlowSet Unsigned 16-bit integer Template FlowSet</pre> <pre> cflow.template_id Template Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Template Id</pre> <pre> cflow.timeend EndTime Time duration Uptime at end of flow</pre> <pre> cflow.timestamp Timestamp Date/Time stamp Current seconds since epoch</pre> <pre> cflow.timestart StartTime Time duration Uptime at start of flow</pre> <pre> cflow.toplabeladdr TopLabelAddr IPv4 address Top MPLS label PE address</pre> <pre> cflow.toplabeltype TopLabelType Unsigned 8-bit integer Top MPLS label Type</pre> <pre> cflow.tos IP ToS Unsigned 8-bit integer IP Type of Service</pre> <pre> cflow.unix_nsecs CurrentNSecs Unsigned 32-bit integer Residual nanoseconds since epoch</pre> <pre> cflow.unix_secs CurrentSecs Unsigned 32-bit integer Current seconds since epoch</pre> <pre> cflow.version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer NetFlow Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_slarp__slarp_">Cisco SLARP (slarp)</a></h2> <pre> slarp.address Address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> slarp.mysequence Outgoing sequence number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> slarp.ptype Packet type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> slarp.yoursequence Returned sequence number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_session_management__sm_">Cisco Session Management (sm)</a></h2> <pre> sm.bearer Bearer ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.channel Channel ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.msg_type Message Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.msgid Message ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.protocol Protocol Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sm.sm_msg_type SM Message Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_wireless_ids_captures__cwids_">Cisco Wireless IDS Captures (cwids)</a></h2> <pre> cwids.caplen Capture length Unsigned 16-bit integer Captured bytes in record</pre> <pre> cwids.channel Channel Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel for this capture</pre> <pre> cwids.reallen Original length Unsigned 16-bit integer Original num bytes in frame</pre> <pre> cwids.unknown1 Unknown1 Byte array 1st Unknown block - timestamp?</pre> <pre> cwids.unknown2 Unknown2 Byte array 2nd Unknown block</pre> <pre> cwids.unknown3 Unknown3 Byte array 3rd Unknown block</pre> <pre> cwids.version Capture Version Unsigned 16-bit integer Version or format of record</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cisco_wireless_lan_context_control_protocol__wlccp_">Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (wlccp)</a></h2> <pre> wlccp.age Age Unsigned 32-bit integer Time since AP became a WDS master</pre> <pre> wlccp.base_message_type Base message type Unsigned 8-bit integer Base message type</pre> <pre> wlccp.destination_node_type Destination node type Unsigned 8-bit integer Node type of the hop destination</pre> <pre> wlccp.dstmac Dst MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination MAC address</pre> <pre> wlccp.flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> wlccp.hops Hops Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of WLCCP hops</pre> <pre> wlccp.hopwise_routing_flag Hopwise-routing flag Unsigned 16-bit integer On to force intermediate access points to process the message also</pre> <pre> wlccp.hostname Hostname String Hostname of device</pre> <pre> wlccp.inbound_flag Inbound flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Message is inbound to the top of the topology tree</pre> <pre> wlccp.ipv4_address IPv4 Address IPv4 address IPv4 address of this access point</pre> <pre> wlccp.length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of WLCCP payload (bytes)</pre> <pre> wlccp.mic_flag MIC flag Unsigned 16-bit integer On in a message that must be authenticated and has an authentication TLV</pre> <pre> wlccp.msg_id Message ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Sequence number used to match request/reply pairs</pre> <pre> wlccp.originator Originator 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Originating device's MAC address</pre> <pre> wlccp.originator_node_type Originator node type Unsigned 8-bit integer Originating device's node type</pre> <pre> wlccp.outbound_flag Outbound flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Message is outbound from the top of the topology tree</pre> <pre> wlccp.period Period Unsigned 8-bit integer Interval between announcements (seconds)</pre> <pre> wlccp.priority WDS priority Unsigned 8-bit integer WDS priority of this access point</pre> <pre> wlccp.relay_flag Relay flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Signifies that this header is immediately followed by a relay node field</pre> <pre> wlccp.relay_node_id Relay node ID 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Node which relayed this message</pre> <pre> wlccp.relay_node_type Relay node type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of node which relayed this message</pre> <pre> wlccp.responder Responder 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Responding device's MAC address</pre> <pre> wlccp.responder_node_type Responder node type Unsigned 8-bit integer Responding device's node type</pre> <pre> wlccp.response_request_flag Response request flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Set on to request a reply</pre> <pre> wlccp.retry_flag Retry flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Set on for retransmissions</pre> <pre> wlccp.root_cm_flag Root context manager flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Set to on to send message to the root context manager of the topology tree</pre> <pre> wlccp.sap SAP Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Access Point ID</pre> <pre> wlccp.srcmac Src MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source MAC address</pre> <pre> wlccp.subtype Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer Message Subtype</pre> <pre> wlccp.tlv_flag TLV flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Set to indicate that optional TLVs follow the fixed fields</pre> <pre> wlccp.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Message Type</pre> <pre> wlccp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol ID/Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="clearcase_nfs__clearcase_">Clearcase NFS (clearcase)</a></h2> <pre> clearcase.procedure_v3 V3 Procedure Unsigned 32-bit integer V3 Procedure</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cosine_ipnos_l2_debug_output__cosine_">CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output (cosine)</a></h2> <pre> cosine.err Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cosine.off Offset Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cosine.pri Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cosine.pro Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> cosine.rm Rate Marking Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="common_image_generator_interface__cigi_">Common Image Generator Interface (cigi)</a></h2> <pre> cigi.aerosol_concentration_response Aerosol Concentration Response String Aerosol Concentration Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.aerosol_concentration Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3) Identifies the concentration of airborne particles</pre> <pre> cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.layer_id Layer ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the weather layer whose aerosol concentration is being described</pre> <pre> cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.request_id Request ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds</pre> <pre> cigi.animation_stop_notification Animation Stop Notification String Animation Stop Notification Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.animation_stop_notification.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity ID of the animation that has stopped</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control Articulated Parts Control String Articulated Parts Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the entity to which this data packet will be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.part_enable Articulated Part Enable Boolean Determines whether the articulated part submodel should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.part_id Articulated Part ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies which articulated part is controlled with this data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.part_state Articulated Part State Boolean Indicates whether an articulated part is to be shown in the display</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.pitch Pitch (degrees) Specifies the pitch of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.pitch_enable Pitch Enable Boolean Identifies whether the articulated part pitch enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.roll Roll (degrees) Specifies the roll of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.roll_enable Roll Enable Boolean Identifies whether the articulated part roll enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.x_offset X Offset (m) Identifies the distance along the X axis by which the articulated part should be moved</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.xoff X Offset (m) Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.xoff_enable X Offset Enable Boolean Identifies whether the articulated part x offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.y_offset Y Offset (m) Identifies the distance along the Y axis by which the articulated part should be moved</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.yaw Yaw (degrees) Specifies the yaw of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.yaw_enable Yaw Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the articulated part yaw enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.yoff Y Offset (m) Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.yoff_enable Y Offset Enable Boolean Identifies whether the articulated part y offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.z_offset Z Offset (m) Identifies the distance along the Z axis by which the articulated part should be moved</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.zoff Z Offset (m) Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.art_part_control.zoff_enable Z Offset Enable Boolean Identifies whether the articulated part z offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control Atmosphere Control String Atmosphere Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.air_temp Global Air Temperature (degrees C) Specifies the global air temperature of the environment</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.atmospheric_model_enable Atmospheric Model Enable Boolean Specifies whether the IG should use an atmospheric model to determine spectral radiances for sensor applications</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.barometric_pressure Global Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) Specifies the global atmospheric pressure</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.horiz_wind Global Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) Specifies the global wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.humidity Global Humidity (%) Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the global humidity of the environment</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.vert_wind Global Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) Specifies the global vertical wind speed</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.visibility_range Global Visibility Range (m) Specifies the global visibility range through the atmosphere</pre> <pre> cigi.atmosphere_control.wind_direction Global Wind Direction (degrees) Specifies the global wind direction</pre> <pre> cigi.byte_swap Byte Swap Unsigned 16-bit integer Used to determine whether the incoming data should be byte-swapped</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control Celestial Sphere Control String Celestial Sphere Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date Date (MMDDYYYY) Unsigned 32-bit integer Specifies the current date within the simulation</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date_time_valid Date/Time Valid Boolean Specifies whether the Hour, Minute, and Date parameters are valid</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.ephemeris_enable Ephemeris Model Enable Boolean Controls whether the time of day is static or continuous</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.hour Hour (h) Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the current hour of the day within the simulation</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.minute Minute (min) Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the current minute of the day within the simulation</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.moon_enable Moon Enable Boolean Specifies whether the moon is enabled in the sky model</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_enable Star Field Enable Boolean Specifies whether the start field is enabled in the sky model</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_intensity Star Field Intensity (%) Specifies the intensity of the star field within the sky model</pre> <pre> cigi.celestial_sphere_control.sun_enable Sun Enable Boolean Specifies whether the sun is enabled in the sky model</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def Collision Detection Segment Definition String Collision Detection Segment Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.collision_mask Collision Mask Byte array Indicates which environment features will be included in or excluded from consideration for collision detection testing</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity to which this collision detection definition is assigned</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.material_mask Material Mask Unsigned 32-bit integer Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in or excluded from consideration for collision testing</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_enable Segment Enable Boolean Indicates whether the defined segment is enabled for collision testing</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_id Segment ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates which segment is being uniquely defined for the given entity</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x1 X1 (m) Specifies the X offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x2 X2 (m) Specifies the X offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_end Segment X End (m) Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the X-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_start Segment X Start (m) Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the X-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y1 Y1 (m) Specifies the Y offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y2 Y2 (m) Specifies the Y offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_end Segment Y End (m) Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the Y-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_start Segment Y Start (m) Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the Y-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z1 Z1 (m) Specifies the Z offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z2 Z2 (m) Specifies the Z offset of one endpoint of the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_end Segment Z End (m) Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the Z-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_start Segment Z Start (m) Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the Z-axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification Collision Detection Segment Notification String Collision Detection Segment Notification Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.contacted_entity_id Contacted Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity with which the collision occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity to which the collision detection segment belongs</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.intersection_distance Intersection Distance (m) Indicates the distance along the collision test vector from the source endpoint to the point of intersection</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.material_code Material Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the material code of the surface at the point of collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.segment_id Segment ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the ID of the collision detection segment along which the collision occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.type Collision Type Boolean Indicates whether the collision occurred with another entity or with a non-entity object</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response Collision Detection Segment Response String Collision Detection Segment Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_x Collision Point X (m) Specifies the X component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_y Collision Point Y (m) Specifies the Y component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_z Collision Point Z (m) Specifies the Z component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contact Entity/Non-Entity Contact Boolean Indicates whether another entity was contacted during this collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contacted_entity Contacted Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which entity was contacted during the collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which entity experienced a collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.material_type Material Type Signed 32-bit integer Specifies the material type of the surface that this collision test segment contacted</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_seg_response.segment_id Segment ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the collision segment</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def Collision Detection Volume Definition String Collision Detection Volume Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.depth Depth (m) Specifies the depth of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity to which this collision detection definition is assigned</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.height Height (m) Specifies the height of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.pitch Pitch (degrees) Specifies the pitch of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.radius_height Radius (m)/Height (m) Specifies the radius of the sphere or specifies the length of the cuboid along its Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.roll Roll (degrees) Specifies the roll of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_enable Volume Enable Boolean Indicates whether the defined volume is enabled for collision testing</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_id Volume ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates which volume is being uniquely defined for a given entity</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_type Volume Type Boolean Specified whether the volume is spherical or cuboid</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.width Width (m) Specifies the width of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x X (m) Specifies the X offset of the center of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x_offset Centroid X Offset (m) Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the X axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y Y (m) Specifies the Y offset of the center of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y_offset Centroid Y Offset (m) Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the Y axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.yaw Yaw (degrees) Specifies the yaw of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z Z (m) Specifies the Z offset of the center of the volume</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z_offset Centroid Z Offset (m) Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the Z axis with respect to the entity's reference point</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification Collision Detection Volume Notification String Collision Detection Volume Notification Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_entity_id Contacted Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity with which the collision occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_volume_id Contacted Volume ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the ID of the collision detection volume with which the collision occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity to which the collision detection volume belongs</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.type Collision Type Boolean Indicates whether the collision occurred with another entity or with a non-entity object</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.volume_id Volume ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the ID of the collision detection volume within which the collision occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_response Collision Detection Volume Response String Collision Detection Volume Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact Entity/Non-Entity Contact Boolean Indicates whether another entity was contacted during this collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact_entity Contacted Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which entity was contacted with during the collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_response.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which entity experienced a collision</pre> <pre> cigi.coll_det_vol_response.volume_id Volume ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the collision volume corresponding to the associated Collision Detection Volume Request</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control Component Control String Component Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.component_class Component Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the class the component being controlled is in</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.component_id Component ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the component of a component class and instance ID this packet will be applied to</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.component_state Component State Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the commanded state of a component</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.component_val1 Component Value 1 Identifies a continuous value to be applied to a component</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.component_val2 Component Value 2 Identifies a continuous value to be applied to a component</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_1 Component Data 1 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_2 Component Data 2 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_3 Component Data 3 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_4 Component Data 4 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_5 Component Data 5 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.data_6 Component Data 6 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.component_control.instance_id Instance ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the instance of the a class the component being controlled belongs to</pre> <pre> cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control Conformal Clamped Entity Control String Conformal Clamped Entity Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity to which this packet is applied</pre> <pre> cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the entity's geodetic latitude</pre> <pre> cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the entity's geodetic longitude</pre> <pre> cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.yaw Yaw (degrees) Specifies the instantaneous heading of the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.destport Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination Port</pre> <pre> cigi.earth_ref_model_def Earth Reference Model Definition String Earth Reference Model Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.earth_ref_model_def.equatorial_radius Equatorial Radius (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid</pre> <pre> cigi.earth_ref_model_def.erm_enable Custom ERM Enable Boolean Specifies whether the IG should use the Earth Reference Model defined by this packet</pre> <pre> cigi.earth_ref_model_def.flattening Flattening (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the flattening of the ellipsoid</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control Entity Control String Entity Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.alpha Alpha Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the explicit alpha to be applied to the entity's geometry</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.alt Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Identifies the altitude position of the reference point of the entity in meters</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.alt_zoff Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the entity's altitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.animation_dir Animation Direction Boolean Specifies the direction in which an animation plays</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.animation_loop_mode Animation Loop Mode Boolean Specifies whether an animation should be a one-shot</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.animation_state Animation State Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the state of an animation</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.attach_state Attach State Boolean Identifies whether the entity should be attach as a child to a parent</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.coll_det_request Collision Detection Request Boolean Determines whether any collision detection segments and volumes associated with this entity are used as the source in collision testing</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.collision_detect Collision Detection Request Boolean Identifies if collision detection is enabled for the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.effect_state Effect Animation State Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the animation state of a special effect</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the entity motion system</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.entity_state Entity State Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the entity's geometry state</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.entity_type Entity Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the type for the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.ground_ocean_clamp Ground/Ocean Clamp Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether the entity should be clamped to the ground or water surface</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.inherit_alpha Inherit Alpha Boolean Specifies whether the entity's alpha is combined with the apparent alpha of its parent</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.internal_temp Internal Temperature (degrees C) Specifies the internal temperature of the entity in degrees Celsius</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Identifies the latitude position of the reference point of the entity in degrees</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.lat_xoff Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the entity's geodetic latitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Identifies the longitude position of the reference point of the entity in degrees</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.lon_yoff Longitude (┬░)/Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the entity's geodetic longitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.opacity Percent Opacity Specifies the degree of opacity of the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.parent_id Parent Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the parent to which the entity should be attached</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.pitch Pitch (degrees) Specifies the pitch angle of the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.roll Roll (degrees) Identifies the roll angle of the entity in degrees</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.type Entity Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the type of the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.entity_control.yaw Yaw (degrees) Specifies the instantaneous heading of the entity</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request Environmental Conditions Request String Environmental Conditions Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request.alt Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the geodetic altitude at which the environmental state is requested</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request.id Request ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the environmental conditions request</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the geodetic latitude at which the environmental state is requested</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the geodetic longitude at which the environmental state is requested</pre> <pre> cigi.env_cond_request.type Request Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the desired response type for the request</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control Environment Control String Environment Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.aerosol Aerosol (gm/m^3) Controls the liquid water content for the defined atmosphere</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.air_temp Air Temperature (degrees C) Identifies the global temperature of the environment</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.date Date (MMDDYYYY) Signed 32-bit integer Specifies the desired date for use by the ephemeris program within the image generator</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.ephemeris_enable Ephemeris Enable Boolean Identifies whether a continuous time of day or static time of day is used</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.global_visibility Global Visibility (m) Identifies the global visibility</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.hour Hour (h) Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the hour of the day for the ephemeris program within the image generator</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.humidity Humidity (%) Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the global humidity of the environment</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.minute Minute (min) Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the minute of the hour for the ephemeris program within the image generator</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.modtran_enable MODTRAN Boolean Identifies whether atmospherics will be included in the calculations</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.pressure Barometric Pressure (mb) Controls the atmospheric pressure input into MODTRAN</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.wind_direction Wind Direction (degrees) Identifies the global wind direction</pre> <pre> cigi.env_control.wind_speed Wind Speed (m/s) Identifies the global wind speed</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control Environmental Region Control String Environmental Region Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.corner_radius Corner Radius (m) Specifies the radius of the corner of the rounded rectangle</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the geodetic latitude of the center of the rounded rectangle</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the geodetic longitude of the center of the rounded rectangle</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.merge_aerosol Merge Aerosol Concentrations Boolean Specifies whether the concentrations of aerosols found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.merge_maritime Merge Maritime Surface Conditions Boolean Specifies whether the maritime surface conditions found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.merge_terrestrial Merge Terrestrial Surface Conditions Boolean Specifies whether the terrestrial surface conditions found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.merge_weather Merge Weather Properties Boolean Specifies whether atmospheric conditions within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.region_id Region ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the environmental region to which the data in this packet will be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.region_state Region State Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether the region should be active or destroyed</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.rotation Rotation (degrees) Specifies the yaw angle of the rounded rectangle</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.size_x Size X (m) Specifies the length of the environmental region along its X axis at the geoid surface</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.size_y Size Y (m) Specifies the length of the environmental region along its Y axis at the geoid surface</pre> <pre> cigi.env_region_control.transition_perimeter Transition Perimeter (m) Specifies the width of the transition perimeter around the environmental region</pre> <pre> cigi.event_notification Event Notification String Event Notification Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.event_notification.data_1 Event Data 1 Byte array Used for user-defined event data</pre> <pre> cigi.event_notification.data_2 Event Data 2 Byte array Used for user-defined event data</pre> <pre> cigi.event_notification.data_3 Event Data 3 Byte array Used for user-defined event data</pre> <pre> cigi.event_notification.event_id Event ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which event has occurred</pre> <pre> cigi.frame_size Frame Size (bytes) Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of bytes sent with all cigi packets in this frame</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response HAT/HOT Extended Response String HAT/HOT Extended Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat HAT Double-precision floating point Indicates the height of the test point above the terrain</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat_hot_id HAT/HOT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HAT/HOT response</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hot HOT Double-precision floating point Indicates the height of terrain above or below the test point</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.material_code Material Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the material code of the terrain surface at the point of intersection with the HAT/HOT test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees) Indicates the azimuth of the normal unit vector of the surface intersected by the HAT/HOT test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation Normal Vector Elevation (degrees) Indicates the elevation of the normal unit vector of the surface intersected by the HAT/HOT test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether the remaining parameters in this packet contain valid numbers</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request HAT/HOT Request String HAT/HOT Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.alt_zoff Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the Z offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.coordinate_system Coordinate System Boolean Specifies the coordinate system within which the test point is defined</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity relative to which the test point is defined</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.hat_hot_id HAT/HOT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HAT/HOT request</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.lat_xoff Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the X offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.lon_yoff Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the Y offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_request.type Request Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Determines the type of response packet the IG should return for this packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_response HAT/HOT Response String HAT/HOT Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_response.hat_hot_id HAT/HOT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HAT or HOT response</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_response.height Height Double-precision floating point Contains the requested height</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_response.type Response Type Boolean Indicates whether the Height parameter represent Height Above Terrain or Height Of Terrain</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_hot_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether the Height parameter contains a valid number</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_request Height Above Terrain Request String Height Above Terrain Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_request.alt Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude from which the HAT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_request.hat_id HAT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HAT request</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_request.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position from which the HAT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_request.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position from which the HAT request is being made</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_response Height Above Terrain Response String Height Above Terrain Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_response.alt Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Represents the altitude above or below the terrain for the position requested</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_response.hat_id HAT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HAT response</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_response.material_type Material Type Signed 32-bit integer Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the HAT test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.hat_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_request Height of Terrain Request String Height of Terrain Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_request.hot_id HOT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HOT request</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_request.lat Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position from which the HOT request is made</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_request.lon Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position from which the HOT request is made</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_response Height of Terrain Response String Height of Terrain Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_response.alt Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Represents the altitude of the terrain for the position requested in the HOT request data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_response.hot_id HOT ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the HOT response corresponding to the associated HOT request</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_response.material_type Material Type Signed 32-bit integer Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the HOT test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.hot_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control IG Control String IG Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.boresight Tracking Device Boresight Boolean Used by the host to enable boresight mode</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.db_number Database Number Signed 8-bit integer Identifies the number associated with the database requiring loading</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.frame_ctr Frame Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Identifies a particular frame</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.ig_mode IG Mode Change Request Unsigned 8-bit integer Commands the IG to enter its various modes</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.time_tag Timing Value (microseconds) Identifies synchronous operation</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.timestamp Timestamp (microseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the number of 10 microsecond "ticks" since some initial reference time</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.timestamp_valid Timestamp Valid Boolean Indicates whether the timestamp contains a valid value</pre> <pre> cigi.ig_control.tracking_enable Tracking Device Enable Boolean Identifies the state of an external tracking device</pre> <pre> cigi.image_generator_message Image Generator Message String Image Generator Message Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.image_generator_message.message Message String Image generator message</pre> <pre> cigi.image_generator_message.message_id Message ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Uniquely identifies an instance of an Image Generator Response Message</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response Line of Sight Extended Response String Line of Sight Extended Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.alpha Alpha Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the alpha component of the surface at the point of intersection</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.alt_zoff Altitude (m)/Z Offset(m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic altitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.blue Blue Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the blue color component of the surface at the point of intersection</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity with which a LOS test vector or segment intersects</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id_valid Entity ID Valid Boolean Indicates whether the LOS test vector or segment intersects with an entity</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.green Green Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the green color component of the surface at the point of intersection</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.intersection_coord Intersection Point Coordinate System Boolean Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the intersection point is specified</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.lat_xoff Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic latitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.lon_yoff Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic longitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS response</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.material_code Material Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the material code of the surface intersected by the LOS test segment of vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees) Indicates the azimuth of a unit vector normal to the surface intersected by the LOS test segment or vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation Normal Vector Elevation (degrees) Indicates the elevation of a unit vector normal to the surface intersected by the LOS test segment or vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.range Range (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the distance along the LOS test segment or vector from the source point to the point of intersection with an object</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.range_valid Range Valid Boolean Indicates whether the Range parameter is valid</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.red Red Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the red color component of the surface at the point of intersection</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.response_count Response Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the total number of Line of Sight Extended Response packets the IG will return for the corresponding request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether this packet contains valid data</pre> <pre> cigi.los_ext_response.visible Visible Boolean Indicates whether the destination point is visible from the source point</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request Line of Sight Occult Request String Line of Sight Occult Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.dest_alt Destination Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the destination point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lat Destination Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position for the destination point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lon Destination Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position of the destination point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.source_alt Source Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the source point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.source_lat Source Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position of the source point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_occult_request.source_lon Source Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position of the source point for the LOS request segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request Line of Sight Range Request String Line of Sight Range Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.azimuth Azimuth (degrees) Specifies the azimuth of the LOS vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.elevation Elevation (degrees) Specifies the elevation for the LOS vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.max_range Maximum Range (m) Specifies the maximum extent from the source position specified in this data packet to a point along the LOS vector where intersection testing will end</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.min_range Minimum Range (m) Specifies the distance from the source position specified in this data packet to a point along the LOS vector where intersection testing will begin</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.source_alt Source Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the source point of the LOS request vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.source_lat Source Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position of the source point of the LOS request vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_range_request.source_lon Source Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position of the source point of the LOS request vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response Line of Sight Response String Line of Sight Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.alt Intersection Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the point of intersection of the LOS request vector with an object</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.count Response Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the total number of Line of Sight Response packets the IG will return for the corresponding request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity with which an LOS test vector or segment intersects</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.entity_id_valid Entity ID Valid Boolean Indicates whether the LOS test vector or segment intersects with an entity or a non-entity</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.lat Intersection Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitudinal position of the intersection point of the LOS request vector with an object</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.lon Intersection Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitudinal position of the intersection point of the LOS request vector with an object</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS response corresponding tot he associated LOS request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.material_type Material Type Signed 32-bit integer Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.occult_response Occult Response Boolean Used to respond to the LOS occult request data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.range Range (m) Used to respond to the Line of Sight Range Request data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.valid Valid Boolean Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid</pre> <pre> cigi.los_response.visible Visible Boolean Indicates whether the destination point is visible from the source point</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request Line of Sight Segment Request String Line of Sight Segment Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.alpha_threshold Alpha Threshold Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the minimum alpha value a surface may have for an LOS response to be generated</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.destination_alt_zoff Destination Altitude (m)/ Destination Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Z offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.destination_coord Destination Point Coordinate System Boolean Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test segment destination endpoint is specified</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lat_xoff Destination Latitude (degrees)/ Destination X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the X offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lon_yoff Destination Longitude (degrees)/Destination Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Y offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity relative to which the test segment endpoints are defined</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.material_mask Material Mask Unsigned 32-bit integer Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in or excluded from consideration for the LOS segment testing</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.response_coord Response Coordinate System Boolean Specifies the coordinate system to be used in the response</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.source_alt_zoff Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Z offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.source_coord Source Point Coordinate System Boolean Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test segment source endpoint is specified</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.source_lat_xoff Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the X offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.source_lon_yoff Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Y offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment</pre> <pre> cigi.los_segment_request.type Request Type Boolean Determines what type of response the IG should return for this request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request Line of Sight Vector Request String Line of Sight Vector Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.alpha Alpha Threshold Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the minimum alpha value a surface may have for an LOS response to be generated</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.azimuth Azimuth (degrees) Specifies the horizontal angle of the LOS test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.elevation Elevation (degrees) Specifies the vertical angle of the LOS test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity relative to which the test segment endpoints are defined</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.los_id LOS ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the LOS request</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.material_mask Material Mask Unsigned 32-bit integer Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in LOS segment testing</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.max_range Maximum Range (m) Specifies the maximum range along the LOS test vector at which intersection testing should occur</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.min_range Minimum Range (m) Specifies the minimum range along the LOS test vector at which intersection testing should occur</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.response_coord Response Coordinate System Boolean Specifies the coordinate system to be used in the response</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.source_alt_zoff Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the altitude of the source point of the LOS test vector or specifies the Z offset of the source point of the LOS test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.source_coord Source Point Coordinate System Boolean Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test vector source point is specified</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.source_lat_xoff Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the latitude of the source point of the LOS test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.source_lon_yoff Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Specifies the longitude of the source point of the LOS test vector</pre> <pre> cigi.los_vector_request.type Request Type Boolean Determines what type of response the IG should return for this request</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control Maritime Surface Conditions Control String Maritime Surface Conditions Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id Entity ID/Region ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity to which the surface attributes in this packet are applied or specifies the region to which the surface attributes are confined</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.scope Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether this packet is applied globally, applied to region, or assigned to an entity</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.sea_surface_height Sea Surface Height (m) Specifies the height of the water above MSL at equilibrium</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_clarity Surface Clarity (%) Specifies the clarity of the water at its surface</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_conditions_enable Surface Conditions Enable Boolean Determines the state of the specified surface conditions</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_water_temp Surface Water Temperature (degrees C) Specifies the water temperature at the surface</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.whitecap_enable Whitecap Enable Boolean Determines whether whitecaps are enabled</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response Maritime Surface Conditions Response String Maritime Surface Conditions Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.request_id Request ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.sea_surface_height Sea Surface Height (m) Indicates the height of the sea surface at equilibrium</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_clarity Surface Clarity (%) Indicates the clarity of the water at its surface</pre> <pre> cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_water_temp Surface Water Temperature (degrees C) Indicates the water temperature at the sea surface</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control Motion Tracker Control String Motion Tracker Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.boresight_enable Boresight Enable Boolean Sets the boresight state of the external tracking device</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.pitch_enable Pitch Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the pitch of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.roll_enable Roll Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the roll of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_enable Tracker Enable Boolean Specifies whether the tracking device is enabled</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_id Tracker ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the tracker whose state the data in this packet represents</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_id View/View Group ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the view or view group to which the tracking device is attached</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_select View/View Group Select Boolean Specifies whether the tracking device is attached to a single view or a view group</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.x_enable X Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the X-axis position of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.y_enable Y Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the Y-axis position of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.yaw_enable Yaw Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the yaw of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.motion_tracker_control.z_enable Z Enable Boolean Used to enable or disable the Z-axis position of the motion tracker</pre> <pre> cigi.packet_id Packet ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the packet's id</pre> <pre> cigi.packet_size Packet Size (bytes) Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the number of bytes in this type of packet</pre> <pre> cigi.port Source or Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Source or Destination Port</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request Position Request String Position Request Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request.coord_system Coordinate System Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the desired coordinate system relative to which the position and orientation should be given</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request.object_class Object Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the type of object whose position is being requested</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request.object_id Object ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the entity, view, view group, or motion tracking device whose position is being requested</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request.part_id Articulated Part ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the articulated part whose position is being requested</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_request.update_mode Update Mode Boolean Specifies whether the IG should report the position of the requested object each frame</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response Position Response String Position Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.alt_zoff Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic altitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the Z offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view, or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.coord_system Coordinate System Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the coordinate system in which the position and orientation are specified</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.lat_xoff Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic latitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the X offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.lon_yoff Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic longitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the Y offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view, or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.object_class Object Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the type of object whose position is being reported</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.object_id Object ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the entity, view, view group, or motion tracking device whose position is being reported</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.part_id Articulated Part ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the articulated part whose position is being reported</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.pitch Pitch (degrees) Indicates the pitch angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.roll Roll (degrees) Indicates the roll angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.pos_response.yaw Yaw (degrees) Indicates the yaw angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control Rate Control String Rate Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.apply_to_part Apply to Articulated Part Boolean Determines whether the rate is applied to the articulated part specified by the Articulated Part ID parameter</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity to which this data packet will be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.part_id Articulated Part ID Signed 8-bit integer Identifies which articulated part is controlled with this data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.pitch_rate Pitch Angular Rate (degrees/s) Specifies the pitch angular rate for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.roll_rate Roll Angular Rate (degrees/s) Specifies the roll angular rate for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.x_rate X Linear Rate (m/s) Specifies the x component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.y_rate Y Linear Rate (m/s) Specifies the y component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.yaw_rate Yaw Angular Rate (degrees/s) Specifies the yaw angular rate for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.rate_control.z_rate Z Linear Rate (m/s) Specifies the z component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control Sensor Control String Sensor Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.ac_coupling AC Coupling Indicates the AC Coupling decay rate for the weapon sensor option</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.auto_gain Automatic Gain Boolean When set to "on," cause the weapons sensor to automatically adjust the gain value to optimize the brightness and contrast of the sensor display</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.gain Gain Indicates the gain value for the weapon sensor option</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.level Level Indicates the level value for the weapon sensor option</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout Line-by-Line Dropout Boolean Indicates whether the line-by-line dropout feature is enabled</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout_enable Line-by-Line Dropout Enable Boolean Specifies whether line-by-line dropout is enabled</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.noise Noise Indicates the detector-noise gain for the weapon sensor option</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.polarity Polarity Boolean Indicates whether this sensor is showing white hot or black hot</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.response_type Response Type Boolean Specifies whether the IG should return a Sensor Response packet or a Sensor Extended Response packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.sensor_enable Sensor On/Off Boolean Indicates whether the sensor is turned on or off</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.sensor_id Sensor ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the sensor to which this packet should be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.sensor_on_off Sensor On/Off Boolean Specifies whether the sensor is turned on or off</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.track_mode Track Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates which track mode the sensor should be</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.track_polarity Track White/Black Boolean Identifies whether the weapons sensor will track wither white or black</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.track_white_black Track White/Black Boolean Specifies whether the sensor tracks white or black</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_control.view_id View ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Dictates to which view the corresponding sensor is assigned, regardless of the view group</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response Sensor Extended Response String Sensor Extended Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity ID of the target</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id_valid Entity ID Valid Boolean Indicates whether the target is an entity or a non-entity object</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.frame_ctr Frame Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the IG's frame counter at the time that the IG calculates the gate and line-of-sight intersection data</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_pos Gate X Position (degrees) Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_size Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_pos Gate Y Position (degrees) Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_size Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_id Sensor ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the sensor to which the data in this packet apply</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_status Sensor Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the current tracking state of the sensor</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_alt Track Point Altitude (m) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic altitude of the point being tracked by the sensor</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lat Track Point Latitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic latitude of the point being tracked by the sensor</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lon Track Point Longitude (degrees) Double-precision floating point Indicates the geodetic longitude of the point being tracked by the sensor</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_ext_response.view_id View ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the view that represents the sensor display</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response Sensor Response String Sensor Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.frame_ctr Frame Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the IG's frame counter at the time that the IG calculates the gate and line-of-sight intersection data</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_pos Gate X Position (degrees) Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_size Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_pos Gate Y Position (degrees) Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_size Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.sensor_id Sensor ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the sensor response corresponding to the associated sensor control data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.sensor_status Sensor Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the current tracking state of the sensor</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.status Sensor Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the current sensor mode</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.view_id View ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the sensor view</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.x_offset Gate X Offset (degrees) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the target's horizontal offset from the view plane normal</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.x_size Gate X Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the target size in the X direction (horizontal) in pixels</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.y_offset Gate Y Offset (degrees) Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the target's vertical offset from the view plane normal</pre> <pre> cigi.sensor_response.y_size Gate Y Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the target size in the Y direction (vertical) in pixels</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control Short Articulated Part Control String Short Articulated Part Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_1 DOF 1 Specifies either an offset or an angular position for the part identified by Articulated Part ID 1</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_2 DOF 2 Specifies either an offset or an angular position for the part identified by Articulated Part ID 2</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_1 DOF Select 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the degree of freedom to which the value of DOF 1 is applied</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_2 DOF Select 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the degree of freedom to which the value of DOF 2 is applied</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity to which the articulated part(s) belongs</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_1 Articulated Part Enable 1 Boolean Determines whether the articulated part submodel specified by Articulated Part ID 1 should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_2 Articulated Part Enable 2 Boolean Determines whether the articulated part submodel specified by Articulated Part ID 2 should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_1 Articulated Part ID 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies an articulated part to which the data in this packet should be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_2 Articulated Part ID 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies an articulated part to which the data in this packet should be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control Short Component Control String Short Component Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.component_class Component Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the type of object to which the Instance ID parameter refers</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.component_id Component ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the component to which the data in this packet should be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.component_state Component State Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies a discrete state for the component</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.data_1 Component Data 1 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.data_2 Component Data 2 Byte array User-defined component data</pre> <pre> cigi.short_component_control.instance_id Instance ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the object to which the component belongs</pre> <pre> cigi.sof Start of Frame String Start of Frame Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.db_number Database Number Signed 8-bit integer Indicates load status of the requested database</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.earth_reference_model Earth Reference Model Boolean Indicates whether the IG is using a custom Earth Reference Model or the default WGS 84 reference ellipsoid for coordinate conversion calculations</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.frame_ctr IG to Host Frame Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer Contains a number representing a particular frame</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.ig_mode IG Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies to the host the current operating mode of the IG</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.ig_status IG Status Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the error status of the IG</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.ig_status_code IG Status Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the operational status of the IG</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.time_tag Timing Value (microseconds) Contains a timing value that is used to time-tag the ethernet message during asynchronous operation</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.timestamp Timestamp (microseconds) Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the number of 10 microsecond "ticks" since some initial reference time</pre> <pre> cigi.sof.timestamp_valid Timestamp Valid Boolean Indicates whether the Timestamp parameter contains a valid value</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def Special Effect Definition String Special Effect Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.blue Blue Color Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the blue component of a color to be applied to the effect</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.burst_interval Burst Interval (s) Indicates the time between successive bursts</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.color_enable Color Enable Boolean Indicates whether the red, green, and blue color values will be applied to the special effect</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.duration Duration (s) Indicates how long an effect or sequence of burst will be active</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.effect_count Effect Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates how many effects are contained within a single burst</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which effect is being modified</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.green Green Color Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the green component of a color to be applied to the effect</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.red Red Color Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the red component of a color to be applied to the effect</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.separation Separation (m) Indicates the distance between particles within a burst</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.seq_direction Sequence Direction Boolean Indicates whether the effect animation sequence should be sequence from beginning to end or vice versa</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.time_scale Time Scale Specifies a scale factor to apply to the time period for the effect's animation sequence</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.x_scale X Scale Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.y_scale Y Scale Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.special_effect_def.z_scale Z Scale Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.srcport Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Port</pre> <pre> cigi.terr_surface_cond_response Terrestrial Surface Conditions Response String Terrestrial Surface Conditions Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.request_id Request ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds</pre> <pre> cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.surface_id Surface Condition ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Indicates the presence of a specific surface condition or contaminant at the test point</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control String Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.coverage Coverage (%) Unsigned 8-bit integer Determines the degree of coverage of the specified surface contaminant</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id Entity ID/Region ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the environmental entity to which the surface condition attributes in this packet are applied</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.scope Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer Determines whether the specified surface conditions are applied globally, regionally, or to an environmental entity</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.severity Severity Unsigned 8-bit integer Determines the degree of severity for the specified surface contaminant(s)</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_enable Surface Condition Enable Boolean Specifies whether the surface condition attribute identified by the Surface Condition ID parameter should be enabled</pre> <pre> cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_id Surface Condition ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies a surface condition or contaminant</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def Trajectory Definition String Trajectory Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration Acceleration Factor (m/s^2) Indicates the acceleration factor that will be applied to the Vz component of the velocity vector over time to simulate the effects of gravity on the object</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_x Acceleration X (m/s^2) Specifies the X component of the acceleration vector</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_y Acceleration Y (m/s^2) Specifies the Y component of the acceleration vector</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_z Acceleration Z (m/s^2) Specifies the Z component of the acceleration vector</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates which entity is being influenced by this trajectory behavior</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.retardation Retardation Rate (m/s) Indicates what retardation factor will be applied to the object's motion</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.retardation_rate Retardation Rate (m/s^2) Specifies the magnitude of an acceleration applied against the entity's instantaneous linear velocity vector</pre> <pre> cigi.trajectory_def.terminal_velocity Terminal Velocity (m/s) Indicates what final velocity the object will be allowed to obtain</pre> <pre> cigi.unknown Unknown String Unknown Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.user_definable User Definable String User definable packet</pre> <pre> cigi.user_defined User-Defined String User-Defined Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.version CIGI Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the version of CIGI interface that is currently running on the host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control View Control String View Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Indicates the entity to which this view should be attached</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.group_id Group ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the view group to which the contents of this packet are applied</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.pitch Pitch (degrees) The rotation about the view's Y axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.pitch_enable Pitch Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the pitch parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.roll Roll (degrees) The rotation about the view's X axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.roll_enable Roll Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the roll parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.view_group View Group Select Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies which view group is to be controlled by the offsets</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.view_id View ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies which view position is associated with offsets and rotation specified by this data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.x_offset X Offset (m) Defines the X component of the view offset vector along the entity's longitudinal axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.xoff X Offset (m) Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the X axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.xoff_enable X Offset Enable Boolean Identifies whether the x offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.y_offset Y Offset Defines the Y component of the view offset vector along the entity's lateral axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.yaw Yaw (degrees) The rotation about the view's Z axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.yaw_enable Yaw Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the yaw parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.yoff Y Offset (m) Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the Y axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.yoff_enable Y Offset Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the y offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.z_offset Z Offset Defines the Z component of the view offset vector along the entity's vertical axis</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.zoff Z Offset (m) Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the Z axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter</pre> <pre> cigi.view_control.zoff_enable Z Offset Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies whether the z offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def View Definition String View Definition Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.bottom Bottom (degrees) Specifies the bottom half-angle of the view frustum</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.bottom_enable Field of View Bottom Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view bottom value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.far Far (m) Specifies the position of the view's far clipping plane</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.far_enable Field of View Far Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view far value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_bottom Field of View Bottom (degrees) Defines the bottom clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_far Field of View Far (m) Defines the far clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_left Field of View Left (degrees) Defines the left clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_near Field of View Near (m) Defines the near clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_right Field of View Right (degrees) Defines the right clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.fov_top Field of View Top (degrees) Defines the top clipping plane for the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.group_id Group ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the group to which the view is to be assigned</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.left Left (degrees) Specifies the left half-angle of the view frustum</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.left_enable Field of View Left Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view left value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.mirror View Mirror Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies what mirroring function should be applied to the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.mirror_mode Mirror Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the mirroring function to be performed on the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.near Near (m) Specifies the position of the view's near clipping plane</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.near_enable Field of View Near Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view near value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.pixel_rep Pixel Replication Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies what pixel replication function should be applied to the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.pixel_replication Pixel Replication Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the pixel replication function to be performed on the view</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.projection_type Projection Type Boolean Specifies whether the view projection should be perspective or orthographic parallel</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.reorder Reorder Boolean Specifies whether the view should be moved to the top of any overlapping views</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.right Right (degrees) Specifies the right half-angle of the view frustum</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.right_enable Field of View Right Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view right value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.top Top (degrees) Specifies the top half-angle of the view frustum</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.top_enable Field of View Top Enable Boolean Identifies whether the field of view top value is manipulated from the Host</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.tracker_assign Tracker Assign Boolean Specifies whether the view should be controlled by an external tracking device</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.view_group View Group Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the view group to which the view is to be assigned</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.view_id View ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the view to which this packet should be applied</pre> <pre> cigi.view_def.view_type View Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the view type</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control Wave Control String Wave Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.breaker_type Breaker Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the type of breaker within the surf zone</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.direction Direction (degrees) Specifies the direction in which the wave propagates</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.entity_region_id Entity ID/Region ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the surface entity for which the wave is defined or specifies the environmental region for which the wave is defined</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.height Wave Height (m) Specifies the average vertical distance from trough to crest produced by the wave</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.leading Leading (degrees) Specifies the phase angle at which the crest occurs</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.period Period (s) Specifies the time required fro one complete oscillation of the wave</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.phase_offset Phase Offset (degrees) Specifies a phase offset for the wave</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.scope Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether the wave is defined for global, regional, or entity-controlled maritime surface conditions</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.wave_enable Wave Enable Boolean Determines whether the wave is enabled or disabled</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.wave_id Wave ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the wave to which the attributes in this packet are applied</pre> <pre> cigi.wave_control.wavelength Wavelength (m) Specifies the distance from a particular phase on a wave to the same phase on an adjacent wave</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response Weather Conditions Response String Weather Conditions Response Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.air_temp Air Temperature (degrees C) Indicates the air temperature at the requested location</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.barometric_pressure Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) Indicates the atmospheric pressure at the requested location</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.horiz_speed Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) Indicates the local wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.humidity Humidity (%) Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the humidity at the request location</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.request_id Request ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.vert_speed Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) Indicates the local vertical wind speed</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.visibility_range Visibility Range (m) Indicates the visibility range at the requested location</pre> <pre> cigi.wea_cond_response.wind_direction Wind Direction (degrees) Indicates the local wind direction</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control Weather Control String Weather Control Packet</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.aerosol_concentration Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3) Specifies the concentration of water, smoke, dust, or other particles suspended in the air</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.air_temp Air Temperature (degrees C) Identifies the local temperature inside the weather phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.barometric_pressure Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa) Specifies the atmospheric pressure within the weather layer</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.base_elevation Base Elevation (m) Specifies the altitude of the base of the weather layer</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.cloud_type Cloud Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the type of clouds contained within the weather layer</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.coverage Coverage (%) Indicates the amount of area coverage a particular phenomenon has over the specified global visibility range given in the environment control data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.elevation Elevation (m) Indicates the base altitude of the weather phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.entity_id Entity ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the entity's ID</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.entity_region_id Entity ID/Region ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Specifies the entity to which the weather attributes in this packet are applied</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.horiz_wind Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s) Specifies the local wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.humidity Humidity (%) Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the humidity within the weather layer</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.layer_id Layer ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies the weather layer to which the data in this packet are applied</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.opacity Opacity (%) Identifies the opacity of the weather phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.phenomenon_type Phenomenon Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Identifies the type of weather described by this data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.random_lightning_enable Random Lightning Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether the weather layer exhibits random lightning effects</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.random_winds Random Winds Aloft Boolean Indicates whether a random frequency and duration should be applied to the winds aloft value</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.random_winds_enable Random Winds Enable Boolean Specifies whether a random frequency and duration should be applied to the local wind effects</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.scope Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer Specifies whether the weather is global, regional, or assigned to an entity</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.scud_enable Scud Enable Boolean Indicates whether there will be scud effects applied to the phenomenon specified by this data packet</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.scud_frequency Scud Frequency (%) Identifies the frequency for the scud effect</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.severity Severity Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates the severity of the weather phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.thickness Thickness (m) Indicates the vertical thickness of the weather phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.transition_band Transition Band (m) Indicates a vertical transition band both above and below a phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.vert_wind Vertical Wind Speed (m/s) Specifies the local vertical wind speed</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.visibility_range Visibility Range (m) Specifies the visibility range through the weather layer</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.weather_enable Weather Enable Boolean Indicates whether the phenomena specified by this data packet is visible</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.wind_direction Winds Aloft Direction (degrees) Indicates local direction of the wind applied to the phenomenon</pre> <pre> cigi.weather_control.wind_speed Winds Aloft Speed Identifies the local wind speed applied to the phenomenon</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="common_industrial_protocol__cip_">Common Industrial Protocol (cip)</a></h2> <pre> cip.attribute Attribute Unsigned 8-bit integer Attribute</pre> <pre> cip.class Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Class</pre> <pre> cip.connpoint Connection Point Unsigned 8-bit integer Connection Point</pre> <pre> cip.devtype Device Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Device Type</pre> <pre> cip.epath EPath Byte array EPath</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.cmp Compatibility Unsigned 8-bit integer Fwd Open: Compatibility bit</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.consize Connection Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Fwd Open: Connection size</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.dir Direction Unsigned 8-bit integer Fwd Open: Direction</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.f_v Connection Size Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Fwd Open: Fixed or variable connection size</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.major Major Revision Unsigned 8-bit integer Fwd Open: Major Revision</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.owner Owner Unsigned 16-bit integer Fwd Open: Redundant owner bit</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.prio Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer Fwd Open: Connection priority</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.transport Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Fwd Open: Transport Class</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.trigger Trigger Unsigned 8-bit integer Fwd Open: Production trigger</pre> <pre> cip.fwo.type Connection Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Fwd Open: Connection type</pre> <pre> cip.genstat General Status Unsigned 8-bit integer General Status</pre> <pre> cip.instance Instance Unsigned 8-bit integer Instance</pre> <pre> cip.linkaddress Link Address Unsigned 8-bit integer Link Address</pre> <pre> cip.port Port Unsigned 8-bit integer Port Identifier</pre> <pre> cip.rr Request/Response Unsigned 8-bit integer Request or Response message</pre> <pre> cip.sc Service Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Code</pre> <pre> cip.symbol Symbol String ANSI Extended Symbol Segment</pre> <pre> cip.vendor Vendor ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Vendor ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="common_open_policy_service__cops_">Common Open Policy Service (cops)</a></h2> <pre> cops.accttimer.value Contents: ACCT Timer Value Unsigned 16-bit integer Accounting Timer Value in AcctTimer object</pre> <pre> cops.c_num C-Num Unsigned 8-bit integer C-Num in COPS Object Header</pre> <pre> cops.c_type C-Type Unsigned 8-bit integer C-Type in COPS Object Header</pre> <pre> cops.client_type Client Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Client Type in COPS Common Header</pre> <pre> cops.context.m_type M-Type Unsigned 16-bit integer M-Type in COPS Context Object</pre> <pre> cops.context.r_type R-Type Unsigned 16-bit integer R-Type in COPS Context Object</pre> <pre> cops.cperror Error Unsigned 16-bit integer Error in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.cperror_sub Error Sub-code Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Sub-code in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.decision.cmd Command-Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Command-Code in Decision/LPDP Decision object</pre> <pre> cops.decision.flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Flags in Decision/LPDP Decision object</pre> <pre> cops.error Error Unsigned 16-bit integer Error in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.error_sub Error Sub-code Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Sub-code in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Flags in COPS Common Header</pre> <pre> cops.gperror Error Unsigned 16-bit integer Error in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.gperror_sub Error Sub-code Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Sub-code in Error object</pre> <pre> cops.in-int.ipv4 IPv4 address IPv4 address IPv4 address in COPS IN-Int object</pre> <pre> cops.in-int.ipv6 IPv6 address IPv6 address IPv6 address in COPS IN-Int object</pre> <pre> cops.in-out-int.ifindex ifIndex Unsigned 32-bit integer If SNMP is supported, corresponds to MIB-II ifIndex</pre> <pre> cops.integrity.key_id Contents: Key ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Key ID in Integrity object</pre> <pre> cops.integrity.seq_num Contents: Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Sequence Number in Integrity object</pre> <pre> cops.katimer.value Contents: KA Timer Value Unsigned 16-bit integer Keep-Alive Timer Value in KATimer object</pre> <pre> cops.lastpdpaddr.ipv4 IPv4 address IPv4 address IPv4 address in COPS LastPDPAddr object</pre> <pre> cops.lastpdpaddr.ipv6 IPv6 address IPv6 address IPv6 address in COPS LastPDPAddr object</pre> <pre> cops.msg_len Message Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Message Length in COPS Common Header</pre> <pre> cops.obj.len Object Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Length in COPS Object Header</pre> <pre> cops.op_code Op Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Op Code in COPS Common Header</pre> <pre> cops.out-int.ipv4 IPv4 address IPv4 address IPv4 address in COPS OUT-Int object</pre> <pre> cops.out-int.ipv6 IPv6 address IPv6 address IPv6 address in COPS OUT-Int</pre> <pre> cops.pc_activity_count Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Count</pre> <pre> cops.pc_algorithm Algorithm Unsigned 16-bit integer Algorithm</pre> <pre> cops.pc_bcid Billing Correlation ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Billing Correlation ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_bcid_ev BDID Event Counter Unsigned 32-bit integer BCID Event Counter</pre> <pre> cops.pc_bcid_ts BDID Timestamp Unsigned 32-bit integer BCID Timestamp</pre> <pre> cops.pc_close_subcode Reason Sub Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason Sub Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_cmts_ip CMTS IP Address IPv4 address CMTS IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_cmts_ip_port CMTS IP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer CMTS IP Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_delete_subcode Reason Sub Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason Sub Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dest_ip Destination IP Address IPv4 address Destination IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dest_port Destination IP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination IP Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dfccc_id CCC ID Unsigned 32-bit integer CCC ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dfccc_ip DF IP Address CCC IPv4 address DF IP Address CCC</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dfccc_ip_port DF IP Port CCC Unsigned 16-bit integer DF IP Port CCC</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dfcdc_ip DF IP Address CDC IPv4 address DF IP Address CDC</pre> <pre> cops.pc_dfcdc_ip_port DF IP Port CDC Unsigned 16-bit integer DF IP Port CDC</pre> <pre> cops.pc_direction Direction Unsigned 8-bit integer Direction</pre> <pre> cops.pc_ds_field DS Field (DSCP or TOS) Unsigned 8-bit integer DS Field (DSCP or TOS)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_gate_command_type Gate Command Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Gate Command Type</pre> <pre> cops.pc_gate_id Gate Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer Gate Identifier</pre> <pre> cops.pc_gate_spec_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> cops.pc_key Security Key Unsigned 32-bit integer Security Key</pre> <pre> cops.pc_max_packet_size Maximum Packet Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Packet Size</pre> <pre> cops.pc_min_policed_unit Minimum Policed Unit Unsigned 32-bit integer Minimum Policed Unit</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_amid_am_tag AMID Application Manager Tag Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia AMID Application Manager Tag</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_amid_application_type AMID Application Type Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia AMID Application Type</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_amrtrps Assumed Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Packet Size Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Assumed Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Packet Size</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_action Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Action</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_activation_state Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Activation State</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dscp DSCP/TOS Field Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier DSCP/TOS Field</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dscp_mask DSCP/TOS Mask Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifer DSCP/TOS Mask</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_addr Destination address IPv4 address PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Destination IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_mask Destination address IPv4 address PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Destination Mask</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_port Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_port_end Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port End</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_id Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_priority Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Priority</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_proto_id Protocol ID Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Protocol ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_addr Source address IPv4 address PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_mask Source mask IPv4 address PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Mask</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_port Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_port_end Source Port End Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port End</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_docsis_scn Service Class Name String PacketCable Multimedia DOCSIS Service Class Name</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_envelope Envelope Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Envelope</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_error_ec Error-Code Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia PacketCable-Error Error-Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_error_esc Error-code Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia PacketCable-Error Error Sub-code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_fs_envelope Envelope Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Flow Spec Envelope</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_fs_svc_num Service Number Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Flow Spec Service Number</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gpi Grants Per Interval Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Grants Per Interval</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_dscp DSCP/TOS Field Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec DSCP/TOS Field</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_dscp_mask DSCP/TOS Mask Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec DSCP/TOS Mask</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Flags</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_reason Reason Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Gate State Reason</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_scid SessionClassID Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_conf SessionClassID Configurable Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Configurable</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_preempt SessionClassID Preemption Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Preemption</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_prio SessionClassID Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Priority</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_state State Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Gate State</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t1 Timer T1 Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T1</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t2 Timer T2 Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T2</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t3 Timer T3 Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T3</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t4 Timer T4 Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T4</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gti Gate Time Info Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Gate Time Info</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_gui Gate Usage Info Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Gate Usage Info</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_mdl Maximum Downstream Latency Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Maximum Downstream Latency</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_mrtr Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_msg_receipt_key Msg Receipt Key Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Msg Receipt Key</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_mstr Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_mtb Maximum Traffic Burst Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Maximum Traffic Burst</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_ngi Nominal Grant Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Nominal Grant Interval</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_npi Nominal Polling Interval Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Nominal Polling Interval</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_psid PSID Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia PSID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_rtp Request Transmission Policy Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Traffic Priority</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_synch_options_report_type Report Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Synch Options Report Type</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_synch_options_synch_type Synch Type Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Synch Options Synch Type</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_tbul_ul Usage Limit Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Time-Based Usage Limit</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_tgj Tolerated Grant Jitter Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Tolerated Grant Jitter</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_tp Traffic Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Traffic Priority</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_tpj Tolerated Poll Jitter Unsigned 32-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Tolerated Poll Jitter</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_ugs Unsolicited Grant Size Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Unsolicited Grant Size</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_vbul_ul Usage Limit Unsigned 64-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Volume-Based Usage Limit</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_vi_major Major Version Number Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Major Version Number</pre> <pre> cops.pc_mm_vi_minor Minor Version Number Unsigned 16-bit integer PacketCable Multimedia Minor Version Number</pre> <pre> cops.pc_packetcable_err_code Error Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_packetcable_sub_code Error Sub Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Error Sub Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_peak_data_rate Peak Data Rate Peak Data Rate</pre> <pre> cops.pc_prks_ip PRKS IP Address IPv4 address PRKS IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_prks_ip_port PRKS IP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer PRKS IP Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_protocol_id Protocol ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_reason_code Reason Code Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason Code</pre> <pre> cops.pc_remote_flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Flags</pre> <pre> cops.pc_remote_gate_id Remote Gate ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Remote Gate ID</pre> <pre> cops.pc_reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> cops.pc_session_class Session Class Unsigned 8-bit integer Session Class</pre> <pre> cops.pc_slack_term Slack Term Unsigned 32-bit integer Slack Term</pre> <pre> cops.pc_spec_rate Rate Rate</pre> <pre> cops.pc_src_ip Source IP Address IPv4 address Source IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_src_port Source IP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Source IP Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_srks_ip SRKS IP Address IPv4 address SRKS IP Address</pre> <pre> cops.pc_srks_ip_port SRKS IP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer SRKS IP Port</pre> <pre> cops.pc_subscriber_id4 Subscriber Identifier (IPv4) IPv4 address Subscriber Identifier (IPv4)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_subscriber_id6 Subscriber Identifier (IPv6) IPv6 address Subscriber Identifier (IPv6)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_subtree Object Subtree Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Subtree</pre> <pre> cops.pc_t1_value Timer T1 Value (sec) Unsigned 16-bit integer Timer T1 Value (sec)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_t7_value Timer T7 Value (sec) Unsigned 16-bit integer Timer T7 Value (sec)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_t8_value Timer T8 Value (sec) Unsigned 16-bit integer Timer T8 Value (sec)</pre> <pre> cops.pc_token_bucket_rate Token Bucket Rate Token Bucket Rate</pre> <pre> cops.pc_token_bucket_size Token Bucket Size Token Bucket Size</pre> <pre> cops.pc_transaction_id Transaction Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction Identifier</pre> <pre> cops.pdp.tcp_port TCP Port Number Unsigned 32-bit integer TCP Port Number of PDP in PDPRedirAddr/LastPDPAddr object</pre> <pre> cops.pdprediraddr.ipv4 IPv4 address IPv4 address IPv4 address in COPS PDPRedirAddr object</pre> <pre> cops.pdprediraddr.ipv6 IPv6 address IPv6 address IPv6 address in COPS PDPRedirAddr object</pre> <pre> cops.pepid.id Contents: PEP Id String PEP Id in PEPID object</pre> <pre> cops.reason Reason Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason in Reason object</pre> <pre> cops.reason_sub Reason Sub-code Unsigned 16-bit integer Reason Sub-code in Reason object</pre> <pre> cops.report_type Contents: Report-Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Report-Type in Report-Type object</pre> <pre> cops.s_num S-Num Unsigned 8-bit integer S-Num in COPS-PR Object Header</pre> <pre> cops.s_type S-Type Unsigned 8-bit integer S-Type in COPS-PR Object Header</pre> <pre> cops.ver_flags Version and Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Version and Flags in COPS Common Header</pre> <pre> cops.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version in COPS Common Header</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="common_unix_printing_system__cups__browsing_protocol__cups_">Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol (cups)</a></h2> <pre> cups.ptype Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cups.state State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="component_status_protocol__componentstatusprotocol_">Component Status Protocol (componentstatusprotocol)</a></h2> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_duration Duration Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_ppid PPID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_protocolid ProtocolID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_receiverid ReceiverID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_AssociationArray AssociationArray Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_associations Associations Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_location Location String</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_reportinterval ReportInterval Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_status Status String</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_workload Workload Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_senderid SenderID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_sendertimestamp SenderTimeStamp Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> componentstatusprotocol.message_version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="compressed_data_type__cdt_">Compressed Data Type (cdt)</a></h2> <pre> cdt.CompressedData CompressedData No value cdt.CompressedData</pre> <pre> cdt.algorithmID_OID algorithmID-OID cdt.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER</pre> <pre> cdt.algorithmID_ShortForm algorithmID-ShortForm Signed 32-bit integer cdt.AlgorithmID_ShortForm</pre> <pre> cdt.compressedContent compressedContent Byte array cdt.CompressedContent</pre> <pre> cdt.compressedContentInfo compressedContentInfo No value cdt.CompressedContentInfo</pre> <pre> cdt.compressionAlgorithm compressionAlgorithm Unsigned 32-bit integer cdt.CompressionAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cdt.contentType contentType Unsigned 32-bit integer cdt.T_contentType</pre> <pre> cdt.contentType_OID contentType-OID cdt.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER</pre> <pre> cdt.contentType_ShortForm contentType-ShortForm Signed 32-bit integer cdt.ContentType_ShortForm</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="compuserve_gif__imagegif_">Compuserve GIF (image-gif)</a></h2> <pre> image-gif.end Trailer (End of the GIF stream) No value This byte tells the decoder that the data stream is finished.</pre> <pre> image-gif.extension Extension No value Extension.</pre> <pre> image-gif.extension.label Extension label Unsigned 8-bit integer Extension label.</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.bpp Image bits per pixel minus 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of bits per pixel is one plus the field value.</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.color_bpp Bits per color minus 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of bits per color is one plus the field value.</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.color_map Global color map Byte array Global color map.</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.color_map.ordered Global color map is ordered Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates whether the global color map is ordered.</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.color_map.present Global color map is present Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates if the global color map is present</pre> <pre> image-gif.global.pixel_aspect_ratio Global pixel aspect ratio Unsigned 8-bit integer Gives an approximate value of the aspect ratio of the pixels.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image Image No value Image.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image.code_size LZW minimum code size Unsigned 8-bit integer Minimum code size for the LZW compression.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image.height Image height Unsigned 16-bit integer Image height.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image.left Image left position Unsigned 16-bit integer Offset between left of Screen and left of Image.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image.top Image top position Unsigned 16-bit integer Offset between top of Screen and top of Image.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image.width Image width Unsigned 16-bit integer Image width.</pre> <pre> image-gif.image_background_index Background color index Unsigned 8-bit integer Index of the background color in the color map.</pre> <pre> image-gif.local.bpp Image bits per pixel minus 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of bits per pixel is one plus the field value.</pre> <pre> image-gif.local.color_bpp Bits per color minus 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of bits per color is one plus the field value.</pre> <pre> image-gif.local.color_map Local color map Byte array Local color map.</pre> <pre> image-gif.local.color_map.ordered Local color map is ordered Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates whether the local color map is ordered.</pre> <pre> image-gif.local.color_map.present Local color map is present Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates if the local color map is present</pre> <pre> image-gif.screen.height Screen height Unsigned 16-bit integer Screen height</pre> <pre> image-gif.screen.width Screen width Unsigned 16-bit integer Screen width</pre> <pre> image-gif.version Version String GIF Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="computer_interface_to_message_distribution__cimd_">Computer Interface to Message Distribution (cimd)</a></h2> <pre> cimd.aoi Alphanumeric Originating Address String CIMD Alphanumeric Originating Address</pre> <pre> cimd.ce Cancel Enabled String CIMD Cancel Enabled</pre> <pre> cimd.chksum Checksum Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD Checksum</pre> <pre> cimd.cm Cancel Mode String CIMD Cancel Mode</pre> <pre> cimd.da Destination Address String CIMD Destination Address</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs Data Coding Scheme Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD Data Coding Scheme</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.cf Compressed Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Compressed Flag</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.cg Coding Group Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Coding Group</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.chs Character Set Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Character Set</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.is Indication Sense Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Indication Sense</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.it Indication Type Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Indication Type</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.mc Message Class Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Message Class</pre> <pre> cimd.dcs.mcm Message Class Meaning Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD DCS Message Class Meaning Flag</pre> <pre> cimd.drmode Delivery Request Mode String CIMD Delivery Request Mode</pre> <pre> cimd.dt Discharge Time String CIMD Discharge Time</pre> <pre> cimd.errcode Error Code String CIMD Error Code</pre> <pre> cimd.errtext Error Text String CIMD Error Text</pre> <pre> cimd.fdta First Delivery Time Absolute String CIMD First Delivery Time Absolute</pre> <pre> cimd.fdtr First Delivery Time Relative String CIMD First Delivery Time Relative</pre> <pre> cimd.gpar Get Parameter String CIMD Get Parameter</pre> <pre> cimd.mcount Message Count String CIMD Message Count</pre> <pre> cimd.mms More Messages To Send String CIMD More Messages To Send</pre> <pre> cimd.oa Originating Address String CIMD Originating Address</pre> <pre> cimd.oimsi Originating IMSI String CIMD Originating IMSI</pre> <pre> cimd.opcode Operation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD Operation Code</pre> <pre> cimd.ovma Originated Visited MSC Address String CIMD Originated Visited MSC Address</pre> <pre> cimd.passwd Password String CIMD Password</pre> <pre> cimd.pcode Code String CIMD Parameter Code</pre> <pre> cimd.pi Protocol Identifier String CIMD Protocol Identifier</pre> <pre> cimd.pnumber Packet Number Unsigned 8-bit integer CIMD Packet Number</pre> <pre> cimd.priority Priority String CIMD Priority</pre> <pre> cimd.rpath Reply Path String CIMD Reply Path</pre> <pre> cimd.saddr Subaddress String CIMD Subaddress</pre> <pre> cimd.scaddr Service Center Address String CIMD Service Center Address</pre> <pre> cimd.scts Service Centre Time Stamp String CIMD Service Centre Time Stamp</pre> <pre> cimd.sdes Service Description String CIMD Service Description</pre> <pre> cimd.smsct SMS Center Time String CIMD SMS Center Time</pre> <pre> cimd.srr Status Report Request String CIMD Status Report Request</pre> <pre> cimd.stcode Status Code String CIMD Status Code</pre> <pre> cimd.sterrcode Status Error Code String CIMD Status Error Code</pre> <pre> cimd.tclass Tariff Class String CIMD Tariff Class</pre> <pre> cimd.ud User Data String CIMD User Data</pre> <pre> cimd.udb User Data Binary String CIMD User Data Binary</pre> <pre> cimd.udh User Data Header String CIMD User Data Header</pre> <pre> cimd.ui User Identity String CIMD User Identity</pre> <pre> cimd.vpa Validity Period Absolute String CIMD Validity Period Absolute</pre> <pre> cimd.vpr Validity Period Relative String CIMD Validity Period Relative</pre> <pre> cimd.ws Window Size String CIMD Window Size</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="configuration_test_protocol__loopback___loop_">Configuration Test Protocol (loopback) (loop)</a></h2> <pre> loop.forwarding_address Forwarding address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> loop.function Function Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> loop.receipt_number Receipt number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> loop.skipcount skipCount Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="connectionless_lightweight_directory_access_protocol__cldap_">Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (cldap)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="coseventcomm_dissector_using_giop_api__giopcoseventcomm_">Coseventcomm Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-coseventcomm)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cosnaming_dissector_using_giop_api__giopcosnaming_">Cosnaming Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-cosnaming)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cross_point_frame_injector__cpfi_">Cross Point Frame Injector (cpfi)</a></h2> <pre> cfpi.word_two Word two Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cpfi.EOFtype EOFtype Unsigned 32-bit integer EOF Type</pre> <pre> cpfi.OPMerror OPMerror Boolean OPM Error?</pre> <pre> cpfi.SOFtype SOFtype Unsigned 32-bit integer SOF Type</pre> <pre> cpfi.board Board Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.crc-32 CRC-32 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> cpfi.dstTDA dstTDA Unsigned 32-bit integer Source TDA (10 bits)</pre> <pre> cpfi.dst_board Destination Board Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.dst_instance Destination Instance Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.dst_port Destination Port Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.frmtype FrmType Unsigned 32-bit integer Frame Type</pre> <pre> cpfi.fromLCM fromLCM Boolean from LCM?</pre> <pre> cpfi.instance Instance Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.port Port Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.speed speed Unsigned 32-bit integer SOF Type</pre> <pre> cpfi.srcTDA srcTDA Unsigned 32-bit integer Source TDA (10 bits)</pre> <pre> cpfi.src_board Source Board Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.src_instance Source Instance Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.src_port Source Port Byte array</pre> <pre> cpfi.word_one Word one Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="cryptographic_message_syntax__cms_">Cryptographic Message Syntax (cms)</a></h2> <pre> cms.AuthAttributes_item Item No value cms.Attribute</pre> <pre> cms.AuthenticatedData AuthenticatedData No value cms.AuthenticatedData</pre> <pre> cms.CertificateRevocationLists_item Item No value x509af.CertificateList</pre> <pre> cms.CertificateSet_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.CertificateChoices</pre> <pre> cms.ContentInfo ContentInfo No value cms.ContentInfo</pre> <pre> cms.ContentType ContentType cms.ContentType</pre> <pre> cms.Countersignature Countersignature No value cms.Countersignature</pre> <pre> cms.DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers_item Item No value cms.DigestAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.DigestedData DigestedData No value cms.DigestedData</pre> <pre> cms.EncryptedData EncryptedData No value cms.EncryptedData</pre> <pre> cms.EnvelopedData EnvelopedData No value cms.EnvelopedData</pre> <pre> cms.MessageDigest MessageDigest Byte array cms.MessageDigest</pre> <pre> cms.RecipientEncryptedKeys_item Item No value cms.RecipientEncryptedKey</pre> <pre> cms.RecipientInfos_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.RecipientInfo</pre> <pre> cms.SignedAttributes_item Item No value cms.Attribute</pre> <pre> cms.SignedData SignedData No value cms.SignedData</pre> <pre> cms.SignerInfos_item Item No value cms.SignerInfo</pre> <pre> cms.SigningTime SigningTime Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.SigningTime</pre> <pre> cms.UnauthAttributes_item Item No value cms.Attribute</pre> <pre> cms.UnprotectedAttributes_item Item No value cms.Attribute</pre> <pre> cms.UnsignedAttributes_item Item No value cms.Attribute</pre> <pre> cms.algorithm algorithm No value x509af.AlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.attrCert attrCert No value x509af.AttributeCertificate</pre> <pre> cms.attrType attrType cms.T_attrType</pre> <pre> cms.attrValues attrValues Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.SET_OF_AttributeValue</pre> <pre> cms.attrValues_item Item No value cms.AttributeValue</pre> <pre> cms.attributes attributes Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.UnauthAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.authenticatedAttributes authenticatedAttributes Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.AuthAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.certificate certificate No value x509af.Certificate</pre> <pre> cms.certificates certificates Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.CertificateSet</pre> <pre> cms.certs certs Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.CertificateSet</pre> <pre> cms.content content No value cms.T_content</pre> <pre> cms.contentEncryptionAlgorithm contentEncryptionAlgorithm No value cms.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.contentInfo.contentType contentType ContentType</pre> <pre> cms.contentType contentType cms.ContentType</pre> <pre> cms.crls crls Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.CertificateRevocationLists</pre> <pre> cms.date date String cms.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> cms.digest digest Byte array cms.Digest</pre> <pre> cms.digestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm No value cms.DigestAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.digestAlgorithms digestAlgorithms Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers</pre> <pre> cms.eContent eContent Byte array cms.T_eContent</pre> <pre> cms.eContentType eContentType cms.ContentType</pre> <pre> cms.encapContentInfo encapContentInfo No value cms.EncapsulatedContentInfo</pre> <pre> cms.encryptedContent encryptedContent Byte array cms.EncryptedContent</pre> <pre> cms.encryptedContentInfo encryptedContentInfo No value cms.EncryptedContentInfo</pre> <pre> cms.encryptedKey encryptedKey Byte array cms.EncryptedKey</pre> <pre> cms.extendedCertificate extendedCertificate No value cms.ExtendedCertificate</pre> <pre> cms.extendedCertificateInfo extendedCertificateInfo No value cms.ExtendedCertificateInfo</pre> <pre> cms.generalTime generalTime String cms.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> cms.issuer issuer Unsigned 32-bit integer x509if.Name</pre> <pre> cms.issuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber No value cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber</pre> <pre> cms.kari kari No value cms.KeyAgreeRecipientInfo</pre> <pre> cms.kekid kekid No value cms.KEKIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.kekri kekri No value cms.KEKRecipientInfo</pre> <pre> cms.keyAttr keyAttr No value cms.T_keyAttr</pre> <pre> cms.keyAttrId keyAttrId cms.T_keyAttrId</pre> <pre> cms.keyEncryptionAlgorithm keyEncryptionAlgorithm No value cms.KeyEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.keyIdentifier keyIdentifier Byte array cms.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> cms.ktri ktri No value cms.KeyTransRecipientInfo</pre> <pre> cms.mac mac Byte array cms.MessageAuthenticationCode</pre> <pre> cms.macAlgorithm macAlgorithm No value cms.MessageAuthenticationCodeAlgorithm</pre> <pre> cms.originator originator Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.OriginatorIdentifierOrKey</pre> <pre> cms.originatorInfo originatorInfo No value cms.OriginatorInfo</pre> <pre> cms.originatorKey originatorKey No value cms.OriginatorPublicKey</pre> <pre> cms.other other No value cms.OtherKeyAttribute</pre> <pre> cms.publicKey publicKey Byte array cms.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> cms.rKeyId rKeyId No value cms.RecipientKeyIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.recipientEncryptedKeys recipientEncryptedKeys Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.RecipientEncryptedKeys</pre> <pre> cms.recipientInfos recipientInfos Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.RecipientInfos</pre> <pre> cms.rid rid Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.RecipientIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.serialNumber serialNumber Signed 32-bit integer x509af.CertificateSerialNumber</pre> <pre> cms.sid sid Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.SignerIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.signature signature Byte array cms.SignatureValue</pre> <pre> cms.signatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm No value cms.SignatureAlgorithmIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.signedAttrs signedAttrs Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.SignedAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.signerInfos signerInfos Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.SignerInfos</pre> <pre> cms.subjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier Byte array cms.SubjectKeyIdentifier</pre> <pre> cms.ukm ukm Byte array cms.UserKeyingMaterial</pre> <pre> cms.unauthenticatedAttributes unauthenticatedAttributes Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.UnauthAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.unprotectedAttrs unprotectedAttrs Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.UnprotectedAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.unsignedAttrs unsignedAttrs Unsigned 32-bit integer cms.UnsignedAttributes</pre> <pre> cms.utcTime utcTime String cms.UTCTime</pre> <pre> cms.version version Signed 32-bit integer cms.CMSVersion</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_distributed_time_service_local_server__dtsstime_req_">DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server (dtsstime_req)</a></h2> <pre> dtsstime_req.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_distributed_time_service_provider__dtsprovider_">DCE Distributed Time Service Provider (dtsprovider)</a></h2> <pre> dtsprovider.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> dtsprovider.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer Return code, status of executed command</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_name_service__rs_pgo_">DCE Name Service (rs_pgo)</a></h2> <pre> hf_error_status_t hf_error_status_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_acct_user_flags_t hf_rgy_acct_user_flags_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_size hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_t hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_get_rqst_name_domain hf_rgy_get_rqst_name_domain Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_get_rqst_var hf_rgy_get_rqst_var Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_get_rqst_var2 hf_rgy_get_rqst_var2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1_size hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2_size hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var1 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var2 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var3 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var4 hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var1 hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var2 hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var3 hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_name_domain hf_rgy_name_domain Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_max_len hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_max_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t_size hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_pgo_id_key_t hf_rs_pgo_id_key_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_pgo_query_key_t hf_rs_pgo_query_key_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_pgo_query_result_t hf_rs_pgo_query_result_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_pgo_query_t hf_rs_pgo_query_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_pgo_unix_num_key_t hf_rs_pgo_unix_num_key_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_quota hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_quota Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_unix_num hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_unix_num Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_rs_timeval hf_rs_timeval Time duration</pre> <pre> hf_rs_uuid1 hf_rs_uuid1 UUID</pre> <pre> hf_rs_var1 hf_rs_var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_handle hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_handle Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_valid hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_valid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_passwd_type_t hf_sec_passwd_type_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_passwd_version_t hf_sec_passwd_version_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_acct_admin_flags hf_sec_rgy_acct_admin_flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_acct_auth_flags_t hf_sec_rgy_acct_auth_flags_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_acct_key_t hf_sec_rgy_acct_key_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_domain_t hf_sec_rgy_domain_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_name_t_principalName_string hf_sec_rgy_name_t_principalName_string String</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_name_t_size hf_sec_rgy_name_t_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_pgo_flags_t hf_sec_rgy_pgo_flags_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t hf_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_principalName_string hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_principalName_string String</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_size hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_group hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_group Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_org hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_org Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_person hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_person Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_sec_timeval_sec_t hf_sec_timeval_sec_t Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_pgo.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc__dcerpc_">DCE RPC (dcerpc)</a></h2> <pre> dcerpc.array.actual_count Actual Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Actual Count: Actual number of elements in the array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.array.buffer Buffer Byte array Buffer: Buffer containing elements of the array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.array.max_count Max Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Count: Number of elements in the array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.array.offset Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer Offset for first element in array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.auth_ctx_id Auth Context ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.auth_level Auth level Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.auth_pad_len Auth pad len Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.auth_rsrvd Auth Rsrvd Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.auth_type Auth type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ack_reason Ack reason Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ack_result Ack result Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ack_trans_id Transfer Syntax</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ack_trans_ver Syntax ver Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_alloc_hint Alloc hint Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_assoc_group Assoc Group Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_auth_len Auth Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_abstract_syntax Abstract Syntax No value</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_if_ver Interface Ver Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_if_ver_minor Interface Ver Minor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_to_uuid Interface UUID</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_trans Transfer Syntax No value</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_trans_id ID</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_bind_trans_ver ver Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_call_id Call ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_cancel_count Cancel count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ctx_id Context ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_ctx_item Ctx Item No value</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_deseg_req Desegmentation Required Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags Packet Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.cancel_pending Cancel Pending Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.dne Did Not Execute Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.first_frag First Frag Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.last_frag Last Frag Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.maybe Maybe Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.mpx Multiplex Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.object Object Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_flags.reserved Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_frag_len Frag Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_max_recv Max Recv Frag Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_max_xmit Max Xmit Frag Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_num_ctx_items Num Ctx Items Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_num_protocols Number of protocols Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_num_results Num results Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_num_trans_items Num Trans Items Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_protocol_ver_major Protocol major version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_protocol_ver_minor Protocol minor version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_reject_reason Reject reason Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_sec_addr Scndry Addr String</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_sec_addr_len Scndry Addr len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.cn_status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_act_id Activity</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_ahint Activity Hint Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_auth_proto Auth proto Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_cancel_id Cancel ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_cancel_vers Cancel Version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1 Flags1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_broadcast Broadcast Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_frag Fragment Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_idempotent Idempotent Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_last_frag Last Fragment Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_maybe Maybe Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_nofack No Fack Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_rsrvd_01 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags1_rsrvd_80 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2 Flags2 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_cancel_pending Cancel Pending Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_01 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_04 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_08 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_10 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_20 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_40 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_80 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_frag_len Fragment len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_frag_num Fragment num Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_if_id Interface</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_if_ver Interface Ver Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_ihint Interface Hint Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_seqnum Sequence num Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_serial_hi Serial High Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_serial_lo Serial Low Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_server_boot Server boot time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> dcerpc.dg_status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.drep Data Representation Byte array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.drep.byteorder Byte order Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.drep.character Character Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.drep.fp Floating-point Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_max_frag_size Max Frag Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_max_tsdu Max TSDU Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_selack Selective ACK Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_selack_len Selective ACK Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_serial_num Serial Num Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_vers FACK Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fack_window_size Window Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment DCE/RPC Fragment Frame number DCE/RPC Fragment</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment.error Defragmentation error Frame number Defragmentation error due to illegal fragments</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment.multipletails Multiple tail fragments found Boolean Several tails were found when defragmenting the packet</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment.overlap Fragment overlap Boolean Fragment overlaps with other fragments</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment.overlap.conflict Conflicting data in fragment overlap Boolean Overlapping fragments contained conflicting data</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragment.toolongfragment Fragment too long Boolean Fragment contained data past end of packet</pre> <pre> dcerpc.fragments Reassembled DCE/RPC Fragments No value DCE/RPC Fragments</pre> <pre> dcerpc.krb5_av.auth_verifier Authentication Verifier Byte array</pre> <pre> dcerpc.krb5_av.key_vers_num Key Version Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.krb5_av.prot_level Protection Level Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.nt.close_frame Frame handle closed Frame number Frame handle closed</pre> <pre> dcerpc.nt.open_frame Frame handle opened Frame number Frame handle opened</pre> <pre> dcerpc.obj_id Object</pre> <pre> dcerpc.op Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.opnum Opnum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.pkt_type Packet type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.reassembled_in Reassembled PDU in frame Frame number The DCE/RPC PDU is completely reassembled in the packet with this number</pre> <pre> dcerpc.referent_id Referent ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Referent ID for this NDR encoded pointer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.request_in Request in frame Frame number This packet is a response to the packet with this number</pre> <pre> dcerpc.response_in Response in frame Frame number This packet will be responded in the packet with this number</pre> <pre> dcerpc.server_accepting_cancels Server accepting cancels Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.time Time from request Time duration Time between Request and Response for DCE-RPC calls</pre> <pre> dcerpc.unknown_if_id Unknown DCERPC interface id Boolean</pre> <pre> dcerpc.ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcerpc.ver_minor Version (minor) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> logonhours.divisions Divisions Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of divisions for LOGON_HOURS</pre> <pre> nt.acct_ctrl Acct Ctrl Unsigned 32-bit integer Acct CTRL</pre> <pre> nt.attr Attributes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nt.count Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of elements in following array</pre> <pre> nt.domain_sid Domain SID String The Domain SID</pre> <pre> nt.guid GUID GUID (uuid for groups?)</pre> <pre> nt.str.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of string in short integers</pre> <pre> nt.str.size Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Size of string in short integers</pre> <pre> nt.unknown.char Unknown char Unsigned 8-bit integer Unknown char. If you know what this is, contact wireshark developers.</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_security_id_mapper__secidmap_">DCE Security ID Mapper (secidmap)</a></h2> <pre> secidmap.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_dfs_budb__budb_">DCE/DFS BUDB (budb)</a></h2> <pre> budb.AddVolume.vol vol No value</pre> <pre> budb.AddVolumes.cnt cnt Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.AddVolumes.vol vol No value</pre> <pre> budb.CreateDump.dump dump No value</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.cell cell String</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.created created Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.dbversion dbversion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.lastDumpId lastDumpId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.lastInstanceId lastInstanceId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.lastTapeId lastTapeId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbHeader.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbVerify.host host Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbVerify.orphans orphans Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DbVerify.status status Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DeleteDump.id id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DeleteTape.tape tape No value</pre> <pre> budb.DeleteVDP.curDumpId curDumpId Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DeleteVDP.dsname dsname String</pre> <pre> budb.DeleteVDP.dumpPath dumpPath String</pre> <pre> budb.DumpDB.charListPtr charListPtr No value</pre> <pre> budb.DumpDB.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.DumpDB.maxLength maxLength Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindClone.cloneSpare cloneSpare Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindClone.clonetime clonetime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindClone.dumpID dumpID Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindClone.volName volName String</pre> <pre> budb.FindDump.beforeDate beforeDate Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindDump.dateSpare dateSpare Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FindDump.deptr deptr No value</pre> <pre> budb.FindDump.volName volName String</pre> <pre> budb.FindLatestDump.dname dname String</pre> <pre> budb.FindLatestDump.dumpentry dumpentry No value</pre> <pre> budb.FindLatestDump.vsname vsname String</pre> <pre> budb.FinishDump.dump dump No value</pre> <pre> budb.FinishTape.tape tape No value</pre> <pre> budb.FreeAllLocks.instanceId instanceId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.FreeLock.lockHandle lockHandle Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.dbUpdate dbUpdate Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.dumps dumps No value</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.end end Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.index index Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.majorVersion majorVersion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.nextIndex nextIndex Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetDumps.start start Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetInstanceId.instanceId instanceId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetLock.expiration expiration Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetLock.instanceId instanceId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetLock.lockHandle lockHandle Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetLock.lockName lockName Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetServerInterfaces.serverInterfacesP serverInterfacesP No value</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.dbUpdate dbUpdate Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.end end Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.index index Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.majorVersion majorVersion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.nextIndex nextIndex Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.start start Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTapes.tapes tapes No value</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.charListPtr charListPtr No value</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.lockHandle lockHandle Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.maxLength maxLength Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.nextOffset nextOffset Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.offset offset Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetText.textType textType Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTextVersion.textType textType Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetTextVersion.tversion tversion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.dbUpdate dbUpdate Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.end end Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.index index Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.majorVersion majorVersion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.nextIndex nextIndex Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.start start Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.GetVolumes.volumes volumes No value</pre> <pre> budb.RestoreDbHeader.header header No value</pre> <pre> budb.SaveText.charListPtr charListPtr No value</pre> <pre> budb.SaveText.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.SaveText.lockHandle lockHandle Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.SaveText.offset offset Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.SaveText.textType textType Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.T_DumpDatabase.filename filename String</pre> <pre> budb.T_DumpHashTable.filename filename String</pre> <pre> budb.T_DumpHashTable.type type Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.T_GetVersion.majorVersion majorVersion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.UseTape.new new Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.UseTape.tape tape No value</pre> <pre> budb.charListT.charListT_len charListT_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.charListT.charListT_val charListT_val Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.clone clone Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.dump dump Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.id id Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.incTime incTime Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.nBytes nBytes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.nFrags nFrags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.partition partition Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.position position Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.seq seq Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.server server String</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.startByte startByte Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dbVolume.tape tape String</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.interface_uuid interface_uuid</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare0 spare0 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare5 spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare6 spare6 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare7 spare7 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare8 spare8 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare9 spare9 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spareText spareText Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_major vers_major Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_minor vers_minor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_provider vers_provider Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceList.dfs_interfaceList_len dfs_interfaceList_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dfs_interfaceList.dfs_interfaceList_val dfs_interfaceList_val No value</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.created created Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.dumpPath dumpPath String</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.dumper dumper No value</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.id id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.incTime incTime Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.nVolumes nVolumes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.parent parent Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.tapes tapes No value</pre> <pre> budb.dumpEntry.volumeSetName volumeSetName String</pre> <pre> budb.dumpList.dumpList_len dumpList_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.dumpList.dumpList_val dumpList_val No value</pre> <pre> budb.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.principal.cell cell String</pre> <pre> budb.principal.instance instance String</pre> <pre> budb.principal.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.principal.spare spare String</pre> <pre> budb.principal.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.principal.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.principal.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.principal.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.rc Return code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.size size Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.structversion structversion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.structDumpHeader.type type Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.dump dump Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.expires expires Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.mediaType mediaType Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.nBytes nBytes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.nFiles nFiles Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.nMBytes nMBytes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.nVolumes nVolumes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.seq seq Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.tapeid tapeid Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.useCount useCount Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeEntry.written written Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.tapeList.tapeList_len tapeList_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeList.tapeList_val tapeList_val No value</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.a a Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.b b Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.format format String</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.id id Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.maxTapes maxTapes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.tapeSet.tapeServer tapeServer String</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.clone clone Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.dump dump Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.id id Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.incTime incTime Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.nBytes nBytes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.nFrags nFrags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.name name String</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.partition partition Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.position position Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.seq seq Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.server server String</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.startByte startByte Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeEntry.tape tape String</pre> <pre> budb.volumeList.volumeList_len volumeList_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> budb.volumeList.volumeList_val volumeList_val No value</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_bos_server__bossvr_">DCE/RPC BOS Server (bossvr)</a></h2> <pre> bossvr.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_butc__butc_">DCE/RPC BUTC (butc)</a></h2> <pre> butc.BUTC_AbortDump.dumpID dumpID Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_EndStatus.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_GetStatus.statusPtr statusPtr No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_GetStatus.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_LabelTape.label label No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_LabelTape.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformDump.dumpID dumpID Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformDump.dumps dumps No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformDump.tcdiPtr tcdiPtr No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.dumpID dumpID Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.dumpSetName dumpSetName String</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.restores restores No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ReadLabel.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_RequestAbort.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_RestoreDb.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_SaveDb.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ScanDumps.addDbFlag addDbFlag Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ScanDumps.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.statusPtr statusPtr No value</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.BUTC_TCInfo.tciptr tciptr No value</pre> <pre> butc.Restore_flags.TC_RESTORE_CREATE TC_RESTORE_CREATE Boolean</pre> <pre> butc.Restore_flags.TC_RESTORE_INCR TC_RESTORE_INCR Boolean</pre> <pre> butc.afsNetAddr.data data Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.afsNetAddr.type type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.rc Return code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpArray.tc_dumpArray tc_dumpArray No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpArray.tc_dumpArray_len tc_dumpArray_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.cloneDate cloneDate Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.date date Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.hostAddr hostAddr No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.name name String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.partition partition Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpDesc.vid vid Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpLevel dumpLevel Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpName dumpName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpPath dumpPath String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.parentDumpId parentDumpId Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.tapeSet tapeSet No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpInterface.volumeSetName volumeSetName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.bytesDumped bytesDumped Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.dumpID dumpID Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.flags flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.numVolErrs numVolErrs Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_dumpStat.volumeBeingDumped volumeBeingDumped Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreArray.tc_restoreArray_len tc_restoreArray_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreArray.tc_restoreArray_val tc_restoreArray_val No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.frag frag Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.hostAddr hostAddr No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.newName newName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.oldName oldName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.origVid origVid Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.partition partition Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.position position Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.realDumpId realDumpId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.tapeName tapeName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_restoreDesc.vid vid Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.label label No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.none none Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare5 spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.vol vol No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchLabel.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchLabel.tapeLabel tapeLabel No value</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.nKBytes nKBytes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.volsFailed volsFailed Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.volumeName volumeName String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.name name String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.nameLen nameLen Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.size size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.size_ext size_ext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.a a Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.b b Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.expDate expDate Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.expType expType Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.format format String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.id id Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.maxTapes maxTapes Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tapeSet.tapeServer tapeServer String</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tcInfo.spare1 spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tcInfo.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tcInfo.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tcInfo.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tc_tcInfo.tcVersion tcVersion Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.flags flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.info info Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.lastPolled lastPolled Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.taskId taskId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> butc.tciStatusS.taskName taskName String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_cds_solicitation__cds_solicit_">DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation (cds_solicit)</a></h2> <pre> cds_solicit.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_conversation_manager__conv_">DCE/RPC Conversation Manager (conv)</a></h2> <pre> conv.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> conv.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you2_resp_casuuid Client's address space UUID UUID</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you2_resp_seq Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you2_rqst_actuid Activity UID UUID</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you2_rqst_boot_time Boot time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you_resp_seq Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you_rqst_actuid Activity UID UUID</pre> <pre> conv.who_are_you_rqst_boot_time Boot time Date/Time stamp</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_directory_acl_interface__rdaclif_">DCE/RPC Directory Acl Interface (rdaclif)</a></h2> <pre> rdaclif.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_endpoint_mapper__epm_">DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper (epm)</a></h2> <pre> epm.ann_len Annotation length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.ann_offset Annotation offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.annotation Annotation String Annotation</pre> <pre> epm.hnd Handle Byte array Context handle</pre> <pre> epm.if_id Interface</pre> <pre> epm.inq_type Inquiry type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.max_ents Max entries Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.max_towers Max Towers Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum number of towers to return</pre> <pre> epm.num_ents Num entries Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.num_towers Num Towers Unsigned 32-bit integer Number number of towers to return</pre> <pre> epm.object Object</pre> <pre> epm.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> epm.proto.http_port TCP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP Port where this service can be found</pre> <pre> epm.proto.ip IP IPv4 address IP address where service is located</pre> <pre> epm.proto.named_pipe Named Pipe String Name of the named pipe for this service</pre> <pre> epm.proto.netbios_name NetBIOS Name String NetBIOS name where this service can be found</pre> <pre> epm.proto.tcp_port TCP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP Port where this service can be found</pre> <pre> epm.proto.udp_port UDP Port Unsigned 16-bit integer UDP Port where this service can be found</pre> <pre> epm.rc Return code Unsigned 32-bit integer EPM return value</pre> <pre> epm.replace Replace Unsigned 8-bit integer Replace existing objects?</pre> <pre> epm.tower Tower Byte array Tower data</pre> <pre> epm.tower.len Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Length of tower data</pre> <pre> epm.tower.lhs.len LHS Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of LHS data</pre> <pre> epm.tower.num_floors Number of floors Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of floors in tower</pre> <pre> epm.tower.proto_id Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol identifier</pre> <pre> epm.tower.rhs.len RHS Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of RHS data</pre> <pre> epm.uuid UUID UUID</pre> <pre> epm.ver_maj Version Major Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.ver_min Version Minor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epm.ver_opt Version Option Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_endpoint_mapper_v4__epm4_">DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper v4 (epm4)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_fldb__fldb_">DCE/RPC FLDB (fldb)</a></h2> <pre> afsnetaddr.data IP Data Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> afsnetaddr.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.NameString_principal Principal Name String</pre> <pre> fldb.creationquota creation quota Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.creationuses creation uses Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.deletedflag deletedflag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.error_st Error Status 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.flagsp flagsp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.getentrybyname_rqst_key_size getentrybyname Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.getentrybyname_rqst_var1 getentrybyname var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.namestring_size namestring size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.nextstartp nextstartp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.numwanted number wanted Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> fldb.principalName_size Principal Name Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.principalName_size2 Principal Name Size2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.spare2 spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.spare3 spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.spare4 spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.spare5 spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.uuid_objid objid UUID</pre> <pre> fldb.uuid_owner owner UUID</pre> <pre> fldb.volid_high volid high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.volid_low volid low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fldb.voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_createentry_rqst_key_size Volume Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_createentry_rqst_key_t Volume String</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_deleteentry_rqst_fsid_high FSID deleteentry Hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_deleteentry_rqst_fsid_low FSID deleteentry Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_deleteentry_rqst_voloper voloper Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_deleteentry_rqst_voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyid_rqst_fsid_high FSID deleteentry Hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyid_rqst_fsid_low FSID getentrybyid Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyid_rqst_voloper voloper Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyid_rqst_voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_high hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_low hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_defaultmaxreplat hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_defaultmaxreplat Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_flags hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_hardmaxtotlat hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_hardmaxtotlat Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_size hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_t hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_t String</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_maxtotallat hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_maxtotallat Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_minpouncedally hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_minpouncedally Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_numservers hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_numservers Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_reclaimdally hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_reclaimdally Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitecookies hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitecookies Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_siteflags hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_siteflags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitemaxreplat hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitemaxreplat Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitepartition hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitepartition Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare1 hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare2 hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare3 hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare4 hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_test hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_test Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_high hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_low hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_voltype hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volumetype hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volumetype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_whenlocked hf_fldb_getentrybyname_resp_whenlocked Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_count Count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_key_size Key Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_key_size2 key_size2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_key_t Volume String</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_key_t2 Server String</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_next_index Next Index Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_resp_voltype VolType Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_rqst_previous_index Previous Index Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_listentry_rqst_var1 Var 1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_releaselock_rqst_fsid_high FSID releaselock Hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_releaselock_rqst_fsid_low FSID releaselock Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_releaselock_rqst_voloper voloper Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_releaselock_rqst_voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_resp_st Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_resp_st2 Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_rqst_fsid_high FSID replaceentry Hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_rqst_fsid_low FSID replaceentry Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_rqst_key_size Key Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_rqst_key_t Key String</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_replaceentry_rqst_voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_resp_st Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_resp_st2 Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_rqst_fsid_high FSID setlock Hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_rqst_fsid_low FSID setlock Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_rqst_voloper voloper Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_fldb_setlock_rqst_voltype voltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.cellidhigh CellID High Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.cellidlow CellID Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.hostname hostName String</pre> <pre> vlconf.name Name String</pre> <pre> vlconf.numservers Number of Servers Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.spare1 Spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.spare2 Spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.spare3 Spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.spare4 Spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vlconf.spare5 Spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.afsflags AFS Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.charspares Char Spares String</pre> <pre> vldbentry.cloneidhigh CloneID High Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.cloneidlow CloneID Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.defaultmaxreplicalatency Default Max Replica Latency Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.hardmaxtotallatency Hard Max Total Latency Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.lockername Locker Name String</pre> <pre> vldbentry.maxtotallatency Max Total Latency Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.minimumpouncedally Minimum Pounce Dally Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.nservers Number of Servers Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.reclaimdally Reclaim Dally Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.siteflags Site Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.sitemaxreplatency Site Max Replica Latench Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.siteobjid Site Object ID UUID</pre> <pre> vldbentry.siteowner Site Owner UUID</pre> <pre> vldbentry.sitepartition Site Partition Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.siteprincipal Principal Name String</pre> <pre> vldbentry.spare1 Spare 1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.spare2 Spare 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.spare3 Spare 3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.spare4 Spare 4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.volidshigh VolIDs high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.volidslow VolIDs low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.voltypes VolTypes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.volumename VolumeName String</pre> <pre> vldbentry.volumetype VolumeType Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> vldbentry.whenlocked When Locked Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_fldb_ubik_transfer__ubikdisk_">DCE/RPC FLDB UBIK TRANSFER (ubikdisk)</a></h2> <pre> ubikdisk.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_fldb_ubikvote__ubikvote_">DCE/RPC FLDB UBIKVOTE (ubikvote)</a></h2> <pre> ubikvote.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_icl_rpc__icl_rpc_">DCE/RPC ICL RPC (icl_rpc)</a></h2> <pre> icl_rpc.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_kerberos_v__krb5rpc_">DCE/RPC Kerberos V (krb5rpc)</a></h2> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_krb5 hf_krb5rpc_krb5 Byte array krb5_blob</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_opnum hf_krb5rpc_opnum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_keysize hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_keysize Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_len hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_max hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_max Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_spare1 hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_st hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_st Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_keysize hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_keysize Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_spare1 hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_ncs_1_5_1_local_location_broker__llb_">DCE/RPC NCS 1.5.1 Local Location Broker (llb)</a></h2> <pre> llb.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_operations_between_registry_server_replicas__rs_repmgr_">DCE/RPC Operations between registry server replicas (rs_repmgr)</a></h2> <pre> rs_repmgr.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_prop_attr__rs_prop_attr_">DCE/RPC Prop Attr (rs_prop_attr)</a></h2> <pre> rs_prop_attr.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_rs_acct__rs_acct_">DCE/RPC RS_ACCT (rs_acct)</a></h2> <pre> rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_key_size Var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_key_t Var1 String</pre> <pre> rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_var1 Var1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_acct.lookup_rqst_key_size Key Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_acct.lookup_rqst_var Var Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_acct.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> rs_lookup.get_rqst_key_t Key String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_rs_bind__rs_bind_">DCE/RPC RS_BIND (rs_bind)</a></h2> <pre> rs_bind.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_rs_misc__rs_misc_">DCE/RPC RS_MISC (rs_misc)</a></h2> <pre> rs.misc_login_get_info_rqst_key_t Key String</pre> <pre> rs_misc.login_get_info_rqst_key_size Key Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_misc.login_get_info_rqst_var Var Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> rs_misc.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_rs_prop_acct__rs_prop_acct_">DCE/RPC RS_PROP_ACCT (rs_prop_acct)</a></h2> <pre> rs_prop_acct.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_rs_unix__rs_unix_">DCE/RPC RS_UNIX (rs_unix)</a></h2> <pre> rs_unix.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_registry_password_management__rs_pwd_mgmt_">DCE/RPC Registry Password Management (rs_pwd_mgmt)</a></h2> <pre> rs_pwd_mgmt.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_registry_server_attributes_schema__rs_attr_schema_">DCE/RPC Registry Server Attributes Schema (rs_attr_schema)</a></h2> <pre> rs_attr_schema.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__acls___rs_prop_acl_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - ACLs. (rs_prop_acl)</a></h2> <pre> rs_prop_acl.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__pgo_items__rs_prop_pgo_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - PGO items (rs_prop_pgo)</a></h2> <pre> rs_prop_pgo.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_registry_server_propagation_interface__properties_and_policies__rs_prop_plcy_">DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface - properties and policies (rs_prop_plcy)</a></h2> <pre> rs_prop_plcy.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_remote_management__mgmt_">DCE/RPC Remote Management (mgmt)</a></h2> <pre> mgmt.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_repserver_calls__rs_replist_">DCE/RPC Repserver Calls (rs_replist)</a></h2> <pre> rs_replist.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_tokenserver_calls__tkn4int_">DCE/RPC TokenServer Calls (tkn4int)</a></h2> <pre> tkn4int.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dce_rpc_upserver__dce_update_">DCE/RPC UpServer (dce_update)</a></h2> <pre> dce_update.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcom__dcom_">DCOM (dcom)</a></h2> <pre> dcom.actual_count ActualCount Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.array_size (ArraySize) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.byte_length ByteLength Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.clsid CLSID</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.network_addr NetworkAddr String</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.num_entries NumEntries Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.security SecurityBinding No value</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.security_authn_svc AuthnSvc Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.security_authz_svc AuthzSvc Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.security_offset SecurityOffset Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.security_princ_name PrincName String</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.string StringBinding No value</pre> <pre> dcom.dualstringarray.tower_id TowerId Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.extent Extension No value</pre> <pre> dcom.extent.array_count Extension Count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.extent.array_res Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.extent.id Extension Id</pre> <pre> dcom.extent.size Extension Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.hresult HResult Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.ifp InterfacePointer No value</pre> <pre> dcom.iid IID</pre> <pre> dcom.ip_cnt_data CntData Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.ipid IPID</pre> <pre> dcom.max_count MaxCount Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.nospec No Specification Available Byte array</pre> <pre> dcom.objref OBJREF No value</pre> <pre> dcom.objref.cbextension CBExtension Unsigned 32-bit integer Size of extension data</pre> <pre> dcom.objref.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.objref.resolver_address ResolverAddress No value</pre> <pre> dcom.objref.signature Signature Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.objref.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.offset Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.oid OID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.oxid OXID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.pointer_val (PointerVal) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa SAFEARRAY No value</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.bound_elements BoundElements Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.dims16 Dims16 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.dims32 Dims32 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.element_size ElementSize Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.elements Elements Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features Features Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_auto AUTO Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_bstr BSTR Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_dispatch DISPATCH Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_embedded EMBEDDED Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_fixedsize FIXEDSIZE Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_have_iid HAVEIID Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_have_vartype HAVEVARTYPE Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_record RECORD Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_static STATIC Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_unknown UNKNOWN Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.features_variant VARIANT Boolean</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.locks Locks Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.low_bound LowBound Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.sa.vartype VarType32 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.stdobjref STDOBJREF No value</pre> <pre> dcom.stdobjref.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.stdobjref.public_refs PublicRefs Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.that.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.this.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.this.res Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.this.uuid Causality ID</pre> <pre> dcom.this.version_major VersionMajor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.this.version_minor VersionMinor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.tobedone To Be Done Byte array</pre> <pre> dcom.variant Variant No value</pre> <pre> dcom.variant_rpc_res RPC-Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.variant_size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.variant_type VarType Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.variant_type32 VarType32 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.variant_wres Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.version_major VersionMajor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.version_minor VersionMinor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.bool VT_BOOL Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.bstr VT_BSTR String</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.byref BYREF No value</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.date VT_DATE Double-precision floating point</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.dispatch VT_DISPATCH No value</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.i1 VT_I1 Signed 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.i2 VT_I2 Signed 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.i4 VT_I4 Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.i8 VT_I8 Signed 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.r4 VT_R4</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.r8 VT_R8 Double-precision floating point</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.ui1 VT_UI1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.ui2 VT_UI2 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcom.vt.ui4 VT_UI4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcom_idispatch__dispatch_">DCOM IDispatch (dispatch)</a></h2> <pre> dispatch_arg Argument No value</pre> <pre> dispatch_arg_err ArgErr Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_args Args Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_code Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_deferred_fill_in DeferredFillIn Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_description Description String</pre> <pre> dispatch_dispparams DispParams No value</pre> <pre> dispatch_excepinfo ExcepInfo No value</pre> <pre> dispatch_flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_flags_method Method Boolean</pre> <pre> dispatch_flags_propget PropertyGet Boolean</pre> <pre> dispatch_flags_propput PropertyPut Boolean</pre> <pre> dispatch_flags_propputref PropertyPutRef Boolean</pre> <pre> dispatch_help_context HelpContext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_help_file HelpFile String</pre> <pre> dispatch_id DispID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_itinfo TInfo No value</pre> <pre> dispatch_lcid LCID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_named_args NamedArgs Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_names Names Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> dispatch_reserved16 Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_reserved32 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_riid RIID</pre> <pre> dispatch_scode SCode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_source Source String</pre> <pre> dispatch_tinfo TInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_varref VarRef Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_varrefarg VarRef No value</pre> <pre> dispatch_varrefidx VarRefIdx Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dispatch_varresult VarResult No value</pre> <pre> hf_dispatch_name Name String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcom_iremoteactivation__remact_">DCOM IRemoteActivation (remact)</a></h2> <pre> hf_remact_oxid_bindings OxidBindings No value</pre> <pre> remact_authn_hint AuthnHint Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> remact_client_impl_level ClientImplLevel Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> remact_interface_data InterfaceData No value</pre> <pre> remact_interfaces Interfaces Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> remact_mode Mode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> remact_object_name ObjectName String</pre> <pre> remact_object_storage ObjectStorage No value</pre> <pre> remact_opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> remact_prot_seqs ProtSeqs Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> remact_req_prot_seqs RequestedProtSeqs Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcom_oxid_resolver__oxid_">DCOM OXID Resolver (oxid)</a></h2> <pre> dcom.oxid.address Address No value</pre> <pre> oxid.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid5.unknown1 unknown 8 bytes 1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid5.unknown2 unknown 8 bytes 2 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_addtoset AddToSet Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_authn_hint AuthnHint Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_bindings OxidBindings No value</pre> <pre> oxid_delfromset DelFromSet Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_ipid IPID</pre> <pre> oxid_oid OID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_oxid OXID Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_ping_backoff_factor PingBackoffFactor Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_protseqs ProtSeq Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_requested_protseqs RequestedProtSeq Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_seqnum SeqNum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> oxid_setid SetId Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcp_application_framing_layer__dcpaf_">DCP Application Framing Layer (dcp-af)</a></h2> <pre> dcp-af.crc CRC Unsigned 16-bit integer CRC</pre> <pre> dcp-af.crc_ok CRC OK Boolean AF CRC OK</pre> <pre> dcp-af.crcflag crc flag Boolean Frame is protected by CRC</pre> <pre> dcp-af.len length Unsigned 32-bit integer length in bytes of the payload</pre> <pre> dcp-af.maj Major Revision Unsigned 8-bit integer Major Protocol Revision</pre> <pre> dcp-af.min Minor Revision Unsigned 8-bit integer Minor Protocol Revision</pre> <pre> dcp-af.pt Payload Type String T means Tag Packets, all other values reserved</pre> <pre> dcp-af.seq frame count Unsigned 16-bit integer Logical Frame Number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcp_protection__fragmentation___transport_layer__dcppft_">DCP Protection, Fragmentation & Transport Layer (dcp-pft)</a></h2> <pre> dcp-pft.addr Addr Boolean When set the optional transport header is present</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.cmax C max Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum number of RS chunks sent</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.crc header CRC Unsigned 16-bit integer PFT Header CRC</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.crc_ok PFT CRC OK Boolean PFT Header CRC OK</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.dest dest addr Unsigned 16-bit integer PFT destination identifier</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fcount Fragment Count Unsigned 24-bit integer Number of fragments produced from this AF Packet</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fec FEC Boolean When set the optional RS header is present</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.findex Fragment Index Unsigned 24-bit integer Index of the fragment within one AF Packet</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment Message fragment Frame number</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment.error Message defragmentation error Frame number</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment.multiple_tails Message has multiple tail fragments Boolean</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment.overlap Message fragment overlap Boolean</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment.overlap.conflicts Message fragment overlapping with conflicting data Boolean</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragment.too_long_fragment Message fragment too long Boolean</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.fragments Message fragments No value</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.len fragment length Unsigned 16-bit integer length in bytes of the payload of this fragment</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.payload payload Byte array PFT Payload</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.pt Sub-protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer Always AF</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.reassembled.in Reassembled in Frame number</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.rs_corrected RS Symbols Corrected Signed 16-bit integer Number of symbols corrected by RS decode or -1 for failure</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.rs_ok RS decode OK Boolean successfully decoded RS blocks</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.rsk RSk Unsigned 8-bit integer The length of the Reed Solomon data word</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.rsz RSz Unsigned 8-bit integer The number of padding bytes in the last Reed Solomon block</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.rxmin Rx min Unsigned 16-bit integer Minimum number of fragments needed for RS decode</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.seq Sequence No Unsigned 16-bit integer PFT Sequence No</pre> <pre> dcp-pft.source source addr Unsigned 16-bit integer PFT source identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dcp_tag_packet_layer__dcptpl_">DCP Tag Packet Layer (dcp-tpl)</a></h2> <pre> dcp-tpl.ptr Type String Protocol Type & Revision</pre> <pre> dcp-tpl.tlv tag Byte array Tag Packet</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dec_dna_routing_protocol__dec_dna_">DEC DNA Routing Protocol (dec_dna)</a></h2> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.acknum Ack/Nak No value ack/nak number</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.blk_size Block size Unsigned 16-bit integer Block size</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.elist List of router states No value Router states</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.ename Ethernet name Byte array Ethernet name</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.fcnval Verification message function value Byte array Routing Verification function</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.id Transmitting system ID 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Transmitting system ID</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.blkreq Blocking requested Boolean Blocking requested?</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.mta Accepts multicast traffic Boolean Accepts multicast traffic?</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.node_type Node type Unsigned 8-bit integer Node type</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.rej Rejected Boolean Rejected message</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.verf Verification failed Boolean Verification failed?</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.vrf Verification required Boolean Verification required?</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.prio Routing priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Routing priority</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.reserved Reserved Byte array Reserved</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.router_id Router ID 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Router ID</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.router_prio Router priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Router priority</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.router_state Router state String Router state</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.seed Verification seed Byte array Verification seed</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.segment Segment No value Routing Segment</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.test_data Test message data Byte array Routing Test message data</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.tiinfo Routing information Unsigned 8-bit integer Routing information</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.timer Hello timer(seconds) Unsigned 16-bit integer Hello timer in seconds</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl.version Version No value Control protocol version</pre> <pre> dec_dna.ctl_neighbor Neighbor 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Neighbour ID</pre> <pre> dec_dna.dst.address Destination Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination address</pre> <pre> dec_dna.dst_node Destination node Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination node</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags Routing flags Unsigned 8-bit integer DNA routing flag</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.RQR Return to Sender Request Boolean Return to Sender</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.RTS Packet on return trip Boolean Packet on return trip</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.control Control packet Boolean Control packet</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.discard Discarded packet Boolean Discarded packet</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.intra_eth Intra-ethernet packet Boolean Intra-ethernet packet</pre> <pre> dec_dna.flags.msglen Long data packet format Unsigned 8-bit integer Long message indicator</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nl2 Next level 2 router Unsigned 8-bit integer reserved</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.delay Delayed ACK allowed Boolean Delayed ACK allowed?</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.disc_reason Reason for disconnect Unsigned 16-bit integer Disconnect reason</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.fc_val Flow control No value Flow control</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.flow_control Flow control Unsigned 8-bit integer Flow control(stop, go)</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.info Version info Unsigned 8-bit integer Version info</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.msg_type DNA NSP message Unsigned 8-bit integer NSP message</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.segnum Message number Unsigned 16-bit integer Segment number</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.segsize Maximum data segment size Unsigned 16-bit integer Max. segment size</pre> <pre> dec_dna.nsp.services Requested services Unsigned 8-bit integer Services requested</pre> <pre> dec_dna.proto_type Protocol type Unsigned 8-bit integer reserved</pre> <pre> dec_dna.rt.msg_type Routing control message Unsigned 8-bit integer Routing control</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.conn Session connect data No value Session connect data</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.dst_name Session Destination end user String Session Destination end user</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.grp_code Session Group code Unsigned 16-bit integer Session group code</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.menu_ver Session Menu version String Session menu version</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.obj_type Session Object type Unsigned 8-bit integer Session object type</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.rqstr_id Session Requestor ID String Session requestor ID</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.src_name Session Source end user String Session Source end user</pre> <pre> dec_dna.sess.usr_code Session User code Unsigned 16-bit integer Session User code</pre> <pre> dec_dna.src.addr Source Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source address</pre> <pre> dec_dna.src_node Source node Unsigned 16-bit integer Source node</pre> <pre> dec_dna.svc_cls Service class Unsigned 8-bit integer reserved</pre> <pre> dec_dna.visit_cnt Visit count Unsigned 8-bit integer Visit count</pre> <pre> dec_dna.vst_node Nodes visited ty this package Unsigned 8-bit integer Nodes visited</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dec_spanning_tree_protocol__dec_stp_">DEC Spanning Tree Protocol (dec_stp)</a></h2> <pre> dec_stp.bridge.mac Bridge MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> dec_stp.bridge.pri Bridge Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.flags BPDU flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.flags.short_timers Use short timers Boolean</pre> <pre> dec_stp.flags.tc Topology Change Boolean</pre> <pre> dec_stp.flags.tcack Topology Change Acknowledgment Boolean</pre> <pre> dec_stp.forward Forward Delay Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.hello Hello Time Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.max_age Max Age Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.msg_age Message Age Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.port Port identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.protocol Protocol Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.root.cost Root Path Cost Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.root.mac Root MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> dec_stp.root.pri Root Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.type BPDU Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dec_stp.version BPDU Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dfs_calls__dce_dfs_">DFS Calls (dce_dfs)</a></h2> <pre> afs4int.NameString_principal Principal Name String</pre> <pre> afs4int.TaggedPath_tp_chars AFS Tagged Path String</pre> <pre> afs4int.TaggedPath_tp_tag AFS Tagged Path Name Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.accesstime_msec afs4int.accesstime_msec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.accesstime_sec afs4int.accesstime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.acl_len Acl Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.aclexpirationtime afs4int.aclexpirationtime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.acltype afs4int.acltype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.Unique Unique Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Unique</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.Vnode Vnode Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Vnode</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.cell_high Cell High Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Cell High</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.cell_low Cell Low Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Cell Low</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.volume_high Volume High Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Volume High</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsFid.volume_low Volume Low Unsigned 32-bit integer afsFid Volume Low</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsTaggedPath_length Tagged Path Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsacl_uuid1 AFS ACL UUID1 UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.afserrortstatus_st AFS Error Code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsreturndesc_tokenid_high Tokenid High Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.afsreturndesc_tokenid_low Tokenid low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.agtypeunique afs4int.agtypeunique Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.anonymousaccess afs4int.anonymousaccess Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.author afs4int.author Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.beginrange afs4int.beginrange Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.beginrangeext afs4int.beginrangeext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.blocksused afs4int.blocksused Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchkeepalive_spare1 BulkFetch KeepAlive spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchkeepalive_spare2 BulkKeepAlive spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchstatus_size BulkFetchStatus Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchvv_numvols afs4int.bulkfetchvv_numvols Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchvv_spare1 afs4int.bulkfetchvv_spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkfetchvv_spare2 afs4int.bulkfetchvv_spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.bulkkeepalive_numexecfids BulkKeepAlive numexecfids Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.calleraccess afs4int.calleraccess Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.cellidp_high cellidp high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.cellidp_low cellidp low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.changetime_msec afs4int.changetime_msec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.changetime_sec afs4int.changetime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.clientspare1 afs4int.clientspare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.dataversion_high afs4int.dataversion_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.dataversion_low afs4int.dataversion_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.defaultcell_uuid Default Cell UUID UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.devicenumber afs4int.devicenumber Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.devicenumberhighbits afs4int.devicenumberhighbits Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.endrange afs4int.endrange Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.endrangeext afs4int.endrangeext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.expirationtime afs4int.expirationtime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.fetchdata_pipe_t_size FetchData Pipe_t size String</pre> <pre> afs4int.filetype afs4int.filetype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.flags DFS Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.fstype Filetype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.gettime.syncdistance SyncDistance Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.gettime_secondsp GetTime secondsp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.gettime_syncdispersion GetTime Syncdispersion Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.gettime_usecondsp GetTime usecondsp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.group afs4int.group Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.himaxspare afs4int.himaxspare Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.interfaceversion afs4int.interfaceversion Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_end_pos afs4int.l_end_pos Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_end_pos_ext afs4int.l_end_pos_ext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_fstype afs4int.l_fstype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_pid afs4int.l_pid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_start_pos afs4int.l_start_pos Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_start_pos_ext afs4int.l_start_pos_ext Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_sysid afs4int.l_sysid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_type afs4int.l_type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.l_whence afs4int.l_whence Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.length_high afs4int.length_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.length_low afs4int.length_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.linkcount afs4int.linkcount Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.lomaxspare afs4int.lomaxspare Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.minvvp_high afs4int.minvvp_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.minvvp_low afs4int.minvvp_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.mode afs4int.mode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.modtime_msec afs4int.modtime_msec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.modtime_sec afs4int.modtime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.nextoffset_high next offset high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.nextoffset_low next offset low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.objectuuid afs4int.objectuuid UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.offset_high offset high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <pre> afs4int.owner afs4int.owner Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.parentunique afs4int.parentunique Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.parentvnode afs4int.parentvnode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.pathconfspare afs4int.pathconfspare Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.position_high Position High Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.position_low Position Low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.principalName_size Principal Name Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.principalName_size2 Principal Name Size2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.readdir.size Readdir Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.returntokenidp_high return token idp high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.returntokenidp_low return token idp low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.servermodtime_msec afs4int.servermodtime_msec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.servermodtime_sec afs4int.servermodtime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.setcontext.parm7 Parm7: Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.setcontext_clientsizesattrs ClientSizeAttrs: Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.setcontext_rqst_epochtime EpochTime: Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> afs4int.setcontext_secobjextid SetObjectid: String UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.spare4 afs4int.spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.spare5 afs4int.spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.spare6 afs4int.spare6 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.st AFS4Int Error Status Code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_accesstime_sec afs4int.storestatus_accesstime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_accesstime_usec afs4int.storestatus_accesstime_usec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_changetime_sec afs4int.storestatus_changetime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_changetime_usec afs4int.storestatus_changetime_usec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_clientspare1 afs4int.storestatus_clientspare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_cmask afs4int.storestatus_cmask Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_devicenumber afs4int.storestatus_devicenumber Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_devicenumberhighbits afs4int.storestatus_devicenumberhighbits Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_devicetype afs4int.storestatus_devicetype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_group afs4int.storestatus_group Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_length_high afs4int.storestatus_length_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_length_low afs4int.storestatus_length_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_mask afs4int.storestatus_mask Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_mode afs4int.storestatus_mode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_modtime_sec afs4int.storestatus_modtime_sec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_modtime_usec afs4int.storestatus_modtime_usec Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_owner afs4int.storestatus_owner Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare1 afs4int.storestatus_spare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare2 afs4int.storestatus_spare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare3 afs4int.storestatus_spare3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare4 afs4int.storestatus_spare4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare5 afs4int.storestatus_spare5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_spare6 afs4int.storestatus_spare6 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_trunc_high afs4int.storestatus_trunc_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_trunc_low afs4int.storestatus_trunc_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.storestatus_typeuuid afs4int.storestatus_typeuuid UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.string String String</pre> <pre> afs4int.tn_length afs4int.tn_length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.tn_size String Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.tn_tag afs4int.tn_tag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.tokenid_hi afs4int.tokenid_hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.tokenid_low afs4int.tokenid_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.type_hi afs4int.type_hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.type_high Type high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.type_low afs4int.type_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.typeuuid afs4int.typeuuid UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.uint afs4int.uint Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.unique afs4int.unique Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.uuid AFS UUID UUID</pre> <pre> afs4int.vnode afs4int.vnode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.volid_hi afs4int.volid_hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.volid_low afs4int.volid_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.volume_high afs4int.volume_high Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.volume_low afs4int.volume_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vv_hi afs4int.vv_hi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vv_low afs4int.vv_low Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vvage afs4int.vvage Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vvpingage afs4int.vvpingage Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vvspare1 afs4int.vvspare1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afs4int.vvspare2 afs4int.vvspare2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> afsNetAddr.data IP Data Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> afsNetAddr.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_afsconnparams_mask hf_afsconnparams_mask Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> hf_afsconnparams_values hf_afsconnparams_values Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dg_gryphon_protocol__gryphon_">DG Gryphon Protocol (gryphon)</a></h2> <pre> gryph.cmd.cmd Command Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> gryph.dest Destination Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> gryph.dstchan Destination channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> gryph.src Source Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> gryph.srcchan Source channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> gryph.type Frame type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dhcp_failover__dhcpfo_">DHCP Failover (dhcpfo)</a></h2> <pre> dhcpfo.additionalheaderbytes Additional Header Bytes Byte array</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.addressestransferred addresses transferred Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.assignedipaddress assigned ip address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.bindingstatus Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.clienthardwareaddress Client Hardware Address Byte array</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.clienthardwaretype Client Hardware Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.clientidentifier Client Identifier String</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.clientlasttransactiontime Client last transaction time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.dhcpstyleoption DHCP Style Option No value</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.ftddns FTDDNS String</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.graceexpirationtime Grace expiration time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.hashbucketassignment Hash bucket assignment Byte array</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.leaseexpirationtime Lease expiration time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.length Message length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.maxunackedbndupd Max unacked BNDUPD Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.mclt MCLT Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.message Message String</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.messagedigest Message digest String</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.optioncode Option Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.optionlength Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.payloaddata Payload Data No value</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.poffset Payload Offset Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.potentialexpirationtime Potential expiration time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.protocolversion Protocol version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.receivetimer Receive timer Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.rejectreason Reject reason Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.sendingserveripaddress sending server ip-address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.serverstatus server status Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.starttimeofstate Start time of state Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.time Time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.vendorclass Vendor class String</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.vendoroption Vendor option No value</pre> <pre> dhcpfo.xid Xid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dhcpv6__dhcpv6_">DHCPv6 (dhcpv6)</a></h2> <pre> dhcpv6.msgtype Message type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dhcpv6.msgtype.n N Boolean</pre> <pre> dhcpv6.msgtype.o O Boolean</pre> <pre> dhcpv6.msgtype.s S Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dicom__dcm_">DICOM (dcm)</a></h2> <pre> dcm.data.ctx Data Context Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.data.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.data.len DATA LENGTH Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.data.tag Tag Byte array</pre> <pre> dcm.max_pdu_len MAX PDU LENGTH Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.async Asynch String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.ctxt Presentation Context Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.impl Implementation String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.name Application Context String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.result Presentation Context result Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.syntax Abstract Syntax String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdi.version Version String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdu PDU Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.pdu.pdi Item Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcm.pdu_detail PDU Detail String</pre> <pre> dcm.pdu_len PDU LENGTH Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dlt_user_a__user_dlt_a_">DLT_USER_A (user_dlt_a)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dlt_user_b__user_dlt_b_">DLT_USER_B (user_dlt_b)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dlt_user_c__user_dlt_c_">DLT_USER_C (user_dlt_c)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dlt_user_d__user_dlt_d_">DLT_USER_D (user_dlt_d)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dns_control_program_server__cprpc_server_">DNS Control Program Server (cprpc_server)</a></h2> <pre> cprpc_server.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_1_1__docsis_">DOCSIS 1.1 (docsis)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.bpi_en Encryption Boolean BPI Enable</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.act_grants Active Grants Unsigned 8-bit integer Active Grants</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.keyseq Key Sequence Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Sequence</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer TLV Len</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.minislots MiniSlots Unsigned 8-bit integer Mini Slots Requested</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.phsi Payload Header Suppression Index Unsigned 8-bit integer Payload Header Suppression Index</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.qind Queue Indicator Boolean Queue Indicator</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.rsvd Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved Byte</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.said SAID Unsigned 16-bit integer Security Association Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.sid SID Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer TLV Type</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.value Value Byte array TLV Value</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdr.ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version</pre> <pre> docsis.ehdron EHDRON Boolean Extended Header Presence</pre> <pre> docsis.fcparm FCParm Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Field</pre> <pre> docsis.fctype FCType Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Control Type</pre> <pre> docsis.frag_first First Frame Boolean First Frame</pre> <pre> docsis.frag_last Last Frame Boolean Last Frame</pre> <pre> docsis.frag_rsvd Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> docsis.frag_seq Fragmentation Sequence # Unsigned 8-bit integer Fragmentation Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.hcs Header check sequence Unsigned 16-bit integer Header check sequence</pre> <pre> docsis.lensid Length after HCS (bytes) Unsigned 16-bit integer Length or SID</pre> <pre> docsis.macparm MacParm Unsigned 8-bit integer Mac Parameter Field</pre> <pre> docsis.toggle_bit Toggle Boolean Toggle</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_appendix_c_tlv_s__docsis_tlv_">DOCSIS Appendix C TLV's (docsis_tlv)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.cos.sid .2 Service ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Service ID</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv TLV Data Byte array TLV Data</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.auth_block 30 Auth Block Byte array Auth Block</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.bpi 17 Baseline Privacy Encoding Byte array Baseline Privacy Encoding</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.bpi_en 29 Privacy Enable Boolean Privacy Enable</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.actstate .6 Activation State Boolean Classifier Activation State</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.dot1q .11 802.1Q Classifier Encodings Byte array 802.1Q Classifier Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.dot1q.ethertype ..2 VLAN id Unsigned 16-bit integer VLAN Id</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.dot1q.userpri ..1 User Priority Unsigned 16-bit integer User Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.dot1q.vendorspec ..43 Vendor Specific Encodings Byte array Vendor Specific Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.dscact .7 DSC Action Unsigned 8-bit integer Dynamic Service Change Action</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.err .8 Error Encodings Byte array Error Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.err.code ..2 Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer TCP/UDP Destination Port End</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.err.msg ..3 Error Message String Error Message</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.err.param ..1 Param Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Subtype</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.eth .10 Ethernet Classifier Encodings Byte array Ethernet Classifier Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.eth.dmac ..1 Dest Mac Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination Mac Address</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.eth.ethertype ..3 Ethertype Unsigned 24-bit integer Ethertype</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.eth.smac ..2 Source Mac Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source Mac Address</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.id .2 Classifier ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Classifier ID</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip .9 IP Classifier Encodings Byte array IP Classifier Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.dmask ..6 Destination Mask IPv4 address Destination Mask</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.dportend ..10 Dest Port End Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP/UDP Destination Port End</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.dportstart ..9 Dest Port Start Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP/UDP Destination Port Start</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.dst ..4 Destination Address IPv4 address Destination Address</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.ipproto ..2 IP Protocol Unsigned 16-bit integer IP Protocol</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.smask ..5 Source Mask IPv4 address Source Mask</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.sportend ..8 Source Port End Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP/UDP Source Port End</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.sportstart ..7 Source Port Start Unsigned 16-bit integer TCP/UDP Source Port Start</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.src ..3 Source Address IPv4 address Source Address</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ip.tosmask ..1 Type Of Service Mask Byte array Type Of Service Mask</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.ref .1 Classifier Ref Unsigned 8-bit integer Classifier Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.rulepri .5 Rule Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Rule Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.sflowid .4 Service Flow ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Flow ID</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.sflowref .3 Service Flow Ref Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Flow Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.clsfr.vendor .43 Vendor Specific Encodings Byte array Vendor Specific Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cmmic 6 CM MIC Byte array Cable Modem Message Integrity Check</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cmtsmic 7 CMTS MIC Byte array CMTS Message Integrity Check</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos 4 COS Encodings Byte array 4 COS Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.id .1 Class ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Class ID</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.maxdown .2 Max Downstream Rate (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Max Downstream Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.maxup .3 Max Upstream Rate (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Max Upstream Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.maxupburst .6 Maximum Upstream Burst Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum Upstream Burst</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.mingrntdup .5 Guaranteed Upstream Rate Unsigned 32-bit integer Guaranteed Minimum Upstream Data Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.privacy_enable .7 COS Privacy Enable Boolean Class of Service Privacy Enable</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cos.upchnlpri .4 Upstream Channel Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cosign_cvc 33 Co-Signer CVC Byte array Co-Signer CVC</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.cpe_ether 14 CPE Ethernet Addr 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address CPE Ethernet Addr</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.downclsfr 23 Downstream Classifier Byte array 23 Downstream Classifier</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.downfreq 1 Downstream Frequency Unsigned 32-bit integer Downstream Frequency</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.downsflow 25 Downstream Service Flow Byte array 25 Downstream Service Flow</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.hmac_digest 27 HMAC Digest Byte array HMAC Digest</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.key_seq 31 Key Sequence Number Byte array Key Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.map.docsver .2 Docsis Version Unsigned 8-bit integer DOCSIS Version</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.maxclass 28 Max # of Classifiers Unsigned 16-bit integer Max # of Classifiers</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.maxcpe 18 Max # of CPE's Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Number of CPE's</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap 5 Modem Capabilities Byte array Modem Capabilities</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.concat .1 Concatenation Support Boolean Concatenation Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.dcc .12 DCC Support Boolean DCC Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.dot1pfiltering .9 802.1P Filtering Support Unsigned 8-bit integer 802.1P Filtering Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.dot1qfilt .9 802.1Q Filtering Support Unsigned 8-bit integer 802.1Q Filtering Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.downsaid .7 # Downstream SAIDs Supported Unsigned 8-bit integer Downstream Said Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.frag .3 Fragmentation Support Boolean Fragmentation Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.igmp .5 IGMP Support Boolean IGMP Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.numtaps .11 # Xmit Equalizer Taps Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Transmit Equalizer Taps</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.phs .4 PHS Support Boolean PHS Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.privacy .6 Privacy Support Boolean Privacy Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.tapspersym .10 Xmit Equalizer Taps/Sym Unsigned 8-bit integer Transmit Equalizer Taps per Symbol</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mcap.upsid .8 # Upstream SAIDs Supported Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream SID Support</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.mfgr_cvc 32 Manufacturer CVC Byte array Manufacturer CVC</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.modemaddr 12 Modem IP Address IPv4 address Modem IP Address</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.netaccess 3 Network Access Boolean Network Access TLV</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs 26 PHS Rules Byte array PHS Rules</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.classid .2 Classifier Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Classifier Id</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.classref .1 Classifier Reference Unsigned 8-bit integer Classifier Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.dscaction .5 DSC Action Unsigned 8-bit integer Dynamic Service Change Action</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.err .6 Error Encodings Byte array Error Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.err.code ..2 Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.err.msg ..3 Error Message String Error Message</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.err.param ..1 Param Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Subtype</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.phsf .7 PHS Field Byte array PHS Field</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.phsi .8 PHS Index Unsigned 8-bit integer PHS Index</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.phsm .9 PHS Mask Byte array PHS Mask</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.phss .10 PHS Size Unsigned 8-bit integer PHS Size</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.phsv .11 PHS Verify Boolean PHS Verify</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.sflowid .4 Service flow Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Flow Id</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.sflowref .3 Service flow reference Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Flow Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.phs.vendorspec .43 PHS Vendor Specific Byte array PHS Vendor Specific</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.rng_tech Ranging Technique Unsigned 8-bit integer Ranging Technique</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.act_timeout .12 Timeout for Active Params (secs) Unsigned 16-bit integer Timeout for Active Params (secs)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.adm_timeout .13 Timeout for Admitted Params (secs) Unsigned 16-bit integer Timeout for Admitted Params (secs)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.assumed_min_pkt_size .11 Assumed Min Reserved Packet Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Assumed Minimum Reserved Packet Size</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.cname .4 Service Class Name String Service Class Name</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.err .5 Error Encodings Byte array Error Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.err.code ..2 Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.err.msg ..3 Error Message String Error Message</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.err.param ..1 Param Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer Parameter Subtype</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.grnts_per_intvl .22 Grants Per Interval Unsigned 8-bit integer Grants Per Interval</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.id .2 Service Flow Id Unsigned 32-bit integer Service Flow Id</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.iptos_overwrite .23 IP TOS Overwrite Unsigned 16-bit integer IP TOS Overwrite</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.max_down_lat .14 Maximum Downstream Latency (usec) Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Downstream Latency (usec)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.maxburst .9 Maximum Burst (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Burst (bps)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.maxconcat .14 Max Concat Burst Unsigned 16-bit integer Max Concatenated Burst</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.maxtrafrate .8 Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate (bps)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.mintrafrate .10 Minimum Traffic Rate (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Minimum Traffic Rate (bps)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.nom_grant_intvl .20 Nominal Grant Interval (usec) Unsigned 32-bit integer Nominal Grant Interval (usec)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.nominal_polling .17 Nominal Polling Interval(usec) Unsigned 32-bit integer Nominal Polling Interval(usec)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.qos .6 QOS Parameter Set Unsigned 8-bit integer QOS Parameter Set</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.ref .1 Service Flow Ref Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Flow Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.reqxmitpol .16 Request/Transmission Policy Unsigned 32-bit integer Request/Transmission Policy</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.schedtype .15 Scheduling Type Unsigned 32-bit integer Scheduling Type</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.sid .3 Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.tol_grant_jitter .21 Tolerated Grant Jitter (usec) Unsigned 32-bit integer Tolerated Grant Jitter (usec)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.toler_jitter .18 Tolerated Poll Jitter (usec) Unsigned 32-bit integer Tolerated Poll Jitter (usec)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.trafpri .7 Traffic Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Traffic Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.ugs_size .19 Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes) Unsigned 16-bit integer Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.ugs_timeref .24 UGS Time Reference Unsigned 32-bit integer UGS Time Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sflow.vendorspec .43 Vendor Specific Encodings Byte array Vendor Specific Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.snmp_access 10 SNMP Write Access Byte array SNMP Write Access</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.snmp_obj 11 SNMP Object Byte array SNMP Object</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.snmpv3 34 SNMPv3 Kickstart Value Byte array SNMPv3 Kickstart Value</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.snmpv3.publicnum .2 SNMPv3 Kickstart Manager Public Number Byte array SNMPv3 Kickstart Value Manager Public Number</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.snmpv3.secname .1 SNMPv3 Kickstart Security Name String SNMPv3 Kickstart Security Name</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.subsfltrgrps 37 Subscriber Management Filter Groups Byte array Subscriber Management Filter Groups</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.subsipentry Subscriber Management CPE IP Entry IPv4 address Subscriber Management CPE IP Entry</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.subsiptable 36 Subscriber Management CPE IP Table Byte array Subscriber Management CPE IP Table</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.subsmgmtctrl 35 Subscriber Management Control Byte array Subscriber Management Control</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.svcunavail 13 Service Not Available Response Byte array Service Not Available Response</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.svcunavail.classid Service Not Available: (Class ID) Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Not Available (Class ID)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.svcunavail.code Service Not Available (Code) Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Not Available (Code)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.svcunavail.type Service Not Available (Type) Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Not Available (Type)</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sw_upg_file 9 Software Upgrade File String Software Upgrade File</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.sw_upg_srvr 21 Software Upgrade Server IPv4 address Software Upgrade Server</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.tftp_time 19 TFTP Server Timestamp Unsigned 32-bit integer TFTP Server TimeStamp</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.tftpmodemaddr 20 TFTP Server Provisioned Modem Addr IPv4 address TFTP Server Provisioned Modem Addr</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.upchid 2 Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.upclsfr 22 Upstream Classifier Byte array 22 Upstream Classifier</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.upsflow 24 Upstream Service Flow Byte array 24 Upstream Service Flow</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.vendorid 8 Vendor ID Byte array Vendor Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.tlv.vendorspec 43 Vendor Specific Encodings Byte array Vendor Specific Encodings</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_attributes__docsis_bpkmattr_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Attributes (docsis_bpkmattr)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr BPKM Attributes Byte array BPKM Attributes</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.auth_key 7 Auth Key Byte array Auth Key</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.bpiver 22 BPI Version Unsigned 8-bit integer BPKM Attributes</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.cacert 17 CA Certificate Byte array CA Certificate</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.cbciv 14 CBC IV Byte array Cypher Block Chaining</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.cmcert 18 CM Certificate Byte array CM Certificate</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.cmid 5 CM Identification Byte array CM Identification</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.crypto_suite_lst 21 Cryptographic Suite List Byte array Cryptographic Suite</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.cryptosuite 20 Cryptographic Suite Unsigned 16-bit integer Cryptographic Suite</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.dispstr 6 Display String String Display String</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.dnld_params 28 Download Parameters Byte array Download Parameters</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.errcode 16 Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Error Code</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.hmacdigest 11 HMAC Digest Byte array HMAC Digest</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.ipaddr 27 IP Address IPv4 address IP Address</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.keylife 9 Key Lifetime (s) Unsigned 32-bit integer Key Lifetime (s)</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.keyseq 10 Key Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Key Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.macaddr 3 Mac Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Mac Address</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.manfid 2 Manufacturer Id Byte array Manufacturer Id</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.rsa_pub_key 4 RSA Public Key Byte array RSA Public Key</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.sadescr 23 SA Descriptor Byte array SA Descriptor</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.said 12 SAID Unsigned 16-bit integer Security Association ID</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.saquery 25 SA Query Byte array SA Query</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.saquery_type 26 SA Query Type Unsigned 8-bit integer SA Query Type</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.satype 24 SA Type Unsigned 8-bit integer SA Type</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.seccap 19 Security Capabilities Byte array Security Capabilities</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.serialnum 1 Serial Number String Serial Number</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.tek 8 Traffic Encryption Key Byte array Traffic Encryption Key</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.tekparams 13 TEK Parameters Byte array TEK Parameters</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmattr.vendordef 127 Vendor Defined Byte array Vendor Defined</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_request__docsis_bpkmreq_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Request (docsis_bpkmreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.bpkmreq BPKM Request Message Byte array BPKM Request Message</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmreq.code BPKM Code Unsigned 8-bit integer BPKM Request Message</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmreq.ident BPKM Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer BPKM Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmreq.length BPKM Length Unsigned 16-bit integer BPKM Length</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_baseline_privacy_key_management_response__docsis_bpkmrsp_">DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Response (docsis_bpkmrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.bpkmrsp BPKM Response Message Byte array BPKM Response Message</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmrsp.code BPKM Code Unsigned 8-bit integer BPKM Response Message</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmrsp.ident BPKM Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer BPKM Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.bpkmrsp.length BPKM Length Unsigned 16-bit integer BPKM Length</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_downstream_channel_change_acknowledge__docsis_dccack_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Acknowledge (docsis_dccack)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dccack.hmac_digest HMAC-DigestNumber Byte array HMAC-DigestNumber</pre> <pre> docsis.dccack.key_seq_num Auth Key Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Auth Key Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.dccack.tran_id Transaction ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_downstream_channel_change_request__docsis_dccreq_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Request (docsis_dccreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dccreq.cmts_mac_addr CMTS Mac Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address CMTS Mac Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_chan_id Downstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Downstream Channel ID</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_freq Frequency Unsigned 32-bit integer Frequency</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_intlv_depth_i Interleaver Depth I Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Interleaver Depth I Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_intlv_depth_j Interleaver Depth J Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Interleaver Depth J Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_mod_type Modulation Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Modulation Type</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_sym_rate Symbol Rate Unsigned 8-bit integer Symbol Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ds_sync_sub SYNC Substitution Unsigned 8-bit integer SYNC Substitution</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.hmac_digest HMAC-DigestNumber Byte array HMAC-DigestNumber</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.init_tech Initialization Technique Unsigned 8-bit integer Initialization Technique</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.key_seq_num Auth Key Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Auth Key Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.said_sub_cur SAID Sub - Current Value Unsigned 16-bit integer SAID Sub - Current Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.said_sub_new SAID Sub - New Value Unsigned 16-bit integer SAID Sub - New Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.sf_sfid_cur SF Sub - SFID Current Value Unsigned 32-bit integer SF Sub - SFID Current Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.sf_sfid_new SF Sub - SFID New Value Unsigned 32-bit integer SF Sub - SFID New Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.sf_sid_cur SF Sub - SID Current Value Unsigned 16-bit integer SF Sub - SID Current Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.sf_sid_new SF Sub - SID New Value Unsigned 16-bit integer SF Sub - SID New Value</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.sf_unsol_grant_tref SF Sub - Unsolicited Grant Time Reference Unsigned 32-bit integer SF Sub - Unsolicited Grant Time Reference</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.tran_id Transaction ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction ID</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.ucd_sub UCD Substitution Byte array UCD Substitution</pre> <pre> docsis.dccreq.up_chan_id Up Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Up Channel ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_downstream_channel_change_response__docsis_dccrsp_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Response (docsis_dccrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.cm_jump_time_length Jump Time Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Jump Time Length</pre> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.cm_jump_time_start Jump Time Start Unsigned 64-bit integer Jump Time Start</pre> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.conf_code Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.hmac_digest HMAC-DigestNumber Byte array HMAC-DigestNumber</pre> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.key_seq_num Auth Key Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Auth Key Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.dccrsp.tran_id Transaction ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_downstream_channel_descriptor__docsis_dcd_">DOCSIS Downstream Channel Descriptor (docsis_dcd)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_chan DSG Configuration Channel Unsigned 32-bit integer DSG Configuration Channel</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_tdsg1 DSG Initialization Timeout (Tdsg1) Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Initialization Timeout (Tdsg1)</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_tdsg2 DSG Operational Timeout (Tdsg2) Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Operational Timeout (Tdsg2)</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_tdsg3 DSG Two-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg3) Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Two-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg3)</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_tdsg4 DSG One-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg4) Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG One-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg4)</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfg_vendor_spec DSG Configuration Vendor Specific Parameters Byte array DSG Configuration Vendor Specific Parameters</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_id Downstream Classifier Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Downstream Classifier Id</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_dest_addr Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address IPv4 address Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_dest_mask Downstream Classifier IP Destination Mask IPv4 address Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_source_addr Downstream Classifier IP Source Address IPv4 address Downstream Classifier IP Source Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_source_mask Downstream Classifier IP Source Mask IPv4 address Downstream Classifier IP Source Mask</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_dstport_end Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port End Unsigned 16-bit integer Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port End</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_dstport_start Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port Start Unsigned 16-bit integer Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port Start</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_srcport_end Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port End Unsigned 16-bit integer Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port End</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_srcport_start Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port Start Unsigned 16-bit integer Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port Start</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.cfr_rule_pri Downstream Classifier Rule Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer Downstream Classifier Rule Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.clid_app_id DSG Rule Client ID Application ID Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Rule Client ID Application ID</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.clid_ca_sys_id DSG Rule Client ID CA System ID Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Rule Client ID CA System ID</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.clid_known_mac_addr DSG Rule Client ID Known MAC Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address DSG Rule Client ID Known MAC Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.config_ch_cnt Configuration Change Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Configuration Change Count</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.frag_sequence_num Fragment Sequence Number Unsigned 8-bit integer Fragment Sequence Number</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.num_of_frag Number of Fragments Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Fragments</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_cfr_id DSG Rule Classifier ID Unsigned 16-bit integer DSG Rule Classifier ID</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_id DSG Rule Id Unsigned 8-bit integer DSG Rule Id</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_pri DSG Rule Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer DSG Rule Priority</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_tunl_addr DSG Rule Tunnel MAC Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address DSG Rule Tunnel MAC Address</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_ucid_list DSG Rule UCID Range Byte array DSG Rule UCID Range</pre> <pre> docsis.dcd.rule_vendor_spec DSG Rule Vendor Specific Parameters Byte array DSG Rule Vendor Specific Parameters</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_addition_acknowledge__docsis_dsaack_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Acknowledge (docsis_dsaack)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dsaack Dynamic Service Add Ack Byte array Dynamic Service Add Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dsaack.confcode Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dsaack.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_addition_request__docsis_dsareq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Request (docsis_dsareq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dsareq Dynamic Service Addition Request Byte array Dynamic Service Addition Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dsareq.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_addition_response__docsis_dsarsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Response (docsis_dsarsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dsarsp Dynamic Service Add Request Byte array Dynamic Service Add Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dsarsp.confcode Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dsarsp.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_change_acknowledgement__docsis_dscack_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Acknowledgement (docsis_dscack)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dscack Dynamic Service Change Ack Byte array Dynamic Service Add Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dscack.confcode Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dscack.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_change_request__docsis_dscreq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Request (docsis_dscreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dscreq Dynamic Service Change Request Byte array Dynamic Service Addition Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dscreq.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_change_response__docsis_dscrsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Response (docsis_dscrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dscrsp Dynamic Service Change Request Byte array Dynamic Service Add Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dscrsp.confcode Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dscrsp.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_delete_request__docsis_dsdreq_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Request (docsis_dsdreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dsdreq Dynamic Service Delete Request Byte array Dynamic Service Delete Request</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdreq.rsvd Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdreq.sfid Service Flow ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Service Flow Id</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdreq.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_dynamic_service_delete_response__docsis_dsdrsp_">DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Response (docsis_dsdrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.dsdrsp Dynamic Service Delete Response Byte array Dynamic Service Delete Response</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdrsp.confcode Confirmation Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Confirmation Code</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdrsp.rsvd Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> docsis.dsdrsp.tranid Transaction Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Transaction Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_initial_ranging_message__docsis_intrngreq_">DOCSIS Initial Ranging Message (docsis_intrngreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.intrngreq RNG-REQ Message Byte array Ranging Request Message</pre> <pre> docsis.intrngreq.downchid Downstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Downstream Channel ID</pre> <pre> docsis.intrngreq.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.intrngreq.upchid Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_mac_management__docsis_mgmt_">DOCSIS Mac Management (docsis_mgmt)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.mgmt Mac Management Header Byte array Mac Management Header</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.control Control [0x03] Unsigned 8-bit integer Control</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.dsap DSAP [0x00] Unsigned 8-bit integer Destination SAP</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.dst Destination Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination Address</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.msglen Message Length - DSAP to End (Bytes) Unsigned 16-bit integer Message Length</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.rsvd Reserved [0x00] Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.src Source Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source Address</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.ssap SSAP [0x00] Unsigned 8-bit integer Source SAP</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type</pre> <pre> docsis.mgmt.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_range_request_message__docsis_rngreq_">DOCSIS Range Request Message (docsis_rngreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.rngreq RNG-REQ Message Byte array Ranging Request Message</pre> <pre> docsis.rngreq.downchid Downstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Downstream Channel ID</pre> <pre> docsis.rngreq.pendcomp Pending Till Complete Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <pre> docsis.rngreq.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_ranging_response__docsis_rngrsp_">DOCSIS Ranging Response (docsis_rngrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.rngrsp RNG-RSP Message Byte array Ranging Response Message</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.chid_override Upstream Channel ID Override Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID Override</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.freq_over Downstream Frequency Override (Hz) Unsigned 32-bit integer Downstream Frequency Override</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.freqadj Offset Freq Adjust (Hz) Signed 16-bit integer Frequency Adjust</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.poweradj Power Level Adjust (0.25dB units) Signed 8-bit integer Power Level Adjust</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.rng_stat Ranging Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Ranging Status</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.timingadj Timing Adjust (6.25us/64) Signed 32-bit integer Timing Adjust</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.upchid Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <pre> docsis.rngrsp.xmit_eq_adj Transmit Equalisation Adjust Byte array Timing Equalisation Adjust</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_registration_acknowledge__docsis_regack_">DOCSIS Registration Acknowledge (docsis_regack)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.regack Registration Request Byte array Registration Request</pre> <pre> docsis.regack.respnse Response Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Response Code</pre> <pre> docsis.regack.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_registration_requests__docsis_regreq_">DOCSIS Registration Requests (docsis_regreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.regreq Registration Request Byte array Registration Request</pre> <pre> docsis.regreq.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_registration_responses__docsis_regrsp_">DOCSIS Registration Responses (docsis_regrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.regrsp Registration Response Byte array Registration Request</pre> <pre> docsis.regrsp.respnse Response Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Response Code</pre> <pre> docsis.regrsp.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_upstream_bandwidth_allocation__docsis_map_">DOCSIS Upstream Bandwidth Allocation (docsis_map)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.map Map Message Byte array MAP Message</pre> <pre> docsis.map.acktime ACK Time (minislots) Unsigned 32-bit integer Ack Time (minislots)</pre> <pre> docsis.map.allocstart Alloc Start Time (minislots) Unsigned 32-bit integer Alloc Start Time (minislots)</pre> <pre> docsis.map.data_end Data Backoff End Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Backoff End</pre> <pre> docsis.map.data_start Data Backoff Start Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Backoff Start</pre> <pre> docsis.map.ie Information Element Unsigned 32-bit integer Information Element</pre> <pre> docsis.map.iuc Interval Usage Code Unsigned 32-bit integer Interval Usage Code</pre> <pre> docsis.map.numie Number of IE's Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Information Elements</pre> <pre> docsis.map.offset Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer Offset</pre> <pre> docsis.map.rng_end Ranging Backoff End Unsigned 8-bit integer Ranging Backoff End</pre> <pre> docsis.map.rng_start Ranging Backoff Start Unsigned 8-bit integer Ranging Backoff Start</pre> <pre> docsis.map.rsvd Reserved [0x00] Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved Byte</pre> <pre> docsis.map.sid Service Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer Service Identifier</pre> <pre> docsis.map.ucdcount UCD Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Map UCD Count</pre> <pre> docsis.map.upchid Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_upstream_channel_change_request__docsis_uccreq_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Change Request (docsis_uccreq)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.uccreq Upstream Channel Change Request Byte array Upstream Channel Change Request</pre> <pre> docsis.uccreq.upchid Upstream Channel Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_upstream_channel_change_response__docsis_uccrsp_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Change Response (docsis_uccrsp)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.uccrsp Upstream Channel Change Request Byte array Upstream Channel Change Request</pre> <pre> docsis.uccrsp.upchid Upstream Channel Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel Id</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_upstream_channel_descriptor__docsis_ucd_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Descriptor (docsis_ucd)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.diffenc 2 Differential Encoding Unsigned 8-bit integer Differential Encoding</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.fec 5 FEC (T) Unsigned 8-bit integer FEC (T) Codeword Parity Bits = 2^T</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.fec_codeword 6 FEC Codeword Info bytes (k) Unsigned 8-bit integer FEC Codeword Info Bytes (k)</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.guardtime 9 Guard Time Size (Symbol Times) Unsigned 8-bit integer Guard Time Size</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.last_cw_len 10 Last Codeword Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Last Codeword Length</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.maxburst 8 Max Burst Size (Minislots) Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Burst Size (Minislots)</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.modtype 1 Modulation Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Modulation Type</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.preamble_len 3 Preamble Length (Bits) Unsigned 16-bit integer Preamble Length (Bits)</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.preamble_off 4 Preamble Offset (Bits) Unsigned 16-bit integer Preamble Offset (Bits)</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.preambletype 14 Preamble Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Preamble Type</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.rsintblock 13 RS Interleaver Block Size Unsigned 8-bit integer R-S Interleaver Block</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.rsintdepth 12 RS Interleaver Depth Unsigned 8-bit integer R-S Interleaver Depth</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.scdmacodespersubframe 16 SCDMA Codes per Subframe Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Codes per Subframe</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.scdmaframerintstepsize 17 SDMA Framer Int Step Size Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Framer Interleaving Step Size</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.scdmascrambleronoff 15 SCDMA Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Scrambler On/Off</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.scrambler_seed 7 Scrambler Seed Unsigned 16-bit integer Burst Descriptor</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.scrambleronoff 11 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer Scrambler On/Off</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.burst.tcmenabled 18 TCM Enable Unsigned 8-bit integer TCM Enabled</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.confcngcnt Config Change Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Configuration Change Count</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.downchid Downstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Management Message</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.freq Frequency (Hz) Unsigned 32-bit integer Upstream Center Frequency</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.iuc Interval Usage Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Interval Usage Code</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.length TLV Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel TLV length</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.mslotsize Mini Slot Size (6.25us TimeTicks) Unsigned 8-bit integer Mini Slot Size (6.25us TimeTicks)</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.preamble Preamble Pattern Byte array Preamble Superstring</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.symrate Symbol Rate (ksym/sec) Unsigned 8-bit integer Symbol Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.type TLV Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel TLV type</pre> <pre> docsis.ucd.upchid Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_upstream_channel_descriptor_type_29__docsis_type29ucd_">DOCSIS Upstream Channel Descriptor Type 29 (docsis_type29ucd)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.diffenc 2 Differential Encoding Unsigned 8-bit integer Differential Encoding</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.fec 5 FEC (T) Unsigned 8-bit integer FEC (T) Codeword Parity Bits = 2^T</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.fec_codeword 6 FEC Codeword Info bytes (k) Unsigned 8-bit integer FEC Codeword Info Bytes (k)</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.guardtime 9 Guard Time Size (Symbol Times) Unsigned 8-bit integer Guard Time Size</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.last_cw_len 10 Last Codeword Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Last Codeword Length</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.maxburst 8 Max Burst Size (Minislots) Unsigned 8-bit integer Max Burst Size (Minislots)</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.modtype 1 Modulation Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Modulation Type</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.preamble_len 3 Preamble Length (Bits) Unsigned 16-bit integer Preamble Length (Bits)</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.preamble_off 4 Preamble Offset (Bits) Unsigned 16-bit integer Preamble Offset (Bits)</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.preambletype 14 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer Preamble Type</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.rsintblock 13 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer R-S Interleaver Block</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.rsintdepth 12 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer R-S Interleaver Depth</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.scdmacodespersubframe 16 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Codes per Subframe</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.scdmaframerintstepsize 17 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Framer Interleaving Step Size</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.scdmascrambleronoff 15 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer SCDMA Scrambler On/Off</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.scrambler_seed 7 Scrambler Seed Unsigned 16-bit integer Burst Descriptor</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.scrambleronoff 11 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer Scrambler On/Off</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.burst.tcmenabled 18 Scrambler On/Off Unsigned 8-bit integer TCM Enabled</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.confcngcnt Config Change Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Configuration Change Count</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.downchid Downstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Management Message</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.extpreamble 6 Extended Preamble Pattern Byte array Extended Preamble Pattern</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.freq 2 Frequency (Hz) Unsigned 32-bit integer Upstream Center Frequency</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.iuc Interval Usage Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Interval Usage Code</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.maintainpowerspectraldensity 15 Maintain power spectral density Byte array Maintain power spectral density</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.mslotsize Mini Slot Size (6.25us TimeTicks) Unsigned 8-bit integer Mini Slot Size (6.25us TimeTicks)</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.preamble 3 Preamble Pattern Byte array Preamble Superstring</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.rangingrequired 16 Ranging Required Byte array Ranging Required</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmaactivecodes 10 SCDMA Active Codes Byte array SCDMA Active Codes</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmacodehoppingseed 11 SCDMA Code Hopping Seed Byte array SCDMA Code Hopping Seed</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmacodesperminislot 9 SCDMA Codes per mini slot Byte array SCDMA Codes per mini slot</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmaenable 7 SCDMA Mode Enable Byte array SCDMA Mode Enable</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmaspreadinginterval 8 SCDMA Spreading Interval Byte array SCDMA Spreading Interval</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmatimestamp 14 SCDMA Timestamp Snapshot Byte array SCDMA Timestamp Snapshot</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmausratiodenom 13 SCDMA US Ratio Denominator Byte array SCDMA US Ratio Denominator</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.scdmausrationum 12 SCDMA US Ratio Numerator Byte array SCDMA US Ratio Numerator</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.symrate 1 Symbol Rate (ksym/sec) Unsigned 8-bit integer Symbol Rate</pre> <pre> docsis.type29ucd.upchid Upstream Channel ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Upstream Channel ID</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="docsis_vendor_specific_encodings__docsis_vsif_">DOCSIS Vendor Specific Encodings (docsis_vsif)</a></h2> <pre> docsis.vsif VSIF Encodings Byte array Vendor Specific Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.cisco.iosfile IOS Config File String IOS Config File</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.cisco.ipprec IP Precedence Encodings Byte array IP Precedence Encodings</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.cisco.ipprec.bw IP Precedence Bandwidth Unsigned 8-bit integer IP Precedence Bandwidth</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.cisco.ipprec.value IP Precedence Value Unsigned 8-bit integer IP Precedence Value</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.cisco.numphones Number of phone lines Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of phone lines</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.unknown VSIF Encodings Byte array Unknown Vendor</pre> <pre> docsis.vsif.vendorid Vendor Id Unsigned 24-bit integer Vendor Identifier</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dpnss_dass2user_adaptation_layer__dua_">DPNSS/DASS2-User Adaptation Layer (dua)</a></h2> <pre> dua.asp_identifier ASP identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.diagnostic_information Diagnostic information Byte array</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_channel Channel Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_one_bit One bit Boolean</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_spare Spare Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_v_bit V-bit Boolean</pre> <pre> dua.dlci_zero_bit Zero bit Boolean</pre> <pre> dua.error_code Error code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.heartbeat_data Heartbeat data Byte array</pre> <pre> dua.info_string Info string String</pre> <pre> dua.int_interface_identifier Integer interface identifier Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.interface_range_end End Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.interface_range_start Start Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.message_class Message class Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.message_length Message length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.message_type Message Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.parameter_length Parameter length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.parameter_padding Parameter padding Byte array</pre> <pre> dua.parameter_tag Parameter Tag Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.parameter_value Parameter value Byte array</pre> <pre> dua.release_reason Reason Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.states States Byte array</pre> <pre> dua.status_identification Status identification Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.status_type Status type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.tei_status TEI status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.text_interface_identifier Text interface identifier String</pre> <pre> dua.traffic_mode_type Traffic mode type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dua.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="drsuapi__drsuapi_">DRSUAPI (drsuapi)</a></h2> <pre> drsuapi.DsBind.bind_guid bind_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBind.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBind.bind_info bind_info No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo.info24 info24 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo.info28 info28 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo24.site_guid site_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo24.supported_extensions supported_extensions Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo24.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo28.repl_epoch repl_epoch Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo28.site_guid site_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo28.supported_extensions supported_extensions Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfo28.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfoCtr.info info Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsBindInfoCtr.length length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsCrackNames.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsCrackNames.ctr ctr Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsCrackNames.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsCrackNames.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.server_nt4_account server_nt4_account String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown3 unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown4 unknown4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown5 unknown5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo01.unknown6 unknown6 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.computer_dn computer_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.dns_name dns_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.is_enabled is_enabled Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.is_pdc is_pdc Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.netbios_name netbios_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.server_dn server_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo1.site_name site_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.computer_dn computer_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.computer_guid computer_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.dns_name dns_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.is_enabled is_enabled Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.is_gc is_gc Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.is_pdc is_pdc Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.netbios_name netbios_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.ntds_dn ntds_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.ntds_guid ntds_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.server_dn server_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.server_guid server_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.site_dn site_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.site_guid site_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfo2.site_name site_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr.ctr01 ctr01 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr.ctr1 ctr1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr.ctr2 ctr2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr01.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr01.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr1.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr1.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr2.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoCtr2.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoRequest1.domain_name domain_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDCInfoRequest1.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDomainControllerInfo.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDomainControllerInfo.ctr ctr Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDomainControllerInfo.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetDomainControllerInfo.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChanges.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChanges.ctr ctr Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChanges.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChanges.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr.ctr6 ctr6 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr.ctr7 ctr7 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.array_ptr1 array_ptr1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.coursor_ex coursor_ex No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.ctr12 ctr12 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.guid2 guid2</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.len1 len1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.ptr1 ptr1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.sync_req_info1 sync_req_info1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.u2 u2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.u3 u3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.usn1 usn1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesCtr6.usn2 usn2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest.req5 req5 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest.req8 req8 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.coursor coursor No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.guid2 guid2</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.h1 h1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.sync_req_info1 sync_req_info1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.unknown3 unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.unknown4 unknown4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest5.usn1 usn1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.coursor coursor No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.ctr12 ctr12 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.guid2 guid2</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.h1 h1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.sync_req_info1 sync_req_info1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unique_ptr1 unique_ptr1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unique_ptr2 unique_ptr2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unknown3 unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.unknown4 unknown4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest8.usn1 usn1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr12.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr12.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr13.data data No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr13.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr14.byte_array byte_array Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesRequest_Ctr14.length length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesUsnTriple.usn1 usn1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesUsnTriple.usn2 usn2 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsGetNCChangesUsnTriple.usn3 usn3 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameCtr.ctr1 ctr1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameCtr1.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameCtr1.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameInfo1.dns_domain_name dns_domain_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameInfo1.result_name result_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameInfo1.status status Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.format_desired format_desired Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.format_flags format_flags Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.format_offered format_offered Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.names names No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameRequest1.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsNameString.str str String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.str1 str1 String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u2 u2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u3 u3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u4 u4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u5 u5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u6 u6 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06.u7 u7 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplica06Ctr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAddOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_ADD_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_ADD_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAddOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_ADD_WRITEABLE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_ADD_WRITEABLE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.attribute_name attribute_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.created created Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.deleted deleted Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.local_usn local_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.object_dn object_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.originating_dsa_invocation_id originating_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.originating_last_changed originating_last_changed Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.originating_usn originating_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.value value Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.value_length value_length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData.version version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.attribute_name attribute_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.created created Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.deleted deleted Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.local_usn local_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.object_dn object_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.originating_dsa_invocation_id originating_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.originating_dsa_obj_dn originating_dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.originating_last_changed originating_last_changed Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.originating_usn originating_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.value value Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.value_length value_length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2.version version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaData2Ctr.enumeration_context enumeration_context Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaDataCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaDataCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaAttrValMetaDataCtr.enumeration_context enumeration_context Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.bind_guid bind_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.bind_time bind_time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.u1 u1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.u2 u2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.u3 u3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.u4 u4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04.u5 u5 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaConnection04Ctr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor.highest_usn highest_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor.source_dsa_invocation_id source_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor05Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor05Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor05Ctr.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor05Ctr.u2 u2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor05Ctr.u3 u3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2.highest_usn highest_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2.last_sync_success last_sync_success Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2.source_dsa_invocation_id source_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor2Ctr.enumeration_context enumeration_context Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3.highest_usn highest_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3.last_sync_success last_sync_success Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3.source_dsa_invocation_id source_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3.source_dsa_obj_dn source_dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursor3Ctr.enumeration_context enumeration_context Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorCtr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx.coursor coursor No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx.time1 time1 Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx05Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx05Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx05Ctr.u1 u1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx05Ctr.u2 u2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaCoursorEx05Ctr.u3 u3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaDeleteOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_DELETE_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_DELETE_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaDeleteOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_DELETE_WRITEABLE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_DELETE_WRITEABLE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfo.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfo.info info Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfo.info_type info_type Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfo.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfo.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest.req2 req2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest1.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest1.info_type info_type Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest1.object_dn object_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.info_type info_type Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.object_dn object_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.string1 string1 String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.string2 string2 String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaGetInfoRequest2.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.attrvalmetadata attrvalmetadata No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.attrvalmetadata2 attrvalmetadata2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.connectfailures connectfailures No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.connections04 connections04 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.coursors coursors No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.coursors05 coursors05 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.coursors2 coursors2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.coursors3 coursors3 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.i06 i06 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.linkfailures linkfailures No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.neighbours neighbours No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.neighbours02 neighbours02 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.objmetadata objmetadata No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.objmetadata2 objmetadata2 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaInfo.pendingops pendingops No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailure.dsa_obj_dn dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailure.dsa_obj_guid dsa_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailure.first_failure first_failure Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailure.last_result last_result Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailure.num_failures num_failures Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailuresCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailuresCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaKccDsaFailuresCtr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaModifyOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_MODIFY_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_MODIFY_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaModifyOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_MODIFY_WRITEABLE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_MODIFY_WRITEABLE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.consecutive_sync_failures consecutive_sync_failures Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.highest_usn highest_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.last_attempt last_attempt Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.last_success last_success Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.naming_context_dn naming_context_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.naming_context_obj_guid naming_context_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.replica_flags replica_flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.result_last_attempt result_last_attempt Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.source_dsa_address source_dsa_address String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.source_dsa_invocation_id source_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.source_dsa_obj_dn source_dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.source_dsa_obj_guid source_dsa_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.tmp_highest_usn tmp_highest_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.transport_obj_dn transport_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbour.transport_obj_guid transport_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbourCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbourCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaNeighbourCtr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.attribute_name attribute_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.local_usn local_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.originating_dsa_invocation_id originating_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.originating_last_changed originating_last_changed Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.originating_usn originating_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData.version version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.attribute_name attribute_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.local_usn local_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.originating_dsa_invocation_id originating_dsa_invocation_id</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.originating_dsa_obj_dn originating_dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.originating_last_changed originating_last_changed Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.originating_usn originating_usn Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2.version version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2Ctr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2Ctr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaData2Ctr.enumeration_context enumeration_context Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaDataCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaDataCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaObjMetaDataCtr.reserved reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.nc_dn nc_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.nc_obj_guid nc_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.operation_start operation_start Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.operation_type operation_type Signed 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.options options Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.priority priority Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.remote_dsa_address remote_dsa_address String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.remote_dsa_obj_dn remote_dsa_obj_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.remote_dsa_obj_guid remote_dsa_obj_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOp.serial_num serial_num Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOpCtr.array array No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOpCtr.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaOpCtr.time time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSync.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSync.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSync.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ABANDONED DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ABANDONED Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ADD_REFERENCE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ADD_REFERENCE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ALL_SOURCES DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ALL_SOURCES Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_ASYNCHRONOUS_REPLICA Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_CRITICAL DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_CRITICAL Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FORCE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FORCE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FULL DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FULL Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FULL_IN_PROGRESS DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_FULL_IN_PROGRESS Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INITIAL DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INITIAL Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INITIAL_IN_PROGRESS DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INITIAL_IN_PROGRESS Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INTERSITE_MESSAGING DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_INTERSITE_MESSAGING Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NEVER_COMPLETED DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NEVER_COMPLETED Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NEVER_NOTIFY DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NEVER_NOTIFY Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NOTIFICATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NOTIFICATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NO_DISCARD DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_NO_DISCARD Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PARTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_SET DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PARTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_SET Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PERIODIC DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PERIODIC Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PREEMPTED DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_PREEMPTED Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_REQUEUE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_REQUEUE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_TWO_WAY DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_TWO_WAY Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_URGENT DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_URGENT Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_USE_COMPRESSION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_USE_COMPRESSION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_WRITEABLE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_SYNC_WRITEABLE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1.info info No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1.options options Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1.string1 string1 String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.byte_array byte_array Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.guid1 guid1</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.nc_dn nc_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.str_len str_len Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaSyncRequest1Info.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefs.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefs.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefs.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_0x00000010 DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_0x00000010 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_ADD_REFERENCE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_ADD_REFERENCE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_ASYNCHRONOUS_OPERATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_DELETE_REFERENCE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_DELETE_REFERENCE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsOptions.DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_WRITEABLE DRSUAPI_DS_REPLICA_UPDATE_WRITEABLE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.dest_dsa_dns_name dest_dsa_dns_name String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.dest_dsa_guid dest_dsa_guid</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.options options Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.sync_req_info1 sync_req_info1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsReplicaUpdateRefsRequest1.unknown2 unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.add add Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.delete delete Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.modify modify Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.sync sync Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.unknown unknown Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsRplicaOpOptions.update_refs update_refs Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsUnbind.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpn.bind_handle bind_handle Byte array</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpn.level level Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpn.req req Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpn.res res Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest.req1 req1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1.count count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1.object_dn object_dn String</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1.operation operation Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1.spn_names spn_names No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnRequest1.unknown1 unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnResult.res1 res1 No value</pre> <pre> drsuapi.DsWriteAccountSpnResult1.status status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_00000080 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_00000080 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_00100000 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_00100000 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_20000000 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_20000000 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_40000000 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_40000000 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_80000000 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_80000000 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRYREPLY_V3 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRYREPLY_V3 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRY_V2 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADDENTRY_V2 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADD_SID_HISTORY DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ADD_SID_HISTORY Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ASYNC_REPLICATION DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_ASYNC_REPLICATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_BASE DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_BASE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_CRYPTO_BIND DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_CRYPTO_BIND Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V01 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V01 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V1 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V1 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V2 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_DCINFO_V2 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V5 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V5 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V6 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V6 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V7 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREPLY_V7 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V6 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V6 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V8 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHGREQ_V8 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHG_COMPRESS DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GETCHG_COMPRESS Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_MEMBERSHIPS2 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_MEMBERSHIPS2 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_REPL_INFO DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_GET_REPL_INFO Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_REQ_ON_MOD DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_REQ_ON_MOD Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_KCC_EXECUTE DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_KCC_EXECUTE Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_LINKED_VALUE_REPLICATION DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_LINKED_VALUE_REPLICATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_MOVEREQ_V2 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_MOVEREQ_V2 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_NONDOMAIN_NCS DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_NONDOMAIN_NCS Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_POST_BETA3 DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_POST_BETA3 Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_REMOVEAPI DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_REMOVEAPI Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_RESTORE_USN_OPTIMIZATION DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_RESTORE_USN_OPTIMIZATION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_STRONG_ENCRYPTION DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_STRONG_ENCRYPTION Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_TRANSITIVE_MEMBERSHIP DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_TRANSITIVE_MEMBERSHIP Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_VERIFY_OBJECT DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_VERIFY_OBJECT Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.SupportedExtensions.DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_XPRESS_COMPRESS DRSUAPI_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION_XPRESS_COMPRESS Boolean</pre> <pre> drsuapi.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> drsuapi.rc Return code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="data__data_">Data (data)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="data_link_switching__dlsw_">Data Link SWitching (dlsw)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="data_stream_interface__dsi_">Data Stream Interface (dsi)</a></h2> <pre> dsi.attn_flag Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer Server attention flag</pre> <pre> dsi.attn_flag.crash Crash Boolean Attention flag, server crash bit</pre> <pre> dsi.attn_flag.msg Message Boolean Attention flag, server message bit</pre> <pre> dsi.attn_flag.reconnect Don't reconnect Boolean Attention flag, don't reconnect bit</pre> <pre> dsi.attn_flag.shutdown Shutdown Boolean Attention flag, server is shutting down</pre> <pre> dsi.attn_flag.time Minutes Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of minutes</pre> <pre> dsi.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer Represents a DSI command.</pre> <pre> dsi.data_offset Data offset Signed 32-bit integer Data offset</pre> <pre> dsi.error_code Error code Signed 32-bit integer Error code</pre> <pre> dsi.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates request or reply.</pre> <pre> dsi.length Length Unsigned 32-bit integer Total length of the data that follows the DSI header.</pre> <pre> dsi.open_len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Open session option len</pre> <pre> dsi.open_option Option Byte array Open session options (undecoded)</pre> <pre> dsi.open_quantum Quantum Unsigned 32-bit integer Server/Attention quantum</pre> <pre> dsi.open_type Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Open session option type.</pre> <pre> dsi.requestid Request ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Keeps track of which request this is. Replies must match a Request. IDs must be generated in sequential order.</pre> <pre> dsi.reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Reserved for future use. Should be set to zero.</pre> <pre> dsi.server_addr.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Address length.</pre> <pre> dsi.server_addr.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Address type.</pre> <pre> dsi.server_addr.value Value Byte array Address value</pre> <pre> dsi.server_directory Directory service String Server directory service</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag Flag Unsigned 16-bit integer Server capabilities flag</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.copyfile Support copyfile Boolean Server support copyfile</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.directory Support directory services Boolean Server support directory services</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.fast_copy Support fast copy Boolean Server support fast copy</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.no_save_passwd Don't allow save password Boolean Don't allow save password</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.notify Support server notifications Boolean Server support notifications</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.passwd Support change password Boolean Server support change password</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.reconnect Support server reconnect Boolean Server support reconnect</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.srv_msg Support server message Boolean Support server message</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.srv_sig Support server signature Boolean Support server signature</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.tcpip Support TCP/IP Boolean Server support TCP/IP</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.utf8_name Support UTF8 server name Boolean Server support UTF8 server name</pre> <pre> dsi.server_flag.uuids Support UUIDs Boolean Server supports UUIDs</pre> <pre> dsi.server_icon Icon bitmap Byte array Server icon bitmap</pre> <pre> dsi.server_name Server name String Server name</pre> <pre> dsi.server_signature Server signature Byte array Server signature</pre> <pre> dsi.server_type Server type String Server type</pre> <pre> dsi.server_uams UAM String UAM</pre> <pre> dsi.server_vers AFP version String AFP version</pre> <pre> dsi.utf8_server_name UTF8 Server name String UTF8 Server name</pre> <pre> dsi.utf8_server_name_len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer UTF8 server name length.</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="datagram_congestion_control_protocol__dcp_">Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (dcp)</a></h2> <pre> dcp.ack Acknowledgement Number Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.ack_res Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.ccval CCVal Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.checksum Checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.checksum_bad Bad Checksum Boolean</pre> <pre> dcp.checksum_data Data Checksum Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.cscov Checksum Coverage Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.data1 Data 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.data2 Data 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.data3 Data 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.data_offset Data Offset Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.dstport Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.elapsed_time Elapsed Time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.feature_number Feature Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.ndp_count NDP Count Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.option_type Option Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.options Options No value DCP Options fields</pre> <pre> dcp.port Source or Destination Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.res1 Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.res2 Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.reset_code Reset Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.seq Sequence Number Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.service_code Service Code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.srcport Source Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.timestamp Timestamp Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.timestamp_echo Timestamp Echo Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> dcp.x Extended Sequence Numbers Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="datagram_delivery_protocol__ddp_">Datagram Delivery Protocol (ddp)</a></h2> <pre> ddp.checksum Checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.dst Destination address String</pre> <pre> ddp.dst.net Destination Net Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.dst.node Destination Node Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.dst_socket Destination Socket Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.hopcount Hop count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.len Datagram length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.src Source address String</pre> <pre> ddp.src.net Source Net Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.src.node Source Node Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.src_socket Source Socket Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> ddp.type Protocol type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="datagram_transport_layer_security__dtls_">Datagram Transport Layer Security (dtls)</a></h2> <pre> dtls.alert_message Alert Message No value Alert message</pre> <pre> dtls.alert_message.desc Description Unsigned 8-bit integer Alert message description</pre> <pre> dtls.alert_message.level Level Unsigned 8-bit integer Alert message level</pre> <pre> dtls.app_data Encrypted Application Data Byte array Payload is encrypted application data</pre> <pre> dtls.change_cipher_spec Change Cipher Spec Message No value Signals a change in cipher specifications</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake Handshake Protocol No value Handshake protocol message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cert_type Certificate type Unsigned 8-bit integer Certificate type</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cert_types Certificate types No value List of certificate types</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cert_types_count Certificate types count Unsigned 8-bit integer Count of certificate types</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.certificate Certificate Byte array Certificate</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.certificate_length Certificate Length Unsigned 24-bit integer Length of certificate</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.certificates Certificates No value List of certificates</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.certificates_length Certificates Length Unsigned 24-bit integer Length of certificates field</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cipher_suites_length Cipher Suites Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of cipher suites field</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.ciphersuite Cipher Suite Unsigned 16-bit integer Cipher suite</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.ciphersuites Cipher Suites No value List of cipher suites supported by client</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.comp_method Compression Method Unsigned 8-bit integer Compression Method</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.comp_methods Compression Methods No value List of compression methods supported by client</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.comp_methods_length Compression Methods Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Length of compression methods field</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cookie Cookie No value Cookie</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.cookie_length Cookie Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Length of the cookie field</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.dname Distinguished Name Byte array Distinguished name of a CA that server trusts</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.dname_len Distinguished Name Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of distinguished name</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.dnames Distinguished Names No value List of CAs that server trusts</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.dnames_len Distinguished Names Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of list of CAs that server trusts</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.extension.data Data Byte array Hello Extension data</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.extension.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of a hello extension</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.extension.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Hello extension type</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.extensions_length Extensions Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of hello extensions</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.fragment_length Fragment Length Unsigned 24-bit integer Fragment length of handshake message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.fragment_offset Fragment Offset Unsigned 24-bit integer Fragment offset of handshake message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.length Length Unsigned 24-bit integer Length of handshake message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.md5_hash MD5 Hash No value Hash of messages, master_secret, etc.</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.message_seq Message Sequence Unsigned 16-bit integer Message sequence of handshake message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.random Random.bytes No value Random challenge used to authenticate server</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.random_time Random.gmt_unix_time Date/Time stamp Unix time field of random structure</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.session_id Session ID Byte array Identifies the DTLS session, allowing later resumption</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.session_id_length Session ID Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Length of session ID field</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.sha_hash SHA-1 Hash No value Hash of messages, master_secret, etc.</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.type Handshake Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Type of handshake message</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.verify_data Verify Data No value Opaque verification data</pre> <pre> dtls.handshake.version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum version supported by client</pre> <pre> dtls.record Record Layer No value Record layer</pre> <pre> dtls.record.content_type Content Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Content type</pre> <pre> dtls.record.epoch Epoch Unsigned 16-bit integer Epoch</pre> <pre> dtls.record.length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of DTLS record data</pre> <pre> dtls.record.sequence_number Sequence Number Double-precision floating point Sequence Number</pre> <pre> dtls.record.version Version Unsigned 16-bit integer Record layer version.</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="daytime_protocol__daytime_">Daytime Protocol (daytime)</a></h2> <pre> daytime.string Daytime String String containing time and date</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="decompressed_sigcomp_message_as_raw_text__raw_sigcomp_">Decompressed SigComp message as raw text (raw_sigcomp)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="diameter_protocol__diameter_">Diameter Protocol (diameter)</a></h2> <pre> diameter.applicationId ApplicationId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.code AVP Code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.addrfamily Address Family Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.bytes Value Byte array</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.int32 Value Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.int64 Value Signed 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.string Value String</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.time Time Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.uint32 Value Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.uint64 Value Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.v4addr IPv4 Address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.data.v6addr IPv6 Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.diameter_uri Diameter URI String</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags AVP Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.protected Protected Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.reserved3 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.reserved4 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.reserved5 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.reserved6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.flags.reserved7 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.length AVP Length Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.private_id Private ID String</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.public_id Public ID String</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.session_id Session ID String</pre> <pre> diameter.avp.vendorId AVP Vendor Id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.code Command Code Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.endtoendid End-to-End Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.T T(Potentially re-transmitted message) Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.error Error Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.mandatory Mandatory Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.proxyable Proxyable Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.request Request Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.reserved4 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.reserved5 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.reserved6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.reserved7 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.flags.vendorspecific Vendor-Specific Boolean</pre> <pre> diameter.hopbyhopid Hop-by-Hop Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.length Length Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.vendorId VendorId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> diameter.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="digital_audio_access_protocol__daap_">Digital Audio Access Protocol (daap)</a></h2> <pre> daap.name Name String Tag Name</pre> <pre> daap.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Tag Size</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="direct_message_profile__dmp_">Direct Message Profile (dmp)</a></h2> <pre> dmp.ack Acknowledgement No value Acknowledgement</pre> <pre> dmp.ack.diagnostic Ack Diagnostic Unsigned 8-bit integer Diagnostic</pre> <pre> dmp.ack.reason Ack Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason</pre> <pre> dmp.ack.rec_list Recipient List No value Recipient List</pre> <pre> dmp.address.action Action Boolean Action</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_ext Address Extended Boolean Address Extended</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_form Address Form Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Form</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_length Address Length (bits 4-0) Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Length (bits 4-0)</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_length_ext Address Length (bits 9-5) Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Length (bits 9-5)</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_type Address Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Type</pre> <pre> dmp.address.addr_type_ext Address Type Extended Unsigned 8-bit integer Address Type Extended</pre> <pre> dmp.address.direct1 Direct Address (bits 6-0) Unsigned 8-bit integer Direct Address (bits 6-0)</pre> <pre> dmp.address.direct2 Direct Address (bits 12-7) Unsigned 8-bit integer Direct Address (bits 12-7)</pre> <pre> dmp.address.direct3 Direct Address (bits 18-13) Unsigned 8-bit integer Direct Address (bits 18-13)</pre> <pre> dmp.address.not_req1 Notification Request 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Notification Request 1</pre> <pre> dmp.address.not_req2 Notification Request 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Notification Request 2</pre> <pre> dmp.address.not_req3 Notification Request 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Notification Request 3</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rec_no1 Recipient Number (bits 3-0) Unsigned 8-bit integer Recipient Number (bits 3-0) Offset</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rec_no2 Recipient Number (bits 9-4) Unsigned 8-bit integer Recipient Number (bits 9-4) Offset</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rec_no3 Recipient Number (bits 14-10) Unsigned 8-bit integer Recipient Number (bits 14-10) Offset</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rec_no_ext Recipient Number Extended Boolean Recipient Number Extended</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rep_rec1 Report Request 1 Unsigned 8-bit integer Report Request 1</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rep_rec2 Report Request 2 Unsigned 8-bit integer Report Request 2</pre> <pre> dmp.address.rep_rec3 Report Request 3 Unsigned 8-bit integer Report Request 3</pre> <pre> dmp.checksum Checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer Checksum</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope Envelope No value Envelope</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.addr_encoding Address Encoding Boolean Address Encoding</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.checksum Checksum Boolean Checksum</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.cont_id_discarded Content Identifier discarded Boolean Content identifier discarded</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.dl_expansion_prohib DL expansion prohibited Boolean DL expansion prohibited</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.ext_rec_count Extended Recipient Count Unsigned 16-bit integer Extended Recipient Count</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer Envelope Flags</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.hop_count Hop Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Hop Count</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.msg_id Message Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Message identifier</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.originator Originator No value Originator</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.protocol.id Protocol Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol Identifier</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.rec_count Recipient Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Recipient Count</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.rec_present Recipient Present Boolean Recipient Present</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.recip_reassign_prohib Recipient reassign prohibited Boolean Recipient Reassign prohibited</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.recipient Recipient Number No value Recipient</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.reporting_name Reporting Name Number No value Reporting Name</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.subm_time Submission Time Unsigned 16-bit integer Submission Time</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.subm_time.current Submission Time Value Unsigned 16-bit integer Submission Time Value</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.time_diff Time Difference Unsigned 8-bit integer Time Difference</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.time_diff.current Time Difference Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Time Difference Value</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.time_diff_present Time Diff Boolean Time Diff Present</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.type Content Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Content Type</pre> <pre> dmp.envelope.version Protocol Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol Version</pre> <pre> dmp.message Message Content No value Message Content</pre> <pre> dmp.message.asn1_per ASN.1 PER-encoded OR-name Byte array ASN.1 PER-encoded OR-name</pre> <pre> dmp.message.auth_discarded Authorizing users discarded Boolean Authorizing users discarded</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body Message Body No value Message Body</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body.compression Compression Unsigned 8-bit integer Compression</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body.eit EIT Unsigned 8-bit integer Encoded Information Type</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body.id Structured Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Structured Body Id (1 byte)</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body.structured Structured Body Byte array Structured Body</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body.uncompressed Uncompressed User data Unsigned 8-bit integer Uncompressed User data</pre> <pre> dmp.message.body_format Body format Unsigned 8-bit integer Body format</pre> <pre> dmp.message.dtg DTG Unsigned 8-bit integer DTG</pre> <pre> dmp.message.dtg.sign DTG in the Boolean Sign</pre> <pre> dmp.message.dtg.val DTG Value Unsigned 8-bit integer DTG Value</pre> <pre> dmp.message.expiry_time Expiry Time Unsigned 8-bit integer Expiry Time</pre> <pre> dmp.message.expiry_time_val Expiry Time Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Expiry Time Value</pre> <pre> dmp.message.heading_flags Heading Flags No value Heading Flags</pre> <pre> dmp.message.importance Importance Unsigned 8-bit integer Importance</pre> <pre> dmp.message.mission_pol_id Mission Policy Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer Mission Policy Identifier</pre> <pre> dmp.message.nat_pol_id National Policy Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer National Policy Identifier</pre> <pre> dmp.message.or_name ASN.1 BER-encoded OR-name No value ASN.1 BER-encoded OR-name</pre> <pre> dmp.message.precedence Precedence Unsigned 8-bit integer Precedence</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat Security Categories No value Security Categories</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit0 Bit 0 Boolean Bit 0</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit1 Bit 1 Boolean Bit 1</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit2 Bit 2 Boolean Bit 2</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit3 Bit 3 Boolean Bit 3</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit4 Bit 4 Boolean Bit 4</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit5 Bit 5 Boolean Bit 5</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit6 Bit 6 Boolean Bit 6</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.bit7 Bit 7 Boolean Bit 7</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.cl Clear Boolean Clear</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.cs Crypto Security Boolean Crypto Security</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.ex Exclusive Boolean Exclusive</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_cat.ne National Eyes Only Boolean National Eyes Only</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_class Security Classification Unsigned 8-bit integer Security Classification</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sec_pol Security Policy Unsigned 8-bit integer Security Policy</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic SIC String SIC</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_bitmap Length Bitmap (0 = 3 bytes, 1 = 4-8 bytes) Unsigned 8-bit integer SIC Length Bitmap</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_bits Bit 7-4 Unsigned 8-bit integer SIC Bit 7-4, Characters [A-Z0-9] only</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_bits_any Bit 7-4 Unsigned 8-bit integer SIC Bit 7-4, Any valid characters</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_key SICs No value SIC Content</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_key_chars Valid Characters Boolean SIC Valid Characters</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_key_num Number of SICs Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of SICs</pre> <pre> dmp.message.sic_key_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer SIC Content Type</pre> <pre> dmp.message.subj_id Subject Message Identifier Unsigned 16-bit integer Subject Message Identifier</pre> <pre> dmp.message.subject Subject String Subject</pre> <pre> dmp.message.subject_discarded Subject discarded Boolean Subject discarded</pre> <pre> dmp.message.suppl_info Supplementary Information String Supplementary Information</pre> <pre> dmp.message.suppl_info_len Supplementary Information Unsigned 8-bit integer Supplementary Information Length</pre> <pre> dmp.message.type Message type Unsigned 8-bit integer Message type</pre> <pre> dmp.message.unknown Unknown encoded address Byte array Unknown encoded address</pre> <pre> dmp.notification Notification Unsigned 8-bit integer Notification</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.acp127recip ACP127 Recipient String ACP 127 Recipient</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.acp127recip_len ACP127 Recipient Unsigned 8-bit integer ACP 127 Recipient Length</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.discard_reason Discard Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Discard Reason</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.non_rec_reason Non-Receipt Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer Non-Receipt Reason</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.on_type ON Type Unsigned 8-bit integer ON Type</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.receipt_time Receipt Time Unsigned 8-bit integer Receipt time</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.receipt_time_val Receipt Time Value Unsigned 8-bit integer Receipt Time Value</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.suppl_info Supplementary Information String Supplementary Information</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.suppl_info_len Supplementary Information Unsigned 8-bit integer Supplementary Information Length</pre> <pre> dmp.notification.type Notification Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Notification Type</pre> <pre> dmp.report Report Unsigned 8-bit integer Reports</pre> <pre> dmp.report.addr_encoding Address Encoding Boolean Address Encoding</pre> <pre> dmp.report.diagnostic Diagnostic (X.411) Unsigned 8-bit integer Diagnostic</pre> <pre> dmp.report.info_present Info Present Boolean Info Present</pre> <pre> dmp.report.reason Reason (X.411) Unsigned 8-bit integer Reason</pre> <pre> dmp.report.time Delivery Time Unsigned 8-bit integer Delivery Time</pre> <pre> dmp.report.type Report Type Boolean Report Type</pre> <pre> dmp.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer Reserved</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="distance_vector_multicast_routing_protocol__dvmrp_">Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (dvmrp)</a></h2> <pre> dvmrp.afi Address Family Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Address Family Indicator</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.genid Genid Boolean Genid capability</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.leaf Leaf Boolean Leaf</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.mtrace Mtrace Boolean Mtrace capability</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.netmask Netmask Boolean Netmask capability</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.prune Prune Boolean Prune capability</pre> <pre> dvmrp.cap.snmp SNMP Boolean SNMP capability</pre> <pre> dvmrp.capabilities Capabilities No value DVMRP V3 Capabilities</pre> <pre> dvmrp.checksum Checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer DVMRP Checksum</pre> <pre> dvmrp.checksum_bad Bad Checksum Boolean Bad DVMRP Checksum</pre> <pre> dvmrp.command Command Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP V1 Command</pre> <pre> dvmrp.commands Commands No value DVMRP V1 Commands</pre> <pre> dvmrp.count Count Unsigned 8-bit integer Count</pre> <pre> dvmrp.dest_unreach Destination Unreachable Boolean Destination Unreachable</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.disabled Disabled Boolean Administrative status down</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.down Down Boolean Operational status down</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.leaf Leaf Boolean No downstream neighbors on interface</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.querier Querier Boolean Querier for interface</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.srcroute Source Route Boolean Tunnel uses IP source routing</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flag.tunnel Tunnel Boolean Neighbor reached via tunnel</pre> <pre> dvmrp.flags Flags No value DVMRP Interface Flags</pre> <pre> dvmrp.genid Generation ID Unsigned 32-bit integer DVMRP Generation ID</pre> <pre> dvmrp.hold Hold Time Unsigned 32-bit integer DVMRP Hold Time in seconds</pre> <pre> dvmrp.infinity Infinity Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Infinity</pre> <pre> dvmrp.lifetime Prune lifetime Unsigned 32-bit integer DVMRP Prune Lifetime</pre> <pre> dvmrp.local Local Addr IPv4 address DVMRP Local Address</pre> <pre> dvmrp.maj_ver Major Version Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Major Version</pre> <pre> dvmrp.metric Metric Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Metric</pre> <pre> dvmrp.min_ver Minor Version Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Minor Version</pre> <pre> dvmrp.ncount Neighbor Count Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Neighbor Count</pre> <pre> dvmrp.route Route No value DVMRP V3 Route Report</pre> <pre> dvmrp.split_horiz Split Horizon Boolean Split Horizon concealed route</pre> <pre> dvmrp.threshold Threshold Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Interface Threshold</pre> <pre> dvmrp.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Packet Type</pre> <pre> dvmrp.v1.code Code Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Packet Code</pre> <pre> dvmrp.v3.code Code Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Packet Code</pre> <pre> dvmrp.version DVMRP Version Unsigned 8-bit integer DVMRP Version</pre> <pre> igmp.daddr Dest Addr IPv4 address DVMRP Destination Address</pre> <pre> igmp.maddr Multicast Addr IPv4 address DVMRP Multicast Address</pre> <pre> igmp.neighbor Neighbor Addr IPv4 address DVMRP Neighbor Address</pre> <pre> igmp.netmask Netmask IPv4 address DVMRP Netmask</pre> <pre> igmp.saddr Source Addr IPv4 address DVMRP Source Address</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="distcc_distributed_compiler__distcc_">Distcc Distributed Compiler (distcc)</a></h2> <pre> distcc.argc ARGC Unsigned 32-bit integer Number of arguments</pre> <pre> distcc.argv ARGV String ARGV argument</pre> <pre> distcc.doti_source Source String DOTI Preprocessed Source File (.i)</pre> <pre> distcc.doto_object Object Byte array DOTO Compiled object file (.o)</pre> <pre> distcc.serr SERR String STDERR output</pre> <pre> distcc.sout SOUT String STDOUT output</pre> <pre> distcc.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer Unix wait status for command completion</pre> <pre> distcc.version DISTCC Version Unsigned 32-bit integer DISTCC Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="distributed_checksum_clearinghouse_protocol__dccp_">Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse Protocol (dccp)</a></h2> <pre> dccp.adminop Admin Op Unsigned 8-bit integer Admin Op</pre> <pre> dccp.adminval Admin Value Unsigned 32-bit integer Admin Value</pre> <pre> dccp.brand Server Brand String Server Brand</pre> <pre> dccp.checksum.length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Checksum Length</pre> <pre> dccp.checksum.sum Sum Byte array Checksum</pre> <pre> dccp.checksum.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Checksum Type</pre> <pre> dccp.clientid Client ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Client ID</pre> <pre> dccp.date Date Date/Time stamp Date</pre> <pre> dccp.floodop Flood Control Operation Unsigned 32-bit integer Flood Control Operation</pre> <pre> dccp.len Packet Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Length</pre> <pre> dccp.max_pkt_vers Maximum Packet Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Maximum Packet Version</pre> <pre> dccp.op Operation Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Operation Type</pre> <pre> dccp.opnums.host Host Unsigned 32-bit integer Host</pre> <pre> dccp.opnums.pid Process ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Process ID</pre> <pre> dccp.opnums.report Report Unsigned 32-bit integer Report</pre> <pre> dccp.opnums.retrans Retransmission Unsigned 32-bit integer Retransmission</pre> <pre> dccp.pkt_vers Packet Version Unsigned 16-bit integer Packet Version</pre> <pre> dccp.qdelay_ms Client Delay Unsigned 16-bit integer Client Delay</pre> <pre> dccp.signature Signature Byte array Signature</pre> <pre> dccp.target Target Unsigned 32-bit integer Target</pre> <pre> dccp.trace Trace Bits Unsigned 32-bit integer Trace Bits</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.admin Admin Requests Boolean Admin Requests</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.anon Anonymous Requests Boolean Anonymous Requests</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.client Authenticated Client Requests Boolean Authenticated Client Requests</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.flood Input/Output Flooding Boolean Input/Output Flooding</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.query Queries and Reports Boolean Queries and Reports</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.ridc RID Cache Messages Boolean RID Cache Messages</pre> <pre> dccp.trace.rlim Rate-Limited Requests Boolean Rate-Limited Requests</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="distributed_interactive_simulation__dis_">Distributed Interactive Simulation (dis)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="distributed_network_protocol_3_0__dnp3_">Distributed Network Protocol 3.0 (dnp3)</a></h2> <pre> al.fragment DNP 3.0 AL Fragment Frame number DNP 3.0 Application Layer Fragment</pre> <pre> al.fragment.error Defragmentation error Frame number Defragmentation error due to illegal fragments</pre> <pre> al.fragment.multipletails Multiple tail fragments found Boolean Several tails were found when defragmenting the packet</pre> <pre> al.fragment.overlap Fragment overlap Boolean Fragment overlaps with other fragments</pre> <pre> al.fragment.overlap.conflict Conflicting data in fragment overlap Boolean Overlapping fragments contained conflicting data</pre> <pre> al.fragment.reassembled_in Reassembled PDU In Frame Frame number This PDU is reassembled in this frame</pre> <pre> al.fragment.toolongfragment Fragment too long Boolean Fragment contained data past end of packet</pre> <pre> al.fragments DNP 3.0 AL Fragments No value DNP 3.0 Application Layer Fragments</pre> <pre> dnp.hdr.CRC CRC Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dnp.hdr.CRC_bad Bad CRC Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b0 Online Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b1 Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b2 Comm Fail Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b3 Remote Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b4 Local Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b5 Over-Range Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b6 Reference Check Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aiq.b7 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b0 Online Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b1 Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b2 Comm Fail Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b3 Remote Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b4 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b5 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.aoq.b7 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b0 Online Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b1 Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b2 Comm Fail Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b3 Remote Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b4 Local Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b5 Chatter Filter Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.biq.b7 Point Value Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b0 Online Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b1 Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b2 Comm Fail Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b3 Remote Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b4 Local Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b5 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.boq.b7 Point Value Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.con Confirm Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctl Application Control Unsigned 8-bit integer Application Layer Control Byte</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b0 Online Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b1 Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b2 Comm Fail Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b3 Remote Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b4 Local Force Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b5 Roll-Over Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b6 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ctrq.b7 Reserved Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.fin Final Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.fir First Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.func Application Layer Function Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Application Function Code</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin Application Layer IIN bits Unsigned 16-bit integer Application Layer IIN</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.bmsg Broadcast Msg Rx Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.cc Configuration Corrupt Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.cls1d Class 1 Data Available Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.cls2d Class 2 Data Available Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.cls3d Class 3 Data Available Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.dol Digital Outputs in Local Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.dt Device Trouble Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.ebo Event Buffer Overflow Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.oae Operation Already Executing Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.obju Requested Objects Unknown Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.pioor Parameters Invalid or Out of Range Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.rst Device Restart Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.iin.tsr Time Sync Required Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.obj Object Unsigned 16-bit integer Application Layer Object</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.objq.code Qualifier Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Qualifier Code</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.objq.index Index Prefix Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Index Prefixing</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.ptnum Object Point Number Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Point Number</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.abs16 Address Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Absolute Address</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.abs32 Address Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Absolute Address</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.abs8 Address Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Absolute Address</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.quant16 Quantity Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Quantity</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.quant32 Quantity Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Quantity</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.quant8 Quantity Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Quantity</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.start16 Start Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Start Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.start32 Start Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Start Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.start8 Start Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Start Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.stop16 Stop Unsigned 16-bit integer Object Stop Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.stop32 Stop Unsigned 32-bit integer Object Stop Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.range.stop8 Stop Unsigned 8-bit integer Object Stop Index</pre> <pre> dnp3.al.seq Sequence Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Sequence Number</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl Control Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Control Byte</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.dfc Data Flow Control Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.dir Direction Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.fcb Frame Count Bit Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.fcv Frame Count Valid Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.prifunc Control Function Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Control Function Code</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.prm Primary Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.ctl.secfunc Control Function Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Control Function Code</pre> <pre> dnp3.dst Destination Unsigned 16-bit integer Destination Address</pre> <pre> dnp3.len Length Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Data Length</pre> <pre> dnp3.src Source Unsigned 16-bit integer Source Address</pre> <pre> dnp3.start Start Bytes Unsigned 16-bit integer Start Bytes</pre> <pre> dnp3.tr.ctl Transport Control Unsigned 8-bit integer Tranport Layer Control Byte</pre> <pre> dnp3.tr.fin Final Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.tr.fir First Boolean</pre> <pre> dnp3.tr.seq Sequence Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Sequence Number</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="domain_name_service__dns_">Domain Name Service (dns)</a></h2> <pre> dns.count.add_rr Additional RRs Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of additional records in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.answers Answer RRs Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of answers in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.auth_rr Authority RRs Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of authoritative records in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.prerequisites Prerequisites Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of prerequisites in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.queries Questions Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of queries in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.updates Updates Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of updates records in packet</pre> <pre> dns.count.zones Zones Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of zones in packet</pre> <pre> dns.flags Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dns.flags.authenticated Answer authenticated Boolean Was the reply data authenticated by the server?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.authoritative Authoritative Boolean Is the server is an authority for the domain?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.checkdisable Non-authenticated data OK Boolean Is non-authenticated data acceptable?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation code</pre> <pre> dns.flags.rcode Reply code Unsigned 16-bit integer Reply code</pre> <pre> dns.flags.recavail Recursion available Boolean Can the server do recursive queries?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.recdesired Recursion desired Boolean Do query recursively?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.response Response Boolean Is the message a response?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.truncated Truncated Boolean Is the message truncated?</pre> <pre> dns.flags.z Z Boolean Z flag</pre> <pre> dns.id Transaction ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Identification of transaction</pre> <pre> dns.length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Length of DNS-over-TCP request or response</pre> <pre> dns.qry.class Class Unsigned 16-bit integer Query Class</pre> <pre> dns.qry.name Name String Query Name</pre> <pre> dns.qry.qu "QU" question Boolean QU flag</pre> <pre> dns.qry.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Query Type</pre> <pre> dns.resp.cache_flush Cache flush Boolean Cache flush flag</pre> <pre> dns.resp.class Class Unsigned 16-bit integer Response Class</pre> <pre> dns.resp.len Data length Unsigned 32-bit integer Response Length</pre> <pre> dns.resp.name Name String Response Name</pre> <pre> dns.resp.ttl Time to live Unsigned 32-bit integer Response TTL</pre> <pre> dns.resp.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Response Type</pre> <pre> dns.response_in Response In Frame number The response to this DNS query is in this frame</pre> <pre> dns.response_to Request In Frame number This is a response to the DNS query in this frame</pre> <pre> dns.time Time Time duration The time between the Query and the Response</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.algorithm_name Algorithm Name String Name of algorithm used for the MAC</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.error Error Unsigned 16-bit integer Expanded RCODE for TSIG</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.fudge Fudge Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of bytes for the MAC</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.mac MAC No value MAC</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.mac_size MAC Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of bytes for the MAC</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.original_id Original Id Unsigned 16-bit integer Original Id</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.other_data Other Data Byte array Other Data</pre> <pre> dns.tsig.other_len Other Len Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of bytes for Other Data</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dublin_core_metadata__dc___dc_">Dublin Core Metadata (DC) (dc)</a></h2> <pre> dc.contributor contributor String</pre> <pre> dc.coverage coverage String</pre> <pre> dc.creator creator String</pre> <pre> dc.date date String</pre> <pre> dc.dc dc String</pre> <pre> dc.description description String</pre> <pre> dc.format format String</pre> <pre> dc.identifier identifier String</pre> <pre> dc.language language String</pre> <pre> dc.publisher publisher String</pre> <pre> dc.relation relation String</pre> <pre> dc.rights rights String</pre> <pre> dc.source source String</pre> <pre> dc.subject subject String</pre> <pre> dc.title title String</pre> <pre> dc.type type String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dynamic_dns_tools_protocol__ddtp_">Dynamic DNS Tools Protocol (ddtp)</a></h2> <pre> ddtp.encrypt Encryption Unsigned 32-bit integer Encryption type</pre> <pre> ddtp.hostid Hostid Unsigned 32-bit integer Host ID</pre> <pre> ddtp.ipaddr IP address IPv4 address IP address</pre> <pre> ddtp.msgtype Message type Unsigned 32-bit integer Message Type</pre> <pre> ddtp.opcode Opcode Unsigned 32-bit integer Update query opcode</pre> <pre> ddtp.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer Update reply status</pre> <pre> ddtp.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="dynamic_trunking_protocol__dtp_">Dynamic Trunking Protocol (dtp)</a></h2> <pre> dtp.tlv_len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dtp.tlv_type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> dtp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> vtp.neighbor Neighbor 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address MAC Address of neighbor</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="efs__pidl___efs_">EFS (pidl) (efs)</a></h2> <pre> efs.EFS_CERTIFICATE_BLOB.cbData Cbdata Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EFS_CERTIFICATE_BLOB.dwCertEncodingType Dwcertencodingtype Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EFS_CERTIFICATE_BLOB.pbData Pbdata Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EFS_HASH_BLOB.cbData Cbdata Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EFS_HASH_BLOB.pbData Pbdata Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE.TotalLength Totallength Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE.pCertBlob Pcertblob No value</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE.pUserSid Pusersid No value</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH.cbTotalLength Cbtotallength Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH.lpDisplayInformation Lpdisplayinformation String</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH.pHash Phash No value</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH.pUserSid Pusersid No value</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH_LIST.nCert_Hash Ncert Hash Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH_LIST.pUsers Pusers No value</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcAddUsersToFile.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcCloseRaw.pvContext Pvcontext Byte array</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcDecryptFileSrv.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcDecryptFileSrv.Reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcEncryptFileSrv.Filename Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcOpenFileRaw.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcOpenFileRaw.Flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcOpenFileRaw.pvContext Pvcontext Byte array</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcQueryRecoveryAgents.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcQueryRecoveryAgents.pRecoveryAgents Precoveryagents No value</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcQueryUsersOnFile.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcQueryUsersOnFile.pUsers Pusers No value</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcReadFileRaw.pvContext Pvcontext Byte array</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcRemoveUsersFromFile.FileName Filename String</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcSetFileEncryptionKey.pEncryptionCertificate Pencryptioncertificate No value</pre> <pre> efs.EfsRpcWriteFileRaw.pvContext Pvcontext Byte array</pre> <pre> efs.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> efs.werror Windows Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="enea_linx__linx_">ENEA LINX (linx)</a></h2> <pre> linx.ackno ACK Number Unsigned 32-bit integer ACK Number</pre> <pre> linx.ackreq ACK-request Unsigned 32-bit integer ACK-request</pre> <pre> linx.bundle Bundle Unsigned 32-bit integer Bundle</pre> <pre> linx.cmd Command Unsigned 32-bit integer Command</pre> <pre> linx.connection Connection Unsigned 32-bit integer Connection</pre> <pre> linx.destmaddr_ether Destination 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination Media Address (ethernet)</pre> <pre> linx.dstaddr Receiver Address Unsigned 32-bit integer Receiver Address</pre> <pre> linx.fragno Fragment Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Fragment Number</pre> <pre> linx.fragno2 Fragment Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Fragment Number</pre> <pre> linx.morefr2 More Fragments Unsigned 32-bit integer More Fragments</pre> <pre> linx.morefra More Fragments Unsigned 32-bit integer More fragments follow</pre> <pre> linx.nack_count Count Unsigned 32-bit integer Count</pre> <pre> linx.nack_reserv Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Nack Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.nack_seqno Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Sequence Number</pre> <pre> linx.nexthdr Next Header Unsigned 32-bit integer Next Header</pre> <pre> linx.pcksize Package Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Package Size</pre> <pre> linx.publcid Publish Conn ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Publish Conn ID</pre> <pre> linx.reserved1 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Main Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.reserved3 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Conn Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.reserved5 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Udata Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.reserved6 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer Frag Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.reserved7 Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer ACK Hdr Reserved</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_linkaddr RLNH linkaddr Unsigned 32-bit integer RLNH linkaddress</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_msg_type RLNH msg type Unsigned 32-bit integer RLNH message type</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_name RLNH name String RLNH name</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_src_linkaddr RLNH src linkaddr Unsigned 32-bit integer RLNH source linkaddress</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_status RLNH status Unsigned 32-bit integer RLNH status</pre> <pre> linx.rlnh_version RLNH version Unsigned 32-bit integer RLNH version</pre> <pre> linx.seqno Seqence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Sequence Number</pre> <pre> linx.signo Signal Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Signal Number</pre> <pre> linx.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer Size</pre> <pre> linx.srcaddr Sender Address Unsigned 32-bit integer Sender Address</pre> <pre> linx.srcmaddr_ether Source 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source Media Address (ethernet)</pre> <pre> linx.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer LINX Version</pre> <pre> linx.winsize WinSize Unsigned 32-bit integer Window Size</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="enttec__enttec_">ENTTEC (enttec)</a></h2> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.data DMX Data No value DMX Data</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.data_filter DMX Data Byte array DMX Data</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.dmx_data DMX Data No value DMX Data</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.size Data Size Unsigned 16-bit integer Data Size</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.start_code Start Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Start Code</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.type Data Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Data Type</pre> <pre> enttec.dmx_data.universe Universe Unsigned 8-bit integer Universe</pre> <pre> enttec.head Head Unsigned 32-bit integer Head</pre> <pre> enttec.poll.reply_type Reply Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Reply Type</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.mac MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address MAC</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.name Name String Name</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.node_type Node Type Unsigned 16-bit integer Node Type</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.option_field Option Field Unsigned 8-bit integer Option Field</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.switch_settings Switch settings Unsigned 8-bit integer Switch settings</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.tos TOS Unsigned 8-bit integer TOS</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.ttl TTL Unsigned 8-bit integer TTL</pre> <pre> enttec.poll_reply.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ethernet_powerlink_v1_0__epl_v1_">ETHERNET Powerlink V1.0 (epl_v1)</a></h2> <pre> epl_v1.ainv.channel Channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.channel Channel Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.data Data Byte array</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.device.variant Device Variant Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.firmware.version Firmware Version Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.hardware.revision Hardware Revision Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.node_id NodeID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.poll.in.size Poll IN Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.poll.out.size Poll OUT Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.asnd.size Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.dest Destination Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.eoc.netcommand Net Command Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.preq.data OUT Data Byte array</pre> <pre> epl_v1.preq.ms MS (Multiplexed Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.preq.pollsize Poll Size OUT Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.preq.rd RD (Ready) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.data IN Data Byte array</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.er ER (Error) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.ex EX (Exception) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.ms MS (Multiplexed) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.pollsize Poll Size IN Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.rd RD (Ready) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.rs RS (Request to Send) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.pres.wa WA (Warning) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.service Service Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soa.netcommand.parameter Net Command Parameter Byte array</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.cycletime Cycle Time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.ms MS (Multiplexed Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.netcommand Net Command Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.netcommand.parameter Net Command Parameter Byte array</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.nettime Net Time Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.soc.ps PS (Prescaled Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl_v1.src Source Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ethernet_powerlink_v2__epl_">ETHERNET Powerlink v2 (epl)</a></h2> <pre> epl.asnd.data Data Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.appswdate applicationSwDate Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.appswtime applicationSwTime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.confdate VerifyConfigurationDate Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.conftime VerifyConfigurationTime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.devicetype DeviceType Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.ec EC (Exception Clear) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.en EN (Exception New) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.eplver EPLVersion String</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.features FeatureFlags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.gateway DefaultGateway IPv4 address</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.hostname HostName String</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.ip IPAddress IPv4 address</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.mtu MTU Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.pollinsize PollInSize Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.polloutsizes PollOutSize Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.pr PR (Priority) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.productcode ProductCode Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.resptime ResponseTime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.revisionno RevisionNumber Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.rs RS (RequestToSend) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.serialno SerialNumber Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.state NMTStatus Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.subnet SubnetMask IPv4 address</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.vendorext1 VendorSpecificExtension1 Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.vendorext2 VendorSpecificExtension2 Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.ires.vendorid VendorId Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtcommand.cdat NMTCommandData Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtcommand.cid NMTCommandId Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtcommand.nmtflusharpentry.nid NodeID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtcommand.nmtnethostnameset.hn HostName Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtcommand.nmtpublishtime.dt DateTime Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtrequest.rcd NMTRequestedCommandData Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtrequest.rcid NMTRequestedCommandID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.nmtrequest.rct NMTRequestedCommandTarget Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit0 Generic error Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit1 Current Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit2 Voltage Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit3 Temperature Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit4 Communication error Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit5 Device profile specific Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.bit7 Manufacturer specific Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.res.seb.devicespecific_err Device profile specific Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.abort SDO Abort Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.abort.code SDO Transfer Abort Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.command.id SDO Command ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.data.size SDO Data size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.read.by.index.data Payload Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.read.by.index.index SDO Read by Index, Index Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.read.by.index.subindex SDO Read by Index, SubIndex Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.response SDO Response Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.segment.size SDO Segment size Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.segmentation SDO Segmentation Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.transaction.id SDO Transaction ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.write.by.index.data Payload Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.write.by.index.index SDO Write by Index, Index Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.cmd.write.by.index.subindex SDO Write by Index, SubIndex Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.seq.receive.con ReceiveCon Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.seq.receive.sequence.number ReceiveSequenceNumber Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.seq.send.con SendCon Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sdo.seq.send.sequence.number SendSequenceNumber Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.ec EC (Exception Clear) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el ErrorsCodeList Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry Entry Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.add Additional Information Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.code Error Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.time Time Stamp Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.type Entry Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.type.bit14 Bit14 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.type.bit15 Bit15 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.type.mode Mode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.el.entry.type.profile Profile Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.en EN (Exception New) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.pr PR (Priority) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.rs RS (RequestToSend) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.seb StaticErrorBitField Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.sres.stat NMTStatus Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.asnd.svid ServiceID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.dest Destination Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.mtyp MessageType Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.preq.ea EA (Exception Acknowledge) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.preq.ms MS (Multiplexed Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.preq.pdov PDOVersion String</pre> <pre> epl.preq.pl Payload Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.preq.rd RD (Ready) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.preq.size Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.en EN (Exception New) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.ms MS (Multiplexed Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.pdov PDOVersion String</pre> <pre> epl.pres.pl Payload Byte array</pre> <pre> epl.pres.pr PR (Priority) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.rd RD (Ready) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.rs RS (RequestToSend) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.size Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.pres.stat NMTStatus Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soa.ea EA (Exception Acknowledge) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soa.eplv EPLVersion String</pre> <pre> epl.soa.er ER (Exception Reset) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soa.stat NMTStatus Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soa.svid RequestedServiceID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soa.svtg RequestedServiceTarget Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soc.mc MC (Multiplexed Cycle Completed) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soc.nettime NetTime Date/Time stamp</pre> <pre> epl.soc.ps PS (Prescaled Slot) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.soc.relativetime RelativeTime Unsigned 64-bit integer</pre> <pre> epl.src Source Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="etsi_distribution___communication_protocol__for_drm___dcpetsi_">ETSI Distribution & Communication Protocol (for DRM) (dcp-etsi)</a></h2> <pre> dcp-etsi.sync sync String AF or PF</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="echo__echo_">Echo (echo)</a></h2> <pre> echo.data Echo data Byte array Echo data</pre> <pre> echo.request Echo request Boolean Echo data</pre> <pre> echo.response Echo response Boolean Echo data</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="encapsulating_security_payload__esp_">Encapsulating Security Payload (esp)</a></h2> <pre> esp.iv IV Byte array</pre> <pre> esp.pad_len Pad Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> esp.protocol Next Header Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> esp.sequence Sequence Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> esp.spi SPI Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="endpoint_handlespace_redundancy_protocol__enrp_">Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol (enrp)</a></h2> <pre> enrp.cause_code Cause code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.cause_info Cause info Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.cause_length Cause length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.cause_padding Padding Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.cookie Cookie Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.ipv4_address IP Version 4 address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> enrp.ipv6_address IP Version 6 address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> enrp.m_bit M bit Boolean</pre> <pre> enrp.message_flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.message_length Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.message_type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.message_value Value Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.parameter_length Parameter length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.parameter_padding Padding Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.parameter_type Parameter Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.parameter_value Parameter value Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.pe_checksum PE checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pe_checksum_reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pe_identifier PE identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_element_home_enrp_server_identifier Home ENRP server identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_element_pe_identifier PE identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_element_registration_life Registration life Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_handle_pool_handle Pool handle Byte array</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_member_slection_policy_type Policy type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.pool_member_slection_policy_value Policy value Signed 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.r_bit R bit Boolean</pre> <pre> enrp.receiver_servers_id Receiver server's ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.sctp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.sender_servers_id Sender server's ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.server_information_m_bit M-Bit Boolean</pre> <pre> enrp.server_information_reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.server_information_server_identifier Server identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.target_servers_id Target server's ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.tcp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.transport_use Transport use Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.udp_transport_port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.udp_transport_reserved Reserved Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.update_action Update action Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> enrp.w_bit W bit Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="enhanced_interior_gateway_routing_protocol__eigrp_">Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (eigrp)</a></h2> <pre> eigrp.as Autonomous System Unsigned 16-bit integer Autonomous System number</pre> <pre> eigrp.opcode Opcode Unsigned 8-bit integer Opcode number</pre> <pre> eigrp.tlv Entry Unsigned 16-bit integer Type/Length/Value</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ethernet_ip__industrial_protocol___enip_">EtherNet/IP (Industrial Protocol) (enip)</a></h2> <pre> enip.command Command Unsigned 16-bit integer Encapsulation command</pre> <pre> enip.context Sender Context Byte array Information pertient to the sender</pre> <pre> enip.cpf.sai.connid Connection ID Unsigned 32-bit integer Common Packet Format: Sequenced Address Item, Connection Identifier</pre> <pre> enip.cpf.sai.seq Sequence Number Unsigned 32-bit integer Common Packet Format: Sequenced Address Item, Sequence Number</pre> <pre> enip.cpf.typeid Type ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Common Packet Format: Type of encapsulated item</pre> <pre> enip.lir.devtype Device Type Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Device Type</pre> <pre> enip.lir.name Product Name String ListIdentity Reply: Product Name</pre> <pre> enip.lir.prodcode Product Code Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Product Code</pre> <pre> enip.lir.sa.sinaddr sin_addr IPv4 address ListIdentity Reply: Socket Address.Sin Addr</pre> <pre> enip.lir.sa.sinfamily sin_family Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Socket Address.Sin Family</pre> <pre> enip.lir.sa.sinport sin_port Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Socket Address.Sin Port</pre> <pre> enip.lir.sa.sinzero sin_zero Byte array ListIdentity Reply: Socket Address.Sin Zero</pre> <pre> enip.lir.serial Serial Number Unsigned 32-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Serial Number</pre> <pre> enip.lir.state State Unsigned 8-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: State</pre> <pre> enip.lir.status Status Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Status</pre> <pre> enip.lir.vendor Vendor ID Unsigned 16-bit integer ListIdentity Reply: Vendor ID</pre> <pre> enip.lsr.capaflags.tcp Supports CIP Encapsulation via TCP Unsigned 16-bit integer ListServices Reply: Supports CIP Encapsulation via TCP</pre> <pre> enip.lsr.capaflags.udp Supports CIP Class 0 or 1 via UDP Unsigned 16-bit integer ListServices Reply: Supports CIP Class 0 or 1 via UDP</pre> <pre> enip.options Options Unsigned 32-bit integer Options flags</pre> <pre> enip.session Session Handle Unsigned 32-bit integer Session identification</pre> <pre> enip.srrd.iface Interface Handle Unsigned 32-bit integer SendRRData: Interface handle</pre> <pre> enip.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer Status code</pre> <pre> enip.sud.iface Interface Handle Unsigned 32-bit integer SendUnitData: Interface handle</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="etheric__etheric_">Etheric (etheric)</a></h2> <pre> etheric.address_presentation_restricted_indicator Address presentation restricted indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.called_party_even_address_signal_digit Address signal digit Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.called_party_nature_of_address_indicator Nature of address indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.called_party_odd_address_signal_digit Address signal digit Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.calling_party_even_address_signal_digit Address signal digit Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.calling_party_nature_of_address_indicator Nature of address indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.calling_party_odd_address_signal_digit Address signal digit Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.calling_partys_category Calling Party's category Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.cause_indicator Cause indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.cic CIC Unsigned 16-bit integer Etheric CIC</pre> <pre> etheric.event_ind Event indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.event_presentatiation_restr_ind Event presentation restricted indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.forw_call_isdn_access_indicator ISDN access indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.inband_information_ind In-band information indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.inn_indicator INN indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.isdn_odd_even_indicator Odd/even indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.mandatory_variable_parameter_pointer Pointer to Parameter Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.message.length Message length Unsigned 8-bit integer Etheric Message length</pre> <pre> etheric.message.type Message type Unsigned 8-bit integer Etheric message types</pre> <pre> etheric.ni_indicator NI indicator Boolean</pre> <pre> etheric.numbering_plan_indicator Numbering plan indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.optional_parameter_part_pointer Pointer to optional parameter part Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.parameter_length Parameter Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.parameter_type Parameter Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.protocol_version Protocol version Unsigned 8-bit integer Etheric protocol version</pre> <pre> etheric.screening_indicator Screening indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> etheric.transmission_medium_requirement Transmission medium requirement Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ethernet__eth_">Ethernet (eth)</a></h2> <pre> eth.addr Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source or Destination Hardware Address</pre> <pre> eth.dst Destination 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination Hardware Address</pre> <pre> eth.ig IG bit Boolean Specifies if this is an individual (unicast) or group (broadcast/multicast) address</pre> <pre> eth.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eth.lg LG bit Boolean Specifies if this is a locally administered or globally unique (IEEE assigned) address</pre> <pre> eth.src Source 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source Hardware Address</pre> <pre> eth.trailer Trailer Byte array Ethernet Trailer or Checksum</pre> <pre> eth.type Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ethernet_over_ip__etherip_">Ethernet over IP (etherip)</a></h2> <pre> etherip.ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="event_logger__eventlog_">Event Logger (eventlog)</a></h2> <pre> eventlog.Record Record No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.Record.computer_name Computer Name String</pre> <pre> eventlog.Record.length Record Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.Record.source_name Source Name String</pre> <pre> eventlog.Record.string string String</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE Eventlog Audit Failure Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS Eventlog Audit Success Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE Eventlog Error Type Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE Eventlog Information Type Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_SUCCESS Eventlog Success Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogEventTypes.EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE Eventlog Warning Type Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogReadFlags.EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ Eventlog Backwards Read Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogReadFlags.EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ Eventlog Forwards Read Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogReadFlags.EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ Eventlog Seek Read Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlogReadFlags.EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ Eventlog Sequential Read Boolean</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_BackupEventLogW.backupfilename Backupfilename No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_BackupEventLogW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ChangeNotify.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ChangeNotify.unknown2 Unknown2 No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ChangeNotify.unknown3 Unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ChangeUnknown0.unknown0 Unknown0 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ChangeUnknown0.unknown1 Unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ClearEventLogW.backupfilename Backupfilename No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ClearEventLogW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_CloseEventLog.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_DeregisterEventSource.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_FlushEventLog.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetLogIntormation.cbBufSize Cbbufsize Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetLogIntormation.cbBytesNeeded Cbbytesneeded Signed 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetLogIntormation.dwInfoLevel Dwinfolevel Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetLogIntormation.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetLogIntormation.lpBuffer Lpbuffer Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetNumRecords.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetNumRecords.number Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetOldestRecord.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_GetOldestRecord.oldest Oldest Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenBackupEventLogW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenBackupEventLogW.logname Logname No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenBackupEventLogW.unknown0 Unknown0 No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenBackupEventLogW.unknown2 Unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenBackupEventLogW.unknown3 Unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.logname Logname No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.servername Servername No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.unknown0 Unknown0 No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.unknown2 Unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenEventLogW.unknown3 Unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenUnknown0.unknown0 Unknown0 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_OpenUnknown0.unknown1 Unknown1 Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.data Data Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.flags Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.number_of_bytes Number Of Bytes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.offset Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.real_size Real Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_ReadEventLogW.sent_size Sent Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.closing_record_number Closing Record Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.computer_name Computer Name No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.data_length Data Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.data_offset Data Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.event_category Event Category Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.event_id Event Id Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.event_type Event Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.num_of_strings Num Of Strings Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.raw_data Raw Data No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.record_number Record Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.reserved Reserved Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.reserved_flags Reserved Flags Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.sid_length Sid Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.sid_offset Sid Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.source_name Source Name No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.stringoffset Stringoffset Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.strings Strings No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.time_generated Time Generated Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_Record.time_written Time Written Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.logname Logname No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.servername Servername No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.unknown0 Unknown0 No value</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.unknown2 Unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.eventlog_RegisterEventSourceW.unknown3 Unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eventlog.status NT Error Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="event_notification_for_resource_lists__rfc_4662___list_">Event Notification for Resource Lists (RFC 4662) (list)</a></h2> <pre> list.cid cid String</pre> <pre> list.fullstate fullstate String</pre> <pre> list.instance instance String</pre> <pre> list.instance.cid cid String</pre> <pre> list.instance.id id String</pre> <pre> list.instance.reason reason String</pre> <pre> list.instance.state state String</pre> <pre> list.name name String</pre> <pre> list.name.lang lang String</pre> <pre> list.resource resource String</pre> <pre> list.resource.instance instance String</pre> <pre> list.resource.instance.cid cid String</pre> <pre> list.resource.instance.id id String</pre> <pre> list.resource.instance.reason reason String</pre> <pre> list.resource.instance.state state String</pre> <pre> list.resource.name name String</pre> <pre> list.resource.name.lang lang String</pre> <pre> list.resource.uri uri String</pre> <pre> list.uri uri String</pre> <pre> list.version version String</pre> <pre> list.xmlns xmlns String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="exchange_5_5_name_service_provider__nspi_">Exchange 5.5 Name Service Provider (nspi)</a></h2> <pre> nspi.FILETIME.dwHighDateTime Dwhighdatetime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.FILETIME.dwLowDateTime Dwlowdatetime Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.LPSTR.lppszA Lppsza No value</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPINAMEID.lID Lid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPINAMEID.lpguid Lpguid No value</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPINAMEID.ulKind Ulkind Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPISTATUS_status MAPISTATUS Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPIUID.ab Ab Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPI_SETTINGS.codepage Codepage Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPI_SETTINGS.flag Flag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPI_SETTINGS.handle Handle Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPI_SETTINGS.input_locale Input Locale No value</pre> <pre> nspi.MAPI_SETTINGS.service_provider Service Provider No value</pre> <pre> nspi.MV_LONG_STRUCT.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MV_LONG_STRUCT.lpl Lpl Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MV_UNICODE_STRUCT.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.MV_UNICODE_STRUCT.lpi Lpi Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NAME_STRING.str Str String</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiBind.mapiuid Mapiuid</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiBind.settings Settings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiBind.unknown Unknown Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiDNToEph.flag Flag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiDNToEph.instance_key Instance Key No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiDNToEph.server_dn Server Dn No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiDNToEph.size Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetHierarchyInfo.RowSet Rowset No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetHierarchyInfo.settings Settings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetHierarchyInfo.unknown1 Unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetHierarchyInfo.unknown2 Unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.PropTagArray Proptagarray No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.REQ_properties Req Properties No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.RowSet Rowset No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.instance_key Instance Key No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.restrictions Restrictions No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.settings Settings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.unknown1 Unknown1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.unknown2 Unknown2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetMatches.unknown3 Unknown3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetProps.REPL_values Repl Values No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetProps.REQ_properties Req Properties No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetProps.flag Flag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiGetProps.settings Settings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.REQ_properties Req Properties No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.RowSet Rowset No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.flag Flag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.instance_key Instance Key Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.lRows Lrows Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.settings Settings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiQueryRows.unknown Unknown Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.NspiUnbind.status Status Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SAndRestriction.cRes Cres Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SAndRestriction.lpRes Lpres No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SBinary.cb Cb Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SBinary.lpb Lpb Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SBinaryArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SBinaryArray.lpbin Lpbin No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SDateTimeArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SDateTimeArray.lpft Lpft No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SGuidArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SGuidArray.lpguid Lpguid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SLPSTRArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SLPSTRArray.strings Strings No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropTagArray.aulPropTag Aulproptag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropTagArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue.dwAlignPad Dwalignpad Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue.ulPropTag Ulproptag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue.value Value No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVbin Mvbin No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVft Mvft No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVguid Mvguid No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVi Mvi No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVl Mvl No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVszA Mvsza No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.MVszW Mvszw No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.b B Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.bin Bin No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.err Err Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.ft Ft No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.i I Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.l L Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.lpguid Lpguid No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.lpszA Lpsza String</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.lpszW Lpszw String</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.null Null Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropValue_CTR.object Object Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropertyRestriction.lpProp Lpprop No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropertyRestriction.relop Relop Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SPropertyRestriction.ulPropTag Ulproptag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SRestriction.res Res No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SRestriction.rt Rt Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SRestriction_CTR.resAnd Resand No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SRestriction_CTR.resProperty Resproperty No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SRow.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SRow.lpProps Lpprops No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SRow.ulAdrEntryPad Uladrentrypad Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SRowSet.aRow Arow No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SRowSet.cRows Crows Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SShortArray.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SShortArray.lpi Lpi Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrder.ulOrder Ulorder Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrder.ulPropTag Ulproptag Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrderSet.aSort Asort No value</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrderSet.cCategories Ccategories Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrderSet.cExpanded Cexpanded Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.SSortOrderSet.cSorts Csorts Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.handle Handle Byte array</pre> <pre> nspi.input_locale.language Language Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.input_locale.method Method Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.instance_key.cValues Cvalues Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.instance_key.value Value Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> nspi.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="extended_security_services__ess_">Extended Security Services (ess)</a></h2> <pre> ess.ContentHints ContentHints No value ess.ContentHints</pre> <pre> ess.ContentIdentifier ContentIdentifier Byte array ess.ContentIdentifier</pre> <pre> ess.ContentReference ContentReference No value ess.ContentReference</pre> <pre> ess.ESSSecurityLabel ESSSecurityLabel No value ess.ESSSecurityLabel</pre> <pre> ess.EnumeratedTag EnumeratedTag No value ess.EnumeratedTag</pre> <pre> ess.EquivalentLabels EquivalentLabels Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.EquivalentLabels</pre> <pre> ess.EquivalentLabels_item Item No value ess.ESSSecurityLabel</pre> <pre> ess.InformativeTag InformativeTag No value ess.InformativeTag</pre> <pre> ess.MLExpansionHistory MLExpansionHistory Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.MLExpansionHistory</pre> <pre> ess.MLExpansionHistory_item Item No value ess.MLData</pre> <pre> ess.MsgSigDigest MsgSigDigest Byte array ess.MsgSigDigest</pre> <pre> ess.PermissiveTag PermissiveTag No value ess.PermissiveTag</pre> <pre> ess.Receipt Receipt No value ess.Receipt</pre> <pre> ess.ReceiptRequest ReceiptRequest No value ess.ReceiptRequest</pre> <pre> ess.RestrictiveTag RestrictiveTag No value ess.RestrictiveTag</pre> <pre> ess.SecurityCategories_item Item No value ess.SecurityCategory</pre> <pre> ess.SigningCertificate SigningCertificate No value ess.SigningCertificate</pre> <pre> ess.allOrFirstTier allOrFirstTier Signed 32-bit integer ess.AllOrFirstTier</pre> <pre> ess.attributeFlags attributeFlags Byte array ess.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> ess.attributeList attributeList Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SET_OF_SecurityAttribute</pre> <pre> ess.attributeList_item Item Signed 32-bit integer ess.SecurityAttribute</pre> <pre> ess.attributes attributes Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.FreeFormField</pre> <pre> ess.bitSetAttributes bitSetAttributes Byte array ess.BIT_STRING</pre> <pre> ess.certHash certHash Byte array ess.Hash</pre> <pre> ess.certs certs Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_ESSCertID</pre> <pre> ess.certs_item Item No value ess.ESSCertID</pre> <pre> ess.contentDescription contentDescription String ess.UTF8String</pre> <pre> ess.contentType contentType cms.ContentType</pre> <pre> ess.expansionTime expansionTime String ess.GeneralizedTime</pre> <pre> ess.inAdditionTo inAdditionTo Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.inAdditionTo_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.insteadOf insteadOf Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.insteadOf_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.issuer issuer Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.issuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber No value cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber</pre> <pre> ess.issuerSerial issuerSerial No value ess.IssuerSerial</pre> <pre> ess.mailListIdentifier mailListIdentifier Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.EntityIdentifier</pre> <pre> ess.mlReceiptPolicy mlReceiptPolicy Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.MLReceiptPolicy</pre> <pre> ess.none none No value ess.NULL</pre> <pre> ess.originatorSignatureValue originatorSignatureValue Byte array ess.OCTET_STRING</pre> <pre> ess.pString pString String ess.PrintableString</pre> <pre> ess.policies policies Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_PolicyInformation</pre> <pre> ess.policies_item Item No value x509ce.PolicyInformation</pre> <pre> ess.privacy_mark privacy-mark Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.ESSPrivacyMark</pre> <pre> ess.receiptList receiptList Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.receiptList_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.receiptsFrom receiptsFrom Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.ReceiptsFrom</pre> <pre> ess.receiptsTo receiptsTo Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SEQUENCE_OF_GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.receiptsTo_item Item Unsigned 32-bit integer x509ce.GeneralNames</pre> <pre> ess.securityAttributes securityAttributes Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SET_OF_SecurityAttribute</pre> <pre> ess.securityAttributes_item Item Signed 32-bit integer ess.SecurityAttribute</pre> <pre> ess.security_categories security-categories Unsigned 32-bit integer ess.SecurityCategories</pre> <pre> ess.security_classification security-classification Signed 32-bit integer ess.SecurityClassification</pre> <pre> ess.security_policy_identifier security-policy-identifier ess.SecurityPolicyIdentifier</pre> <pre> ess.serialNumber serialNumber Signed 32-bit integer x509af.CertificateSerialNumber</pre> <pre> ess.signedContentIdentifier signedContentIdentifier Byte array ess.ContentIdentifier</pre> <pre> ess.subjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier Byte array x509ce.SubjectKeyIdentifier</pre> <pre> ess.tagName tagName ess.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER</pre> <pre> ess.type type ess.T_type</pre> <pre> ess.type_OID type String Type of Security Category</pre> <pre> ess.utf8String utf8String String ess.UTF8String</pre> <pre> ess.value value No value ess.T_value</pre> <pre> ess.version version Signed 32-bit integer ess.ESSVersion</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="extensible_authentication_protocol__eap_">Extensible Authentication Protocol (eap)</a></h2> <pre> eap.code Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eap.desired_type Desired Auth Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eap.id Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eap.len Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> eap.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment EAP-TLS Fragment Frame number EAP-TLS Fragment</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment.error Defragmentation error Frame number Defragmentation error due to illegal fragments</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment.multipletails Multiple tail fragments found Boolean Several tails were found when defragmenting the packet</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment.overlap Fragment overlap Boolean Fragment overlaps with other fragments</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment.overlap.conflict Conflicting data in fragment overlap Boolean Overlapping fragments contained conflicting data</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragment.toolongfragment Fragment too long Boolean Fragment contained data past end of packet</pre> <pre> eaptls.fragments EAP-TLS Fragments No value EAP-TLS Fragments</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="extreme_discovery_protocol__edp_">Extreme Discovery Protocol (edp)</a></h2> <pre> edp.checksum EDP checksum Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.checksum_bad Bad Boolean True: checksum doesn't match packet content; False: matches content or not checked</pre> <pre> edp.checksum_good Good Boolean True: checksum matches packet content; False: doesn't match content or not checked</pre> <pre> edp.display Display Protocol Display Element</pre> <pre> edp.display.string Name String MIB II display string</pre> <pre> edp.eaps EAPS Protocol EAPS Element</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.fail Fail Unsigned 16-bit integer Fail timer</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.hello Hello Unsigned 16-bit integer Hello timer</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.helloseq Helloseq Unsigned 16-bit integer Hello sequence</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.reserved0 Reserved0 Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.reserved1 Reserved1 Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.reserved2 Reserved2 Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.state State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.sysmac Sys MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address System MAC address</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.eaps.vlanid Vlan ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Control Vlan ID</pre> <pre> edp.esrp ESRP Protocol ESRP Element</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.group Group Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.hello Hello Unsigned 16-bit integer Hello timer</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.ports Ports Unsigned 16-bit integer Number of active ports</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.prio Prio Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.proto Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.reserved Reserved Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.state State Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.sysmac Sys MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address System MAC address</pre> <pre> edp.esrp.virtip VirtIP IPv4 address Virtual IP address</pre> <pre> edp.info Info Protocol Info Element</pre> <pre> edp.info.port Port Unsigned 16-bit integer Originating port #</pre> <pre> edp.info.reserved Reserved Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.info.slot Slot Unsigned 16-bit integer Originating slot #</pre> <pre> edp.info.vchassconn Connections Byte array Virtual chassis connections</pre> <pre> edp.info.vchassid Virt chassis Unsigned 16-bit integer Virtual chassis ID</pre> <pre> edp.info.version Version Unsigned 32-bit integer Software version</pre> <pre> edp.info.version.internal Version (internal) Unsigned 8-bit integer Software version (internal)</pre> <pre> edp.info.version.major1 Version (major1) Unsigned 8-bit integer Software version (major1)</pre> <pre> edp.info.version.major2 Version (major2) Unsigned 8-bit integer Software version (major2)</pre> <pre> edp.info.version.sustaining Version (sustaining) Unsigned 8-bit integer Software version (sustaining)</pre> <pre> edp.length Data length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.midmac Machine MAC 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <pre> edp.midtype Machine ID type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.null End Protocol Null Element</pre> <pre> edp.reserved Reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.seqno Sequence number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.tlv.length TLV length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.tlv.marker TLV Marker Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.tlv.type TLV type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.unknown Unknown Protocol Element unknown to Wireshark</pre> <pre> edp.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.vlan Vlan Protocol Vlan Element</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.flags.ip Flags-IP Boolean Vlan has IP address configured</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.flags.reserved Flags-reserved Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.flags.unknown Flags-Unknown Boolean</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.id Vlan ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.ip IP addr IPv4 address VLAN IP address</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.name Name String VLAN name</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.reserved1 Reserved1 Byte array</pre> <pre> edp.vlan.reserved2 Reserved2 Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fc_extended_link_svc__els_">FC Extended Link Svc (els)</a></h2> <pre> fc.fcels.cls.cns Class Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cls.nzctl Non-zero CS_CTL Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cls.prio Priority Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cls.sdr Delivery Mode Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.bbb B2B Credit Mgmt Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.broadcast Broadcast Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.cios Cont. Incr. Offset Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.clk Clk Sync Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.dhd DHD Capable Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.e_d_tov E_D_TOV Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.multicast Multicast Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.payload Payload Len Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.rro RRO Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.security Security Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.seqcnt SEQCNT Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.simplex Simplex Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.fcels.cmn.vvv Valid Vendor Version Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.alpa AL_PA Map Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.addr_mode Addressing Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer Addressing Mode</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.dnpname Destination N_Port Port_Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.handle Connection Handle Unsigned 16-bit integer Cbind/Unbind connection handle</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.ifcp_version iFCP version Unsigned 8-bit integer Version of iFCP protocol</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.liveness Liveness Test Interval Unsigned 16-bit integer Liveness Test Interval in seconds</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.snpname Source N_Port Port_Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.status Status Unsigned 16-bit integer Cbind status</pre> <pre> fcels.cbind.userinfo UserInfo Unsigned 32-bit integer Userinfo token</pre> <pre> fcels.edtov E_D_TOV Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.faddr Fabric Address String</pre> <pre> fcels.faildrcvr Failed Receiver AL_PA Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags FCP Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.ccomp Comp Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.datao Data Overlay Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.initiator Initiator Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.rdxr Rd Xfer_Rdy Dis Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.retry Retry Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.target Target Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.trirep Task Retry Ident Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.trireq Task Retry Ident Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.fcpflags.wrxr Wr Xfer_Rdy Dis Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.flacompliance FC-FLA Compliance Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.flag Flag Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.fnname Fabric/Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.fpname Fabric Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.hrdaddr Hard Address of Originator String</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.b2b B2B Credit Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.bbscnum BB_SC Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.cls1param Class 1 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.cls2param Class 2 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.cls3param Class 3 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.cls4param Class 4 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.clsflags Service Options Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.clsrcvsize Class Recv Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.cmnfeatures Common Svc Parameters Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.e2e End2End Credit Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.initctl Initiator Ctl Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.initctl.ack0 ACK0 Capable Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.initctl.ackgaa ACK GAA Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.initctl.initial_pa Initial P_A Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.initctl.sync Clock Sync Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.maxconseq Max Concurrent Seq Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.openseq Open Seq Per Exchg Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl Recipient Ctl Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl.ack ACK0 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl.category Category Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl.interlock X_ID Interlock Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl.policy Policy Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcptctl.sync Clock Sync Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.rcvsize Receive Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.reloff Relative Offset By Info Cat Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.svcavail Services Availability Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.totconseq Total Concurrent Seq Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.logi.vendvers Vendor Version Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.loopstate Loop State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.matchcp Match Address Code Points Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.npname N_Port Port_Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.opcode Cmd Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.oxid OXID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.portid Originator S_ID String</pre> <pre> fcels.portnum Physical Port Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.portstatus Port Status Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.prliloflags PRLILO Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.prliloflags.eip Est Image Pair Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.prliloflags.ipe Image Pair Estd Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.prliloflags.opav Orig PA Valid Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.pubdev_bmap Public Loop Device Bitmap Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.pvtdev_bmap Private Loop Device Bitmap Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.rcovqual Recovery Qualifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.reqipaddr Requesting IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcels.respaction Responder Action Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.respipaddr Responding IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcels.respname Responding Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.respnname Responding Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcels.resportid Responding Port ID String</pre> <pre> fcels.rjt.detail Reason Explanation Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rjt.reason Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rjt.vnduniq Vendor Unique Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnft.fc4type FC-4 Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.asstype Associated Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.attnodes Number of Attached Nodes Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.ip IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.ipvers IP Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.nodeidfmt Node Identification Format Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.nodemgmt Node Management Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.physport Physical Port Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.spidlen Specific Id Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.tcpport TCP/UDP Port Number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.vendorsp Vendor Specific Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rnid.vendoruniq Vendor Unique Byte array</pre> <pre> fcels.rscn.addrfmt Address Format Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rscn.area Affected Area Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rscn.domain Affected Domain Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rscn.evqual Event Qualifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rscn.port Affected Port Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.rxid RXID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.scr.regn Registration Function Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.speedflags Port Speed Capabilities Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcels.speedflags.10gb 10Gb Support Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.speedflags.1gb 1Gb Support Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.speedflags.2gb 2Gb Support Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.speedflags.4gb 4Gb Support Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.tprloflags.gprlo Global PRLO Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.tprloflags.npv 3rd Party N_Port Valid Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.tprloflags.opav 3rd Party Orig PA Valid Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.tprloflags.rpav Resp PA Valid Boolean</pre> <pre> fcels.unbind.status Status Unsigned 16-bit integer Unbind status</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fc_fabric_configuration_server__fcs_">FC Fabric Configuration Server (fcs)</a></h2> <pre> fcs.err.vendor Vendor Unique Reject Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.fcsmask Subtype Capability Bitmask Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.gssubtype Management GS Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.domainid Interconnect Element Domain ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.fname Interconnect Element Fabric Name String</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.logname Interconnect Element Logical Name String</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.mgmtaddr Interconnect Element Mgmt. Address String</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.mgmtid Interconnect Element Mgmt. ID String</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.name Interconnect Element Name String</pre> <pre> fcs.ie.type Interconnect Element Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.maxres_size Maximum/Residual Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.modelname Model Name/Number String</pre> <pre> fcs.numcap Number of Capabilities Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.platform.mgmtaddr Management Address String</pre> <pre> fcs.platform.name Platform Name Byte array</pre> <pre> fcs.platform.nodename Platform Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcs.platform.type Platform Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.port.flags Port Flags Boolean</pre> <pre> fcs.port.moduletype Port Module Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.port.name Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcs.port.physportnum Physical Port Number Byte array</pre> <pre> fcs.port.state Port State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.port.txtype Port TX Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.port.type Port Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.reason Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.reasondet Reason Code Explanantion Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.releasecode Release Code String</pre> <pre> fcs.unsmask Subtype Capability Bitmask Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.vbitmask Vendor Unique Capability Bitmask Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcs.vendorname Vendor Name String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fcip__fcip_">FCIP (fcip)</a></h2> <pre> fcencap.crc CRC Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.flagsc Flags (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.framelen Frame Length (in Words) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.framelenc Frame Length (1's Complement) Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.proto Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol</pre> <pre> fcencap.protoc Protocol (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer Protocol (1's Complement)</pre> <pre> fcencap.tsec Time (secs) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.tusec Time (fraction) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.version Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcencap.versionc Version (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.conncode Connection Usage Code Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.connflags Connection Usage Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.dstwwn Destination Fabric WWN String</pre> <pre> fcip.eof EOF Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.eofc EOF (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.katov K_A_TOV Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.nonce Connection Nonce Byte array</pre> <pre> fcip.pflags.ch Changed Flag Boolean</pre> <pre> fcip.pflags.sf Special Frame Flag Boolean</pre> <pre> fcip.pflagsc Pflags (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.sof SOF Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.sofc SOF (1's Complement) Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcip.srcid FC/FCIP Entity Id Byte array</pre> <pre> fcip.srcwwn Source Fabric WWN String</pre> <pre> fcip.word1 FCIP Encapsulation Word1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fp__fp_">FP (fp)</a></h2> <pre> fp.activation-cfn Activation CFN Unsigned 8-bit integer Activation Connection Frame Number</pre> <pre> fp.cell-portion-id Cell Portion ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Cell Portion ID</pre> <pre> fp.cfn CFN Unsigned 8-bit integer Connection Frame Number</pre> <pre> fp.cfn-control CFN control Unsigned 8-bit integer Connection Frame Number Control</pre> <pre> fp.channel-type Channel Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Channel Type</pre> <pre> fp.channel-with-zero-tbs No TBs for channel Unsigned 32-bit integer Channel with 0 TBs</pre> <pre> fp.cmch-pi CmCH-PI Unsigned 8-bit integer Common Transport Channel Priority Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.code-number Code number Unsigned 8-bit integer Code number</pre> <pre> fp.common.control.frame-type Control Frame Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Common Control Frame Type</pre> <pre> fp.common.control.rx-timing-deviation Rx Timing Deviation Unsigned 8-bit integer Common Rx Timing Deviation</pre> <pre> fp.congestion-status Congestion Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Congestion Status</pre> <pre> fp.cpch.tfi TFI Unsigned 8-bit integer CPCH Transport Format Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.crci CRCI Unsigned 8-bit integer CRC correctness indicator</pre> <pre> fp.crcis CRCIs String CRC Indicators for uplink TBs</pre> <pre> fp.data Data String Data</pre> <pre> fp.dch.control.frame-type Control Frame Type Unsigned 8-bit integer DCH Control Frame Type</pre> <pre> fp.dch.control.rx-timing-deviation Rx Timing Deviation Unsigned 8-bit integer DCH Rx Timing Deviation</pre> <pre> fp.dch.quality-estimate Quality Estimate Unsigned 8-bit integer Quality Estimate</pre> <pre> fp.direction Direction Unsigned 8-bit integer Link direction</pre> <pre> fp.dpc-mode DPC Mode Unsigned 8-bit integer DPC Mode to be applied in the uplink</pre> <pre> fp.edch-data-padding Padding Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH padding before PDU</pre> <pre> fp.edch-tsn TSN Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Transmission Sequence Number</pre> <pre> fp.edch.ddi DDI Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Data Description Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.edch.fsn FSN Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Frame Sequence Number</pre> <pre> fp.edch.header-crc E-DCH Header CRC Unsigned 16-bit integer E-DCH Header CRC</pre> <pre> fp.edch.mac-es-pdu MAC-es PDU No value MAC-es PDU</pre> <pre> fp.edch.no-of-harq-retransmissions No of HARQ Retransmissions Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Number of HARQ retransmissions</pre> <pre> fp.edch.no-of-subframes No of subframes Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Number of subframes</pre> <pre> fp.edch.number-of-mac-d-pdus Number of Mac-d PDUs Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Mac-d PDUs</pre> <pre> fp.edch.number-of-mac-es-pdus Number of Mac-es PDUs Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of Mac-es PDUs</pre> <pre> fp.edch.subframe Subframe String EDCH Subframe</pre> <pre> fp.edch.subframe-header Subframe header String EDCH Subframe header</pre> <pre> fp.edch.subframe-number Subframe number Unsigned 8-bit integer E-DCH Subframe number</pre> <pre> fp.fach.tfi TFI Unsigned 8-bit integer FACH Transport Format Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.ft Frame Type Unsigned 8-bit integer Frame Type</pre> <pre> fp.header-crc Header CRC Unsigned 8-bit integer Header CRC</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-calculated-rate Calculated rate allocation (bps) Unsigned 32-bit integer Calculated rate RNC is allowed to send in bps</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-credits HS-DSCH Credits Unsigned 16-bit integer HS-DSCH Credits</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-data-padding Padding Unsigned 8-bit integer HS-DSCH Repetition Period in milliseconds</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-interval HS-DSCH Interval in milliseconds Unsigned 8-bit integer HS-DSCH Interval in milliseconds</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-repetition-period HS-DSCH Repetition Period Unsigned 8-bit integer HS-DSCH Repetition Period in milliseconds</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch-unlimited-rate Unlimited rate No value No restriction on rate at which date may be sent</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.drt DRT Unsigned 8-bit integer Delay Reference Time</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.mac-d-pdu-len MAC-d PDU Length Unsigned 16-bit integer MAC-d PDU Length in bits</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.max-macd-pdu-len Max MAC-d PDU Length Unsigned 16-bit integer Maximum MAC-d PDU Length in bits</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.new-ie-flag DRT IE present Unsigned 8-bit integer DRT IE present</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.new-ie-flags New IEs flags String New IEs flags</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.new-ie-flags-byte Another new IE flags byte Unsigned 8-bit integer Another new IE flagsbyte</pre> <pre> fp.hsdsch.num-of-pdu Number of PDUs Unsigned 8-bit integer Number of PDUs in the payload</pre> <pre> fp.mac-d-pdu MAC-d PDU No value MAC-d PDU</pre> <pre> fp.max-ue-tx-pow MAX_UE_TX_POW Signed 8-bit integer Max UE TX POW (dBm)</pre> <pre> fp.mc-info MC info Unsigned 8-bit integer MC info</pre> <pre> fp.multiple-rl-sets-indicator Multiple RL sets indicator Unsigned 8-bit integer Multiple RL sets indicator</pre> <pre> fp.payload-crc Payload CRC Unsigned 16-bit integer Payload CRC</pre> <pre> fp.pch.cfn CFN (PCH) Unsigned 16-bit integer PCH Connection Frame Number</pre> <pre> fp.pch.pi Paging Indication Unsigned 8-bit integer Indicates if the PI Bitmap is present</pre> <pre> fp.pch.pi-bitmap Paging Indications bitmap No value Paging Indication bitmap</pre> <pre> fp.pch.tfi TFI Unsigned 8-bit integer PCH Transport Format Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.pch.toa ToA (PCH) Signed 24-bit integer PCH Time of Arrival</pre> <pre> fp.pdsch-set-id PDSCH Set Id Unsigned 8-bit integer A pointer to the PDSCH Set which shall be used to transmit</pre> <pre> fp.power-offset Power offset Power offset (in dB)</pre> <pre> fp.propagation-delay Propagation Delay Unsigned 8-bit integer Propagation Delay</pre> <pre> fp.pusch-set-id PUSCH Set Id Unsigned 8-bit integer Identifies PUSCH Set from those configured in NodeB</pre> <pre> fp.rach.new-ie-flag New IE present Unsigned 8-bit integer New IE present</pre> <pre> fp.rach.new-ie-flags New IEs flags String New IEs flags</pre> <pre> fp.rach.new-ie-flags-byte Another new IE flags byte Unsigned 8-bit integer Another new IE flags byte</pre> <pre> fp.radio-interface-param.cfn-valid CFN valid Unsigned 16-bit integer CFN valid</pre> <pre> fp.radio-interface-param.dpc-mode-valid DPC mode valid Unsigned 16-bit integer DPC mode valid</pre> <pre> fp.radio-interface-param.max-ue-tx-pow-valid MAX_UE_TX_POW valid Unsigned 16-bit integer MAX UE TX POW valid</pre> <pre> fp.radio-interface-param.tpc-po-valid TPC PO valid Unsigned 16-bit integer TPC PO valid</pre> <pre> fp.radio-interface_param.rl-sets-indicator-valid RL sets indicator valid Unsigned 16-bit integer RI valid</pre> <pre> fp.rx-sync-ul-timing-deviation Received SYNC UL Timing Deviation Unsigned 8-bit integer Received SYNC UL Timing Deviation</pre> <pre> fp.spreading-factor Spreading factor Unsigned 8-bit integer Spreading factor</pre> <pre> fp.t1 T1 Unsigned 24-bit integer RNC frame number indicating time it sends frame</pre> <pre> fp.t2 T2 Unsigned 24-bit integer NodeB frame number indicating time it received DL Sync</pre> <pre> fp.t3 T3 Unsigned 24-bit integer NodeB frame number indicating time it sends frame</pre> <pre> fp.tb TB No value Transport Block</pre> <pre> fp.tfi TFI Unsigned 8-bit integer Transport Format Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.timing-advance Timing advance Unsigned 8-bit integer Timing advance in chips</pre> <pre> fp.tpc-po TPC PO Unsigned 8-bit integer TPC PO</pre> <pre> fp.transmit-power-level Transmit Power Level Transmit Power Level (dB)</pre> <pre> fp.ul-sir-target UL_SIR_TARGET Value (in dB) of the SIR target to be used by the UL inner loop power control</pre> <pre> fp.usch.tfi TFI Unsigned 8-bit integer USCH Transport Format Indicator</pre> <pre> fp.user-buffer-size User buffer size Unsigned 16-bit integer User buffer size in octets</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ftp_data__ftpdata_">FTP Data (ftp-data)</a></h2> <p> </p> <h2><a name="ftserver_operations__ftserver_">FTServer Operations (ftserver)</a></h2> <pre> ftserver.opnum Operation Unsigned 16-bit integer Operation</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fiber_distributed_data_interface__fddi_">Fiber Distributed Data Interface (fddi)</a></h2> <pre> fddi.addr Source or Destination Address 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Source or Destination Hardware Address</pre> <pre> fddi.dst Destination 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address Destination Hardware Address</pre> <pre> fddi.fc Frame Control Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fddi.fc.clf Class/Length/Format Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fddi.fc.mac_subtype MAC Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fddi.fc.prio Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fddi.fc.smt_subtype SMT Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fddi.src Source 6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel__fc_">Fibre Channel (fc)</a></h2> <pre> fc.bls_hseqcnt High SEQCNT Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_lastseqid Last Valid SEQID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_lseqcnt Low SEQCNT Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_oxid OXID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_reason Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_rjtdetail Reason Explanantion Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_rxid RXID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_seqidvld SEQID Valid Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.bls_vnduniq Vendor Unique Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.cs_ctl CS_CTL Unsigned 8-bit integer CS_CTL</pre> <pre> fc.d_id Dest Addr String Destination Address</pre> <pre> fc.df_ctl DF_CTL Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.eisl EISL Header Byte array EISL Header</pre> <pre> fc.exchange_first_frame Exchange First In Frame number The first frame of this exchange is in this frame</pre> <pre> fc.exchange_last_frame Exchange Last In Frame number The last frame of this exchange is in this frame</pre> <pre> fc.f_ctl F_CTL Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.abts_ack AA Unsigned 24-bit integer ABTS ACK values</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.abts_not_ack AnA Unsigned 24-bit integer ABTS not ACK vals</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.ack_0_1 A01 Unsigned 24-bit integer Ack 0/1 value</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.exchange_first ExgFst Boolean First Exchange?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.exchange_last ExgLst Boolean Last Exchange?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.exchange_responder ExgRpd Boolean Exchange Responder?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.last_data_frame LDF Unsigned 24-bit integer Last Data Frame?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.priority Pri Boolean Priority</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.rel_offset RelOff Boolean rel offset</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.rexmitted_seq RetSeq Boolean Retransmitted Sequence</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.seq_last SeqLst Boolean Last Sequence?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.seq_recipient SeqRec Boolean Seq Recipient?</pre> <pre> fc.fctl.transfer_seq_initiative TSI Boolean Transfer Seq Initiative</pre> <pre> fc.ftype Frame type Unsigned 8-bit integer Derived Type</pre> <pre> fc.id Addr String Source or Destination Address</pre> <pre> fc.nethdr.da Network DA String</pre> <pre> fc.nethdr.sa Network SA String</pre> <pre> fc.ox_id OX_ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Originator ID</pre> <pre> fc.parameter Parameter Unsigned 32-bit integer Parameter</pre> <pre> fc.r_ctl R_CTL Unsigned 8-bit integer R_CTL</pre> <pre> fc.reassembled Reassembled Frame Boolean</pre> <pre> fc.relative_offset Relative Offset Unsigned 32-bit integer Relative offset of data</pre> <pre> fc.rx_id RX_ID Unsigned 16-bit integer Receiver ID</pre> <pre> fc.s_id Src Addr String Source Address</pre> <pre> fc.seq_cnt SEQ_CNT Unsigned 16-bit integer Sequence Count</pre> <pre> fc.seq_id SEQ_ID Unsigned 8-bit integer Sequence ID</pre> <pre> fc.time Time from Exchange First Time duration Time since the first frame of the Exchange</pre> <pre> fc.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_common_transport__fcct_">Fibre Channel Common Transport (fcct)</a></h2> <pre> fcct.ext_said Auth SAID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.ext_tid Transaction ID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.gssubtype GS Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.gstype GS Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.in_id IN_ID String</pre> <pre> fcct.options Options Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.revision Revision Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcct.server Server Unsigned 8-bit integer Derived from GS Type & Subtype fields</pre> <pre> fcct_ext_authblk Auth Hash Blk Byte array</pre> <pre> fcct_ext_reqnm Requestor Port Name Byte array</pre> <pre> fcct_ext_tstamp Timestamp Byte array</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_fabric_zone_server__fcfzs_">Fibre Channel Fabric Zone Server (fcfzs)</a></h2> <pre> fcfzs.gest.vendor Vendor Specific State Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.gzc.flags Capabilities Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.gzc.flags.hard_zones Hard Zones Boolean</pre> <pre> fcfzs.gzc.flags.soft_zones Soft Zones Boolean</pre> <pre> fcfzs.gzc.flags.zoneset_db ZoneSet Database Boolean</pre> <pre> fcfzs.gzc.vendor Vendor Specific Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.hard_zone_set.enforced Hard Zone Set Boolean</pre> <pre> fcfzs.maxres_size Maximum/Residual Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.reason Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.rjtdetail Reason Code Explanation Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.rjtvendor Vendor Specific Reason Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.soft_zone_set.enforced Soft Zone Set Boolean</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.lun LUN Byte array</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.mbrid Zone Member Identifier String</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.name Zone Name String</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.namelen Zone Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.numattrs Number of Zone Attribute Entries Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.nummbrs Number of Zone Members Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zone.state Zone State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zonembr.idlen Zone Member Identifier Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zonembr.idtype Zone Member Identifier Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zonembr.numattrs Number of Zone Member Attribute Entries Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zoneset.name Zone Set Name String</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zoneset.namelen Zone Set Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zoneset.numattrs Number of Zone Set Attribute Entries Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcfzs.zoneset.numzones Number of Zones Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_name_server__fcdns_">Fibre Channel Name Server (fcdns)</a></h2> <pre> fcdns.cos.1 1 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.cos.2 2 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.cos.3 3 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.cos.4 4 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.cos.6 6 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.cos.f F Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.entry.numfc4desc Number of FC4 Descriptors Registered Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.entry.objfmt Name Entry Object Format Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4features FC-4 Feature Bits Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4features.i I Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4features.t T Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.fcp FCP Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.gs3 GS3 Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.ip IP Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.llc_snap LLC/SNAP Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.snmp SNMP Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.swils SW_ILS Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.fc4types.vi VI Boolean</pre> <pre> fcdns.gssubtype GS_Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.maxres_size Maximum/Residual Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.opcode Opcode Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.portip Port IP Address IPv4 address</pre> <pre> fcdns.reply.cos Class of Service Supported Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.areaid Area ID Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.class Requested Class of Service Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.domainid Domain ID Scope Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.fc4desc FC-4 Descriptor String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.fc4desclen FC-4 Descriptor Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.fc4type FC-4 Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.fc4types FC-4 Types Supported No value</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.ip IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.nname Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.portid Port Identifier String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.portname Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.porttype Port Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.sname Symbolic Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.snamelen Symbolic Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.spname Symbolic Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.req.spnamelen Symbolic Port Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.fc4desc FC-4 Descriptor Byte array</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.fc4desclen FC-4 Descriptor Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.fc4type FC-4 Descriptor Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.fpname Fabric Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.hrdaddr Hard Address String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.ipa Initial Process Associator Byte array</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.ipnode Node IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.ipport Port IP Address IPv6 address</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.nname Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.ownerid Owner Id String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.pname Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.portid Port Identifier String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.porttype Port Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.reason Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.reasondet Reason Code Explanantion Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.sname Symbolic Node Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.snamelen Symbolic Node Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.spname Symbolic Port Name String</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.spnamelen Symbolic Port Name Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.rply.vendor Vendor Unique Reject Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.zone.mbrtype Zone Member Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcdns.zonename Zone Name String</pre> <pre> swils.zone.mbrid Member Identifier String</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_protocol_for_scsi__fcp_">Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI (fcp)</a></h2> <pre> fcp.addlcdblen Additional CDB Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.bidir_dl FCP_BIDIRECTIONAL_READ_DL Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.bidir_resid Bidirectional Read Resid Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.burstlen Burst Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.crn Command Ref Num Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.data_ro FCP_DATA_RO Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.dl FCP_DL Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.lun LUN Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.abort_task_set Abort Task Set Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.clear_aca Clear ACA Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.clear_task_set Clear Task Set Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.lu_reset LU Reset Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.obsolete Obsolete Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.rsvd Rsvd Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.mgmt.flags.target_reset Target Reset Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.multilun Multi-Level LUN Byte array</pre> <pre> fcp.rddata RDDATA Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.request_in Request In Frame number The frame number for the request</pre> <pre> fcp.resid FCP_RESID Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.response_in Response In Frame number The frame number of the response</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.bidi Bidi Rsp Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.bidi_rro Bidi Read Resid Over Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.bidi_rru Bidi Read Resid Under Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.conf_req Conf Req Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.res_vld RES Vld Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.resid_over Resid Over Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.resid_under Resid Under Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.flags.sns_vld SNS Vld Boolean</pre> <pre> fcp.rsp.retry_delay_timer Retry Delay Timer Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.rspcode RSP_CODE Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.rspflags FCP_RSP Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.rsplen FCP_RSP_LEN Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.snslen FCP_SNS_LEN Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.status SCSI Status Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.taskattr Task Attribute Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.taskmgmt Task Management Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.time Time from FCP_CMND Time duration Time since the FCP_CMND frame</pre> <pre> fcp.type Field to branch off to SCSI Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcp.wrdata WRDATA Boolean</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_sw_ils__swils_">Fibre Channel SW_ILS (swils)</a></h2> <pre> swils.aca.domainid Known Domain ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.dia.sname Switch Name String</pre> <pre> swils.efp.aliastok Alias Token Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.efp.domid Domain ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.mcastno Mcast Grp# Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.payloadlen Payload Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.psname Principal Switch Name String</pre> <pre> swils.efp.psprio Principal Switch Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.recordlen Record Len Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.rectype Record Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.efp.sname Switch Name String</pre> <pre> swils.elp.b2b B2B Credit Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.cfe2e Class F E2E Credit Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.cls1p Class 1 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.elp.cls1rsz Class 1 Frame Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.cls2p Class 2 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.elp.cls3p Class 3 Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.elp.clsfcs Class F Max Concurrent Seq Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.clsfp Class F Svc Param Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.elp.clsfrsz Max Class F Frame Size Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.compat1 Compatability Param 1 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.compat2 Compatability Param 2 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.compat3 Compatability Param 3 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.compat4 Compatability Param 4 Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.edtov E_D_TOV Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.fcmode ISL Flow Ctrl Mode String</pre> <pre> swils.elp.fcplen Flow Ctrl Param Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.flag Flag Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.elp.oseq Class F Max Open Seq Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.ratov R_A_TOV Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.elp.reqepn Req Eport Name String</pre> <pre> swils.elp.reqesn Req Switch Name String</pre> <pre> swils.elp.rev Revision Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.esc.protocol Protocol ID Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.esc.swvendor Switch Vendor ID String</pre> <pre> swils.esc.vendorid Vendor ID String</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.obj0h Name Server Entry Object 00h Support Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.obj1h Name Server Entry Object 01h Support Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.obj2h Name Server Entry Object 02h Support Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.obj3h Name Server Entry Object 03h Support Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.vendor Vendor Specific Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.dns.zlacc GE_PT Zero Length Accepted Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fcs.basic Basic Configuration Services Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fcs.enhanced Enhanced Configuration Services Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fcs.platform Platform Configuration Services Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fcs.topology Topology Discovery Services Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fctlr.rscn SW_RSCN Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fctlr.vendor Vendor Specific Flags Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.adcsupp Active Direct Command Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.defzone Default Zone Setting Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.ezoneena Enhanced Zoning Enabled Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.ezonesupp Enhanced Zoning Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.hardzone Hard Zoning Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.mr Merge Control Setting Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.zsdbena Zoneset Database Enabled Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.fzs.zsdbsupp Zoneset Database Supported Boolean</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.length Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.numentries Number of Entries Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.service Service Name Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.subtype Subtype Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.t10id T10 Vendor ID String</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.type Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.capability.vendorobj Vendor-Specific Info Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.ess.leb Payload Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.listlen List Length Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.modelname Model Name String</pre> <pre> swils.ess.numobj Number of Capability Objects Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.relcode Release Code String</pre> <pre> swils.ess.revision Revision Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ess.vendorname Vendor Name String</pre> <pre> swils.ess.vendorspecific Vendor Specific String</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.arnum AR Number Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.auth Authentication Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.authtype Authentication Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.cmd Command: Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.origdomid Originating Domain ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.fspf.ver Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.hlo.deadint Dead Interval (secs) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.hlo.hloint Hello Interval (secs) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.hlo.options Options Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.hlo.origpidx Originating Port Idx Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.hlo.rcvdomid Recipient Domain ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ldr.linkcost Link Cost Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ldr.linkid Link ID String</pre> <pre> swils.ldr.linktype Link Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ldr.nbr_portidx Neighbor Port Idx Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ldr.out_portidx Output Port Idx Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.ls.id Link State Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.lsr.advdomid Advertising Domain Id Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.lsr.incid LS Incarnation Number Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.lsr.type LSR Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.mr.activezonesetname Active Zoneset Name String</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.reply MRRA Response Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.replysize Maximum Resources Available Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.revision Revision Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.size Merge Request Size Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.vendorid Vendor ID String</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.vendorinfo Vendor-Specific Info Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.mrra.waittime Waiting Period (secs) Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.opcode Cmd Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rdi.len Payload Len Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rdi.reqsn Req Switch Name String</pre> <pre> swils.rjt.reason Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rjt.reasonexpl Reason Code Explanantion Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rjt.vendor Vendor Unique Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.addrfmt Address Format Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.affectedport Affected Port ID String</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.detectfn Detection Function Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.evtype Event Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.nwwn Node WWN String</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.portid Port Id String</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.portstate Port State Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.rscn.pwwn Port WWN String</pre> <pre> swils.sfc.opcode Operation Request Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.sfc.zonename Zone Set Name String</pre> <pre> swils.zone.lun LUN Byte array</pre> <pre> swils.zone.mbrtype Zone Member Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.zone.protocol Zone Protocol Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> swils.zone.reason Zone Command Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer Applies to MR, ACA, RCA, SFC, UFC</pre> <pre> swils.zone.status Zone Command Status Unsigned 8-bit integer Applies to MR, ACA, RCA, SFC, UFC</pre> <pre> swils.zone.zoneobjname Zone Object Name String</pre> <pre> swils.zone.zoneobjtype Zone Object Type Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_security_protocol__fcsp_">Fibre Channel Security Protocol (fcsp)</a></h2> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.challen Challenge Value Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.chalval Challenge Value Byte array</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.dhgid DH Group Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.dhvalue DH Value Byte array</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.groupid DH Group Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.hashid Hash Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.hashtype Hash Algorithm Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.paramlen Parameter Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.paramtype Parameter Tag Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.rsplen Response Value Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.rspval Response Value Byte array</pre> <pre> fcsp.dhchap.vallen DH Value Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.flags Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.initname Initiator Name (Unknown Type) Byte array</pre> <pre> fcsp.initnamelen Initiator Name Length Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.initnametype Initiator Name Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.initwwn Initiator Name (WWN) String</pre> <pre> fcsp.len Packet Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.opcode Message Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.proto Authentication Protocol Type Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.protoparamlen Protocol Parameters Length Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.rjtcode Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.rjtcodet Reason Code Explanation Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.rspname Responder Name (Unknown Type) Byte array</pre> <pre> fcsp.rspnamelen Responder Name Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.rspnametype Responder Name Type Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.rspwwn Responder Name (WWN) String</pre> <pre> fcsp.tid Transaction Identifier Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.usableproto Number of Usable Protocols Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> fcsp.version Protocol Version Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="fibre_channel_single_byte_command__sb3_">Fibre Channel Single Byte Command (sb3)</a></h2> <pre> sbccs.ccw CCW Number Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwcmd CCW Command Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwcnt CCW Count Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwflags CCW Control Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwflags.cc CC Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwflags.cd CD Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwflags.crr CRR Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ccwflags.sli SLI Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.chid Channel Image ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags Command Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags.coc COC Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags.du DU Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags.rex REX Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags.sss SSS Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.cmdflags.syr SYR Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctccntr CTC Counter Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctlfn Control Function Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctlparam Control Parameters Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctlparam.rc RC Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctlparam.ro RO Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.ctlparam.ru RU Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.cuid Control Unit Image ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.databytecnt DIB Data Byte Count Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.devaddr Device Address Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.dhflags DH Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.dhflags.chaining Chaining Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.dhflags.earlyend Early End Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.dhflags.end End Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.dhflags.nocrc No CRC Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.dip.xcpcode Device Level Exception Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.dtu Defer-Time Unit Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.dtuf Defer-Time Unit Function Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.ioprio I/O Priority Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.iucnt DIB IU Count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.iui Information Unit Identifier Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.iui.as AS Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.iui.es ES Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.iui.val Val Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.iupacing IU Pacing Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.linkctlfn Link Control Function Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.linkctlinfo Link Control Information Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.linkctlinfo.ctc_conn CTC Conn Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.linkctlinfo.ecrcg Enhanced CRC Generation Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.lprcode LPR Reason Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.lrc LRC Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.lrjcode LRJ Reaspn Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.purgepathcode Purge Path Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.purgepathrspcode Purge Path Response Error Code Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.qtu Queue-Time Unit Unsigned 16-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.qtuf Queue-Time Unit Factor Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.residualcnt Residual Count Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.status Status Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.attention Attention Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.busy Busy Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.channel_end Channel End Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.cue Control-Unit End Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.device_end Device End Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.modifier Status Modifier Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.unit_check Unit Check Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.status.unitexception Unit Exception Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags Status Flags Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags.ci CI Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags.cr CR Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags.ffc FFC Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags.lri LRI Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.statusflags.rv RV Boolean</pre> <pre> sbccs.tinimageidcnt TIN Image ID Unsigned 8-bit integer</pre> <pre> sbccs.token Token Unsigned 24-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="file_transfer_protocol__ftp___ftp_">File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (ftp)</a></h2> <pre> ftp.active.cip Active IP address IPv4 address Active FTP client IP address</pre> <pre> ftp.active.nat Active IP NAT Boolean NAT is active</pre> <pre> ftp.active.port Active port Unsigned 16-bit integer Active FTP client port</pre> <pre> ftp.passive.ip Passive IP address IPv4 address Passive IP address (check NAT)</pre> <pre> ftp.passive.nat Passive IP NAT Boolean NAT is active SIP and passive IP different</pre> <pre> ftp.passive.port Passive port Unsigned 16-bit integer Passive FTP server port</pre> <pre> ftp.request Request Boolean TRUE if FTP request</pre> <pre> ftp.request.arg Request arg String</pre> <pre> ftp.request.command Request command String</pre> <pre> ftp.response Response Boolean TRUE if FTP response</pre> <pre> ftp.response.arg Response arg String</pre> <pre> ftp.response.code Response code Unsigned 32-bit integer</pre> <p> </p> <h2><a name="financial_information_exchange_protocol__fix_">Financial Information eXchange Protocol (fix)</a></h2> <pre> fix.Account Account (1) String Account</pre> <pre> fix.AccountType AccountType (581) String AccountType</pre> <pre> fix.AccruedInterestAmt AccruedInterestAmt (159) String AccruedInterestAmt</pre> <pre> fix.AccruedInterestRate AccruedInterestRate (158) String AccruedInterestRate</pre> <pre> fix.Adjustment Adjustment (334) String Adjustment</pre> <pre> fix.AdvId AdvId (2) String AdvId</pre> <pre> fix.AdvRefID AdvRefID (3) String AdvRefID</pre> <pre> fix.AdvSide AdvSide (4) String AdvSide</pre> <pre> fix.AdvTransType AdvTransType (5) String AdvTransType</pre> <pre> fix.AffectedOrderID AffectedOrderID (535) String AffectedOrderID</pre> <pre> fix.AffectedSecondaryOrderID AffectedSecondaryOrderID (536) String AffectedSecondaryOrderID</pre> <pre> fix.AggregatedBook AggregatedBook (266) String AggregatedBook</pre> <pre> fix.AllocAccount AllocAccount (79) String AllocAccount</pre> <pre> fix.AllocAvgPx AllocAvgPx (153) String AllocAvgPx</pre> <pre> fix.AllocHandlInst AllocHandlInst (209) String AllocHandlInst</pre> <pre> fix.AllocID AllocID (70) String AllocID</pre> <pre> fix.AllocLinkID AllocLinkID (196) String AllocLinkID</pre> <pre> fix.AllocLinkType AllocLinkType (197) String AllocLinkType</pre> <pre> fix.AllocNetMoney AllocNetMoney (154) String AllocNetMoney</pre> <pre> fix.AllocPrice AllocPrice (366) String AllocPrice</pre> <pre> fix.AllocQty AllocQty (80) String AllocQty</pre> <pre> fix.AllocRejCode AllocRejCode (88) String AllocRejCode</pre> <pre> fix.AllocReportRefID AllocReportRefID (795) String AllocReportRefID</pre> <pre> fix.AllocStatus AllocStatus (87) String AllocStatus</pre> <pre> fix.AllocText AllocText (161) String AllocText</pre> <pre> fix.AllocTransType AllocTransType (71) String AllocTransType</pre> <pre> fix.AllocType AllocType (626) String AllocType</pre> <pre> fix.AvgPrxPrecision AvgPrxPrecision (74) String AvgPrxPrecision</pre> <pre> fix.AvgPx AvgPx (6) String AvgPx</pre> <pre> fix.BasisFeatureDate BasisFeatureDate (259) String BasisFeatureDate</pre> <pre> fix.BasisFeaturePrice BasisFeaturePrice (260) String BasisFeaturePrice</pre> <pre> fix.BasisPxType BasisPxType (419) String BasisPxType</pre> <pre> fix.BeginSeqNo BeginSeqNo (7) String BeginSeqNo</pre> <pre> fix.BeginString BeginString (8) String BeginString</pre> <pre> fix.Benchmark Benchmark (219) String Benchmark</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkCurveCurrency BenchmarkCurveCurrency (220) String BenchmarkCurveCurrency</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkCurveName BenchmarkCurveName (221) String BenchmarkCurveName</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkCurvePoint BenchmarkCurvePoint (222) String BenchmarkCurvePoint</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkPrice BenchmarkPrice (662) String BenchmarkPrice</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkPriceType BenchmarkPriceType (663) String BenchmarkPriceType</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkSecurityID BenchmarkSecurityID (699) String BenchmarkSecurityID</pre> <pre> fix.BenchmarkSecurityIDSource BenchmarkSecurityIDSource (761) String BenchmarkSecurityIDSource</pre> <pre> fix.BidDescriptor BidDescriptor (400) String BidDescriptor</pre> <pre> fix.BidDescriptorType BidDescriptorType (399) String BidDescriptorType</pre> <pre> fix.BidForwardPoints BidForwardPoints (189) String BidForwardPoints</pre> <pre> fix.BidForwardPoints2 BidForwardPoints2 (642) String BidForwardPoints2</pre> <pre> fix.BidID BidID (390) String BidID</pre> <pre> fix.BidPx BidPx (132) String BidPx</pre> <pre> fix.BidRequestTransType BidRequestTransType (374) String BidRequestTransType</pre> <pre> fix.BidSize BidSize (134) String BidSize</pre> <pre> fix.BidSpotRate BidSpotRate (188) String BidSpotRate</pre> <pre> fix.BidType BidType (394) String BidType</pre> <pre> fix.BidYield BidYield (632) String BidYield</pre> <pre> fix.BodyLength BodyLength (9) String BodyLength</pre> <pre> fix.BookingRefID BookingRefID (466) String BookingRefID</pre> <pre> fix.BookingUnit BookingUnit (590) String BookingUnit</pre> <pre> fix.BrokerOfCredit BrokerOfCredit (92) String BrokerOfCredit</pre> <pre> fix.BusinessRejectReason BusinessRejectReason (380) String BusinessRejectReason</pre> <pre> fix.BusinessRejectRefID BusinessRejectRefID (379) String BusinessRejectRefID</pre> <pre> fix.BuyVolume BuyVolume (330) String BuyVolume</pre> <pre> fix.CFICode CFICode (461) String CFICode</pre> <pre> fix.CancellationRights CancellationRights (480) String CancellationRights</pre> <pre> fix.CardExpDate CardExpDate (490) String CardExpDate</pre> <pre> fix.CardHolderName CardHolderName (488) String CardHolderName</pre> <pre> fix.CardIssNo CardIssNo (491) String CardIssNo</pre> <pre> fix.CardNumber CardNumber (489) String CardNumber</pre> <pre> fix.CardStartDate CardStartDate (503) String CardStartDate</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribAgentAcctName CashDistribAgentAcctName (502) String CashDistribAgentAcctName</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribAgentAcctNumber CashDistribAgentAcctNumber (500) String CashDistribAgentAcctNumber</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribAgentCode CashDistribAgentCode (499) String CashDistribAgentCode</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribAgentName CashDistribAgentName (498) String CashDistribAgentName</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribCurr CashDistribCurr (478) String CashDistribCurr</pre> <pre> fix.CashDistribPayRef CashDistribPayRef (501) String CashDistribPayRef</pre> <pre> fix.CashMargin CashMargin (544) String CashMargin</pre> <pre> fix.CashOrderQty CashOrderQty (152) String CashOrderQty</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentAcctName CashSettlAgentAcctName (185) String CashSettlAgentAcctName</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentAcctNum CashSettlAgentAcctNum (184) String CashSettlAgentAcctNum</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentCode CashSettlAgentCode (183) String CashSettlAgentCode</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentContactName CashSettlAgentContactName (186) String CashSettlAgentContactName</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentContactPhone CashSettlAgentContactPhone (187) String CashSettlAgentContactPhone</pre> <pre> fix.CashSettlAgentName CashSettlAgentName (182) String CashSettlAgentName</pre> <pre> fix.CheckSum CheckSum (10) String CheckSum</pre> <pre> fix.ClOrdID ClOrdID (11) String ClOrdID</pre> <pre> fix.ClOrdLinkID ClOrdLinkID (583) String ClOrdLinkID</pre> <pre> fix.ClearingAccount ClearingAccount (440) String ClearingAccount</pre> <pre> fix.ClearingFeeIndicator ClearingFeeIndicator (635) String ClearingFeeIndicator</pre> <pre> fix.ClearingFirm ClearingFirm (439) String ClearingFirm</pre> <pre> fix.ClearingInstruction ClearingInstruction (577) String ClearingInstruction</pre> <pre> fix.ClientBidID ClientBidID (391) String ClientBidID</pre> <pre> fix.ClientID ClientID (109) String ClientID</pre> <pre> fix.CommCurrency CommCurrency (479) String CommCurrency</pre> <pre> fix.CommType CommType (13) String CommType</pre> <pre> fix.Commission Commission (12) String Commission</pre> <pre> fix.ComplianceID ComplianceID (376) String ComplianceID</pre> <pre> fix.Concession Concession (238) String Concession</pre> <pre> fix.ContAmtCurr ContAmtCurr (521) String ContAmtCurr</pre> <pre> fix.ContAmtType ContAmtType (519) String ContAmtType</pre> <pre> fix.ContAmtValue ContAmtValue (520) String ContAmtValue</pre> <pre> fix.ContraBroker ContraBroker (375) String ContraBroker</pre> <pre> fix.ContraLegRefID ContraLegRefID (655) String ContraLegRefID</pre> <pre> fix.ContraTradeQty ContraTradeQty (437) String ContraTradeQty</pre> <pre> fix.ContraTradeTime ContraTradeTime (438) String ContraTradeTime</pre> <pre> fix.ContraTrader ContraTrader (337) String ContraTrader</pre> <pre> fix.ContractMultiplier ContractMultiplier (231) String ContractMultiplier</pre> <pre> fix.CorporateAction CorporateAction (292) String CorporateAction</pre> <pre> fix.Country Country (421) String Country</pre> <pre> fix.CountryOfIssue CountryOfIssue (470) String CountryOfIssue</pre> <pre> fix.CouponPaymentDate CouponPaymentDate (224) String CouponPaymentDate</pre> <pre> fix.CouponR